Paranormal Curves (BBW Collection) (12 page)

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Authors: Curvy Love Publishing

BOOK: Paranormal Curves (BBW Collection)
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slept peacefully, exhausted from the whirlwind of trauma, blood loss, terror and high strangeness. But at some point my subconscious mind kicked in and I experienced a dream, or was it a vision?

I’m racing through a moonlit forest; the imagery is so vivid I can hear my feet pounding against the soft earth and my heart beating. My pace quickens, faster than I’ve ever imagined possible, sweeping aside low hanging branches and leaping over downed logs without breaking stride.

I come to a stream and suddenly feeling overwhelmed by thirst I stop. I splash the cool water across my face, and then pause to gaze at my reflection. I’m completely naked but there’s no embarrassment or shame… only a sense of liberation. Studying my reflection I realize my eyes have changed to a piercing gray… the color of the werewolf. My senses are enhanced; I can pinpoint every sound in the forest, from the insects flying around me to the owl silently observing me from above.

Sniffing the air I can tell something is approaching. The smell becomes stronger; it’s a musky odor I can’t identify. But I don’t experience fear, only anticipation. I hear deep breathing coming from the tree line… he has arrived.

The creature strides into the moonlight, standing tall on its hind legs, it’s body all fur and rippling muscle. I know this is Jonas. He pauses sniffing the air, then pounces, covering the distance between us in one leap. His face is inches from mine, hot breath blowing across me. Raising a clawed hand he touches my body. His talons are razor sharp but they slide across my skin as softly as silk. My heightened senses take in every breath, every change in smell… a banquet of erotic sensations no human can imagine.

Our bodies intertwine and I run my fingers through his soft luxurious fur. His tongue slides across my neck, moving lower until it encircles my nipple. The intensity grows, marred only by the incessant hammering of a woodpecker in the tree above us. The bird taps the tree louder and louder… a real buzz kill.

I snap awake and my body is covered in a sheen of sweat. Someone is banging on the door. My conscious brain finally kicks in and I recognize Denise’s voice.

“Shelly, are you okay? Dinner’s ready if you’re hungry.” She says. I wonder how long she’s been pounding at the door?

There’s no point in trying to sleep again, “I’ll be out in a minute Denise.”

I lie back for a moment reflecting on my dream. It was so vivid, real and wonderful.

Then a ravenous hunger comes over me as if I hadn’t eaten in days. Is it my imagination or can I already smell the food being cooked in the other end of the house?

I root through my new wardrobe finding Prada, Gucci and Vera Wang. Whoever picked them has impeccable taste, there’s even shoes to match each selection. The clothes are exquisite but part of me considers wearing nothing, experiencing that freedom again. But sanity prevails and I settle on a gorgeous Donna Karan dress.

I’m feeling pretty splendid as I walk down the long hallway. There’s nothing like a designer dress and matching shoes to boost a gal’s ego. I almost get lost, but eventually find my way to the main rotunda. Imagine, a house so big it has a rotunda!

A small group of men and women greeted me. They all shared one unique trait- piercing gray eyes. Apart from a few pleasantries very little was said but their eyes stayed intently focused on me. As if on cue the group starts to move on. One woman turns back to me smiling. Then, overcome by emotion she races over, throwing her arms around me.

“Thank you,” she said, choking back tears, “Thank you so much,” And then, embarrassed by her outburst she slips off down the hall.

I stand there alone in the vast room awash in emotions.

“She’s only expressing what all of them feel,” Jonas was standing near the massive dining table. “Charlotte has a daughter approaching adolescence. The age when the werewolf gene is released. But there were signs her daughter may have lost the ability. Thanks to you she can still become one of us.”

“So becoming a werewolf is part of adolescence? That’s a lot of teen angst to handle.”

Jonas smiled, and gestured to the table, “Please join me, I assume you are hungry, or more likely starving?”

“That’s true, I woke up ravenous.”

“A temporary side effect of the blood transfusion. Werewolves have a very healthy appetite, especially during the full moon phase. Please sit, relax.”

The table had only two place settings, “Isn’t anyone else joining us?”

“No, I thought you and I could share a private dinner.”

I sat down and within moments the main course arrived. Jonas took a huge helping, which put me at ease. I politely gorged myself on a feast of venison, quail and other delicacies. I learned that for werewolves meals are more about eating than socializing. After we finished Jonas asked me to join him on the porch.

The night was clear, the full moon casting a beautiful blue light on the island’s coastline. Jonas gently took my hand and a warm sensation coursed through my body.

“Shelly I don’t want to sound forward but is there anyone special in your life?”

I thought for a moment. Despite my undeniable attraction to Jonas something still gnawed at me, “There is, or was, someone. I very nice man who I thought might have feelings for me. But last night there was a problem.”

“A problem?”

“We had chemistry, but when we kissed he became nervous, almost afraid. Maybe I was just missing all the signals, and he really wasn’t attracted to me.”

“No, Craig is very attracted to you.”

I was shocked, “You know his name? Jonas were you spying on my personal life?”

“No, not at all. I hired you because you were not only a brilliant scientist but also a humanitarian at heart. The kind of person I could trust. But every day Denise would go on about your generosity, kindness and dedication to helping humanity. I had to learn more about you.”

I had a terrible realization, “So you hired Craig to make me open up? Jonas playing with someone’s emotions is a terrible thing to do. I realize you’re an important man, but that doesn’t give you the right!” I looked down to the ground, fighting the impulse to cry.

Jonas reached over, placing his hand under my chin, gently tilting up my head.

But it wasn’t Jonas standing there… it was Craig.

“As an Alpha Male I also have the ability to change my human appearance for short periods. If I had tried to introduce myself to you it would have brought media attention, jeopardizing the project and the safety of my family. But I had to meet you… so I became Craig.”

It suddenly made sense; Craig’s focus on family, his idolizing of his sister… all facets of Jonas’ personality. “But if you’re attracted to me why did you run away when we kissed?”

“Werewolves can easily change shape and walk among humans, but we can only make love in our wolf form. When we kissed I felt the change coming on. I had to leave before you saw what I really am. Shelly, I’m sorry if I hurt you, and I promise never to do it again.”

As he spoke his face transformed back into Jonas.

“But what about all those models and actresses you’ve dated?”

“All part of my billionaire persona. That facade gave the press something to talk about, discouraging them from digging into my real life, which can’t bear too much scrutiny. The starlets loved the media attention they got from being seen with me, so it was a win-win scenario. Most of them assumed I was gay and trying to hide the truth. At least they were half right.”

“So you and they never…”

“Even if she wanted to I doubt an anorexic model could mate with an full Alpha Male.”

“Yeah, they probably break easily.”

“It wouldn’t matter, you’re the only woman I care about. The one I dream of at night.”

Jonas pulled me close, and we kissed. The kiss felt so familiar, like Craig’s only one night ago… a lifetime ago.

He pulled away, looking at me with the one emotion few ever saw on Jonas Nilsson’s face. It was fear.

“You’ve seen the creature I become, and what terrible things it’s capable of. Could you ever truly love something like that?”

“Yes,” I said as certain as I was of anything in life, “I can and I will.”

“We must be sure,” he said loosening his shirt, “Come find me. But don’t be afraid because I could never hurt you.”

He vaulted over the porch rail, dropping twenty feet as if it were a mere step. He looked up at me for a long moment then sprinted into the forest. I took a breath, kicked off my heels and ran down the steps.

I raced into the forest, following his trail of discarded clothes. Inspired, I stripped off my designer dress, not caring if it tore. I ran faster, heart pounding as I flung my bra into the bushes, leaving only my panties.

I stopped, staring in disbelief. There was the stream… just as it was in my dream. Jonas stood there silhouetted in the moonlight and I watched in awe as his human form slipped away. His arms stretched and his legs shifted to those powerful hindquarters I’d seen leap across a room. His smooth form gave way to tufts of hair. Even in the soft moonlight his Gray wolf eyes shone like headlights. He stood up to his full height, a pinnacle of strength… the magnificent Alpha Male. Throwing back his head Jonas howled at the moon.

I raced to him and we embraced. I inhaled his intoxicating pheromone scent. I pulled back for a moment and slipped out of my panties, the last vestige of my old world.

We kissed, his tongue filling my mouth, and then he licked and sucked at my neck. I knew he tasted the hormones raging inside me, the flavor of desire. I ran my fingers through the thick silken fur covering his body and felt the coiled muscle beneath. My hand went lower, grasping his long thick werewolf cock, already slick with wetness.

I buried my face in his chest, inhaling the strong musky odor. Were my senses still heightened from his blood, or had I reached some level of passion that humans never experience? It didn’t matter; nothing in my life had ever felt so right, so perfect.

He laid me down on the soft grass and began to half lick, half kiss my body. My swollen nipples were rock hard as his tongue ran across them. He kissed down my belly, working his way towards my soaking wet pussy. His claws danced across my skin and every tiny white hair on my back stood, tingling at his touch. All the while I never stopped stroking his beautiful, throbbing cock.

Then he buried his face in my crotch, gorging himself on my juices. My back arched, body shaking as that gigantic tongue rolled across my swollen clit for what seemed like hours.

I squealed in ecstasy and pulled him back up to me. Our faces met, and our tongues danced together. His swollen cock presses against my thigh, inching closer and closer to my pussy, until finally he enters me. He’s slow and amazingly gentle for such a massive creature. Although his cock is huge, I’m soaking wet and ready to take it all. Within moments his entire penis is inside me, thrusting back and forth, faster with each stroke.

“Oh god yes Jonas, I love you.”

My passion swelled bordering on an out of body experience. His thighs clenched as his cock exploded, showering my pussy in werewolf cum.

His huge body trembled as he threw back his head releasing an ear-piercing howl that echoed through the night. A howl that meant he loved me to.

We collapsed, bodies exhausted, breath still heaving. I curled up against his massive body, feeling it radiate heat like a furnace. Out of all the women on earth I was chosen as the Alpha Male’s mate. The others knew it to, and the forest echoed with the cries of werewolves responding to their king.

I lay there, nestled in his fur, staring up into the glorious full moon. My new life… my true life… had begun. 



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