Lust (26 page)

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Authors: T. C. Anthony

Tags: #Romance

BOOK: Lust
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The body jets were pulsating at full throttle against my
core now, and it was hitting me hard. My body felt the titillation
of the water as it sent jolts up through my body; vibrators
had nothing on these jets. And before I finished the thought, I
also finished into my orgasm.

“Jesus, Alexander, the showerhead I’ve known about, but
these jets…They are my new best friends.”

Grabbing onto my neck and kissing me, he slowed his motion
inside of me as my body still quivered.

Raising my head off of his shoulder to stare at him directly,
I could not help but feel the utmost happiness “Will do you
something for me?” I asked of him.

“What is it?” replied Alexander, smiling.

I wanted to slow it down a bit and enjoy him. How would I
say this to him? “Would you sit there on the shower seat and let
me take over for a bit?” It was unnerving to be so open—this
communication thing was very new to me.

Alexander looked at me endearingly and surprised. “I have
never heard you so sweet. Now don’t take that the wrong way.

You are just so…sweet. Come on.” Alexander carried me over
to the shower seat with him and he sat with me still on his lap.

“Close your eyes and lean against the wall,” I asked of him,
and he complied without so much as a blink. Seeing his willingness,
I adjusted myself on his hips, and with his erection
ready for release, I told him my plan. “I want to ride you.” I was
fierce but soft on him.

Alexander’s eyes shot open immediately. “I have actually
dreamed about you saying those exact words, but never did I
think it would feel like this.” Grabbing my arms, he kissed me
passionately, and we stroked each other’s naked and wet bodies.

I moved my hands in between his legs and positioned his
erection to penetrate me. As he slid into me, the water made
me tighter, and his head shot back to rest against the shower

I moved with a precise motion in my hips. My hands
stroked his head and chest, grasping at his short hair as I moved
him in and out of me. He was amazing to look at: the perfect
combination of sex appeal, softness, and masculinity.

As I pushed into him harder, I was reaching orgasm number
two. When my body tensed, Alexander’s eyes opened.

Diving into my own tightening, he held around my waist.

Now we moved together, bringing each other simultaneous

“Cum with me,” I moaned to him. As I rocked faster,
Alexander was right there with me. Climaxing together, we
grabbed on to each other, forcing the continuation until our
bodies stilled.

Between our wetness from the shower, the sweat from our
bodies pressed together, and the orgasm that had just exploded
within us, we needed to be hosed off. But it was amazing!

“Forget going out. I need a nap,” I giggled into his neck.

“Wow, so little stamina? I’m shocked,” Alexander joked.

I slapped his chest as I gasped “I was joking. Me, stamina?

You’d better start taking Viagra to keep up with me.”

Alexander looked at me quizzically. “Does that mean that
I will have the pleasure of doing this with you many more
times?” He was careful in his word selection, trying not to scare
me away.

Though I paused to reflect on what he was saying—still feeling
the ecstasy of the sex we’d just had, feeling him within me—I
was not fearful. “We shall see,” I whispered. “We shall see.”

We washed and helped each other out of the shower. I
walked into Alexander’s room, stopped, and stared. Standing
in a bathrobe at his bed, I saw four shopping bags from Saks
Fifth Avenue that were not there before.

Alexander stood by the bags and smiled. “Now you have no
reason to run out of here. Come take a look and see if you like

Perplexed, I walked over to him and peered into the shopping
bags. “Do you always keep new women’s clothes around
just in case?” My tone was filled with confusion and uneasiness
as Alexander rolled his eyes at me.

“No, I asked Brant to check the sizes on your clothes and
have one of the ladies at Saks help him pick some clothes out
for you. I thought it would save some time. You look angry; I
didn’t mean to upset you. Why are you upset?”

Still staring at the bags, I didn’t know what I was feeling.

Why did he buy me clothes, I thought. This is so personal.

“Alexander, I feel like you just paid me for sex by buying
me clothes. I mean, the gesture is thoughtful, but I don’t need
you to buy me clothes. I’m sorry. I really think I should go; I
don’t feel comfortable.” Turning toward his bedroom door, I
started to go look for my things.

Alexander ran and stood in front of me, holding the tie on
my robe. “Are you serious? Are we going to go back to your
fucked-up ideals again? I was only trying to do something nice
for you so that we could continue to enjoy the day together.

Please don’t turn this into something negative. Allowing someone
to do something nice for you isn’t a bad thing, I’m not taking
anything from you. Please, Evangeline.”

His look was so endearing I felt that he was being sincere.

After the night and morning we had spent together, I shouldn’t
have been turning this into something negative, as he had said.

“I have to pay you back for the clothes. I don’t feel right
taking them otherwise.”

Alexander’s sadness turned to gratefulness as he pulled me
closer. “I can think of many ways you can pay me back. I’ll start
making a list and for every article of clothing. You can fulfill
one of my fantasies.”

Gazing into his eyes with a sensual stare, I knew what he
was referring to, but I couldn’t let him have it that easy. I whispered
to him, “I meant I would pay you back with money.”

But as I finished the words, Alexander had his lips on mine
again, kissing me and ravaging my mouth. It was delectable.

His skin freshly showered and his lips soft and wet, it was all so
hard to say no to. Alexander grabbed my ass with both hands
and, squeezing hard, he pulled me into his hips, which of course
gave way to his erection again.

He is perfect. This was the only thought I could compile.

“Come on; get dressed. Let’s get some air. I don’t want to
oversex you on the first day.” He smiled, looking back at me as
he walked toward and disappeared into his closet.

Walking down to the main foyer, I went toward the kitchen
and found Brant cleaning up. I felt so embarrassed of the
mess we had left. I never thought Brant would be cleaning it
up; at home my dishes always waited for me in the sink when
I left them there.

“Brant, please let me wash those. I just thought I’d get to
them later. I didn’t leave them for you or anyone else to wash.

Please, allow me.” Brant had been so wonderful to me from the
moment we met, and I felt horrible at that moment.

“Oh no, miss. It is my job. I help maintain the residence,
and even if I didn’t, I wouldn’t allow you to get yourself all dirty
now in your very pretty new outfit; please, I am happy to do so. Is
Alexander on his way down as well?”

I am in no way used to getting cleaned up after or shopped
for or waited on. And though it was nice, the old Italian caretaker
in me just felt useless like this. “Um, I think he should
be down soon. He went into his closet to dress. By the way,
thank you for going out of your way to get me clothes. I told
Alexander…Actually I was upset that he asked you to do so.

But anyway, thank you; you have been so kind to me since we
met.” Placing my hand on his forearm, I smiled with sincere
gratitude. There were so few people in the world like Brant.

“Miss, I did not go out of my way. It is my pleasure to serve
you as well as Alexander. It makes me happy. He is a good man,
and you—from what I see—are an amazing woman. And I am
glad to see that Alexander finally found—”

“Afternoon, Brant. Are we just about ready to go?”

Alexander had come down and stopped Brant from continuing
his conversation. Half of my brain was concentrating on
how good Alexander looked in his jeans and polo, and it was
the first time I got to see him in sneakers. He looked so adorable,
so young, and laidback. But, the other half of the brain
couldn’t help getting stuck on what Brant was trying to say. He
spoke about us as if we were a couple; though I doubted that
Alexander would share our arrangement of “just sex, no relationship”

with his driver/butler. So someone from the outside
looking in could think that we were a couple.

But, what was he trying to say about Alexander finding
something? I knew he wasn’t a virgin and had had plenty of
women. So what had he found? He couldn’t be thinking that
Alexander was—is—in love…?

“Are you ready to go? Are you all right? If you don’t want
to go, it’s fine; we don’t have to.”

Brant stood in the middle of Alexander and myself, waiting
for instructions on whether he was driving us or not.

“No. Yes…I mean, yes, I’m ready. Let me just get my

Taking a few steps around the island and toward the stairs
to get my purse, I heard Alexander shout out at me, “Are you
planning on buying the Botanical Gardens? What do you need
your purse for?” And he chuckled.

You’d think that at age thirty-six Alexander would have
realized by now that even when a woman isn’t planning on buying
anything that her purse is like an extra arm or leg; where
she goes, so it goes. In my case, I was planning on buying something—
something to thank Alexander and pay him back for the
clothes, something he would never expect.




The Botanical Gardens were spectacular this time of year, the
beginning of summer. Everything was blooming—colors everywhere.

The scents were intoxicatingly beautiful. Strong,
sweet, rich aromas from the plethora of flowers, plants, and
shrubs nestled into this heavenly garden. And, to top it all off,
it was wedding season, so of course there was a wedding going
on, a very large event with tents and enclosures.

I couldn’t help but think, Why would someone have a wedding
here and then close themselves off to the beauty that they paid to be part

Who knows. It’s like the people who say they want a private,
intimate ceremony and then book Central Park as the
venue for the ceremony. Weddings aren’t what they used to
be, not like when my parents were married. People love the
“idea” of being married but never bother to take a moment
to think about what life post honeymoon means or what will
it be like. No wonder there is a 50 percent divorce rate. This
was obviously a topic I was not discussing with Alexander, but
as we stood and watched the preparations of the nuptials and
the hundreds of guests began arriving, I did wonder what he
thought about marriage and the ideas of today’s society. But
that conversation would become too awkward, so I tried to
avoid it.

“Beautiful, isn’t it?” Alexander stared ahead. I think he
knew better than to ask me that and look me in the eyes.

“Yes, beautiful. I don’t think anything could be ugly in a
paradise such as this,” I said, agreeing.

“True,” Alexander concurred, “but, I was referring to the
marriage itself. It’s beautiful to watch two people being joined
in love. Though I don’t think it is as fulfilling as it was years
ago, when people reached silver and golden anniversaries. But,
for those who are truthful in it, I just…think it is beautiful.

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