Loving Angel 2 (9 page)

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Authors: Carry Lowe

BOOK: Loving Angel 2
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“Damn,” I groaned in frustration. “So we don’t know where that motherfucker lives?”

“Nah,” he admitted. “But we do know where one of those fuckers who tried to run us off the road hangs out.”

“I thought you said they got away?” I was getting a little confused.

“Yeah they did,” Biz spoke for the first time since entering the room. “But I recognized their car. Red Honda with stripes on the side, spoiler on the back, tinted windows and an old dent on the bumper. That vehicle belongs to that cat Hindu who’s always gambling at that little Jamaican bar on Gun Hill and White Plains Road.”

That right there was the re
ason I rolled with that nigga. He didn’t speak much, but whenever he opened his mouth to say something it was going to be worth a million.

“And you know the i
nteresting part about this shit?” Lux added. “Who does that nigga Hindu work for?”














When I walked into Island Vibe in search of Hindu I was hopped up on pain killers and decked out in nothing but black. I had my Glock 9mm at my waist and my niggas Delco and Biz protecting my back. I had left Lux standing outside the door looking out for danger or the cops. Dwayne was sitting behind the wheel of the van across the street ready for us to get the hell out of dodge if things got turned up, or the Po-Po happened to show up. I knew I was acting reckless by snatching a nigga from a public place, but with the way I was feeling, I just didn’t give a damn. I needed an audience to report back to Kitsune and Dread because I was about to send a message to the Jamaicans.

The bar was a very popular Jamaican hangout in the heart of Kit’s territory, so I was pretty sure those motherfuckers didn’t expect me to be bold enough to walk up in the spot, sit
at the counter and order a Red Stripe beer.

After the bartender had reluctantly served us
, we sat back and scoped out the scene. It was almost three in the morning, so there weren’t a lot of people around. There was a handful of heavy drinkers littered around the room looking like they were only a drink away from passing out. Two old, worn out looking bar flies were trying to show off for anyone who showed them the smallest amount of interest. A couple of rough necks were sitting in a corner nursing their drinks while they eyed us suspiciously while the domino players in the back were too engrossed in their game to even notice us. I guess the bar’s more sensible patrons were already in bed at that hour, which was lucky for them because shit was about to get real in that motherfucker.

Our target was sitting around the domino table too involved in his game to realize that a bunch of predators were stalking him. After we finished our drinks we walked over to him and stood behind his chair.

“That double five you have in your hand is going to be hard to get rid of at this time in the game since almost all the pieces of fives have already been played,” I said, casually announcing myself to Hindu which caused him to accidently drop some of his domino pieces from the shock of my presence.

“Oh shit,” he sputte
red jumping from his chair. In his haste he almost knocked the table over, causing the other players to grumble unhappily.

I chuckled coolly. “You and I got some business together.”

“What’re you talking about man?” He stuttered nervously. He was such a bad actor. If he wanted me to believe he didn’t know what I was talking about, he should have at least not looked so guilty.

“Don’t play games with me Hindu.
I’m positive you know what I’m talking about. Now will you come with us peacefully, or do Delco and Biz have to drag you out of here like the dog you are?”

“You guys can’t do that,” one of the players sitting at the table complained. “We’re in the middle of a game.”

I fixed him with one of my coldest stares and he blanched, snapping his trap shut immediately. “One more word from anyone of you and I’ll teach ya’ll a lesson you’ll never forget,” I warned steely. The nigga who had spoken swallowed audibly while the other two players fidgeted nervously.

I turned back to my target. “Now Hindu, stop playing games and let’s go.”

He didn’t budge. Instead he was shaking his head repeatedly in denial. “I’m not going with you guys. I don’t even know what you want with me,” he said raising his voice. By now we had the attention of the entire bar, but they were smart enough not to get involved.

Hindu was a small dark skin
ned dude with curly hair and some abnormally red lips. He was a low level hustler in Kit’s organization and a real coward, so I didn’t understand why he insisted on playing games with me. The only thing he was doing was pissing me off.

I shook my head sadly
, because he was just making things hard for himself. “This nigga needs a lesson,” I suggested.

I didn’t need to say more. My best friend stepped forward and delivered a right hook followed by a left to H
indu’s face that made him hit the floor. The other domino players immediately scuttled out of the way. Delco grabbed his victim by the collar and started wailing on him. The smaller man couldn’t do anything except try to protect himself. I could tell Delco was going easy on him and I appreciated it because we still needed him for information. After the beating was over Hindu was left prostrate on the floor, swollen, bloody and moaning.

I crouched beside him. “You’re ready to cooperate now?” I asked
, but his only reply was a groan. “I think that little love tap was too much Delco, so I guess you guys are gonna have to carry him,” I chuckled lightly.

“That wasn’t even a real beating,” Delco replied, giving Hindu a disgusted look.

He and Biz each grabbed one of Hindu’s arms and started dragging his prone form from the bar, but no one came to the Jamaican’s rescue. They weren’t stupid enough to get between me and what I wanted.

I wasn’t planning on killing Hindu because I h
ad to be smart when playing the game. I wasn’t going to be the last person seen with a murder victim and especially after forcefully removing him from a very public place. People usually minded their own business, but you could never be too certain. What I had wanted was a very public display when I snatched him up. I was sending a message to those cats Kitsune and Dread. Y
ou ain’t scared of me bitch and I ain’t scared of you either.

I was plannin
g on putting the hurt on him, getting all the information he had and then throwing him back in the pond, so those other big fishes could gobble him up for snitching to me. I knew without a doubt that he would get his wig pushed back when he turned up alive because they would know what he had to do to stay that way.

My boys hauled our hostil
e victim all the way to the van, duct taped his ass, put a bag over his head and threw him in the back.

“Nigga chill with all that sniffling,” Delco chuckled, hitting Hindu upside the head with his open palm before closing the van’s rear doors. I couldn’t believe the nigga was actually crying. I didn’t feel sorry for him. If he wasn’t prepared for the consequences of the game he shouldn’t have been playing.

We all jumped into the vehicle and Dwayne drove off.

“What were
ya ‘ll doing in there that long?” My driver mumbled, holding the steering wheel with one hand, while the other was occupied with the sneakers bar he was busy stuffing in his mouth. He was always gorging on those damn things whenever he was on a job.

“Yeah, ya’ll was in there a minute,” Lux added. “I was thinking about coming inside to
see if everything was legit but you came out.”

“We were putting on a show for the kids,” Delco revealed. “I’m sure as soon as we left one of them niggas called Dread and Kit and let them know we snatched up their boy.”

“That motherfucker is going to be pissed.” Dwayne laughed. “I guess the war is going to be back on after this.”

I had to agree with my boy on that statement. 

“Was the war ever over?” I scoffed. “The nigga came to me with some bullshit truce because his uncle is supposedly hitting his spots and then I find one of his people is working with his alleged enemy. It’s either Hindu has gone rogue, or Kitsune is secretly in bed with Dread.”

“What are they getting from running game on us?” Delco wondered.

I too wanted that question answered and as we pulled into the driveway of our spot, I was one step closer to getting my answers. It was the very house we had used to torture Boss’s best friend Axel a couple years back. My house of pain was also going to be the spot Hindu went through the same suffering if he didn’t tell me what I wanted to know.

The nigga still hadn’t
recovered from the beating. He had to be carried into the house and around to the back room where we were going to have our little talk. Delco removed the bag from Hindu’s head when we had him situated in the chair all our previous honored quest had occupied. He was making muffled sounds behind the gag that covered his mouth while he tried in vain to free his arms and legs that were bound to the chair.

“You can’t get away my
nig,” I informed him. “Even if by some miracle you get out of that chair, you would have to get past me and Delco and then Dwayne, Lux and Biz in the other room. The only way you’re going to make it out of here alive tonight is to start talking.”

I didn’t have a lot of patience in me. My pain medication was starting to wear off and my shoulde
r was hurting like a bitch. If he fucked with me anymore, I was really going to make him hurt a hundred time worse than I was hurting.

, I’m going to remove the gag and you’re gonna tell me everything I want to know, you understand?” I commanded and Hindu bobbed his head vigorously. I gave Delco a nod and he snatched the duct tape from the victim’s mouth producing a shriek which caused my best friend to shake his head sadly.

“Damn nigga
, you’re letting bitches look braver than you right now,” my boy commented.

“Start talking Hindu,” I ordered, giving him a look that said I wasn’t into bullshit at the moment.

“If I talk you ain’t going to kill me right?”

I rolled my eyes and Delco smacked him upside the head for the
second time that night. “Nigga, didn’t he already tell you that?”

, ok,” he relented. “What do you want to know?”

“Nigga are you stupid?” I asked
angrily. “I want to know if Dread and his nephew are teaming up trying to take me down and if you ask another stupid question I’ll shoot you in your leg.”

“Ok,” he squeaked, swallowing nervously and licking
his busted swollen lips before he began answering my question. “They’re definitely not working together because when Dread came home from prison he wanted Kit to hand the reigns back over to him and when Kit said no he started hitting Kit’s spots. Sour is the one working with Dread. He isn’t happy with how Kit is running things, so when Dread approached him he started feeding him information behind Kit’s back.”

“So you’re telling me Kit had nothing to do with any of this?” I asked skeptically.

He shook his head in the negative. “It’s Dread, Ninja and Sour who’re trying to take you down. They were going to get rid of you then take care of Kit next.”

“Who is Ninja?” I wasn’t familiar with that name.

“Ninja is a crazy motherfucker who Dread met while in prison. I think he just got released about two months ago after serving a ten year bid for trying to burn his ex-girlfriend to death. When Dread decided you had to go because you took over a lot of his customers Ninja offered to take care of you for him. He’s the one responsible for the shooting in front your club. I wasn’t involved in their plot to get rid of you. I was just giving Sour a ride on the way back from the club when he put a gun to my head and told me to run your niggas off the road. What else did ya’ll expect me to do? That nigga is fucking nuts.”

I think Hindu thought I was stupid. For someone who wasn’t working with Dread and his crew he sure knew a lot about
their scheming.

“And where can I find those cats? Ever been to any of their spots?”

“Nah man,” he denied. “They don’t trust me like that.”

“You’re sure about that?”

“Why would I lie to you when I know if I do you’ll kill me?”

I nodded. “Just remember that if you lied to me tonight I know where to find you. I know you must have family you wouldn’t want to see hurt. If I can’t get you I’ll get them.”

He swallowed audibly
, but didn’t say anything. He didn’t know it was my personal motto not to get people’s families involved in my beefs.

“Do you know anything else?”

He shook his head no.

Having learned
all he was going to tell me, I pulled out my nine and shot him in both knee caps. He howled and called me all types of names, so I shot him in one of his legs for the name calling. I wasn’t going to kill him because if nothing else I was a man of my word, but I didn’t promise him that I wasn’t going to hurt his ass.

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