Seeing Red (The Dark Love Series)

BOOK: Seeing Red (The Dark Love Series)
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Seeing Red

Olivia Howe











Copyright © 2014 by Olivia Howe. All Rights Reserved.





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Seeing Red by Olivia Howe

[email protected]

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Edited by Bree Pearsall.


The characters and events portrayed in this book are

fictitious. Any similarity to real persons, living or dead, is

coincidental and not intended by the author.

(1. Vampires- Fiction. 2. Healers- Fiction. 3. High school-

Fiction. 4.Characters- Fiction. 5.Locations- Fiction. 6.

Events- Fiction. 7. Summary- Fiction. 8. Witches- Fiction)






The Dark Love Series






























My two beautiful nieces, my dad, my mom and

step-dad, my auntie and uncle.

& my friends, Bree, Isa, Alyssa, & Tiphanie.

Thank you for all your support.

& I dedicate this book to anyone that is struggling with

depression and anxiety.

Stay strong.


















Stay strong because you're beautifully broken.




























Chapter 1

Six Months Later




Dear Diary,

              It's been six long months since I've seen my sister, Caroline. At least nothing else bad has happened since she's been gone from Scarlett Hills.

Caroline and William have been completely hidden from everyone. They just disappeared with each other to save me from turning myself into a vampire-healer. At some points I applaud what they did, and other times I'm destroyed inside because I wasn't able to save my sister's humanity.

Ali has been drowning herself in her work as an artist and she's always in her studio. I feel like, deep down, she knows something is missing, but she's doing everything in her power not to think about it. That must be why she gets so caught up in her work, because she feels like it will help fill the gaping hole that punctures her heart.

Lilah and Ella are still waiting for William and Caroline to slip up and leave behind some sort of evidence that will help them find out where they're at.

Julian and Abel have still been tracking the Sulivic brothers to see what they're planning for revenge on us. So far, they have come up empty handed. The Sulivic Brothers must know that we're watching them, and they want to cover up every step of their plan. They definitely made sure there's no way to sneak in and discover their powerful plan.

As for Andrew, we're still in love. Now, we seem happier than ever. I've never felt so strongly about another person or creature in my life. I still wear the black heart ring he gave me. I think it's starting to form to my ring finger and leave behind white marks from not getting any sun underneath it.

What about me? I haven't fully discovered my happiness. Being with Andrew sure makes me feel blissful, but I still feel like there's a few things missing and I haven't quite figured that out yet.

Love, Nina

* * * *

The beginning of May is such a beautiful time of month. It's not quite summer yet, but you can feel it coming from the breeze that blows through your hair, and the radiant sun that shines bright in the sky. May always reminds me of a trip that my family took when my father was alive. We went to a secluded beach that was miles long.
I can still smell the salt air and remember, in my heart, the way every moment felt. If I close my eyes, I feel like I'm right there, on the beach with my family, enjoying a cool spring day together.

Andrew has been pushing me to get out there and have a, somewhat, normal life with my friends and family. The only person I surround myself with is my mother because she's my only blood family I have around now. Everyone else has left me. I'm not surprised though, I feel like I'm a curse to the human population. Either I stink or I just repel the human race. Vampires, on the other hand, are a whole different story. I think I attract
, but it's mostly the evil, vicious ones.

I don't see Sydney that much, only at school and work, but I see Kali all the time. It's Kali, she needs to make her appearance everywhere and with everyone. I'm like her new best friend now that Caroline's gone. She calls me to go shopping all the time, gossip about boys and cheerleading drama, and she even bribes me to stay at her house on weekends, sometimes.

The Madsen residence has become like a second home to me. I usually leave my house during the night and make my way to Andrew's house, like I did last night. Ali is completely fine with my sleepovers there because she knows I will be protected.

Waking up next to Andrew every morning is a marvelous feeling. He always greets me with a soft kiss on my forehead and a smile on his illuminated face. I wake up fortunate and blessed in the morning when I'm with him, and this morning is no different. I open my eyes and see his gorgeous face smiling at me.

"Good morning, my love." Andrew greets me with his compassionate voice.

"I love waking up to your face in the morning. You still give me butterflies." I can't help but smile and blush at the same time.

"I hope so, my beautiful forever," Andrew declares.

I reach over toward the night stand and check the time on my phone. "We have less than an hour to get to school. I better get up." I start to crawl out from Andrew's warm and cozy bed. Before my feet touch the floor, Andrew grabs my arm and pulls me over toward him. He kisses me on my lips and a sensation flickers through my body, making me shiver. "Here come the butterflies," I announce.

"I just can't get enough of you," Andrew admits.

"I love you," I say as I smile and wink at him.

"Always and forever, my love."


* * * *

Andrew drives us to school today, like he always does. I savor the few minutes I get to relax in his car and listen to my favorite songs before school. It's peaceful. I sometimes stare at him while he's driving, watching him concentrate. He hates putting
me, or anyone else that's in his vehicle, in harms way. I just like watching him, and marveling over his beautiful face. He could definitely use some sun, but I think he's perfect just the way he is. He's my soul mate.

We pull into the school and my eyes fall upon the grass as the bright sun shines down on it. Daisies are starting to grow beneath the surface and bloom on the top of the grass. They're my favorite type of flower. The white petals with the yellow middle are both plain and pretty. I like plain things. I don't like to stand out, instead I like to be different. If you were to ask any other girl in this school what their favorite type of flower is, they would most definitely say roses, but not me. I love daisies.

The second semester has flown by quite quickly. Kali is with me in my first class, Psychology with Mrs. Gamage. Sydney's in my second class, Alegbra 1 with Mr. Alan. Andrew and Alex are in my last two classes, World Literature with Mr. Walsh and Gym with Mr. Cruz. Having friends in all of my classes always makes it less boring and makes class go by fairly fast.

I don't enjoy school like I used to. In the past, school taught me lessons that I needed to know for my future and prepared me for the real world. Nowadays, school has transformed into this boring place. They don't teach you what you truly need to know because they're oblivious to the truth that lies out in the real world. Vampires are all around us. Healers exist among us, I'm living proof of that, and this world truly isn't how others perceive it. What they teach you as you grow up is a cover up of what the world is actually made of.

Andrew carries my books to class, like he always does. He never stops being a gentleman. I haven't carried my own books since I fainted at the beginning of the school year.

We arrive to my first class and I poke my head inside and see Kali sitting in the back of the classroom texting away on her cell phone. Kali's such a great person, but why do I have to have her in my first class? It has been this way since the beginning of the school year. Don't get me wrong, I enjoy having the company. It's better than sitting in a class all by myself, but I like my peace and quiet in the morning time. Kali's way too awake and alert for me this early in the morning. She's like a big ball of energy. I think she might drink too much caffeine or she takes way too many energy shots before school.

"I'll meet you right here when the bell rings," Andrew says as his lips touch my forehead.

"I miss you already," I admit.

"I know exactly how you feel, my love."

I struggle to move my legs into the classroom. I just want to crawl back into Andrew's bed and snuggle up in his muscular arms and fall asleep. Is that too much to ask for?

"Nini, over here," Kali yells. "I saved you a seat." She always does. She really needs to cut back on the caffeine. She looks like the Energizer Bunny.

I plop down into the seat next to Kali and let out a deep breath.

"Cheerleading camp starts in a couple of months. I really wish you would at least consider coming, Nini," Kali implies.

"You know that cheerleading just isn't my thing, Kali."

Kali lets out a sigh. She doesn't seem too happy now. "Will you at least help us with our fundraisers, please?" Kali whines.

I take another deep breath. "If you promise to never ask me to join the cheerleading squad, I will help you with the fundraiser."

"YAY!" Kali yells in excitement.

"When does your fundraiser start?" I ask.

"Fundraisers," Kali corrects me. "The first one is in about a week. We decided to start it off small. So, the first one is going to be a car wash, and that's in about a week. Next, we're having our first annual basketball tournament held here in the gym at the end of the month."

"Basketball tournament?" I inquire.

"The annual basketball tournament is a fun way to earn some money..." The teacher interrupts Kali as she's speaking.

"Good morning, class. I'm Mrs. Gamage and I will be teaching you the fundamentals of psychology."

"I'll explain more when the tournament comes around," Kali whispers as she flashes the teacher an evil look for cutting off our conversation. I flash the teacher a smile for saving my brain from having to process all of Kali's information.














Chapter 2





Dear Diary,

              I haven't told anyone this yet, but Gavin's face is popping up into my memory and won't leave my thoughts. Is it because I saw him leave this world? I was the last person he saw before his immortal vampire body disappeared in the wind that blew all around us.

I feel like he's haunting me in my dreams. Is that possible? Can vampires in the afterlife do that? I really hope not. That would just be a disgusting topping on my ice cream. I hope it's just all in my head. I need to get rid of his memories that are haunting me non-stop. I'm still debating whether or not I want to tell anyone about this. Being perceived as weak is unacceptable to me.

Love, Nina

* * * *

I see the shadow of Gavin's body. His eyes are piercing mine. He's enraged and vicious, but he also seems scared. I know he wants me dead. I'm seeing blood everywhere I look. My eyes catch Andrew's as he pulls the wooden stake from Gavin's back. Blood is flooding out from his body. All I see is red.

              Gavin falls to the ground, moaning in agony. I watch as his veins brighten like tiny rivers of ice. His skin turns grey and looks like rock. His evil eyes meet mine, and in that moment of horror, I blink and he disappears. All he leaves behind are his ashes that are now floating through the air.

I open my eyes and gasp for air. It was just a dream. Breathe. It was only a dream, I keep telling myself.

I'm covered in sweat from head to toe. My heart is beating faster than it should be. My body feels weak and shaken.

I can't shake the images that are now replaying in my head. I was the last person that Gavin saw before he vanished into ashes. When are these nightmares going to end? I can't stop seeing Gavin's dark and frightened eyes. It's haunting me. I had a part in ending his immortal vampire life.

I need to go for a run. I need to clear my head from these nightmares, and all these images.


* * * *

It's quiet today in Scarlett Hills. As I'm running, I don't see any cars passing by me or people walking on this cool and breezy fall morning. I wonder where everyone is. Just as those words filter through my thoughts, I remember that today is Sunday. Mostly everyone is at church, besides me, my mom, and the Madsen family. I'm a firm believer of God, but I don't attend church. I worship God in my own ways. Maybe I should start going back to church. I think it would be good for Ali and I.

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