Authors: Catherine Harper
Chapter 19
One year later…
Alice watched Elizabet fuss over her son and unconsciously rubbed her own swollen stomach. Closing her eyes to soak up the late afternoon sun in Woodward's Gardens, she heard Amy scream with delight and looked to see what had her enthralled. As before it was the monkeys that had her attention. Watching as Tom threatened to throw her step daughter into the enclosure, she called over to Elizabet.
"Will you have a word with your husband?"
"What's he up to know?" Elizabet asked, looking up from her son and over to the enclosure. "Maybe with a bit of luck he'll fall in."
Alice laughed. "Surely you don't mean it?"
"Nah. If he did, I think they'd throw him back out," Elizabet smiled. "Even monkeys have standards." Going back to her son, she fussed over him. "Isn't that right? They'd throw your father back out, wouldn't they? At least you've got sense little man. You stick with me and your Auntie Alice and you'll go far."
Alice smiled on hearing the baby chuckle and closed her eyes once more. Thinking back to the last time she'd been to the gardens, she remarked on how her life had changed since then. Thankful for John's suggestion on counseling, she felt at peace now with her past and put it behind her. Gone were the panic attacks and nightmares she'd suffered after Walter's death. Now she looked forward to a bright future and a child on the way.
"Penny for them."
Alice opened her eyes and found John take a seat beside her. Handing over a cup of tea, he asked. "You OK?"
Taking a sip from her tea, Alice snugged into him and found a strong arm placed across her back and shoulders. "Yeah. Why wouldn't I? When I've got you by my side. No, I was just enjoying the end of the summer sunshine."
"That's good.—To us," John said and held out his cup in a toast.
"To us," Alice answered and clinked her cup off his. "You think you could have a word with your brother."
John shook his head watching him. "Maybe with a bit of luck he'll fall in." Turning to Alice he smiled. "Must be nice?"
"What must?"
"Being married to the brighter brother," John smiled.
"So, brains and beauty?" Alice asked.
"You said it yourself."
Alice shook her head. "I told you I was drunk."
John pulled her in her a kiss and smiled. "Fibber."
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Catherine Harper.