Lust (28 page)

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Authors: T. C. Anthony

Tags: #Romance

BOOK: Lust
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He was entertained that I was answering his question, and
he kept the lightness of the conversation going. “Really. Why?”

“Hey, that’s question number two, by the way.” I joked.

“No, it is required for further explanation to question number
one. Please continue,” He added.

I threw my napkin at him. “Cheater! Well, I would probably
rent one of those huts that floats above the ocean with the
bedroom facing the world at sea. The thought of being carried
by the ocean as I sleep is heavenly; being swayed and rocked by
the watery forces of nature is so sensual, erotic, and, well, it’s…

serenity. No electronics, no society, nothing to deal with but
peace. But, it all ends at some point; reality waits at the end of

My expression changed to one of sadness, quite different
than the one I usually wore while I described “my place.” I felt
let down—like my reality was exactly what I wanted to get
away from. I had never felt this before, and now I was burdened
with figuring out why I was feeling this way.

“So, if the reality saddens you so much, why not get away
from it?” he asked.

“Reality doesn’t sadden me; it just is what it is. I don’t believe
in fairy tale endings, that’s all; I believe in that which one
can attain from working hard and pushing themselves through
life; that is reality. Now, I’m going to take away your other two
questions if you don’t move past this subject.”

He took his cue as it came and moved on. “OK, question
two: what else do you want in life, other than anything to do
with work?”

I knew where he was going with this, but I responded easily,
dying to get away from the last topic. “Well, I want a lot of
things. I would like to travel more, learn different languages,
how to cook different foods, and, you know, have a family and
get married…What?”

He was stunned at my admittance to wanting a life outside
of my job. “Nothing. I just…You seemed to be so against all
that marriage and babies stuff that you surprised me .” He took
a bite, probably trying to stop himself from saying too much,
trying to hide the apparent excitement in hearing that I did
desire love and marriage and a family. It added a ton of weight
to the emotions he already felt for me.

But I wasn’t sharing the excitement. I was wounded. “I never
said I was against it. I said that it did not fit my life right now. I
have a plan and goals, and no person can fully succeed at any one
task while striving for multiple life-changing events. Life changes
when you get married, and then again when you have children.

And, my career is not yet at a point where I feel comfortable adjusting
my life to fit marriage or anything else, for that matter.”

“I don’t understand.” He pressed on. “Why can’t you just
adjust to life as it comes to you? Don’t you think that you may
miss out on something special, something major, if you keep
putting the blinders on? Holding onto something or someone
while you figure things out or achieve goals is one thing, but
completely ignoring the person or the thing’s existence just
seems like a waste of a beautiful life.”

This conversation seemed to hit home for him. He hadn’t
shared his past with me, but my dismissal of the life and events
before me wounded him, and I took notice. “Alexander, this
has nothing to do with you. I am sorry if I have made you feel
like it is. I have enjoyed spending this time with you—I have;
I am just not ready for anything more. I explained that to you

“Evangeline, stop. Please don’t make whatever this is between
us into a one-night stand. If you can stop yourself from
belittling this, then I’ll stop myself from making it more than
you think it is.”

I had nothing to say to that, and it seemed that when his
words spoke true; that is precisely when I almost found myself
speechless. “Moving on. You have one last question. Or shall we
stop the bloodshed here?” I asked.

“No, I’ll take my last. And speaking of blood, what’s in the
little brown bag? Is it anything to do with why you wanted to
go home tonight? You know, I have never had sex while…”

Leaning forward, I laughed louder than I could ever remember.

“Alexander, you are hysterical. No, I don’t have my
period, but thanks for asking. And if we are still around, maybe
I’ll give you a chance to check that item off of your bucket list
next month.”

Still laughing, I walked over to where my purse was. I
brought over the small, folded, brown paper bag up and held
it to my chest. “So…” I stood poised with a devil’s plan in my
eyes. “This little bag contains a present for you: a thank you for
the clothes.”

“Evangeline, I told you I wouldn’t let you pay me back. It
was a gift.”

I stopped his words using my hand, soft and sweet smelling,
to cover his lips. “I am not paying you back; that comes
later. This is, like you said, just a little gift. And you don’t have
a choice in taking it or not. Now, I am going to excuse myself
for a minute, and then you are going to join me in your suite so
that you may claim your gift. Unless you would rather continue
with the questioning…?” I stood, strong, begging him to test
me, begging him to disobey me.

“Yes, miss, I shall do as you ask.” He lifted my hand and
brushed a gentle kiss onto my palm. “Take that with you and
hold onto it until I reach you again.”

“Wow, such a gentleman; very sweet. Give me ten minutes.”

I turned and proceeded toward the stairs. When I reached the
first step, I turned to him. “Oh and leave the sweetness down
here; we can save that for later.”

He watched me in awe as I ascended every step. He looked
so excited sitting at the dining table, watching me climb his
staircase. I moved deliberately with every step, swaying my
hips and tightening my butt as much as I could. My body tingled
at the ideas of what I would be preparing; I felt excited
and ready for us to open the door to sexual exploration. My
self-confidence and ability to be strong then weak, sweet then
harsh, soft and then hard—it was erotica at its finest, and it fed
Alexander’s desire well.

Once I reached the platform at the top of Alexander’s staircase
and rounded the hallway corner, I jogged down the hall,
hoping to have the time to wash up and prep myself. As hot
and excited as I was, I couldn’t help giggling at the fact that
he thought I wanted to leave and that my impromptu stop was
because I had gotten my period.


Surprisingly though, had I had my period, it was good
to know that he wasn’t bothered by the thought. Obviously
I would take him into the shower, but his acceptance of it all
was refreshing. I hated to hear women complaining about how
their boyfriends or husbands wouldn’t touch them during that
time of the month.

Hmmm, is it a big deal that Alexander doesn’t mind trying that
with me? I’m sure he has had opportunities to do so before me. It’s kind
of nice to be so desired that he would allow nothing to bother him.

Something to keep in mind.

Washing up in the bathroom, I changed into the black lace
bra and panties that the woman at Saks had chosen for me. I
pulled my hair out of the ponytail it was in and let it fall down
my back. I gave myself one last look and, winking at the mirror
with pleasure, I walked into the bedroom. I put the dimmer
switch on low and lit the candles that sat on each of his night
tables. As I lit the second candle, I heard a breathed moan at the
door; Alexander was watching me.

“You look even more beautiful by candlelight.” Alexander’s
voice made my skin shiver with excitement. He obviously knew
that I was up to something. He had already undressed, leaving
only his black boxer briefs on. He looked amazing, like the
statue of David: defined, sculpted, and a vision of sex.

“And you, Alexander, look so much more handsome when
you are naked! Come over here by me.” I loved that he never
paused to think when I asked him to do something for me.

He glided across the room and came to stand near me by
the edge of the bed, but the bed was not where we would be
starting; taking his hand, I guided him over to the chaise.

Before he sat, I kissed his chest, moving my kisses down to his
navel, tickling his skin with the tips of my fingers as I lowered
my lips on his body. When I reached his hips, my hands slowly
pushed his boxers down as I continued to kiss him, releasing
his erection; I shoved his boxers to his ankles and off of his feet.

“Now, sit. And these…” I pushed his knees apart with both
my hands. “These must stay open.” I reached over and grabbed
a little black silk satchel that was tied with string. Taking his
hands, I placed the satchel in them. “This is the preface to your
gift. I ask that you have an open mind and trust me when I tell
you that you will enjoy it.”

I knelt before him, waiting for him to open the satchel.

He stared at me as he pulled the drawstring and flipping the
satchel upside down. A circular object fell into his other hand.

“Um, OK. I’m not going to lie; I have no idea what that
is.” Alexander was smiling, but his nerves were showing right

I felt giddy about having the opportunity to teach him
something new. “I hoped you didn’t. I wanted the gift to be
a first experience so that it would be more valuable. It’s a cock
ring.” His eyes shot up to me. “Don’t look at me like that. There
is no more appropriate way to name it. It doesn’t hurt. It’s basically
a vibrator, except you get to use it while inside me.”

His chest grew as he breathed deep; he was clearly excited,
his cock standing straight.

“Just so you don’t get nervous when I’m putting it on…”

I held the toy up. “This circle is made of a jelly material, so it
won’t hurt. I am going to slide it around your penis, and it will
sit at the base. This silver piece attached to it is what makes it
vibrate. I will tell you before I turn it on. OK so far?”

He nodded and I proceeded. I had washed the toy with hot
water and soap after removing it from the package, but I didn’t
want it to be too dry on his skin, So I placed it to my mouth,
and with my tongue, I licked the toy all the way through.

Alexander braced himself by grabbing onto the sides of
each of his thighs. The anticipation was titillating, and he was
excitedly awaiting my next move. I slid the toy over his erect
penis and pushed it down to the base. I looked up at him from
between his legs and smiled.

“Now what?” he asked with a raspy voice.

But words were not necessary. I lowered my head into his
hips and took him into my mouth. And as he groaned deeply and
grabbed onto the back of my neck, I pressed the on button and…

“Holy fuck!” Alexander grabbed onto the chaise, pushing
his upper body up to lean into me.

I took him deeper. The wetness from my lips dripped onto
the toy that vibrated his erection. He moaned loudly, pressing
my head to go deeper, encouraging my mouth to continue
harder with my sucking.

And as I took my mouth from him, he gasped in disappointment.

“Why’d you stop?”

“Shhhh.” Putting my finger to his lips, I edged myself up.

While he still vibrated, I straddled him. Grabbing his erection
with one hand, I pressed him into my sex.

“Ahhhh, my God. Why haven’t I ever tried this before?” he
said, gasping for a breath.

But, I was glad to hear his excitement. “I’m glad you
haven’t. I get to see your shock and enjoyment,” I responded.

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