Lust (29 page)

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Authors: T. C. Anthony

Tags: #Romance

BOOK: Lust
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I pressed him in and out of me. The vibration of the ring
stimulated us both, but Alexander’s excitement was shooting
through him. His hands dug into my hips, pushing me back
and forth faster than I could keep up. His strength was indescribable
as he pushed and pulled my hips into his erection;
my thighs tightened around his. The climax was inevitable and
mind-boggling as our bodies ached and vibrated in synchrony.

“Alexander, hold on a little longer. Fight the urge to let
go. Hold onto me.” My hands grappled onto his shoulders. My
nails dug into his skin, feeling full of emotions and desire for
his body, his essence, and him—all of him.

“I can’t…much longer…This is insane. It hurts to stop
but feels so amazing. This is incredible. You are incredible,
Evangeline; I have never felt so divine, so complete…Oh God.

Move faster and thrust harder…please.” And as my body fed
into him, he jolted up, embracing me so tightly that my body
was imprisoned by his hold; his every emotion flowed through
us as he finished inside of me while I climaxed along with him.

His entire being twitched. Neither of us could move. We
sunk into each other and lay there, still, breathless, and silent.

The slightest move of my body on his made him tighten his
hold, as his liberated cock was still inside me.

“It has never been this good, and I can’t imagine it ever
getting better or not having this elation forever,” Alexander
mumbled through breaths, placing his fingers under my chin
and raising my head to look into his eyes.

There was true perfection between us. I was living it as was
he, but talking about it, acknowledging it, would make it more.

And anything more would make all this perfection come to an

“Come on. Let’s get you into bed. You worked out hard.” I
giggled as we sat up.

He held my hand as we slid off the chaise; he scooped me
from under my legs and carried me over to the bed.

I was emptied, blissfully empty, and completely fulfilled.

We lay in bed, nothing covering us except for each other.

Alexander’s arms and legs wiggled in and out of my own, and
as sleep came, so did the dreams. I could see Alexander and I
walking on sandy white beaches. Alexander seemed to somehow
be narrating my dreams. We walked in slow motion from
the beach and down a pier onto a single and solitary hut in the
middle of a crystal-blue ocean. I could almost smell the sea;
the fogless and corruption-free haven of perfection was within
my reach.




“Evangeline, wake up.”

It was definitely Alexander’s voice, and without opening
my eyes I knew; the grin on my face turned into an immediate
smile as I heard the sounds coming from his lips. It felt so good.

I let out a pleased and comforted moan as he continued to
try to wake me.

“Sweet Evangeline, please, you have to wake up. I know you
are tired, but I need you to wake for me.” Alexander smoothed
his fingers over my cheek and with the other hand stroked my
bare back, making my skin prickle. It felt like we had just
fallen asleep, and if I recalled correctly, it was Sunday. So why
the hurry to get up?

My eyes opened slowly to find him inches from my face,
and I smiled wider, arching my neck, inching my head closer
and my lips nearer to his.

“I will kiss you if you get out of bed,” Alexander teased.

“Ugh, I’m comfy and tired. I don’t wanna.”

Alexander jumped off the bed. Grabbing both of my ankles,
he yanked me toward the edge, smacked me hard on my
ass, causing a warm stinging on my butt cheek, and shouted,
“Get up or I will punish you!”

I chuckled, still lying on my belly. “That’s not a threat—
that sounds like fun. Hell, I’ll never get up.”

Alexander leaned toward me and, with both hands, began
tickling my sides, making me jump and fall on the floor in

Nervous that I had hurt myself, he pulled my arms rapidly,
lifting me off the floor and pressing me into his chest. “You
OK? I’m—”

My giggling made him stop apologizing.

Confirming that I wasn’t hurt, he scolded, “Come on, little
girl. Enough with the games. I need you to get dressed—comfortably.

Meet me downstairs in no more than ten minutes.”

Kissing me gently, he slid his arms from my waist and made
his way out of the bedroom double doors, closing them. I
could hear him almost jogging down the hall and descending
the staircase.

What is his hurry? Maybe he has something to do…?

I scratched my head full of why’s, like a confused little
monkey, but regardless of the reason, it was his house and I had
to get going like he asked.

I washed quickly and put on blue jeans, a T-shirt, and
a pair of white flip flops. As I went to gather my things, I
noticed that the bags from Saks were gone. And as I looked
toward the nightstand for my purse, I noticed that not only
was my purse gone but the time on the digital clock.

1:00 a.m.

“What the fuck. That can’t be right. Alexander?”

I went quickly down the hall, and before I could start down
the stairs, I heard voices and giggling in the kitchen. Who
could be at his apartment at 1:00 a.m.? Maybe that’s why he
was waking me: we had—he had—guests?

I paced myself as I took each step down the staircase. And as
I reached the bottom, my view of the kitchen was clear. There
were four people standing around the island; one of which
was Alexander. The other three were Brant, Marcus and…


Stranger than that, there were suitcases piled near the

“Samantha? Are you…Is everyone OK?”

They all turned as I entered, and Samantha said, “Eva,
my love, what took you? It’s nice to see you so…rested.” She
jumped off her stool and hugged me tightly, whispering in
my ear, “Don’t freak. I see it in your eyes. Please just go with

Go with what? my mind asked.

“Will someone tell me what’s going on?” I was trying not
too freak out, but my body was not listening. I was indeed about
to freak out!

“Well, I called Marcus and asked him to call Samantha so
that she could do me a favor—”

Samantha stepped in, cutting off Alexander’s explanation
“Why don’t we leave you two to catch up, and we’ll see you…

well, soon.”

Samantha kissed me and grabbed Marcus’s hand. Marcus
winked at me as he turned to leave. But where were they going?

Why were they here to begin with? Oh God, they all knew I was sleeping
with Alexander.

Brant saw them out, and before he closed the door, he
grabbed the luggage on the floor and informed Alexander, “I
will load the car and wait for you at the front entrance.”

I couldn’t have been more confused, and now I was getting
pissed off on top of it.

Alexander drew closer to me. “Now stop freaking out. I see
you’re about to burst. I know you don’t like to be kept in the
dark, so I’m going to fill you in. Just remember two things.

One is we only have ten minutes to talk up here, but we can
talk more in the car. And two is, well…I beg of you to take this
information as it comes; try not to freak out.”

I think that the statement of “Don’t freak out” usually
makes people freak out!

“Speak, please. Just speak.” I was annoyed, tired, and being
played like a child; he needed to speak fast.

“When you fell asleep, which was a few minutes after your
head hit the pillow, I decided that I didn’t want this weekend
to end—not just yet. And when you told me about the place
you would go to be swept away…Well, you deserve to be swept
away, even though you have the means to come and go as you
please.” Alexander paused.

My stomach was in knots. What had he done? What was he
doing? Why wouldn’t he ask me—
“Evangeline, I know I don’t have to do anything for you.

I know that you can and do everything for yourself as well
as everyone around you. I just wanted you to have something—
for you—just you. No thoughts, no electronics, no
world, and no worries—just you and, well…me. If you’ll
allow me.”

I just stood there, mouth gaping and shaking from head to
toe as I recalled what Samantha has said: Don’t freak out. Just go
with it. Something inside of me wanted to listen.

“Where are we going?” I muttered
Alexander was as surprised by my words as I was. “To…

your place, your serenity,” he replied.

I tried to remember what I had said to him. “Bora-Bora.

Are you kidding me?” I asked in disbelief; but he couldn’t have
been more serious.

“I am not kidding. We have my jet waiting for us at the
airport, and if we do OK with winds, we should arrive by noon
tomorrow. It’s usually a thirteen-hour flight, but the jet should
get us there three hours shorter.”

I was stunned. “But…I don’t have my passport. I have work
in the morning.”

Alexander took my hands to his chest. “I took care of the
passport, and your schedule is clear until Thursday. What do
you say?”

I couldn’t say no. In fact I couldn’t say anything. I had never
been in a position to be swept away, or perhaps it was that I
had never allowed myself to be swept away.

“OK.” It was all I could muster up.

“OK, come on,” said Alexander after a few moments of
complete silence.

He led me by the hand, and we walked to the elevator and
down to the lobby to meet Brant, who waited for us in the car
outside the hotel entrance.

The car ride was only about twenty minutes. We weren’t
far from the marina airport, and at this time of night, the traffic
was light leaving the city. Both Alexander and I were silent. I
think Alexander was fearful of saying anything, and me, well, I
was trying to process everything.

“I…I don’t have any clothes, toiletries, makeup…” I felt
tears in my eyes as I stared at Alexander. The tears were not
because of what we were doing but because I was letting it
happen, I was going with it. I didn’t know how to just go with
it. I always planned and had itineraries; this was making me

“Easy. Brant took care of all of that. Actually, I think he
went a little nuts; he got one of everything. And, Samantha
packed your clothes, and that’s why I had Marcus call her.”

Alexander laughed, but I couldn’t process the comedy in
the situation.

“Evangeline, we don’t have to go, but what will you lose if
you do? We’re here. Now, do we go or do we stay? Whatever
you decide is fine with me.” Alexander was sincere in allowing
me to make the choice, and it was that choice that convinced
me to go through with it.

I nodded and Alexander leaned in and kissed me. A moment
so sweet and passionate and spur of the moment couldn’t
possibly go bad, could it?

Alexander’s jet was amazing. We were greeted by a beautiful
and perfectly primped hostess, with two glasses of champagne
and strawberries in hand. I hesitated at first, considering
it was one thirty in the morning, but then took both as I
ascended the plane; I looked like a lush and couldn’t give two
shits about it.

I’m not sure what I expected in a private jet. I have flown
first class more times than I can count, but this was a mini hotel.

The entrance of the cabin led to a seating area with leather
couches, TVs, and a bar. It was very luxurious, decorated with
camel leather upholstery and lined with cherry lacquer moldings
and gold trim. All of the seating was plush and decorated
with beautiful accent pillows and velvet throws.

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