Misfit (Death Dwellers MC #6) (28 page)

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A guilty look on his face, Mort tasted more vodka. “We love the fuck out of each other, Bailey. You keep shit interesting in and out of bed. I wouldn’t fucking break my vows and fuck another bitch. But, fuck, man…I read about famous motherfuckers giving each other a pass to notice other people. Observing how pretty she was don’t mean I’m bored with you.”

Who the fuck were these assfucks? Christopher felt as if he’d stepped into an alternate universe. “What the fuck a bunch of fuckheads I ain’t ever meetin’ gotta do with me and Megan? Me and any of you motherfuckers and your girls?”

“A lot,” Kendall chose to answer.

Fee scowled at her. “Do you have to keep harping on this? We get the point, okay? They do, too.”

“I don’t think so.” Kendall smoothed her hands over her pants. “Every time I bring Daphne up, Meggie steers the conversation in a different direction.”

“You’ve been bringing her up
evening,” Fee whined, almost a plea. “Enough, already. Jesus.”

Kendall twisted her fingers around her hair. “It hasn’t done any good. Except to remind all of them of their husbands’ pasts.”

“You do know Johnnie had a past, right?” Megan asked, finally getting enough of Kendall’s bullshit. Or, maybe, she fucking realized Christopher was reaching the end of his rope. “He was always right in with them. So unless he’s grown a vagina, he noticed Daphne just as much.”

“You would bring up Johnnie to deflect attention away from Christopher,” Kendall sneered, her anger getting the best of her. That was the only fucking reason she forgot his long-ago order and called him by name.

“Before this gets ugly, drop it, Kendall,” Johnnie warned her. “It’s time to collect our son and head home.”

“No! Tell her, Johnnie. Tell her that you’d
look at another girl.”

“Yeah, tell her, John Boy,” Val said sarcastically. “Tell her your dick is dead if she’s not around.”

Kendall lifted her chin. “That just proves my point.”

“What point?” Johnnie snapped. “That we’re all men? If I had said to you what Mortician said to Bailey, you’d be fucking furious. She understands what he means. Aren’t there men
look at?”

“Of course not! You’re all I need. I can’t remember the last time I noticed another man.”

If Christopher was fucking talking to her, he’d call her a lying fucking bitch.
motherfuckers noticed the opposite sex, no matter how happily married they were.

“What about if some girl claimed I’d given her a card and money?” Johnnie continued. “Would you still be at my side?”

“I have more pride in myself,” Kendall sniffed.

“Megan has pride.” Johnnie glowered at his bitch’s narrowing eyes. “She just has faith in Christopher.”

“Fuck, enough!” Cash bit out. Standing, he made his way to Megan. “I’m sorry, sweetness. Fee, me, and Stretch ran into each other at the party last week. I didn’t want Outlaw to get the wrong idea, so I had Daphne come to the park with me. Diversionary tactics to get the heat away from me. I never intended to cause all this bullshit where the fucking meaning of the universe was called into question.” He shoved a hand through his hair.

Christopher jumped to his feet and Megan got to hers, barreling to him to block his advance to Cash. “Why did you have her pretend Christopher gave her that card?” she asked. “Everything was over by then.”

“Meggie, that wasn’t me. I’m going to get to the bottom of her bullshit. Have her personally apologize.”

“She ain’t gettin’ near Megan ever a-fuckin-gain,” Christopher vowed. “If she do, I’m killin’ that bitch.”

Kendall snorted. “Oh, please. You could’ve killed Johnnie and Brooks, but didn’t.”

Mouth falling open, Johnnie stared at Kendall, as Mort choked.

“What the fuck?” Val said, as stupefied as the rest of them at her words.

“Oh. My. God.” Megan returned to the table where she’d been sitting with Kendall. “Did you want Christopher to shoot Johnnie and Brooks?”

“Of course not, you little idiot. All I’m saying is he loves to make fucking threats. He’s not carrying through on any of them.”

Holding onto his temper by a thread, Christopher reminded himself that this bitch was pushing him to provoke a response. He couldn’t let her win. Maybe, she
made Daphne fuck with him for this very reason.

“Leave Christopher alone,” Megan demanded. “Everything is right where he wants it to be. The club’s running smoothly again. We’re all safe and happy. He doesn’t need to kill people.”

“In your head, he’s a veritable saint,” Kendall said with disgust.

Fee rushed to the table and laid her hand on Kendall’s shoulder. “Please, stop. Meggie hasn’t done you anything. Neither has my brother. You’ve had too much to drink and you’re saying a lot that you’ll regret tomorrow. Johnnie is looking angrier by the minute. Don’t do this.”

Kendall shrugged Fee’s hold off. “Who are you to tell me what to do?”

“Your friend,” Fee answered. “You love Meggie like a sister, so stop being so mean and hurtful. You need to let this all go tonight. Cash has apologized, so let’s go back in the other room and talk about the christenings.”

“You’re right, Fee,” Kendall said softly. “I adore Meggie. That’s why I’m trying to get her to see reason about Daphne. I’m sticking up for her the way she never did for me and my job.”

“Fuck, here we go,” Zoann said on a groan. “How about you join our healthcare company? You already have a small percentage, Kendall. I’ll put aside my need to fuck you up for putting both Val and Christopher’s lives in danger. We can all work together. You’ll be using your legal expertise and we’ll get to have Fee working for us as we’d intended.”

Fee started in surprise. “What do you mean?”

“We were talking about hiring you,” Megan explained. “Kendall beat us to it, though.”

Flushing, Kendall looked away, not wanting anyone to guess the real reason she’d offered Fee the job.

“I like Zoann’s idea,” Megan said. “What do you say?”

“No,” Kendall gritted.

A buzzing noise resounded in the room and Cash sighed, pulling his phone from his pocket. He glanced at his screen. “Fuck, motherfuckers need to keep their cock in their pants.”

“That can’t be you talking,” Stretch said.

“It sure the fuck is,” Cash responded. “When I have to find fucking pills to take care of unwanted pregnancies.”

“You peddle abortion pills, asshole?” Kendall snapped. “You can get into all kinds of trouble. You need to tell whoever to just go to a fucking clinic before you’re sued.”

Cash shoved his phone back into his pocket. “It sounds as if you need a case, Kendall. You’ll be the first attorney I call.”

“I’d tell you to go and fuck yourself.”

“Enough, Kendall!” Johnnie shouted. “We’re going home and you’re sleeping the vodka off.”

She grinned at Johnnie, her mood flipping yet again. “I’d prefer to go home and fuck you.”

Cash turned to Christopher.

Before the motherfucker said fuck-all, Christopher shook his head. “Don’t, assfuck. You fuckin’ lucky you still fuckin’ walkin’. Let this be a fuckin’ lesson learned and call it a fuckin’ day.”

“Thank you, Outlaw. I promise I’m getting to the bottom of what’s going on with Daphne.”

“We’ll see, fuckhead,” Christopher responded, ready for the evening to end so he could get into Megan.

Chapter Eighteen- Ophelia



Let’s meet at my house. 9:00PM.

Caught off-guard by Cash’s text as she drove Kendall to a meeting, Fee contemplated the message. One hand on the wheel and the other on the phone, she wondered what prompted the text after five days of radio silence.

Kendall had made it a point to call Fee over the weekend to apologize for her behavior at the get-together at Christopher’s house. Yesterday, she’d accompanied Fee to another naked yoga session. According to Kendall, she’d cancelled a dinner date with Johnnie to spend the evening with Fee, all with Johnnie’s blessings.

Stretch sent Fee a quick hello that she’d responded to in the same manner. Their exchange had been brief. Yet, it let her know he’d forgiven her for trusting their secret to Kendall and it showed he’d been thinking about her. Beyond hello, she hadn’t known what else to say, serving as a painful reminded that she hadn’t bothered to discover a lot about him.

Her phone beeped again, the roar of the motorcycles from their escorts almost drowning out the text alert.

The three of us. To clear the air.

At the second text, Kendall reached for Fee’s phone. Instead of relinquishing it, she threw it in her lap, gripping the steering wheel with both hands.

“Eyes on the road,” Kendall commanded. “Stop being so fucking stupid. Texting and driving is beyond dangerous. If we get into an accident,
be at fault.”

, don’t call me stupid. I may be careless but I’m far from stupid.”

“Whatever.” Kendall drummed her fingers on her thigh. “We both know how sincere your apology is. Who is that anyway?”

No chance in hell would she give Kendall more ammunition to use against her when the time had run out for her Daphne games.

“What do you mean?”

“Who are you texting? Is that more understandable?”

“Just a friend. He wants me to meet up with him later tonight.”

“Really? Do tell. Does Outlaw know them? Oops! I mean him.”

“No,” Fee said without missing a beat, not surprised that Kendall detected her deceit. “That’s all you’ll get from me.”

“Stop acting like a fucking brat.”

“A brat?” Fee couldn’t believe Kendall’s self-righteous indignation. “Excuse me if I protect myself from blackmail.”

“I’m your friend and I’ve apologized.”

“You apologized for Thursday’s behavior, not for blackmailing me.”

“Wrong. I apologized for blackmailing you the day I did it. I did what I had to do for
. I won’t ever do it again. Just trust me.”

“You used my secret against me and broke my trust. Your apology doesn’t mean shit. Surely, you understand that.”

“You’re not very trusting if one minor injustice causes these problems. Besides, your brother needs to come off his high horses. He expects to be instantly obeyed and has everyone, except me, intimidated.”

“Christopher runs the club. If he didn’t demand respect, there’d be mayhem. For all of that, he’s really fair-minded. Everyone knows that. You’re alone in your grievance against him.”

“He’s your brother, so I understand your defense. I even understand his protection of you. I didn’t have anyone to look out for me, so cherish his interference.”

How did Kendall make even a compliment sound like an insult? She was such an enigma. A good friend one moment and a mortal enemy the next. “I appreciate Christopher, but I’d like to be able to make my own mistakes.”

“That’s the stupidest fucking sentiment. Why go through heartache if someone who’s already been there can save you from experiencing it?”

“Is stupid the only word you know? Being my boss doesn’t give you the right to insult me. If that’s the only comment you’ve got, keep it.”

“I’m sorry, but sometimes people learn about life by listening to others’ experiences.”

“Listening and experiencing don’t have the same effect,” she insisted. “I can listen for days about your heartbreak. Unless I go through it, I don’t know how it feels. How can I grow, gain any wisdom, know that I can pick myself back up during adversity, if I only live based on what
gone through? Or all the bullshit you create?”

“You can’t, so I won’t waste my breath and tell you anything other than to be careful.”

“I’ve already learned a valuable lesson with you, so I’d say my way is effective.”

“I’m done talking to you, so fuck off.”

Fee hadn’t meant to be so sharp or harp on Kendall’s actions. Everyone had a right to their opinion, something Kendall seemed unaware of, especially if that opinion didn’t match hers.

Other than Kendall offering directions about where to enter the interstate or Fee asking for the right exit once on the 205, they rode the rest of the way in silence, with only the muffler of the bikes cutting through the SUV.

Forty minutes later, she put the Navigator into park in front of the door to a bricked mansion with huge columns and a wide balcony. Mount Hood rose in the distance and stately trees surrounded the property. Topiary shrubs sat in the middle of the circular driveway. It was beautiful and peaceful, the land around the home offering an isolated feel.

The roar of the three bikers gliding to a stop, their actions synced with each other, was almost criminal in the tranquility.

“I’ll wait here,” she announced, intending to use the time to answer Cash.


Kendall was being so difficult today!

“Yes,” Fee insisted. “I’ll just hang with Slipper and his sons.”

“You don’t
with people like them.”


“Fuck, but you’re so fucking difficult, Fee!”

“You stole the words right out of my mouth,” Fee retorted.

Kendall glared at her. “Remember I told you I’d make it up to you for not sitting with me and Meggie over brunch?”

“You insisted I keep the camera. That covers it.” Fee couldn’t say she’d ever use the thing, so Kendall had wasted her money. Not that she’d listen and take the gift back. She seemed to think that made up for her bad behavior. “You two do fine without me, anyway.” Thank God! There’d be no sign of Kendall’s stupid quest to get back to the law firm, ruin Meggie’s marriage, or accuse Meggie of sleeping with Johnnie. That was amazing progress. “Yesterday you sounded as if you two had more fun than you’ve had in a while.”

“If you say so. Of course I had to settle her down. She’s so high-strung and still believes I’m behind Daphne’s antics. She wants to pretend she has sense.”

She was back to insulting Meggie. “To me, she has a lot of sense. She was right on target, not high strung.”

“Oh, please. Going on about suspecting me of being involved with what Daphne did when we all know it had to be Christopher.”

Fee wondered if Kendall considered herself the pot or the kettle. B
Kendall and Meggie were high-strung with each other. Once again, Meggie had asked Fee to sit with them and, once again, Fee declined.

“Would you have let me sit in with you if you couldn’t convince her otherwise?”

“To shut her up. She’s so fucking spoiled.”

Meggie was spoiled? What was Kendall?

“I really couldn’t show you such special treatment, so I would’ve fired you. Dear me, that sounds so harsh. I’m so sorry.”

“It’s no problem. I need to know your boundaries just like you need to know mine.”

“I beg your pardon?

“Yes, Kendall, my boundaries. I know who you are. My boss. I respect you as such. However, I expect consideration as your employee, your friend, and your family member. Pick one reason. Or all three. That’s up to you. For instance, I’d never dream of calling you stupid.”

“It was just a reaction. If you were truly stupid, you wouldn’t be working for me. Don’t be so fucking sensitive.”

“Sensitive?” If she only knew what Fee risked to protect Kendall from Christopher’s wrath, perhaps, she’d back off. “I’m not sensitive.”

“Oh, please. Not everyone is as thick-skinned as me, so I do apologize for offending you.”

“Another apology? What’s wrong with this picture?” It didn’t matter. Kendall wore Fee out, so she let her bad behavior go. Again. “As long as you feel the need to apologize, I’ll accept.”

“We’re girlfriends, so we have to hug.”

The vulnerability in Kendall’s eyes reminded Fee of why she wanted to protect her. They shared an awkward hug over the center console.

Kendall laughed. “This is so much better than me firing you.”

“Yes, or me quitting.”

“As if you’d ever find a boss like me.”

A boss like her? Was there another woman like her on the planet?

“Now that we know each other’s boundaries,” Kendall hastened on, “Let’s return to the business of my making up the missed brunches to you.  Charlotte is allowing you to join us for a light lunch and cosmos.”

“Oh, wow, I’m thrilled.” She wondered if Kendall heard her sarcasm.

“I figured you would be.”

Nope, no sarcasm detected.

“As my assistant, I’m shocked Charlotte would agree,” she continued. “But I told her what good friends we are. You’re off the clock until after we dine. Did I mention that to you?”

“You didn’t. You can’t not pay me to bring me to a lunch with a woman I don’t even know or an event I haven’t consented to.”

“Of course I can. You work for me. By the way, you can only have a small cosmo, since you’re driving.” Kendall got out of the car. “Come, come,” she encouraged before closing the door.

How did one unbitch a bitch? It grated to go along with Kendall’s screwy idea, but she had no choice.

Stomping out of the car, Fee slammed her door shut, almost barreling into Slipper.

“You want us to wait here for you?”

“Ask Kendall,” she grumped, frowning at his offensive body odor.

“Kendall!” he called.

“Kendall, Dad’s calling you,” one of Slipper’s sons said.

She ignored him.

Slipper whistled to get Kendall’s attention. As stiff as she was, Fee knew she’d heard.

“You want us to wait here, Red?”

Kendall spun and drew herself up. “Who do you think you are? Calling me by that name.”

He lost his smile and shifted. “Didn’t mean nothing.”

Other than liking alcohol and women, and disliking cleanliness, Slipper was nice, undeserving of Kendall’s harshness.

“I just heard Mort call you that. I thought it would be okay if I did.”

“It isn’t. You’re not Mortician. Not anywhere close.”

He scratched his greasy hair. “I don’t know if you’re insulting me or not.”

“Because you’re a fucking idiot who needs a bath. Almost too offensive to be in my presence.”

A glimmer of anger crossed Slipper’s face, quickly replaced by hurt. He bowed his head. “John Boy asked me to look after you. Just like Outlaw put me with Meggie sometimes.”

“You’ve behaved, so it’s fine that you’re here,” Kendall decided, smoothing her skirt. “Just keep your distance from me and please don’t show yourself to my friend. Disgusting fucking pigs,” she mumbled after the motorcycles roared away, turning toward the door, which opened before she rang the doorbell.

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