Misfit (Death Dwellers MC #6) (66 page)

BOOK: Misfit (Death Dwellers MC #6)
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“Of course. Fix food. Counsel me. Pamper your husband. Threaten an innocent woman. All in a day’s work for Miss Debbie Do-All.” She marched to Cash. “Meggie didn’t work to get
out. You’re out by sheer luck. Left up to her, she’d leave you to rot in there.”

“You’re impossible, Kendall!” Megan complained. “Cash was released days ago.”

Kendall twirled around. “She’d sacrifice any of you, for him. She doesn’t deserve your blind loyalty.”

“I don’t have blind loyalty from them. The loyalty I have, I earned. This argument is unnecessary. You’re upset. Calm down.”

“Stop being so condescending. I’m not coming in that kitchen with you. You have something to tell me, be upfront and aboveboard.” Kendall made a face at Megan. “Remember? That’s what we do.”

“Fine. Take a job with another firm. You put the entire club in jeopardy, but it was
that was sent into a trap. You’re
getting that job back. The day you find a way to get your job back, is the day I see to it you never set foot in this clubhouse again.” She narrowed her eyes at Brooks. “It’s also the day your firm loses this club’s business. Am I clear?”

“You couldn’t make that decision,” Kendall bit out.

“Try me,” Megan tossed over her shoulder, stomping toward the kitchen. “Now, I’m not asking you, I’m telling you to get in this kitchen.”

“Or what?” Kendall flipped her hair and folded her arms. “You’ll shoot me?”

“What are you talking about now?” Megan asked in exasperation. “Why would I shoot you? I don’t shoot people.”

“That’s not what I heard.”

Okay, now the bitch was taking it too fucking far. Christopher got to his feet. “Johnnie, get your fuckin’ bitch.”

“You’ve heard that I go around shooting people?”

“Does the name
ring a bell?”

The confusion cleared from Megan’s face. “He was going to shoot Christopher.”

“So you killed him,” she announced.

“I didn’t kill him. Christopher did.”

will fuckin’ kill a fuckin’ psycho cunt who bringin’ old shit up,” Christopher warned.

Johnnie whispered in Kendall’s ear.

Megan frowned, then looked at Christopher. “I didn’t kill him, did I?”

“You fuckin’ know you didn’t,” he lied easily. “You was fuckin’ there when I shot him in his fuckin’ head. You had a fucked up aim, baby. Missed all the vital shit.”

Her face cleared and she smiled in relief, believing him. “Okay.”

“Now, I’m so fuckin’ hungry, baby. Wanna get me my plate?”

“Yep, sure,” she said, going to the kitchen.

Kendall sobbed loudly, before she turned and headed for the exit, stopping briefly at Brooks’ side. “I’m so glad you’re safe!” she cried.

“I don’t know for how long,” he said, then patted her arm. “Just go and rest yourself.”

She nodded.

Once Kendall left, Christopher spoke. “Real quick,” he said in a low, harsh voice. “That cunt better shut the fuck up about Traveler, Johnnie.”

“She will,” Johnnie swore.

Megan would soon be coming out, so Christopher didn’t make a big deal out of the situation.


“Yes, Outlaw?”

“If Megan ain’t went and threatened your bitch, you woulda left me in fuckin’ jail?”

“No! No, of course not. Charlotte would’ve come around.”

Mortician headed for the bar. “After how fucking long?”

“I don’t know. The entire point is moot. You’re out. We’re going to work on getting the charges dropped. Let’s look to the future.”

“Whatcha think, Cash?” Christopher asked since Cash had also been arrested. “Give this motherfucker a chance to make this shit up or fuck him up? I spent seven fuckin’ days locked the fuck up, dealin’ with dickhead cops.” Killing a stupid fuckhead.

“I vote to rough him up.” Accepting a bottle of scotch from Mort, Johnnie sat. “So he’ll never forget who pays him.”

Brooks raised his hand. “Gentlemen, please. Meggie’s here.”

Christopher smiled. “Val, you wanna walk my girl home?” he asked, his eyes not leaving Brooks’ paling face. “You gotta check on Bitsy, too.”

“Sure do.”

“And this way I’m fuckin’ showin’ you I’m takin’ Megan word about you and her arguin’ over fuckin’ dinner when she fuckin’ screamed.”

He passed a look from Val to Mortician. Neither of them responded.

“Bunny at your house, Outlaw,” Digger said into the silence. “I’m heading that way to spend some time with her.”

Megan reappeared, carrying a plate, using dish towels to hold it to protect her fingers from the heat. She sat Christopher’s at his spot and kissed him.

“This shit smell delicious.” Another kiss. “Go home, baby. Get ready for me to fuck you.”

“Christopher,” Megan said, wrapping her arms around his neck.

“Yeah, baby?”

“Don’t do anything to Brooks. Please? You weren’t supposed to find out.”

“How was I gonna be kept in the dark? I knew some shit made him not get me out.”

“Yes, but let this go. For me. Please?” she said again.

“You interferin’ in club business again.” Hypocritical motherfucker. If she hadn’t interfered today, his ass would still be locked up.

“I know.”

“And wasn’t you the wicked little bitch who was gonna have Johnnie fuck Brooks up if he didn’t get me the fuck outta jail?”

“Yes, but you’re out. He did what I asked of him.”

Christopher sighed and wrapped his arms around her, as he and Johnnie engaged in silent communication.

Johnnie lifted a brow.
Fuck Brooks up or no?

Christopher gave a hard stare.
Fuck no. Megan asked me not to.

Johnnie nodded and clenched his jaw.
Fuck, my fun is ruined.

Christopher grinned.
Some other time, motherfucker.

“Come on, Meggie,” Val said, standing. “I’m ready to leave.”

“Okay,” she said quietly, flushing at Christopher’s close scrutiny, still searching for the evidence he needed to exonerate Val. Or execute him. She turned to Val. “Ready?”

Mort shot to his feet. “I’m heading that way myself. Bailey probably wondering where I’m at. She’s missing Roxanne real bad.” Sighing, he reached the door. “Ready, Meggie girl?”

“Yes,” she answered, turning to Christopher. “I know you have to be tired. Try not to be too much longer. I’m going to wait up for you.”

He nodded. “Gimme twenty minutes. If that.” The moment Megan left, he looked at Johnnie. “Once.”

Eyes lighting up, Johnnie walked to Brooks and punched him in the gut, throwing in a second one for good measure. Brooks crumpled to the floor, coughing and sputtering.

“Can you fuckin’ count?” Christopher snapped. “I said one, assfuck.”

Disappointment pulling his features down, Johnnie backed away. “He needs to fucking bleed.”

“You promised Meggie,” Brooks gasped from the floor.

“Shut the fuck up, Brooks.” Christopher balled his fists at his side, regretting that fucking promise. “I promised her
ain’t doin’ nothin’ to you. Ain’t say fuck-all about Johnnie or Cash. I wanna fuck you up so fuckin’ bad. Cuz, see, I gave you a fuckin’ pass when you fucked over me with fuckin’ McCallister. Shot you in your fuckin’ shoulder. Then, you fuck over me
? What kinda brain-dead motherfucker you be?”

Johnnie crouched next to Brooks. Releasing a frightened cry, the attorney raised his hands in an effort to shield his head. Johnnie knocked them away. “If you don’t want me to break these motherfuckers off, keep them down.”


Grabbing his hair, Johnnie yanked Brooks to his feet, rising along with the shaking fuckhead. “How fucking much does this club send you every month?”

“Legitimate fuckin’ bills from the fuckin’ laboratory,” Christopher added, circling like he had Slipper.

“Please, please, please,” Brooks sobbed.

“Answer my damn question, Brooks,” Johnnie barked.

“A lot,” Brooks said around sniffles.

“A lot, huh?” Johnnie sneered. “You shouldn’t be afraid to say how many ass whippings you deserve.”

“We’ll just fuck him up a fuckin’ lot,” Christopher said in a low, deadly tone.

“Do you know why we pay you so much?” Johnnie shook him, using Brooks’ salt-and-pepper hair as leverage. “So you’d drop everything when we call you to handle any club problems. Payoff who the fuck won’t deal with us to take money directly from us. We pay you to put out small fires and raging infernos. We pay you for your troubles. And this is how you repay

“Look here, Brooks.” Christopher halted in front of him. “We was makin’ a good fuckin’ profit at the lab before we put you on the fuckin’ payroll. We barely breakin’ fuckin’ even cuz of the money we send you

“I swear, Outlaw, you don’t have to pay me for a year,” he sobbed.

“We won’t have to pay you ever again if I disembowel you,” Johnnie said through gritted teeth.

“John Boy—”

“Shut up, motherfucker,” he interrupted. “Kendall adores Charlotte. I suffer her on my wife’s behalf, when I’m quite aware she doesn’t like me. Maybe, I should give her a true reason to hate my fucking guts?”

“Johnnie, don’t do this. Think about my children. My oldest daughter is pregnant again. I want to see my grandbaby. Please. I swear I’ll talk to Charlotte. If she ever gives me that type of ultimatum, I’ll ignore her. Take my chances with her leaving me.”

“We ain’t a club to fuck up bitches,” Christopher began, “but your bitch crossed a motherfuckin’ line. I only fuckin’ killed two bitches in my life. Only thing savin’ Charlotte fuckin’ life is she ain’t insult Megan in no kinda way. That shit earlier, though? Between Megan and Kendall. Make me believe Kendall off her fuckin’ meds a-fuckin-gain.” Fuck, had Fee known that before she quit and kept it from him? Fucking right she had. Kendall started her bullshit while Fee still worked for her, so why hadn’t his little sister done the job he’d asked of her? As soon as she healed, he’d ask her those fucking questions. “Johnnie love that cunt. If she turnin’ into a psycho bitch a-fuckin-gain and it’s
bitch’s fault…where the fuck I’m going with this, Brooks?”

“I’ll talk to Charlotte,” he screamed in a high-pitched tone. “I’ll see what’s going on.”

There was another motherfucker Brooks got to help with club shit when Kendall was fucking barred from doing it. If Brooks couldn’t get Christopher the fuck out, afraid his bitch would do a pussy lockout, than that
motherfucker should’ve jumped to it. “What the fuck happened to that other motherfucker? Kyler. Why the fuck you ain’t call him to get me out?”

Tears leaked from Brooks’ eyes. “Charlotte sits on a couple of the cultural boards his wife wants to get on. He couldn’t betray her.”

“So he betrayed my ass?”

Christopher nodded to Cash, summoning him over. “You was in for two fuckin’ days, brother. Any-fuckin-thing you gotta tell him for that injustice?”

“Am I limited to one punch?”

“Two. One for each fuckin’ day. Not in his face area. If we let him fuckin’ live, Charlotte don’t need to see. Cuz if she call Kendall and Kendall bring this to Megan, heads fuckin’ rollin’.

Cash grinned. “Got it.”

Brooks whimper-sobbed. Cash looked ready to beat him to a fucking pulp, but he followed Christopher’s orders and punched him twice, satisfied when Brooks vomited.

“Get Kyler here.” Christopher pulled out his cell phone. “I gotta call Megan and tell her don’t fuckin’ wait up for my ass.”

Johnnie manhandled Brooks to a seat. The attorney’s shoulders heaved, his eyes dull with pain and fear.

“You heard Christopher. Call him.”

He raised a resigned gaze. “What are you going to do to him?”

“You or fuckin’ him,” Christopher responded, all the answer he afforded, although it was easy to fill in the blanks.

“Kyler’s thirty-five-years-old. A father of three boys. My son-in-law,” he revealed. “You want to take him away?”

“He ain’t givin’ a fuck my ass got took from my girl and my kids.”

Leaving Brooks to make the call and forgetting his meal completely, Christopher led Cash and Johnnie to the other side of the bar.

“Get Mort back the fuck over here. Have fuckin’ Digger dig a grave.”

“You sure it shouldn’t be two?” Johnnie asked.

“One of them motherfuckers gotta stay alive to warn the other motherfuckers don’t fuck over us,” Outlaw pointed out.

“If Brooks turns up missing, Kendall will know immediately,” Cash pointed out, leaving Christopher’s promise to Megan unspoken.

Christopher turned to Johnnie. “Go to your bitch, John Boy. I’ll fuck up Kyler my-fuckin-self.”

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