Lust (32 page)

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Authors: T. C. Anthony

Tags: #Romance

BOOK: Lust
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“Come, let’s wash you, and then we’ll head to the beach a
bit.” Alexander led me by the hand into the immaculate bath
and walked me over to an ottoman to sit while he got the showers

The steam from the bamboo shower was overflowing into
the main bath; the only light in the room entered from the
large windows facing the ocean. This was paradise. A place
with this much perfection,—a place that could leave even me
speechless—had to be paradise!

I watched him as he moved about readying our shower. He
came to stand in front of me, pulling his shirt over his head, releasing
his muscles from the cloth. I was salivating at the view
and the very thought of running my hands over him. He started
on his jeans, tugging at his belt and undoing every button
slowly, making me want him to rip them off instead; but the
slow motion of his moves were intense. And finally stepping
out of his jeans and boxers, there he stood. He hung extended
and solid; it was like oxygen to my lungs—I needed it.

“I have a surprise for you,” Alexander said, toying with me.

Though I would have settled for the surprise that was there
hanging before my very eyes, he continued. “But you only get
the surprise if you do exactly as I say. Is that understood?”

I could feel the excitement coursing through me, and I
nodded obligingly. Lifting me by my hands, he brought me
into the shower and under the water, wetting every part of me.

“Now, face the wall and spread your arms and legs against it.”

It was stimulating in every way. His commands were so
forceful; he sounded like he had a plan, and that just threw
me over the edge. I turned slowly, letting the water hit every
inch of my skin. My back bowed instinctively, and I pressed
my palms up over my head and spread my feet wide against
the floor and wall. I was in the arrest position. So I thought,
Handcuffs…In the shower, hmmm?

But he wasn’t handcuffing me. “Don’t turn. I want you to
keep facing forward, and don’t utter a word, not a sound, no
matter what I do.”

I had to jump in. “Wait. No matter what—”

And Alexander cut me off just as I had done to him: with a
swift slap on the ass. With the steaming hot water that ran over
me, boy did it sting!

“Ahhhh,” I yelped.

“Are you starting to get the point? Nod if you understand,”

he instructed. But instead of complying, I shook my head no,
and almost immediately came another wet and forceful slap on
my other ass cheek that made me gasp.

Alexander leaned into my behind and stroked my arched
back. “Now do you understand my directions?”

But, I was no fool, and I couldn’t help myself. I benefited
from instigating him; it was so easy. “Oh, Mr. Mason, I understood
your instructions way before receiving the first spanking,
but I rather enjoyed it, so—”

Alexander forced my back into his chest and leaned in, biting
the side of my neck. And though he is not a vampire and
he wasn’t drawing blood, his teeth and lips suckling and biting
at my skin was like nothing I had ever felt. I moaned through
his ravaging, but I didn’t stir. I didn’t want him to stop. The
adrenaline in my body was rising to my head; the euphoria was
making me high.

Alexander’s suckling slowed as did his licking on my neck.

He motioned to one side, and I only realized what he was doing
when I heard the sound of air bubbles being squeezed out of a
plastic bottle. He lathered his hands as I waited impatiently for
the next touch, the next feral and unexpected move.

And again, he surprised me. His touch was soft! He moved
my long hair onto the front of my shoulders and started on my
upper back, massaging the body wash and bubbles into my
skin. His hands were so large that in seconds he had covered
most of my body and was now over my behind. Unlike our
shower before, he now took his time massaging above and below
each cheek, moving his fingers in between them, making
me twinge a little every time he moved his fingers closer to
my anus. I prayed that he wouldn’t try to go there! I would
have to go against his instructions and possibly drop-kick
him. I didn’t know him well enough for anal sex. Hell, I’ve
never known anyone well enough for anal sex!

Luckily for me, he smoothed over it as he had been doing
for a few minutes. And that’s when his fingers found my sex,
massaging in and out of my core, taking one finger and penetrating
me, moving slowly. And as he came out of me, he would
penetrate me again, adding another finger, pressing into me
with more force, more depth, and more speed until I couldn’t
keep quiet and let out a thank you God moan.

But Alexander stopped, removed his fingers from inside of
me, and stepped back. I was trying to obey his rule and not turn
around, but I wanted to know what he was doing and why he
had stopped. “Alex—”

“I will gag you, cuff you, and not fuck you if you don’t start
behaving and obeying, little miss! I asked you to remain quiet
no matter what.”

Hearing the obvious sarcasm in his voice, I turned and
jumped into his lap where he stood. “Umm, could you not fuck
me if you saw me naked, gagged, and cuffed to your bed? Could
you resist?”

He eyed me, looking very serious. “You are probably right.

I couldn’t resist, so I’ll change my punishment.”

I waited, wrapped around his hips, hanging on his wet
body and his every word.

“OK, if you disobey me or if you don’t follow instructions,
I will fuck you.”

My head leaned to the side, utterly confused at his inability
to think of a better punishment than that.

He continued. “That’s right. I will fuck you, and good too,
but, I will fuck you…right…here.” And in his finger went,
right up my—
“Ow, Alexander!” I screamed. He hadn’t gone too far in my
anus, but damn did it hurt!

Alexander laughed at me. “You do realize I barely penetrated
you, and you screamed bloody murder.”

I should have known he was going there sooner or later. My
mother used to say: When the devil comes to caress you, he most likely
wants your soul!

It just so happened that the “devil” was caressing my anus,
and it wasn’t exactly my soul he was after; but losing my soul
would probably hurt much less!

“Yeah, I get that. Look, I tried once and it felt like I was
being ripped apart, and honestly I just feel uncomfortable. I
mean, it’s…you know…” I felt my cheeks changing colors as I
tried to explain my “anal insecurities” to Alexander.

Alexander laughed loudly, almost cackling. “Wait. Let me
get this straight. Is Ms. Chase embarrassed by something sexual?

Look, you can’t rush into it; it takes time and practice and
a lot of lube. I won’t push you to do anything right now, but
you will let me pleasure you in every way imaginable. You will
reach higher clouds of ecstasy; I’m no expert, but that’s what
I’ve been told. Come on, wash up and come out to the bedroom.

Let’s see about getting you that surprise.”

What is it with men and anal sex? I get it; it’s tight, but come on!

He slid me down his body, kissing me until my feet hit the
shower floor, and left me to finish washing.

I didn’t take too long, eagerly wanting to see what surprises
he had for me. I toweled off, wrapped the towel around me, and
walked into the bedroom wearing just that.

I truthfully would not have believed the sight before me
if someone had explained it to me in detail and if I was not
seeing it with my own eyes. Alexander was standing before
me, in front of the large bed, wearing only black leather pants
that lay unbuttoned at the waist, exposing his cut abdomen
and hips. But that was not the least of it. In his hand he held
a ruler-length wooden paddle with some kind of white stone
around the edges. He stroked the paddle very eagerly; I could
almost feel a sting on my behind just looking at it. And there,
just behind him, perfectly laid on the bed, was a showcase of
sex toys!

“When the hell, in the middle of all your scheming last
night, did you have time to rob an adult sex shop?” The only
feeling that engrossed me was flattery! I couldn’t begin to visualize
Alexander entering an adult sex shop.

“Evangeline, we live in the city that never sleeps. These
stores are open twenty-four/seven, or so I’ve now learned. It
wasn’t easy, trust me. But one of the girls who worked there
noticed that I was clueless, and she basically picked everything
out for me.” Smacking the paddle into his left palm, he stared
at me from head to toe.

“I’m impressed at the initiative, but do you even know
what half of this stuff is or how it works or—OK, that grin is
my answer.”

As I giggled, Alexander began laying out his master plan.

“I figured that from our dialogue that you have more experience
than I do with this stuff, the extent of which I am unclear of.

And I am, I would say, a bit inexperienced but eager and willing
to learn. So, I am signing you up to teach me, oh wise one,
in the art of lagneia.”

“You may have to learn to pronounce the word first.” I
laughed at his English pronunciation of the Latin word. “And
the art form is not lagneia. Uninhibited lust is just an ingredient
to the recipe. Lust makes all orgasms and experiences better,”

I stepped toward him, staring at him, feeling full control,
and I finally understood why anyone would enjoy being
a dominant. “You take this paddle, for example. It’s just wood
surrounded by pretty little pearls; but you take that paddle and
add some lust, and I bet you could make me orgasm without
breaking a sweat.”

I ran my fingers along the face of the paddle and over the
pearls as I eyed him, hoping he would ask to use it. It takes
little courage to buy the toys. Now I needed to test his willingness
and audacity to use them.

Alexander swallowed, and he swallowed hard. His voice
was rough and deep. “Well, I’m willing to learn if you are willing
to teach.”

I tilted my head up and kissed him. He was sweet and very
sexy to ask to be taught; I felt very powerful. And unexpectedly,
Alexander reached behind me with the paddle in hand and
spanked me lightly—just like a pro.

“Well, well. Looks like someone isn’t as inexperienced as
he claims to be. Though your form wasn’t perfect, it is a good
start. So, I take it you are ready to begin the lesson?” I stood
inches from his face, ready to devour him, ready to let him take
me in any way he wanted, ready to experience lust and sex and
ecstasy on every level.

I let the towel drop to the floor and walked closer to the
bed. I grabbed the silk ties and handcuffs. “Now, you are going
to tie my wrists with these and handcuff the tie to the bedpost.

Then I want you to take this,” I instructed, holding up
the blindfold, “and put it over my eyes.” Alexander motioned
to take the items from me, but I pulled away. “Not so quickly.

Once you remove my sight, I want you to know and be able to
use these toys without my help, so listen. This is a flogger; you
use it to slap or caress…anywhere: the nipples, the ass—my
pussy. Wherever you want. It makes the blood in the veins
rise up to the skin and heightens the senses to the touch.” He
listened intently. “These are clamps. I don’t think I need to tell
you what they are for, but notice there is a third clamp. If you
guess where that one goes, you get a Brownie point. Oh and
be careful when you close them—I’m not looking to lose any
body parts here.”

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