Misfit (Death Dwellers MC #6) (33 page)

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“I know him better than you.”

“You know him differently than me,” he corrected.

“What about Stretch? Why are you and Christopher so focused on Cash?”

“I can’t speak for Christopher, but I’d prefer to see you with Stretch. As for why Cash is our focus?
the motherfucker who’d lead you two on, turning you into a fucking pathetic bitch.”

She jumped to her feet. “Go to hell. It’s my life. I know what I’m doing.” With a final glare, she rushed from the bar, half-expecting Johnnie to come after her. He didn’t, lost in his own problems with Kendall’s coup-in-the-making, so Fee headed to her car, parked half a block away.


The sound of her name being called as she reached her car, startled her, and she jumped.

“Noah?” she asked, smiling as the dude got closer to her. He seemed so familiar, but she couldn’t place his blue eyes, neat brown hair, and handsome, clean-shaven face.

“Were you looking for me?”

“Um, no.”

“My house is nearby,” he said, nodding to the right.

“Really? I didn’t know that.”

He shifted and the light beamed off his chest. The patch with the word ‘
registered. “You’re a biker?”

“You didn’t know that?”

“How could I if you never told me?” She’d only talked to him once. “Who are you affiliated with?”

“Affiliated? I’m the leader.”

She grinned. “Who do you lead?”

“Remember the club who was nearly wiped out thanks to a bomb?”

“Oh my God! Yes! The Torps. It was all over the news a couple years ago.” Crap. The Torps. The same club who’d been contacting Christopher. The same club Kendall’s old firm once represented.

“The Torpedoes,” he corrected, watching her closely.

His behavior gave her pause, reminding her of the way Kendall’s friend, Counts, had looked at her. Although he’d been wearing sunglasses, Fee had been quite aware of his scrutiny. Oh shit! Counts was a member of the Torpedoes MC.

She cleared her throat. “I think I know one of your brothers. Counts,” she added when he lifted his brow in question. “And you know a very good friend of mine. Kendall Donovan.”

“Counts?” he said with a disbelieving laugh. “What kind of name is that?”

“I know, right! Every time I say it, I think of a kid’s television program.”

He sniggered. “Is that his road name?”

“I’m not sure.”

“If it isn’t, I feel sorry for the poor bastard.”

“So you don’t know him? You kind of remind me of him.” Fee couldn’t put her finger on why she felt that way. Noah was neat and well put together. Counts had been scruffy and unkempt.

“I don’t know the dude,” Noah said with regret. “Sorry, love.”

“No problem. Do you know Kendall? Are you the one contacting my brother?”

“What do you know about the Torpedoes and the bombing?” he asked, not answering her pointed questions.

“Not much. When I heard about it, I was so worried about my brother.”

“Oh, babe. That’s the second time you’ve mentioned a brother. Is he a biker, too?”

“Yep,” she stated, noting Noah’s genuine surprise. She could’ve sworn she’d heard Meggie and Zoann say someone from his club had been trying to get in with the Dwellers. Maybe, she was mistaken. “He’s a leader, too. Christopher Caldwell. Or you might know him as—”

“Outlaw. Holy fuck,” he breathed. “You’re his sister?”

The awe and reverence in his tone shocked her. It also convinced her Noah wasn’t the man behind the calls to the club. She giggled. “He’s not a god.”

“Fuck, no, but he’s a legend.”

Without warning, Noah grabbed her and kissed her cheek. “Go out with me.”

He gave her an intense stare, one that sent a shiver down her spine. She wasn’t sure if the chill stemmed from attraction or fear.

“I’m in a relationship. Sorry. Thanks for the invitation, though. See ya.”

He didn’t try to stop her departure. Jumping in her car, she drove to Cash’s house, but the total darkness indicated his absence, so she continued on to her apartment.

Half an hour later, after getting a drink of water, Fee went to her closet to choose tomorrow’s outfit. She settled on a cute skirt and scooped neck top.

Her phone beeped and she threw her clothes on her bed, rushing to it and seeing Kendall’s name.

Two words glared at Fee.
You’re fired.

Chapter Twenty-Three - Johnnie



Wondering what he’d find after the shouting match he and Kendall had over the telephone, Johnnie stormed into his house. The first floor was quiet, with only a dim hall light visible as he hurried down the hall to the staircase. He couldn’t fucking believe Kendall. From the day Christopher invited them back into the fold, Kendall wanted her job back. That very day, she’d asked him about it, so, of course, she’d fucking scheme to make it happen.

Growling in frustration, Johnnie threw opened their bedroom door and halted. Kendall sat on the sofa, Matilda on her shoulder, Rory’s head resting in her lap as he slept peacefully against her. She was the picture of beauty and maternal serenity. Johnnie’s heart started a frantic beat in his chest.

He loved Kendall so much, for all her wild ways. Knowing he needed to be quiet so he wouldn’t awaken his son and daughter, Johnnie went to his family and lifted his son into his arms, carrying him to his room where he laid him in his bed. He remained a moment to make sure Rory didn’t awaken, then he walked out and closed the door.

Kendall had trained Rory to sleep in complete darkness. Sometimes, though, Johnnie still worried that his son awakened in the middle of the night and was fearful when he found no light.

Back in his room, he found her still stubbornly holding Matilda. Usually, Kendall put her in her room as soon as she went to sleep, on the days Ella left early.

“I need to talk to you.”

“In case you haven’t noticed, your daughter needs my attention.”

“Matilda is asleep. Put her in her fucking room.”

“Fuck you,” she spat, high color rising in her cheeks. “I have nothing to say to you. You’ve told me everything over the phone, especially how that bitch betrayed me. I fired her by the way.”

“That’s up to you. You’re lucky she came to me instead of going to Christopher. Do you know the fucking havoc you’ve created?”

“I don’t give a fuck,” Kendall yelled, making the baby jump. “I only want my job back.”

Pacing back and forth, Johnnie thrust his fingers through his hair. “At what fucking cost? At the cost of Christopher’s marriage? At the risk of Daphne’s life?”

“I haven’t forced her to go along with me.”

Matilda released a cry and Johnnie stomped to Kendall.

“At least take responsibility for your part,” he fumed, lifting his daughter into his arms.

“Why? Because Fee came to you? What went on between me and her sister made her rat me out.”

“I’ve heard all about the fight that you fucking lied to me about.”

“Does it make a difference? Instead of defending me, you’re screaming at me. Waking our innocent baby.”

“Cut the fucking theatrics.” Johnny put Matilda on his shoulder and began to pat her back. “You had our kids in here to escape the argument you knew was coming.”

“I’m a grown fucking woman, Johnnie. I don’t need your permission to do anything,
if it benefits me.”

“You’re so fucking right,” Johnnie agreed coldly. “Which makes me think I should turn you into Outlaw.”

“Johnnie,” Kendall gasped, paling, her eyes widening. “You wouldn’t.”

“You’re the mother of my children. The woman I’ve loved from the first moment I laid eyes on you, but that doesn’t seem to be enough.” It never had been. Kendall’s mind was always working and that kept her unsettled and unhappy. He didn’t know if it was her illness that made her that way or her personality. “I’ve put my life on the line for you and your antics. Even that isn’t enough. Why? Because you’re vain, self-centered, jealous, and overbearing.”

Rage blanketed her face and she rushed him, shoving his shoulder. “I’m none of those things. All I want is a goddamn second chance to prove myself. This was the only way to do it. To show Christopher…”

“Shut the fuck up, Kendall. Keep it the fuck up and we’ll have Outlaw not Christopher. You would’ve shown
and then he would’ve shown

Kendall stared at him, her anger deserting her. She burst into tears. “That’s the problem, Johnnie. His mean unpredictability has you intimidated. He has a fucking split personality. We all know it! His Dr. Jekyll side is reasonable. Mr. Outlaw Hyde would make an example of you just to get back at me. He wouldn’t care that I was pregnant or—”

“I’m through fucking around with you. Christopher wouldn’t kill only me. He’s at his most dangerous right now. I’d say he’s been pretty fucking forgiving, considering. But he fucking hates you. This would give him the impetus he needs to blow you the fuck away. You’re trying to destroy his marriage.”

“Fuck him! He destroyed my career.”

“Jesus! If Fee hadn’t come to me, you’d continue on your suicide mission.”

“She’s pathetic. She’s in such need of a fucking friend, she’d do anything I asked of her.”

“I can’t fucking believe you!” Why couldn’t he? This was classic Kendall, using someone else’s weakness for her own gain. “All Fee wanted to do was help you and you played her.”

“I was right to, wasn’t I? She wasn’t loyal to me. Almost everyone betrays me. Charlotte is right—”

“About that fucking bitch.”

Kendall gasped. “How dare you!”

“As of this minute, you’re no longer having any contact with the Reddings. Brooks

“You can’t fucking make me!”

“The fuck I can’t. I’m not letting you risk my life, your life, or the baby you’re carrying. I got shot once on your behalf. It’s not fucking happening again. I refuse to allow you to dig my fucking grave with your bullshit.”

Marching to him, Kendall snatched Matilda from him, not caring that the baby had fallen asleep. Matilda released a furious wail.

“Stop acting like a mean bitch and remember you’re this child’s mother. Don’t take out your anger toward me on her.”

“She’s mine. Just as Rory is. I love you, Johnnie, but you won’t keep me prisoner and keep me from my friends.”

“We have children to raise. To do that we have to be fucking alive. You’ve had other offers for positions. If you want to work, consider other options. In how many different ways do I have to tell you,
he snarled, at wit’s end. “You’re playing a fucking dangerous game.”

“Fuck you,” she spat, yet again. “Maybe, I should take the children and leave until you come to your senses.”

Johnnie stilled, not quite believing she was threatening to walk away again. They’d been down this road once and she knew it devastated him, so she thought to hold it over his head. “Walk the fuck away and we’re through.”

“As if,” she sneered. “You said that before.”

If she wanted to play hardball, he’d have to do the same. “Try me, Kendall. Leave and it’s over. I’ll divorce you and get custody of my children.”

“You…you wouldn’t take the kids from me?” she asked in a small voice.

“Oh, I would if you leave. Defy me and fuck with Brooks and Charlotte if you want. I’ll fucking kill Brooks, box his goddamn head up and send it to Charlotte as a gift. She’s the bitch responsible for your current state. By the way, get back on your fucking medicine. If you don’t, I might
kill Brooks.”

Her face crumpled and her tears started again. This time, she was really crying. Brooks was like a father to her.

She stumbled to him, her eyes glazed and filled with tears as she handed him Matilda and then threw herself in his arms, sobbing against him, right along with their daughter. Keeping a tight hold on Matilda, he hugged Kendall to him.

“I’ll do whatever you ask of me, Johnnie.” That was doubtful. Kendall wasn’t fucking happy unless she was involved in chaos.

“Lose Brooks and Charlotte’s numbers.”

“I will. I promise.”

Kissing her, he let her go and backed toward the door. “Let me settle Matilda down,” he told her, knowing she was in no state to do so. He’d need to look into Fee’s relationship with Cash and Stretch but, for now, getting his wife back on track took precedence.

His gorgeous beauty should count her blessings that he loved her so much. He had his work cut out for him, to keep her out of trouble. Kendall loved drama. When she calmed down, she’d be right back at her antics, unless something drastic stopped her.

Seeing Cash’s ass beaten, at Christopher’s hands, hadn’t fazed her. Johnnie and Brooks’ shooting, also courtesy of Christopher, had only briefly halted her.

Johnnie was nearly out of options. Maybe, he’d have Cash talk to her, explain to her the danger of antagonizing Christopher.
, if Brooks was responsible for Kendall’s determination to reclaim her partnership, Johnnie intended to gut him and fucking feed him his liver. If it was Charlotte, he’d find a way to get rid of her too, and he’d do it without laying a finger on her.

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