Mail Order Bride: Journey's End: A Mail Order Brides Western Romance (Love On The Line Book 2) (6 page)

BOOK: Mail Order Bride: Journey's End: A Mail Order Brides Western Romance (Love On The Line Book 2)
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Chapter 11

Alice stiffened as she knocked the door. Hearing the footsteps on the other side, she watched John open it.



Opening the door of the room open, Alice entered and stood awkwardly in the middle of the room. On the verge of opening her mouth, John directed her to a chair in front of a large writing desk. Taking her seat, she watched him stand behind his own and hold onto the back of it. Seeing his knuckles whiten she watched him compose himself before beginning. "Before you say anything, Alice. I want to apologize for last night, I should have knocked instead of storming into your room like that. I just heard you screaming and-"

"It should be me apologizing to you John," Alice interrupted. "I'm embarrassed at the way I lashed out. You didn't deserve it. I'm sorry. All day I've been trying to come up with the right words to-"

"Me too," John smiled and shook his head. "A fine pair we are—let's put this all behind us. Agreed?"


John pulled out his chair and sat down. Still looking a little lost for words, Alice thought she'd help him out and broke the silence. "So, I heard about Charles."

"You did? I'm sorry I should have told you. It was just that after-"

"You were afraid to call on the crazy woman?" Seeing him laugh, she continued. "Couldn't blame you giving me a wide berth. I don't know what you must have thought of me."

"So—how did you find out?"

"Amy," Alice said and watched him look to the ceiling.

Shaking his head, John said. "The little madam. I warned her about eavesdropping."

"Don't be mad at her, she told me by accident. Please. She thought she was helping me. So where did they find him?"

"Boarding a train for New York under a different name. You know he was using Elizabet's father's name?"

"Wait till Elizabet hears that," Alice said. "But I don't understand, how did they…?"

"The sketch you and Mr. Ash worked on," John said. "Right now he's in custody. He'll be appearing in front of a magistrate in a few days. I'd imagine your kidnapping will give him a lengthy session."

"If it sticks," Alice said, remembering that neither she nor Elizabet had seen him involved in their kidnapping. "I've got a suspicion he'll wriggle out of it."

John asked. "You think so?"

"Scum like that always seems to have luck on their side. Plus he knows the law better than either of us, he'll find some way out of it."

John put his chin in his hand and looked out the window as if in deep thought. Not breaking his stare, he muttered to himself, "If that happens, there's no telling what Tom will do."

"There's something else, John, I'm leaving."

John turned with a confused look on his face. "You're what?"

"I think it's time I did-"

Leaning forward in his seat, he said, "But you can't. What if Charles does get out like you said? I thought you wanted…"

Alice looked to her lap for a second before looking up again. "What I want and what I can have, are two different things, John. I can't stay here. I know it wouldn't be right for either of us."

John sat back in his chair and shook his head. "I don't understand, last night you and I-"

"I'm sorry, John, I know it wouldn't work out-"

"Did someone say something to you?"

Alice shook her head and looked to her lap. "No."

"Well, what happened? Last night you and I-"

"Please John, I've made my decision." Alice said, avoiding his gaze.

"Can I ask you something," John said. "And I want you to look me in the eye when you answer me..."

Lifting her head, Alice gazed at the man she wanted so much and tried to keep her emotions in check. It didn't work for long. Feeling a tear break free, she tried to wipe it away as quickly as it emerged. Seeing him hurry around from his side of the desk, Alice tried to hold him at bay. "John, please, don't."

"Oh, Alice, what is it?" John asked kneeling down to take hold of her hands. "What's wrong? Please I want to help."

Fighting back the tears that showed no sign of ending, Alice kept silent before blurting out. "You can't, it's too late."

Leaving her for a few seconds, John returned with a glass. "Here, take this, it might help."

Taking the glass, Alice drank it down quickly and felt the burning sensation of whiskey making its way to her stomach. Cringing at its bitter taste, she looked him over. "My God!"

"Neat whiskey, I thought it might help?"

Fanning her tongue with her hand, Alice said, "What, put me in hospital? You could have warned me."

Seeing him smile, Alice handed the empty glass back and watched him put it back on the desk. Giving her his attention again, he took out a handkerchief and handed it over.

"Alice, whatever you might think of me, good or bad. I hope you can look at me as a friend. Do you?"

Alice nodded.

"Good," John said. "Now speaking as just two friends—tell me what's wrong."

Alice looked to the handkerchief in her hand and twisted it. Noticing how tight she could make it, she looked up and saw John look at it too. Putting his hands on hers she finally found the courage to speak. "I was—raped."

"Oh my God, I'm so sorry."

Feeling like the dam had been finally broken, and not knowing if it was the whiskey inside her, Alice found the rest of the story come out easily. Telling him all her past history, she finished it with her dream.

"So when you came in last night—all I could see was your face where Walter's should have been."

John put his hand to her cheek. "Now I can understand why you reacted the way you did."

Holding his hand there, Alice said. "After seeing that, and feeling the revulsion of his touch…"

"You thought that you and I could never-"

"I'm a damaged woman, John. Whatever you look at it, you deserve someone better than me…"

John took her chin in his hand and looked deep in her eyes. "You think maybe I should have a say in this decision?"

"Well, yes, but-"

"I'm not going anywhere, and neither are you. That's if you don't want to?"

Alice shook her head. "No."

Getting up from his knees, John took her hands and pulled her to her feet. Taking her in a long embrace, he held her there and said nothing. Finally pulling away, Alice looked up and smiled.

"Thank you."

John shook his head. "For what, I'm just glad you told me. I thought I did something to make you-"

"I'm sorry I thought-"

“Leave the thinking to me," John smiled. "By the way, have you got that suitcase of yours packed again?"

Alice smiled and looked to the floor. "Maybe."

"I swear I'm going to burn that thing if you fill it again."

Alice smiled and wiped a tear that trickled down her face.

"How about we say nothing more about you leaving," John said and kissed her on the forehead. "I don't know about you, but my appetites been very poor today. Are you hungry?"

Alice nodded her head. "Haven't eaten much today with everything playing on my mind."

"How about you tidy up and I'll get Anna to cook us a meal. Just you and I," John smiled. "By the way, she also bakes the best pastries I've ever tasted."

"You really know how to make things difficult for me, don't you? That's my weak spot, pastries," Alice said.

John nodded. "Good to know. That's something to keep in mind for the next you think of leaving me."

Smiling back, Alice knew he'd never have to use it to get her to stay. Once back to her room, the first thing she was doing was throwing away her suitcase.

Chapter 12

Paying for their tickets at the gate. John shook his head. “I can't believe you've never been to Woodward's Gardens before."

Alice said, "I never had a chance. What with you know who and then work. Never seemed to have a spare moment to myself until now."

"Can we see the monkey's first?"

John looked down at his daughter. "Alright, but don't forget, Alice is our guest today. So she gets to pick where we go." Looking to Alice he asked, "Is that OK with you?"

"Monkey's sounds like fun to me," Alice said, taking Amy's hand. "Lead the way." Once given the order, Alice found her arm pulled sharply to the left. Cutting a path through crowds of Sunday strollers Amy guided them to the monkey enclosure in record time. Finding a gap in the onlookers, she let go of Alice's hand and pushed her way through to the railing and watched the animals at play.

"So much for it being your day," John complained.

"Compared to us two, I think a bunch of monkeys are more entertaining," Alice replied. Hearing Amy squeal with delight at their latest antic, she added, "See, no comparison."

"I think we'll be here for a while," John said, looking around him. "There used to be a—ah there it is. Would you like a cup of tea, Alice?" Seeing a nearby tea stand, Alice nodded her head.

"Tea would be nice."

"Milk, sugar?"

"Both please," Alice replied. "I'll keep an eye on her."

"I'll be back as quick as I can," John said and then looked to his daughter in conversation with a boy around her own age. Watching the pair point and giggle, he added, "Not that it'll matter much."

"Forget about it, just get the tea," Alice called after him and turned her attention back to watching Amy. Seeing her clap at something unseen, Alice heard a voice behind her.

"Well, well, well. If it isn't my sweet little, Alice."


Recognizing the voice, Alice felt a shiver run down her spine and spun around. Seeing Walter look her over, she searched for John and found him gone.

"Well, well, well, it looks like you've landed on your feet."

Stepping back and searching for something to say, the best Alice could do was say, "Walter…"

"That's right, it's been a long time Alice. Didn't take you long to jump into bed with another man-"

"It's not like that—John's a good man," Alice said and turned to check on Amy. Relieved that she was still enjoying herself, Alice turned to find Walter drinking from a hip flask. Pointing in Amy's direction he asked.

"That his brat?"

"You stay away from her—or-"

"Or what? I've seen you try to put up a fight, Alice, it's pitiful. Or maybe you were only pretending to fight me off. So is he good in bed—as good as me?"

Alice fought against the feeling of revulsion as she was brought back to that night. "You raped me, Walter-"

"Really? I don't think I'd see it that way. Don't forget Alice, you're still married to me. So whatever you think of this little thing between you and him, it's not happening."

"You're drunk, Walter," Alice snapped. "Drunk and deluded. I pity the next woman that's gets lured in by your bullshit." Surprised by what she'd said, and seeing the drunken grin fall from his face, she braced herself for what was about to happen next. Watching him put his hand in his pocket, Alice saw a glint of metal being taken out before he stopped himself. Looking to what had caught his attention, Alice spied John coming their way.

"This isn't over, Alice," Walter said and put the gun away. Watching him lose himself in the crowd, Alice turned on hearing John call to her. Teasing her, he said, "I only leave you for a second and…" Sensing that something was amiss, his face changed. "What is it?"

"That man you saw, it was Walter-"

"Are you alright?" John asked.

Alice shook her head. "I'm fine. He just wanted to remind me of what a horrible human being he is."

Looking in the direction Walter had gone, John turned to look at her. "Are you sure you don't want me to—I mean he can't have got far-"

Alice held his arm and shook her head. "No. I'll not let a piece of scum think that he can ruin my day. He's just a sad and angry drunk. I can't believe what I saw in him." Looking over to where Amy was, Alice let out a sigh. "I'm just glad she didn't see any of what went on between us."

"I don't like the way he thinks he can come up and terrorize you-"

Alice said, "John, forget him, he's not worth it-"

"I know, but after what he did. Just give me five minutes with him-"

"It can't be proved, none of it can. And you'd only end up in trouble, or worse. I won't see that happen to you. Come on, lets enjoy ourselves," Alice said. Leaning in close she gave him a peck on the cheek. "Thank you."

"For what?"

"For watching out for me," Alice said. "You're a good man."

"Same goes for you," John said and kissed her cheek.

Feeling his face against hers Alice closed her eyes and soaked in the smell of his aftershave. Losing herself in the moment, she took hold of his face and kissed him. Wondering if she'd made too rash a decision, Alice closed her eyes tightly for fear of what she'd see. Expecting him to break away, she was relieved to find his kissing match hers. Kissing her tenderly, Alice found her body quiver as her lips tasted his. Not wanting for the moment to end, she heard Amy giggling and pulled away. Looking to John, Alice found his cheeks blush as he tried to explain himself to his daughter.

"Amy, you're back. We were-"

"I know. You were kissing," Amy said and then turned to Alice. "You like his kisses, Alice?"

Seeing John grin at her discomfort, Alice felt her cheeks flame red. "Well, he's a…" Feeling herself boxed into a corner, she looked for a way out. Seeing an ice cream seller nearby Alice quickly changed the subject. "How about ice cream, Amy? I don't know about you, but I'd love an ice cream."

"Nah, I'm OK," Amy said.

"Really? I thought all little girls liked ice cream," Alice said. "You, John? Would you like an ice cream? My treat."

"I'll get them," John smiled. "Seeing as I came back empty handed." Tossing his daughters hair he added, "And you, you shouldn't sneak up on people."

"I wasn't. You and Alice were-"

John ignored his daughter explaining herself and smiled to Alice. Nodding her head in return, Alice got the message that passed between them. Thinking she'd never let another man into her heart, Alice felt a warmness grow in her chest. Watching him walk away, she knew for certain that if anyone could save her from herself it would be John.

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