Lust (23 page)

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Authors: T. C. Anthony

Tags: #Romance

BOOK: Lust
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Returning to my core, Alexander held me open, and my
body tensed with every lick, every suck of my clit made me
tighten, and he drew nearer to making me orgasm. His tongue
lapped over me and then in and out of me with strength. He
moved his hands from my thighs to my wrists and held me
down. His intentions were clear: to make me spasm through
the orgasm and not allow me to pull away.

“Oh God. Don’t stop, please. I’m…I’m…Alexander.”

Squeezing my wrists forcibly with his hands, his lips became
stronger in their sucking. His movement was faster, and I
could feel my wetness gushing.


The sound of me screaming his name was just as I’d imagined.

It was like no other sound. It made him harder. It obviously
gave him absolute pleasure, and with this he held on
tighter and kept licking at me as I tried to pull away. My orgasm
was intense, my body was in spasms, and I felt heavenly.

“Ahhhh…please, no. I can’t take…Ahhhh.” Alexander finally
released his lips from my sex, and my body collapsed onto
the stone wall. It was cold and sharp and hard, but I could not
feel a thing. My body twitched and tingled with gratification,
one that I could never have imagined and would never forget.

Alexander kissed me at the top of my sex, and my hips
jumped, feeling too sensitive to have his lips on me so soon
after such an orgasm. “Next time, I won’t be so nice. You will
cum multiple times for me, over and over again. And I will
take that sweet little pussy into my mouth when and how I
please.” He kissed my lips and pulled me up off the wall.

I was antagonized by the way he spoke to me when he was
in this form. Alexander stood in front of me, his heart beating
fast, his lips glistening from my orgasm. We stared at each
other, wanting more but unsure of where to begin.

“So, can I do with you as I wish?” Alexander whispered.


I took a moment to compose myself, ready and willing to give
him some insight into my desires.

“Alexander, I won’t play coy with you. Though I am very
eager and willing to play. I have played the naive unworldly
girl far too many times and returned unsatisfied and wanting
even more than when I started. I can’t have that from you. I
won’t allow you to disappoint me; I am far too in need of you to
allow that. So instead, I’m going to let you in on a little secret.”

I paused, hoping that I hadn’t instilled fear in him or
that my forcefulness hadn’t put him off. He stood before me
with little change in his emotions. That was a good sign, so I

“I am not shy or uncomfortable with my body or yours. I
like to try new things, within reason that is; I’ll try anything
once. I believe that a strong sexual relationship between two
people is essential for anything else to be strong within that
same relationship. But both people have to be on the same
page.” Smiling delightfully, I pressed on.

“My page consists of a little Kama-sutra, a few toys, and
a wild imagination. I’m telling you this so that you have a
choice: to ask me to go or to try; it’s all up to you. But it is all
I can offer you.”

Alexander remained, watching me intently as I exposed my
inner self. I wasn’t comfortable with doing so, but I needed
total satisfaction from him. He wasn’t in shock or taken aback,
but he did look enthralled with my newfound trust to share
this with him. He looked triumphant; he was getting to see
that there was a feisty, possibly kinky side to me, and here I was
openly telling him my soul’s needs.

I tilted my head toward him, silently asking for a response,
but there was only silence and the heat that lingered between

“Are you waiting for me to skulk away like a little virgin
or uptight preppy? Or would you be kind enough to elaborate
a bit more? You know, so that I can be clearer as to what it is
you like.” Alexander stepped closer into the grips of my thighs,
instigating me to be more detailed and descriptive.

“OK, you want more. More…more…more. Let’s see,
hmmm. Well, the salespeople at the adult store know me by
name—I get a friends and family discount. I’m not offended by
a little role-play and a light whipping on my behind, nor do I
mind giving a whip or two. I like to be creative, you know…silk
ties, showers, stone walls. And I can play the boss who happens
to have a cup of ice on hand or the employee who knows exactly
what to do with the boss’s cup of ice.”

“Ice.” Alexander was intrigued.

“Really, out of all of that, you question the ice? Look, I’m
not usually…No, I’m never this forward. But you asked me to
just imagine how good it could be, and I have. I’ve imagined
real well, and I don’t want to pretend. It has to be me with you. I
don’t know why you are different, why this is so intense, but it
is. And I love sex, I have fun with sex, and I have never had—”

“Evangeline, you don’t scare or intimidate me. I was already
intrigued by you, but now, I just want to see…what you
do with the ice.” Alexander smiled from ear to ear while lifting
me off the wall and let his large hands rest around my bare,
cold ass.

“After that, I think it’s only fair that you get a chance to
see.” Running my hands across his chest, I followed his muscles
down through the lines of his abdomen, reaching his tuxedo

“This wasn’t in the rules of the game we were playing, but
I guess you could talk me into these new rules.”

Alexander’s tone was playful, antagonistic, hoping I would
rise to the occasion and try to show him up.

“Trust me, there is no need to talk you into anything.”

I turned my body so that my back was against his chest.

Proceeding with his arms forward and around me, I pulled him
into me. He peered at me. His stare could not be distracted. It
was perfect—his hands outlining every line of my body; every
part of my silky smooth and glowing skin shown in the moonlight.

I fit into his grip perfectly. I realized he was staring, with
his mouth open, moaning quietly from within. His erection
twitched in his pants. He wanted in me, and I needed just that.

“Do you want to stare at me all night, or can we move on
to act one, scene two?”

Alexander giggled at my comment. “I didn’t realize you
were putting on a show or that I was auditioning. Did I get
the job?”

Moving closer, guiding his hands over my chest again,
I teased him, “I wouldn’t say you got the job just yet. There
are many scenes you haven’t performed. And by the way, I feel
that good sex should always be a production, so, may I?” While
speaking, I turned slowly, moving my hands around the waist of
his pants. By the time I uttered the last word, I had already undone
his pant button and zipper and was waiting to get inside.

Alexander’s stillness and lack of response gave me way to
move forward.

“Come with me please.” Taking Alexander by the hand, I
brought him into the room and stopped at the foot of the bed.

“Is this OK or should we go elsewhere?”

“Anywhere is fine, as long as you are still naked and have
that look in your eyes.”

I was content he was allowing me to take over, a role that I
knew how to play very well. “Good.”

I slowly edged his pants off of his hips and let them fall to
the ground. Alexander stepped out of them slowly as I edged
him back toward the bed. His body was divine, well sculpted
and maintained. As the back of his knees reached the bed, he
sat and was now at eye level with my hard, pink nipples. As he
moved in to them, I put my hands to his shoulders and shook
my head no. Smiling devilishly, I walked slowly around him
while never removing my touch from his skin; I knelt onto
the bed and edged myself behind him, caressing his shoulders
and neck with the tips of my fingers. Positioning myself with
my chest to his back, I massaged him ever so gently. Leaning
forward to feel his chest, my breasts stroked his back. With soft
kisses I brushed his earlobe and kissed his neck. My breathing
became heavy onto his skin with every movement. Slipping his
tie from my neck, I draped it over his shoulders and up around
his eyes. He never questioned it, just breathed through it.

“I’m not a villain. You can stop me at any point.” Though
I wanted this more than the air I breathed, I wouldn’t do anything
unless he wanted it also.

“You are stalling; I think I’m man enough to stop you if I
wanted to. Trust me, I’m enjoying every minute of this; now
stop talking and put your mouth to better use. Please!” He
giggled through the please, as I tightened the tie and knotted it
to cover his eyes. I swung my leg in front of him and positioned
myself onto his hips; his legs were muscular, hard, and comfortable
to the touch.

I caressed Alexander’s head with both hands, keeping my eyes
locked on his face; the shifting and swaying of my hips caressed
his erection with every movement, making Alexander harder
against me. He gently held my hips in place. His large hands were
delicate and warm against my bare skin. Stroking every bit of his
body, I now could not imagine sex not feeling this incredible.

My lips parted gently, and through the silence I whispered
to him, “Can you feel how badly my body wants this, wants
you? I may not be able to control myself, so I think you should
prepare.” I continued to smile at him, grinding my sex against
his erection with more force as I spoke.

Alexander’s expression was solid, his eyes were darkened by
the blindfolds, and his skin flushed with the desire of what was
before him.

“Are you all right or should I stop? I would like to repay
the favor of the orgasm you’ve just given me, but your silence
and expression are making me doubt your interest.”

In one swift movement, Alexander spun his body up from
beneath me and pinned me down on the bed. My legs, still
wrapped around his waist, were spread further as he eased his
body in between them. My back arched instinctively against him
as he pinned my arms on each side of me. Alexander looked ferocious,
an animal in heat, hungry for me, for my body. Lowering
his chest to mine, never removing the blindfold, he motioned as
if to kiss me, but when my lips parted, he spoke instead. “I never
asked you to repay a favor. You asked me to earn the right to call
you by your beautiful name. And I think I did a damn good job,
considering the high-pitched moan you let out. But, seeing as
you haven’t alerted me to my success, I’ll keep going until you
do. Perhaps that will give you some insight as to whether or not
you should doubt my interest. I appreciated your attempts to tell
me what you liked and how you liked it, but let me tell you a
little secret: I wouldn’t give it to you any other way.”

Still holding me steady, now with one hand, he tested my
strength as I tried to fight his hold playfully. Reaching between
my legs, I arched myself, expecting his hands on my sex again,
but nothing. He held me in place so tightly I could not see
what he was doing.

“So that’s this look? You want me to tell you that you won or
that you were successful? Reassurance is a flighty thing to bank
your successes on. I mistook you for a confident man, strong and
capable. I must admit, I’m disappointed in your weakness and
neediness, I never would have expected it.”

I knew how to play him now. I wanted him to give me what
I wanted. And hoped that Alexander would read me as he had
done so well before and give me what I needed.

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