Mail Order Bride: Journey's End: A Mail Order Brides Western Romance (Love On The Line Book 2) (4 page)

BOOK: Mail Order Bride: Journey's End: A Mail Order Brides Western Romance (Love On The Line Book 2)
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Chapter 7

Alice fought back a yawn as she walked down the spiral staircase that led to the ground floor. Taking a moment to look at what she presumed was a long lost ancestor in a painting beside her, she heard John call her name. Seeing him lean into view at the bottom of the stairs he beckoned her to join him. Surprised to hear him speak in such a way, she felt her heart skip a beat and remembered what Tom had said. Meeting her at the bottom of the stairs he held out his hand and led her to a nearby room. Entering the room in confusion, she found him say, "I'm glad I caught you on your own, there's something I need to ask you."

Not knowing what he was about to say next, her mind went to the only conclusion it could. Putting a finger to his mouth, she said, "John, if you're asking me if I'd like to marry…" Seeing him look to the finger on his lips and then to her she stopped herself. Stepping back as quickly as she could, Alice stared at the carpet at her feet. Looking at it intently and wishing the ground would open up and swallow her, she heard him give an embarrassed cough before speaking again.

"Ahem. What I was wondering was if you'd help Mr Ash---the gentleman behind you."

Spinning around, Alice found a man stand up from a chair behind her and bow his head. Feeling like she wasn't ever going to recover from what she'd just done, she found herself mouthing the words. "Mr Ash?"

Holding the brim of his hat the stranger nodded his head. "Good morning Madam."

Looking back to John, she asked, "I don't understand…?"

"Mr Ash works for me and the railroad from time to time. He's works for the Pinkerton detective agency." Still confused, John reached over to touch her arm. "No. It's nothing to do with you, Alice. I've hired Mr Ash to track down Charles. I didn't want to involve Elizabet—you know the day after their wedding day and all—you understand."

Alice nodded.

"What I'd like is if you'd give Mr Ash here a good description of what Charles looks like. He's a very good artist. He can pass the picture on to his men and circulate it around. Charles won't get away with what he did to you." Touching her arm once more, he added, "I'll leave you two to talk."


Still trying to come to terms with the fool she's made of herself, Alice watched with relief as he walked out and left them alone. Wondering how she was ever going to recover from her mistake, she tried her best to put the matter to the back of her mind. Promising herself that she was going to leave as soon as she could, Alice tried to focus her mind on helping to catch Charles.



Hearing a knock on the door, Alice looked to it. "Come in!" Watching it open she found Amy come in towing her father by the hand.

"See, I told you," Amy said, "I told you she was leaving."

Turning her attention back to her suitcase, Alice pressed her down on its contents until she could close its lid over. Ignoring John's gaze as best she could, she got to work with its fasteners. Once done and happy that it was sealed, she looked to him. "There's not much point in me hanging around."

John looked to his daughter and asked, "Amy, could you give me and Alice a moment?"

"Please make her stay, father."

Saying nothing, John nodded to the door and opened it. Waiting until Amy had left, he closed it behind her and held the knob. "If it's about earlier-"

"That was my stupid fault, John. I shouldn't have thought that someone like you-"

"Alice, please."

Alice picked her case off the bed and went to a nearby chair. Picking up her coat she hung it over her arm and made her way to the door. Finding him blocking her path she nodded to the door. "John, you're in my way."

"Please stay, Alice."

Alice ignored him and tried to push her way past. Finding his hand still on the knob, she found him shake his head.


"John, please. There's nothing for me here-"

"What do you mean by that?"

"With Elizabet married, there's not a lot of reasons for me being here-"

John asked, "And what about Charles?"

"We all know he only wanted Elizabet, John. I was just in the wrong place at the wrong time. Story of my life…"

"Please. Just for a few days. Until we round him up. I wouldn't like to think of you back in the city on your own-"

Alice looked him in the eye. "I'm a big girl, I'll be fine."

"What about, Amy, then? She's really taken by you."

Seeing him smile as he said this, Alice shook her head and smiled. "That's low. Using your daughter to blackmail me."

"Is it working?"

Alice looked to the floor and pretended to think it over. The last thing she wanted to do was make him think he could beat her so easily. Lifting her head up, she replied. "Alright. Until Charles gets caught, but not a day longer."

"Alright—and thank you. I'd hate to see anything happen to you." Opening the door, they found Amy listening on the other side of the door. "Well? You heard enough?" he asked.

"Yes!" Amy exclaimed, running into the room.

"Alright then, now go help Alice unpack.—And Alice?"

Alice fought against the child's arms that threatened to topple her over. "Yes?"

"If you're not busy—I was wondering if you'd join me for dinner tonight-"

"And me?" Amy asked.

"You too, button," John said and ruffled her hair. "I've got a few things to sort out at the office. How does six sound?"

Putting her case on the bed and re-opening it, Alice looked up. "Fine with me."

"And me too," Amy beamed.

"Alright then, six o clock it is. And I want you in your best clothes, Amy, we're going out in style.”


Chapter 8

As he'd promised, John turned up to collect them at exactly six o'clock. Watching the carriage slow down on the driveways gravel path, she watched John jump down before it slowed. Marveling at their ride for the night, she asked. "Where's the other carriage?"

John waved the comment away. "That old thing. That's only for commuting in and out of the city. No, tonight I thought we'd travel in style. It's been a while since this thing's been on the road. You like it?"

"It's very pretty."

"That's what Kate used to say."

Hearing the name and knowing how much John cared for his dead wife, Alice didn't know how to reply. Standing in an awkward silence she was glad when he broke it and came bounding up the steps. Taking them both by the hand he asked.

"Who here's, hungry?"

Seeing him try to lighten the mood she thought she'd join him. "Hungry? There's no one here by that name. Do you know anyone called hungry, Amy?"


"Me neither. I'm afraid you've got the wrong place mister. Maybe if you try the house down the road-"

"That's a shame because I've got a table booked at the Glasshouse."

Hearing Amy cheer and then break free of her father's grip, they watched her climb aboard the carriage and beckon them to hurry up.

"Seems to be a hit with her."

"You ever been there, Alice?"

Alice shook her head.

"It's a beautiful place, has a wall of glass that overlooks the whole bay. I know you'll love it."

"You know you don't have to do this…"

"Do what?"

Alice looked to the ground for a moment before looking up. "This. Taking me out like this, you don't have to make up for-"

John held up his hand. "I do. Not just for you, but also for me. To tell you the truth, I've been neglecting Amy a lot lately, not intentionally, but because of work and things. And well, seeing my brother happy and all, it got me thinking. You know it's been a long time since I've had some fun…"

"So this isn't some sad apology type dinner?"

John shook his head.

"Come on, you two!"

"Looks like someone's in a hurry." Alice said, looking to Amy. Turning back to John she added, "Alright, but if I'm not having fun I'm going home, you hear me?"

John held out his hand to shake and replied. "And if I'm not, I'm sending you home. Deal?"

Alice took his hand and shook it. "Deal."

"Well come on then, let's go have some fun."



"So what did you think?" John asked.

Alice dabbed her napkin to her mouth and smiled. "It was gorgeous. Best meal I've had in a long time."

"I don't have to ask about you," John turned to his daughter and mopped a gravy stain off her chin. "Dribbler."

"Father, please," she protested and pushed his hand away. "I'm not a baby."

John pinched her cheek and laughed. "You'll always be my baby." Shaking his head, he turned to Alice. "It's scary how quickly she's growing up. I turn my back on her for a second and she's grown so big." Holding the stem of his wine glass he played with it. "Losing my father made me aware of how short life is. I don't want to make that mistake any longer—now that Tom's home we can share the workload and I can spend more quality time with Amy."

"Things tough at work?" Alice asked.

"You could say that. With the way the city's population is exploding, and the past few months train robberies, it's all been adding up," John said and took a drink from his glass. "I'm beginning to feel like one of those carnival performers spinning plates. At the moment I'm barely keeping up with them."

Alice nodded her head.

"With Tom back, and now settled, thank God," John said and played with his wine glass once more. "I honestly don't know how my father coped with it all." Stretching back in his chair, he took in his surroundings. "You know it's been a long time since I've been out like this…"

"Because of…?" Alice asked, not wanting to say her name in front of Amy.

John nodded, "It was a shock to all of losing her. I threw myself into my work to numb the pain." Turning to Amy he said. "Seeing as you're finished your dinner, Amy, why don't you go check out the fish tank. You've been looking at it long enough."

Seeing the child grin and leave without another word, Alice watched her go to the restaurants tank and look over the live fish and lobsters inside it.

"She's a good kid," John said. "I thought looking for a mail order bride was the answer to all our problems."

Feeling awkward listening to him talk about his love life, Alice tried to move the subject on. "We don't have to talk about this—I thought we were here to have fun?"

"We are, but I just thought I better give you a reply to that thing you were talking about this morning-"

Alice cringed. "Please John, don't."

"Let me reply. Seeing the mistake I almost made with Elizabet, it made me realize that I've got more to think about than just me." Turning his head in Amy's direction, he added, "I also have to think of her happiness."

"I understand, we don't need to talk about it ever again," Alice said and grabbed her wine glass. Taking a large mouthful she gulped it down. "As I said, once Charles is gone, so am I."

John shook his head. "No, you don't understand. I didn't dismiss what you said. I'm very fond of you Alice." Reaching across the table he put his hand on hers. "I just want to take my time getting to know you, that's all."

Alice looked to his hand and struggled to find the right reply.

"Unless maybe you've changed your mind?"

"Huh, no, no, you're gorgeous," Alice said and closed her eyes on hearing what she'd said. Not opening them, she asked. "I didn't say that old loud, did I?"

"You did."

"Oh God, I'm sorry John. I think that wine's gone to my head." Opening her eyes she saw him grin. "What?"

"You think I'm gorgeous."

"I never said that."

John patted her hand. "But you did."

"It was the wine."

"Fibber," John said.

Seeing Amy come back and take her seat, Alice was relived of the distraction and asked. "So, have fun?"

"Not really," Amy pouted. "You know they eat them?"

"Eat who?" John asked.

"The fish," Amy pointed to the tank. "A waiter came over and took one out. When I asked what he was doing, he said he was taking it to the kitchen for the chef."

"Oh," John said. "I think maybe it's time we got you back for bed, what do you think, Alice?"

"Maybe a good idea, I'm feeling a little tired myself."

Calling for the waiter, John asked. "How about we go to Woodward's Gardens this weekend, Amy?"

"And Alice?"

"I was including Alice, unless she's got plans?" John asked. "You got any plans for this weekend, Alice?"

"Well, no. But I wouldn't want to-" Alice said.

"That's settled then," John said and paid for their meal. "Unless you don't want to spend the day with a gorgeous father and his daughter."

"I told you it was the wine."



Closing Amy's bedroom door softly for fear of waking her, Alice found John standing outside waiting.


"Out like a light. I'd only gotten halfway through her book before she nodded off."

"Thanks. I think being up late last night with the wedding tuckered her out," John said. "I know I said it before, but you're good with her."

Alice shrugged her shoulders. "Kids just seem to take to me for some reason."

John nodded and smiled. "Can I ask you something? Now if it sounds silly tell me-"

"What?" Alice asked.

"How would you like work as Alice's governess?"

"Me a governess? I don't know, John, I don't have the experien-"

"Why not, I'm in need of one at the moment. Plus you and her get on like a house on fire."

"I don't know-"

John walked over and took her hand. "Look I'll be honest, it's not just for her sake. I'd really like to get to know you." Bending in close, he kissed her on the cheek. "Think it over."

Leaving it at that, he bid her good night and left her alone in the hallway. Watching him walk away, Alice put her hand to the spot his lips had touched. Feeling a warm glow inside her, she knew what her answer was going to be. 

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