Misfit (Death Dwellers MC #6) (29 page)

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A woman with ash blonde hair and expensive clothes greeted them with a smile. She grabbed Kendall’s hands and air-kissed each of her cheeks. “Kendall, darling.”

“Hi, Charlotte.” Kendall stepped aside and indicated Fee. “This is my good friend, Ophelia.”

Fee marched forward, unenthused about dining with a woman dripping with pretension and condescension. “Nice to meet you.”

Charlotte gave her the once over and then nodded. “You’re adorable. Kendall, she’s adorable.”

“I told her,” Kendall gushed. “She may not have Zoann’s looks, but she has such inner beauty.”

Fee scowled at Kendall’s profile. Both she and Charlotte were major snobs.

Charlotte stepped aside, forgetting Fee existed as she focused on Kendall. “Let’s catch up. Do come in.”

Inside, sunlight gleamed from the huge windows. Charlotte and Kendall’s heels clicked on the parquet floor, in complete contrast to the silence of Fee’s ballet flats. Her entire outfit showed their differences. Her laid-back, funky style included a lacy skater dress and jazzy accessories. In contrast, Kendall wore a pencil skirt, Valentino Garavani pumps, a silk blouse, and a lot of pearls.

Brands and labels were Kendall’s thing, another holdover from when she’d had a career, one she was trying to school Fee on.

Several ladders and drop cloths were scattered in the foyer and along the hallway. The further into the house they went, the stronger the scent of paint and turpentine grew. Despite obvious signs of remodeling, rich burgundy and forest green decorated the room they settled in. Everything smelled fresh and new, and the spectacular view of the mountain range stole Fee’s breath.

True to her word, Kendall allowed Fee a cosmo, but without the vodka and triple sec. If Kendall was elegant, Charlotte Redding was high society with perfect manners and impeccable taste.

“Last one,” Kendall announced, an hour later, accepting her second cosmo from a maid. “I can’t drink too much alcohol.”

“You’re a grown woman,” Charlotte chastised. “You can drink as much as you please.”

“Really, I’ve had enough.”

“I worry about you. So far, nothing we’ve come up with has worked.”

“I know, but I’m fine. I swear. I’m really happy with how my life is going.” Kendall’s face fell. “With the exception of not being at the law firm.”

Her mouth frozen in a smile, Charlotte glanced at Fee, then cleared her throat.  She patted Kendall’s hand. “Yes, well, who knows what opportunity will come your way? I hate to see you so unhappy, dear,” she clucked. “You know I don’t agree with what they’ve done to you. Johnnie should be ashamed of himself for forcing you on those pills.”

Fee stiffened at Charlotte’s inaccuracies. Knowing the truth, she couldn’t hold her tongue. “Johnnie doesn’t force Kendall to do anything.”

“I beg your pardon?”

Kendall glanced between the two of them. “She doesn’t mean anything by it, Charlotte. She’s Johnnie’s cousin, so, of course she’ll defend him. Don’t take it personally.”

“Mr. Donovan isn’t my concern. You are.” Charlotte sipped from her glass. “You’re just a shell of the woman you once were. You need to stand up for yourself.”

Seriously? If Kendall stood up for herself any more than she already did, war would break out.

“Johnnie gives me everything I want.” Kendall’s vehemence appeased Fee’s annoyance at Charlotte’s interference. “I love him.”

“Too much, if you ask me,” Charlotte retorted. “He didn’t support your decision to not take those pills during your pregnancy. He kept pressuring you. How is that love?”

“He loves me completely,” Kendall argued and heaved in a breath. “I took your advice and stopped my medicine weeks ago.”

Shit! Shit! Shit!

Everyone else took Kendall at face value. Christopher was the only one who didn’t believe she’d do as expected. Not taking her meds explained a lot of Kendall’s recent behavior.

However, the circumstances Fee found herself in—at Kendall’s mercy with her blackmail—now forced her silence. Fearing Kendall’s retribution made Fee unable to run to Christopher with the news he’d suspected all along.

“What about another baby?” Charlotte’s question captured Fee’s attention. “Have you discussed another child with him?”

“Kind of.” Kendall bowed her head. “I want twins and he’s refused to allow me the means to have that happen. Harvesting my eggs, then implanting two.”

“Twins?” Fee asked, confused. “Why twins?”

“I just want them.”

Charlotte lifted a brow. “He’s denying you that request?”

“He said I can get pregnant any time I want, but the natural way.”

“Oh, that man!” Charlotte said in disgust. “How can you stand a

“He’s so much more than a biker,” Kendall defended, too lost in the conversation to notice Fee’s glare.

“He’s a biker, Kendall,” Charlotte insisted. “Period. He should worship you for giving him the time of day, darling. Don’t sell yourself short. You’re just so miserable.” She pointed to her eyes. “Do you see the bags under them? All for you. I’ve lost sleep worrying about you. They subject you to all those people. Like that Roxy woman.”

“I like Roxy.”

“You have no one else at that place.”

“She has Meggie, Zoann, Bailey, and Bunny,” Fee told her. “She has me.”

?” Charlotte sneered. “The woman’s a nanny. What could Kendall possibly want with her? Besides, what are

Fee narrowed her eyes. “I beg your pardon?
qualifications are Kendall’s concern, not

“She has Rory and Matilda to think of. Well, Matilda. Rory’s a lost cause, thanks to his father.”

Outraged, Fee gasped. “Are you…who are you?”

“Enough, Fee,” Kendall demanded as Charlotte hissed, “Excuse me?”

“You’re putting crap in Kendall’s head that might lead to problems. What are you trying to do to her?”

“I’m trying to help her, not that it’s any of your business. No one in that miserable club notices how unhappy she is.”

“Kendall isn’t unhappy,” Fee shouted, shooting to her feet. “Oh my God, I’m so telling Johnnie about this.”

“There’s nothing to tell,” Charlotte told her with a sniff. “The conversation is between Kendall and I. If you want to keep your job, I suggest you forget what you heard today.”

Fury raced Fee’s blood and pounded her pulse in impotent anger. She couldn’t go to Christopher because of her big mouth, which was the height of irony. Neither could she quit because of Christopher
her big mouth.

“I’m not listening to this nonsense. I’ll wait for you in the car, Kendall.”

Nothing would make her stay in this house. She could wait three hours for Kendall for all she cared, as long as she wasn’t subjected to Charlotte’s snobbery a moment longer.

She was so upset with the afternoon, she almost forgot about Cash’s text. Once she settled in the car and opened the windows for air, she glanced at her phone and a light bulb went off.

Her text was simple.
I’ll be there.

Chapter Nineteen – Stretch/Cash



Stretch considered declining Cash’s texted invitation, then decided he had nothing better to do. At least, his pride said that. In reality, he missed Cash and Fee.

Over the weekend, Stretch had sent her a one-word text, not sure what to say or if she wanted to hear from him. He wasn’t Cash. Receiving a response from her surprised him. Not expecting one, he couldn’t get together a decent response to kickstart the conversation, so he’d just left it at that, hoping she’d continue.

Contacting her left him more vulnerable than when he called Cash. Stretch feared rejection. He
Cash and he didn’t feel like half the man he’d once been. The one who found confidence and value as a member of the club.

Wondering if Fee would be there also led Stretch to accept Cash’s invitation, as well as general curiosity. What could Cash possibly want with both Stretch and Fee? Another night of sex on his terms?

Enjoying the evening breeze, Stretch took the long route, to prepare himself for whatever lay ahead.

He found Cash in a chair with a beer and Fee on the sofa, drinking wine.

She startled at the sight of him. “You have a key?”

“Not anymore.” Within days, he’d walked in and interrupted Cash engaging in sex with another man and two women. He’d tossed the key back at him, and left. Not long after, he and Hanson had gotten cornered. “Einstein keeps his door unlocked when he’s expecting someone.” Sometimes when he
he kept his door unlocked. Cash was frivolous with everything, including his life. It frustrated Stretch to no end.

He didn’t want long-term with a man so cavalier. Yet, the thought of Cash with anyone else, cut deeply. That’s why Fee’s insertion into their relationship had felt like such a betrayal.

Stretch limped to the other end of the sofa, stopping long enough to swipe one of Cash’s beers.

“What are we doing here?” he asked, ignoring Cash’s dark look at having his alignment of beers screwed up. Empty versus full. Cash was anal about that.

Stretch twisted the top of his stolen beer, opening it with the tail of his shirt. As Cash stalked to the kitchen and returned with another unopened bottle, Stretch drank deeply, sighing at the cold goodness.

“I thought we could have dinner and talk,” Cash explained.


Fee’s suspicious look drew a chuckle from Stretch.

Cash lifted a brow and scratched at the damp, torn beer label. “Do I need a reason?”

“My guess is you’re ready to fuck us again. Is there some other reason?”

“Why don’t we eat?” Fee suggested at Stretch’s sarcasm. “We’ll be more reasonable on full stomachs.”

His pose casual, Cash got his cell phone out. “I’ll order something for us. I don’t feel like cooking.”

“Do you have anything to cook?” Fee stole the words out of Stretch’s mouth.

Cash wasn’t very domesticated. Fee and Stretch shared a grin. It felt good to have backup with Cash.

“I’m only here to party, so no,” Cash answered.

“Order in,” she agreed. “In a few days I want you two to come to my apartment. We can prepare a meal together.”

“It’s a date.” Cash looked at Stretch. “What about you?”

“Sure. Why not?”

“What should we eat? Sandwiches? Pizza? Chow Mein?”

“Pizza,” Stretch and Fee chorused, once again grinning at each other, searching for their footing around one another, without involving sex.

“I make a delicious barbeque chicken pizza,” Fee said, after Cash placed their order. “Spicy, too. Roxy taught me and Kendall how to do it. She makes her dough from scratch, though. I don’t know how to and neither does Kendall.”

Cash snorted. “Kendall, huh? So you’ve forgiven her and you two are besties now?”

“I don’t know how to feel about her.”

Stretch clenched his jaw, aware of what the fuck
felt toward Kendall.
Maybe, repulsion. “Being under Kendall’s thumb isn’t fun.”

Fee sipped her wine. “Kendall was cool. I…well…I still like her. She’s misguided and takes getting used to.”

“No shit,” Stretch grumbled.

“Another reason I asked you two over tonight,” Cash admitted. “I’ve had several days to cool off and I wanted to apologize for blowing up as I did.”

Several things hit Stretch. One, Cash hadn’t contacted Fee either. Two, Cash hadn’t invited Stretch over without Fee, although
hadn’t done anything. And, three, Cash was apologizing.

“Fuck, is the world ending?”

Fee smiled at Stretch’s sarcasm and Cash’s glare.

“I have no idea why you thought it was a good idea to confide our business to Kendall,” he continued without responding to Stretch, “but I’m sure you were unaware of what she does.”

“Actually, Christopher warned me not to trust her. I didn’t listen. The more time I spent in Kendall’s company, the more she seemed like a misfit. Misunderstood. Misled. Misguided. Misjudged. I’ve been in her shoes. Once she reached out to me, I accepted her offer of friendship and ignored both her rumored misdeeds and her alleged misconduct.”

Stretch, too, felt like a misfit, brought on by his physical deformities, scarred face, and the stress of his past. Outlaw needed him to be on his Ps and Qs, but he was afraid he’d never feel secure or have peace again. He’d felt for Kendall at one time, but she’d insulted him once too much, so he’d left her alone. He wished Fee would’ve heeded Outlaw’s warning, instead of learning about Kendall the hard way. “Fee,” he started, searching for a way to ease her guilt when nothing appeased his own for all that had happened, “don’t beat up on yourself too much. We all have Kendall stories.”

“Yeah, babe, and we’re all in the same boat with this one,” Cash said. “Kendall has us over a barrel. If one of us falls, she’ll take us all down.”

“Besides,” Stretch added, “if she wouldn’t have burned you with this, she would’ve done something else.”

“She told me it must be hard living in Zoann’s shadow.” Fee released a sigh and emptied her glass of wine. “She really didn’t have to point out I’m not as pretty as my sister.”

Stretch searched Fee’s face for signs that Kendall’s stupid, thoughtless statements had hurt her in any way. Bemusement glinted in her brown eyes. Other than that, she seemed unaffected, and as beautiful as always. High cheekbones accentuated her delicate facial bones and button nose. He couldn’t imagine what Kendall meant. Fee was very pretty. “She needs to take a class on diplomacy.”  Amongst other things.

“I still like her,” Fee admitted, looking between him and Cash. “Don’t stare at me like my nose has suddenly become a third boob.
gave her the ammunition she needed to use me to her advantage. While I hate her tactics, we’d all come out swinging if backed into a corner.”

“Backed into a corner?” Cash echoed. “Are you fucking kidding me? She deserves to be right where she is. Away from Brooks fucking Redding.”

“I know, but I feel so sorry for her,” Fee repeated. “She’s really sweet when she wants to be.”

“Key phrase,” Stretch grumbled. “
When she wants to be.” Hardly ever
, he added to himself.

“I stay far away from her, so I’m not caught in her crosshairs,” Cash said. “She’s caused a lot of shit. She loves to get into mischief.”

“She’s just bored,” Fee defended. “She has nothing to do anymore.”

“Her own fault,” Cash snapped. “She almost got Val and Outlaw killed.”

Stretch snorted. “What about her own damn self? She was kidnapped too, for having such a hard fucking head.”

“Come on, guys. She isn’t here to defend herself. Lighten up.”

Cash drank more beer. “Fuck her. She’s blackmailing
of us.”

Fee’s lower lip trembled. “I just wanted a friend again. To move forward with my life. I’ve just been stuck, not knowing which way to turn. All my old friends…I look at them and…my life has a clear line drawn.”

“Before and after,” Stretch inserted, surprised at how much he understood her. Maybe, everyone who suffered trauma divided their lives in such a manner.

She nodded. “Yes.”

Their gazes met and collided, before her eyes widened, as if she realized the importance of his understanding. She wasn’t alone anymore. She had someone to identify with. Someone who wouldn’t judge her as she sought to restructure her life.

It startled Stretch to realize he had the same in her. The revelation soothed something inside him, and he no longer felt so isolated.

“Has something happened to you, Cash, where suddenly your world is based on before that time and after?”

“Don’t we all have such instances?” he responded. “I have several befores and afters. Yesterday is gone, so what good does it do to dwell upon it?”

“It doesn’t,” she whispered. “Kendall has gone through a lot and that affected her. How she views life. That’s why I don’t fully buy into how everyone sees her.”

Cash’s look softened. “We’re just telling you like it is.”

“That Kendall’s a bitch,” Stretch added.

“Underneath it all, she’s just a girl,” Fee countered without censure.

“Fee, darlin’, be careful,” Cash insisted, that hint of a Texas drawl firing up Stretch’s blood. “You haven’t seen the worst of her, as bad as the shit she’s doing is.”

“Cash is right.” Stretch forced himself back to the conversation, unsure how Fee would respond if he started sending signals to Cash. Despite their tenuous steps, he didn’t know if he wanted Fee with them. It had been days since he and Cash had made love and his body flushed at the thought of Cash’s hands on him.

Ignoring his growing desire, Stretch decided to play devil’s advocate. If Fee liked Kendall, despite everything, then someone had to find a way to stop her bullshit. “Kendall isn’t comprehending her actions. Meggie will know how to fix this.”

“I don’t know,” Fee hedged. “Meggie might go to Christopher. He’d go to Kendall and she’d reveal our relationship. This is extremely serious.”

“Pull Johnnie aside and tell him.” One thing about Outlaw and Johnnie, if their women spoke, they listened, be it wives, sisters, or cousins. Johnnie might not believe Stretch without proof but he’d believe Fee on her word alone. “Leave Meggie out of it for now.”

“Agreed. John Boy should know about his wife,” Cash added.

“Tell Johnnie,” Stretch said firmly.

Fee bit her lip. “Will that cause problems for you two?”

“Probably.” According to Kendall, at least. Johnnie wouldn’t want Fee with him and Cash, any more than Outlaw would. But something had to be done. Now that Kendall had something on them, she’d use it to her advantage for as long as she lived.

The club might’ve been experiencing a new, laid-back Outlaw, but Stretch was sure he’d revert back to the bad-tempered killer, if he discovered all the lies and backstabbing. That meant not only him and Cash dying but Kendall, too.

Maybe, she should. If she didn’t risk herself and Johnnie, she risked the entire club. Stretch foresaw years of her bullshit. Protecting her shouldn’t be the smallest consideration. Yet, Johnnie loved her, and her death at Outlaw’s hands would create pure chaos.

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