Mail Order Bride: Journey's End: A Mail Order Brides Western Romance (Love On The Line Book 2) (3 page)

BOOK: Mail Order Bride: Journey's End: A Mail Order Brides Western Romance (Love On The Line Book 2)
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Chapter 5

Elizabet threw herself into Tom's embrace and held him as tight as she could, feeling him try to peel her away and ask what her what had happened, she ignored him and kept holding tightly. Waiting until she felt safe and secure, she took her head away from his chest and looked into his eyes. Now able to talk about their ordeal, Alice got there before her. "It was Charles—he had us snatched off the street."

Looking to Alice for a second, Tom turned back to Elizabet and asked. "He did what?"

"We set out early this morning, I wanted to get Alice a little keepsake—then there was this little kid and-"

Tom let her go. "I'll going to kill him. Where is he?"

"Please Tom, I don't want you to get hurt," Elizabet begged and held tight to his arm.

"I'm sorry, Elizabet, but that man's going to pay for what-"

"She's right Tom."

Elizabet watched as John came over and put a hand on his brother's shoulder. "I know what you're like, let me get the local law-"

Tom took his brothers hand away. "I'm sorry, John. But I won't rest until that scum—who the hell does he think he is coming here-"

Seeing him angry and fearing that he'd do something foolish, Elizabet grabbed his face and muffled him with a kiss. Kissing him hard and not letting him go, she felt his tense body relax a little. Lifting her head away, she said, "Don't, Tom. Listen to John, he's probably on the run now-"

"But Elizabet-"

Elizabet held his head in her hands and looked deep into his eyes. "He's lost, Tom. He knows he'll never have me-"

"Plus if you hurry up and marry her, she won't be a single woman anymore."

Elizabet turned to Alice and smiled. Turning back to Tom she added, "She's right—unless you'd rather run around the city instead of marry me."

"But, Elizabet, I need to-"

Leaning in close to his ear, she whispered into it. "There's only one thing you need to do Tom. Marry me and then take me to bed." Looking at his face, she could see a flicker of a smile start to grow. Not giving him a chance to argue she leaned in again and whispered. "I'd rather you saved all your energy for that." Leaning back to see his expression she was relieved to see him smirking.

"You little madam. I could-"

"Hurry up and you can-"

"Alright I've heard enough. I don't know about you John, but the sexual tension in this room is unbearable," Alice interrupted.

Now laughing along with her, Tom had his shoulder slapped by his brother. "Well, are we having this wedding, or not?"

"You think we can get the preacher back, it is a bit late?" Tom asked.

John smiled. "I think if I raise that donation he's been asking for, I think he'll drop what he's doing."

"That's settled then?" Tom said. "So, Elizabet, fancy getting married under the stars?"

"What do you think?" Elizabet smiled.

"Right!" John slapped his hands together. "That's that settled. Ladies if you'd like to pack your things. We better get a move on, I don't know about Tom, but I'd rather you were safely back at our house in the countryside. You can do all you need to do there. I know you'll probably want a hot wash after what you've both be through." Grabbing Tom by the arm, he pulled him toward the door. "Now let's leave these ladies to get themselves organized."

"I'll be just outside the door-" Tom said.

Pushing him out the door, John closed the door on him and turned back. "Thanks, Elizabet."

"For what?"

"For earlier. I was afraid he'd so something stupid, I know what he's like when angered."

"You're welcome, you know I-."

"Shush. I understand. You're good with him, you know that. He picked a good woman."

Elizabet felt her face flush a little. "Thank you."

Nodding his head to her, John then turned to Alice and asked. "Are you any good with kids, Alice?"

Elizabet smiled as her friend stammered over her words. "Well, I—yes, why?"

"Let's just say, there's a little girl who appointed herself as flower girl. You don't mind if she helps you out with the ceremony, do you?"

"No. No, that would be great, John."

Closing the door and leaving them to themselves, Elizabet couldn't help but mock her friend. Putting her hands to her chest, she fluttered her eye lids at her. "Yes, John. I'd love to, John." Ducking her head to avoid a flying pillow, Elizabet laughed. “You'll have to do better than that.”

“I missed on purpose,” Alice said.

“Let's hope cupid has a better aim than you have,” Elizabet smiled.

Chapter 6

"Pinch me."

"What?" Elizabet asked, before screaming out and rubbing her leg. "What was that for?"

"You are seeing this aren't you? I mean, we both can't be dreaming, can we?" Alice asked.

Saying nothing in response, Elizabet leaned out of her side of the carriage and took in the enormous house that loomed before them. Although hard to make out in the dying light of the day, its silhouette gave away its huge size.

"Impressive isn't it?"

Turning to John, Elizabet saw him smile back at her. "You're not the first to be overawed by it. But you'll get used to it."

"It's gorgeous-"

"Gorgeous, it's as big as a palace-" Alice interrupted. "This place must have cost a fortune."

"You'd think that, but you'd be surprised at the price of land outside the city, Alice. You also have to remember that my father built this home twenty years ago…"


Ignoring the conversation between the two, Elizabet took in the view of Tom's family home and subconsciously rubbed the spot Alice had pinched earlier. Feeling the spot still sore, she knew she wasn't dreaming, but it still felt like a dream. In a few hours from now, this would be her new address. Even in her wildest dreams, the sights around her were beyond anything that she could have ever imagined. Feeling like the princess from one of her father's bedtime stories, she felt her heart sadden a little at his loss. If only he was here to see what she'd become. Feeling a little sad that he wasn't here to give her away, she heard John ask.

"You OK?"

"Yes, fine. Just thinking about my dad."

"I understand. Maybe he's up there with my own," John said and laughed. "I'd love to see his face on hearing that Tom is getting married. You know he'd given all hope-"

"On what?" Elizabet jumped at finding Tom hanging off her side of the carriage. Leaning in to give her a quick peck on the cheek, he asked again. "On what?"

"Dad—seeing you settle down," Tom added, "You know—you being a lost cause."

Tom cast his eyes skyward.

"Well? Have you got things organized?" John asked. "I better rephrase that. Tom, did you-?"

"Me? You still think I'm that little boy you always took care of, don't you?"

"So you left it to Mum and May then," John asked and shook his head on seeing Tom grin. Turning to Elizabet he asked, "You sure you still want to marry this layabout?"

Elizabet looked to the face beside her and said, "I do."

"See," Tom smirked.

Feeling their carriage slow, Elizabet watched Tom jump off and join up with a small reception group at the front steps of the house. Running up and taking an older woman's hand, he led the group toward the carriage. Moving back to allow John open the door and climb down, Elizabet took his hand and was helped down. Feeling her hand shake a little in his, he leaned in and whispered. "Relax, you'll be fine. She might look fierce, but she doesn't bite."


"Now you, Alice."

Moving aside and watching him help Alice down, Elizabet turned on hearing her name mentioned.

"Mother, this is, Elizabet," Tom said.

Elizabet froze and tried to find the right greeting. "Mrs Winston."

"So this is the famous, Elizabet. I've heard so much about you," the woman remarked and took her hand.

Elizabet felt her face blush. "Nothing bad I hope."

"You've had quite an adventure since you've come to San Francisco."

"A little, yes."

"Well, you're safe now Elizabet. We've got an associate of John's tracking down that horrid man as we speak."

"Thank you."

"And you must be Alice."

Elizabet turned as her friend came forward. Watching them exchange pleasantry's the whole group turned on hearing a child cry out.


Coming down the stairs, Elizabet watched a little girl who she presumed was Amy pulling an older lady in tow. Looking as excited as any little girl could on seeing her father, Elizabet watched John picked her up and look her over.

"You look beautiful, button."

"Oh father, is it true, Tom's getting married tonight?"

John nodded his head. "Are you sure you're not too tired to be flower girl? I mean if you, are we could get someone else to do it."

"No. No. May and I were practicing what to do and I—which one's Elizabet?"

John took the little girl over and asked her. "Which one do you think it is?"

Elizabet smiled as the child looked them over. Giving away a hint of her identity by side-ward nod from Alice, she watched her burst out in a grin and had her hand grabbed. "That's easy, she's Elizabet."

Elizabet took her hand and shook it, "It's a pleasure to meet you Amy." Crouching down to her, she added, "And thanks for staying up so late so Tom and I can get married. After all, the flower girl is the most important part of a wedding." Watching the child grin on hearing this, Elizabet heard Tom's mother call them all inside for tea. About to get back up to join them, Amy blurted out.

"Elizabet. Anna, said I can't go into the back room because of all the lit candl-"

Not allowed to finish off her sentence, John held his hand over her mouth and added. "She's not one for keeping secrets, are you Amy?" Elizabet smiled as Amy shook her head under her father's hand. "How about, you say a quick hello to Elizabet's friend, Alice?"  Nodding her head once more, he put her down and watched her run off to Alice. "She doesn't know about us. I never mentioned it to her."

Elizabet nodded. "I'm glad, she seems a sweet girl. I'd hate to think that I'd-"

John shook his head. "Forget it. As I said before, you and Tom were meant to be. Anyway, at least she'll have you as an aunt-"

"Alice, are you married? Because my dad-"

Seeing the shocked look on John's face, Elizabet watched him gag Amy once more and apologize to Alice. Nodding to them both, he made a quick escape with his daughter under his arm.


Turning to Alice, Elizabet laughed at her friend's discomfort. Linking her arm in Alice's and walking her toward the front door, she leaned in and asked. "So what's your answer, Alice? Would you like to marry John?" Hearing nothing in response, she laughed as Alice's face blushed once more.



Although given a warning about what to expect by Amy, Elizabet still found herself dumbfounded at what lay before her. Linking Alice's arm in her own, she looked to her friend to see if she was seeing it too. Wiping away a tear, she watched Alice do the same. Spread out before them, a candle lit path guided a way to a large tree in the rear garden. Like the grass, it too was illuminated by an array of paper lanterns that swung gently in the warm night breeze. Looking down from there, Elizabet found a grinning Tom and wedding party waiting.

"You OK?" Alice asked. "Because if you want to go home, we can always…"

Elizabet smiled and rubbed her friend's hand. Looking to the man she was about to marry, Elizabet felt for once in her life that she was home. Thinking that there'd never be anything as solid an anchor in her life as her father's shop, she now knew she had it in Tom and his family. Afraid of how Tom's mother would perceive her, Elizabet was relieved that she was welcomed with open arms. Taken by the arm and shown off to family and friends, the woman had gushed about how she was happy that her son was home and settling down. Not told about what had kept them apart, Elizabet was happy that she'd played some small part in their reunion. Told numerous times by both family and friends that they couldn't believe that Tom was settling down, she smiled wondering what he'd been up to before she'd met him. Looking at the roguish face that kept her held in its gaze, she wondered what secrets lay behind that smile.

"Are you going to stand there just grinning?"

Elizabet turned to her. "Huh?"

Cocking her head in Amy's direction, Elizabet watched as her flower girl had already gone on ahead of them and was sprinkling a path of petals in her wake. Taking that as her cue to move, she and Alice walked quickly in a bid to catch up with the child.


Getting there just in time, Tom took Alice's place and took hold of Elizabet's arm. Leaning in, he whispered into her ear. "Thought you were having second thoughts for a moment."

"No, Tom. It's the candles, it's beautiful, how did you-?"

"Not just a good looking face, Elizabet," Tom grinned.

Seeing him dressed in his best suit, Elizabet had to agree with what he's said. Looking over his handsome face and boyish grin, she found herself lost in his eyes once more. Hearing the pastor cough for attention, she heard a few chuckles from the wedding party behind her and turned to face him. Feeling her face flush, she smiled to the pastor as he nodded and smiled in return.

"Are you sure you want to do this?" he asked.

"Don't listen to him, Elizabet, he's only pulling your leg. Still hasn't forgiven me for the window I broke in his church."

"Stained glass, it was."

Turning to Elizabet the pastor put his hand on hers. "Don't mind us, it's a long standing joke."

Elizabet let out a sigh of relief. "Thank God for that."

"Indeed," the pastor replied and opened his bible. Looking up from it after composing himself, he started, "We are gathered here today to celebrate the very special love between Elizabet and Tom, by joining them in marriage…."




"I'm so happy for you," Alice said and toasted her friend with her glass. "Here's to many happy years between you and Tom."

"Thank you," Elizabet grinned. "And here's to your little endeavor."

Alice shook her head, "Mine. It was a nice idea, but I don't think so. I don't think John's interested in me."

Elizabet put her champagne glass on a nearby table. "You're joking me, right? The way I saw you two talking, I'd say you've got a lot more in common than you think."

"You think so?"

Elizabet looked around the room for Tom. Seeing him in a discussion with his mother, she waved to him to come join her. Watching as he excused himself, he walked quickly to her and leaned in close to her ear. "Can't wait any longer, want to ravish me now?"

"Soon. But that's not why I called you over-"

"Urgh. Because I thought that-"

"Tell her, Tom."

Looking confused Tom looked around the room. "Tell who, what?"

"Alice, she doesn't think John's interested in her."

Tom looked to Alice. "Oh right. Well, I'm not one to put words in his mouth, but from what I saw he looked happy in your company. Plus he was laughing a lot that's always a good sign-"

Elizabet nodded. "See. Stick in there, Alice. I know you're the right woman for him."

"Now wife, I don't know about you, but I've come over with a sudden tiredness…"

Smiling to Alice, Elizabet replied. "That's a shame. Why don't you go on up without me. I know it's past your bedtime." Seeing the look on his face, she smirked as he leaned in to whisper in her ear.

"That's not what I meant, you know I was talking about…"

"I thought you were too tired?"

Elizabet watched Alice throw her eyes skyward. "I can't watch anymore of this." Reaching over she patted Tom on the cheek. "You take good care of her, you hear me?"

"I will."

"And you Mrs. Come here." Holding her arms out, Elizabet found herself swallowed up in a hug. Pulling away, Alice added. "You have a lovely honeymoon, and I'll see you when you get back."

Pulled away by Tom, Elizabet grinned. "I will. And you remember what I said, stick in there." Watching Alice nod, she turned to him and asked. "Not tired anymore, Tom?"

Seeing the grin on his face and feeling her own body yearn to be with his, she knew neither of them was going to get much sleep that night.

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