Paranormal Curves (BBW Collection) (7 page)

Read Paranormal Curves (BBW Collection) Online

Authors: Curvy Love Publishing

BOOK: Paranormal Curves (BBW Collection)
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“No!” he growled. 


She stepped back, eyes open in alarm.


“I trusted you,” she whispered.  “I let myself be vulnerable with you.”


He gripped his hair and groaned in frustration.  He ripped his shirt clean over his head.


“What the-“


“Look!”  He turned to the side, lifted his right arm, and revealed a scar under his armpit.  It was large and red.  It was clearly healed but still red.  It looked like a bite mark.  A bite mark?


“Delv, what is this?”


He looked on the verge of tears.  He turned on the television and flipped to a news channel.  The reporter had a stern look on his face as he delivered the news.  “There was one attack last night.  We have not seen an attack in years.  The patient is being treated but, as we know, there is no cure for this.  The hospital is administering pain medication and helping with minimal scarring.  The patient will receive information and help on how to cope with this new ailment.”


Delve flipped it off and looked at Mira expectantly.  She was still confused.  Then, her eyes widened and she went right to his door.


“Delv, did you hurt someone?”


“No!  Someone hurt me!  Didn’t you see the headline?  The picture?”


“No.  I only heard-“


“A bear!  A bear bite but not just any bear bite!  A-“


“Oh my gosh.”  She barely said it as a whisper as the realization hit her.  Two nights ago was the full moon.  That was when Delv had disappeared.  She pieced it all together.  His disappearance, the fur on her bed, the appearance of a bear, his weakened state by the forest, and the news. 


“You’re really-“


“Yes, I am.  I’m a werebear.  I’ve lived like this for five years.  I’ve lived close to forests and always make my way out to it early in the day.  So, by the time I transform, I’m far away from people.  I don’t want to hurt anyone.  That’s why I hated being unable to resist you.”


She collapsed onto the floor.  She couldn’t process everything.  It was too much.  Of course, she had heard of them.  She knew of them.  She never imagined she would meet one, much less fall for one.  Much less sleep with one. 


“I’m sorry, I have to go.”  She walked to her apartment, taking the time to attempt processing what she had just learned.



Just a couple days later, Mira made her way to Delv’s apartment.  She knocked confidently.  He opened the door.  A pleasant expression of surprise registered on his face.  She gently pushed him inside and locked the door behind her.  She was wearing a forest-green sleep to accentuate her eyes.  She wore it to commemorate, well, everything.


She pressed a finger to his lips before he said anything and silently lifted his shirt up and over his head.  She rubbed his scar with her index finger.  He shuddered at her touch, eyes shut.  A single tear streamed down his cheek.  She leaned in and gave him a soft kiss.  Stepping back, she sensually removed the slip from her body.  She stood in front of him, completely naked.  He eyed her over entirely, slowly.  His eyes gleamed with appreciation. 


She moved forward and pressed her ample breasts against his bare chest, once again tracing his scar with her index finger.  She kissed his cheek, feeling the scruff against her face.  She smiled and leaned up to whisper in his ear, “Mmm Fuzzy.”  He let out a strangled sound, something between a laugh and a complaint.  She dropped her hands to his pants and quickly undid them.  In a flash, her legs were wrapped around him as he carried her to his bed.  He gently laid her down and admired her thick, curvy body.  She looked up at him, appreciating his scruff more than ever, slightly wondering what he looked like in bear form.


He walked into his bathroom and returned with a condom already placed on his hard, eager cock.  She pulled him down softly, embraced him, and gave a passionate kiss.  She opened her legs and he swiftly entered her.  It was different this time around.  As he continued to thrust in and out of her, his lips right by her ear, she understood his groans now.  They were soft, bear-like roars from his throat.  For some reason, this knowledge turned her on more and the first orgasm hit her unlike anything she had ever experienced.  She reciprocated the groaning and moaning. 


He reached down to stimulate her clit again, as he picked up the thrusting.  He kissed her cheek, her lips.  He looked into her eyes.  He muttered the words “thank you.”  She smiled softly, cupping his fuzzy face in her hands, and kissed him tenderly.  It didn’t match the rhythm of the thrusts but it didn’t matter.  This time, her second orgasm synced with his climax.  This time, they didn’t just pass out.


This time, he didn’t disappear.



Months passed and Mira was happier than she’d been in a long time.  She continued her relationship with Delv, always allowing him the time and space he needed for his monthly transformations.  It wasn’t until one day, during particularly steamy “welcome back” sex she couldn’t resist. 


“I want to see you in your bear form one day.” 


He reacted much better than she had anticipated.  They worked out a plan so she could see him while posing no danger to her, others, or himself.  She found it exhilarating.  She also found him majestic in bear form, just as much as she imagined.  The minute he returned about a day-and-a-half later, she practically pounced on him. 


Neither of them had ever imagined a life in which they could be happy and entirely honest.  It was amazing and she wouldn’t change it for anything.  She finally felt at ease about moving on.  She was finally able to look back fondly without a stream of anguish and tears each time.  He was finally able to feel safe and comfortable with someone knowing his secret.  They were magnificently happy and fulfilled and they planned on staying that way.




Billion Bear Obsession


Melea sighed; she absolutely hated these charity events with a passion. Don’t get her wrong, she felt the urge to help out the needy and whatnot, but serving the multiple million and billionaires who could care less to be there is what irked her. They were only there to get their names in the papers that next day, while the servers like herself were stuck in the background.

“Melea,” one of the other waiters whispered and motioned for her to come closer to where he was. She had forgotten his name a long while back once this started and didn’t feel like bothering to ask again.

“Can you run to the kitchen and fill up some more champagne glasses? I figured you would like to be inside where it’s cooler,” the man managed a small smile as she gave a sigh of relief. Finally a chance to get off her feet for a few moments.

“Thanks Todd,” she said glancing at his nametag briefly. “I’ll be back in a little bit.”

“No rush,” he waved her away as she carried her empty tray to the kitchen.

Setting the tray on the counter she grabbed a glass of water for herself and sipped it heartily while wiping her brow. She absolutely hated the notion of wearing black attire when it came to being outside. She figured she already had enough dark skin to constitute wearing white at least! Being a curvy black twenty-one year old woman gave her a lot more attention that what she would have asked for. She had a nice figure that left guys gawking when she walked by and other women envious. Her eyes were a light brown, matching her skin and sometimes making others think she was from mixed parents.


She hopped up on the counter and was tempted to kick off her shoes that had a small heel on them to look professional but shot down the notion. It wouldn’t be professional of course. After all the hard work Melea had done to get herself into this type of work that paid much better than any job she ever had, she couldn’t afford to screw up now. Not after her parents had been so supportive of her pursuing this job in order to help her pay for college.


Vet school was nothing to mess with, and for now she was taking a semester off to get some more money together. Being at this charity event even meant that she might get some extra cash on the sides as tips, knowing that those filthy rich people would generously give money to those they felt pity towards. Who knew, maybe this would be the day she was able to pay for more than just one year at veterinarian school.

“Melea, can you finish filling up the glasses and bring them back out!” a voice called as she jumped down from the counter, her thoughts being pulled towards the task at hand.


“Yeah I’ll be right out!” She filled up the glasses carefully with champagne and laid them on the tray. Once twelve were done, Melea grabbed it and made sure to handle the tray with care while making her way back outside into the heat.


“Thank you so much,” Todd came over and took the tray from her. “I hope you had a good break?”


“For what it was worth yes,” she smiled back and stood with him as they listened to the “guest” speaker who was just another billionaire, going on about how he became so wealthy. Jordan Simpson.


“I heard he never leaves his house other than to attend these types of events,” Todd whispered to me.


“Probably doesn’t need to leave the house with all the women who are most likely within the estate,” she teased while gazing at the man who could only be in his early-thirties. He had come across inheriting his family’s oil company at a young age and had invested in it to where it was becoming a nationwide corporation. Jordan was a typical white man, athletic and well built, most likely from working within the oil fields when younger. His eyes were a deep blue that most people would have a hard time not falling for.


“I don’t think he’s seeing anyone, according to the papers and whatnot,” Todd shrugged, “besides he didn’t bring a date or anything to this event.”


“Because people would begin to talk, and of course they don’t want that,” Melea just sighed and turned around to finish placing the flutes on the table. “I’m going back to get more champagne, do you need anything else?”


“Maybe some extra rags for when we have to wipe down things? This should be wrapping up soon,” he replied as she went inside and continued working in silence. Melea would still have the rest of the evening to go out and see friends or figure out when she could work on applying for school. She had a feeling this would be the year that things would get better financially for her.

A little while later as everyone began cleaning up around the yard that had held the charity event; some of the men had stayed behind to smoke cigars. Melea still for the life of her had no idea what the event had really been about or what kind of celebration. The owner had just asked for the company she worked for to bring as many servers as possible to aid the wealthy.


Folding up the tablecloths, Melea laid them in the basket and stood to see Jordan Simpson regarding her coolly. She tried not to pay too much mind to it, perhaps he was looking at something that was behind her, but her gut was telling Melea he wasn’t.


“Go ask and see if he needs something,” the person beside her spoke softly as she looked to see if they were serious.


“You sure he’s not just staring because he can?”


“He may be wanting another drink or something?” the woman shrugged, “who knows?”


“Alright,” she sighed and went over, trying to be as attentive and interested as she could be.


“Mr. Simpson, do you need anything else?” Melea gazed into his blue eyes that seemed to be depthless, as if she was looking into wells with water at the very bottom.

“Actually,” he smiled at the men he was smoking a cigar with, “excuse me gentlemen.” He strode over towards a more vacant area of the lawn with her to follow helplessly behind. What on earth could this man want from her that involved him leaving his friends?


“Melea,” he obviously looked at my nametag as she tried not to look irritated. Of course no one of his importance would know someone like her.


“Yes sir?”


“I wanted to give you this,” he handed me a large sum of money bundled up as she just stared at him. What was the catch?


“I’m not sure I understand,” Melea shook my head, refusing to take the money from him. She didn’t need pity money that was the last thing she was going to accept from someone of his stature.


“Miss Monroe mentioned how you were saving up money to attend vet school. I think that’s very impressive, and I personally know how smart someone has to be to even be considered to get into the program. So as a token for helping today at the event, I wanted to give you some money to help you pay your way into school.”


“Mr. Simpson,” she stammered, feeling her cheeks flush slightly, “I don’t think I can accept this.”

“And why not?” he frowned slightly. The last thing she wanted to do right now was piss off someone extremely rich!


‘Just take the money Melea,’ her mind urged her as she gazed at the bills, it looked to be a couple hundred dollars give or take.


“I’m doing just fine on my own with working my way up to get into school. It’s nothing against you sir, but I would rather do this on my own…”

“I see,” he pulled out an envelope and slid the money into it, “just consider it please? If you don’t want it, you can always put it towards something else or send it to someone.”


Melea took the enveloped filled with money and slipped it into her pocket. Whatever his reasons were for trying to help her out were clearly unknown.


“Thank you sir,” she mumbled and went on her way to continue cleaning up before she could go home.


“Anytime Melea,” his voice shook her to the core as she heard it. Of course all the women who came across him would fall under his spell of handsomeness and wealth, but Melea would not be one of those girls. She refused to be.


Kicking off her shoes when she walked into my apartment, she sighed and slouched onto the couch as soon as her legs hit it. Now she could relax for a few hours and get some well-deserved rest, Melea couldn’t remember the last time she had been on her feet for so many hours.

The apartment she had to herself was pretty small but it suited her just fine with the low paying rent since she personally knew the landlord. Melea only paid about half of what everyone else did, and even then she made sure to conserve energy or water whenever possible.

Feeling the envelope in her pocket, Melea pulled it out and just gazed at the white parchment. When in doubt she could always use it for rent, and use her “rent” money for a rainy day or whatever… but she had been the one to tell herself that if she got any tips today it would go towards her school funding.

Sighing, she opened up the envelope and held the money in her hands. It was quite a bit now that she was looking at the bills, all one hundreds. With shaking fingers, Melea counted slowly and held her breath.

“One hundred, two hundred, three hundred,” she began to lay them in piles and felt her heart hammering within her chest. With this amount of money she would have nearly one year of vet school fully paid for.

“Fifteen… thousand,” Melea gaped and just looked at the money that was lying on the coffee table. Never in her life would she think to see so much money in one quantity. With the amounts saved up she had it would be around twenty thousand, making it halfway there for her to get in!

Scooping up the money quickly, Melea placed it in her “safe box” that held the rest of her money for school. This was blowing her mind right now how much money was now within her grasp.


“I’ll write him a letter,” she decided and sat down to begin writing a letter about Mr. Simpson’s generous donation towards her schooling. Obviously not all people who had money were stuck-up and pompous; some actually had hearts and wanted others like Melea to succeed with their dreams.


Looking up Jordan’s address, she decided to go by tomorrow and personally deliver the card to him. It was the least she could do to show how appreciative she was for this. Picking up the phone, she decided to call her mom and tell her the good news! Being the second oldest of four, Melea knew her mother would be ecstatic to know that her only daughter was slowly making her way into the world with a good head on her shoulders.

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