Loving Angel 2 (4 page)

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Authors: Carry Lowe

BOOK: Loving Angel 2
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After he had finished removing his shoes and clothes
, he climbed under the covers spooning me with his hard body and rubbing on my bare ass. I roughly pushed his hand away, but he replaced it immediately and started nibbling on my earlobe. I wanted to stay mad at him, but that right there was my spot. He damn well knew it and was taking advantage.

His nibbling traveled from my ears to my neck causing my pussy to beco
me instantly wet. My mind completely gave up the idea of denying him. I was horny for the dick which was another side effect of my pregnancy. His hand moved from massaging my ass to rubbing on my throbbing clit, eliciting a throaty moan from my mouth.

“You’re nice and wet and ready for me aren’t you,” Delco boasted. “See,
this right here is my pussy. No matter how much you hate to admit it you can never and will never be able to deny me.”

He was a conceited ass
, but he was correct. Just one touch from his talented finger, or tongue and my body would burn to cinders.

“Are you going to fuck me
, or spend the night stroking your own ego,” I said in a mildly irritated voice. I knew he owned the pussy, he knew he owned the pussy, and hence there was no need for him to be cocky about it.

“I’m happy you’re so eager for this dick,” he said giving me a playful bite on the neck.

He slipped my T-shirt over my head and rolled on top of me. After placing my legs on his shoulders, he was inside of me with one forceful thrust, stretching my pussy’s walls to the max.

We both moaned from the bliss we experienced from our joining and had to take a
moment to savor such ecstasy. After that moment was over, I was more than ready for some action. I wiggled my hips at him causing him to groan in pleasure.

He started off with some slow smooth strokes
, but then graduated to more forceful ones. My man knew exactly how I liked it and it didn’t take long for the head of his dick to start massaging my G-spot from the right angle. It only took a couple of those perfect thrusts to cause me to get wetter and wetter until I was creaming all over his dick as I screamed his name.

My orgasm triggered his because as I was coming back to earth from my explosion
, I felt his dick pounding into me until he stiffened and groaned before burying his face in my neck.

“You know I love you right,” he confessed as he reste
d his forehead against mine. His eyes were closed and a look of ecstasy was etched on his face.

“I love you too.” And I really did. No matter how many times he got on my last nerves and I felt like kicking his ass to the curb
, I found myself giving in to him.

And if that wa
sn’t love then I sure as hell didn’t know what love was.


The ringing of his cellphone woke me up early the next morning. It had been ringing over and over again.  Whoever was calling kept calling back to back because he wasn’t answering.

I shook Delco’s shoulder to wake him.

“I’m trying to sleep Daisy,” he mumbled in an irritated voice.

“I think your bitch is blowing up your phone because you didn’t go home last night,” I replied in annoyance. “And she’s keeping me from my sleep too.”

He sucked his teeth at me, but reached over and swiped his phone from the bedside table. “Man you just had to wake me with this bullshit.”

“Next time I won’t wake y
ou. I’ll just answer it and tell the bitch you’re sleeping and she should call back later.” Maybe I really needed to do something like that and get all the secret, but not so secret affair bullshit out into the open. I was sure his so called wifey was the only person in all of Harlem who didn’t know that her man was also my man.

elco didn’t reply to my threat. He just kept checking his phone causing me to get pissed at him. I mushed the side of his head.

hat the fuck is your problem?” He asked angrily as he glared at me.

“You,” I fired back. “Don’t be checking the messages that bitch left you while you’re with me
, because that shit is disrespectful.” Yeah I knew he was with her too, but he didn’t have to be rubbing it in my face.

“Have you been losing you damn mind lately? It’s like you’re always on some other shit.”

“I’m on some other shit because I’m tired of this situation we’re in. I’m fed up with it and now it’s time for you to make up your fucking mind. Do you want to be with me or her, because I swear to God this time I’m not taking you back.”

I was getting really emotional and my eyes began watering. I don’t know if it was the pregnancy hormones
, but at the moment I was feeling like throwing something at his big ass head.

“I’ll give you some time to yourself
, so you can get your head right,” he said as he got from bed and started getting dressed.

It was the wrong thing to say and definitely the wrong move to make because it caused a rage in me unlike an
ything I had ever felt before. There I was having a moment and instead of offering me comfort that nigga wanted to run home to his other bitch. I flew at him like a fiend coming off my high and trying to get at my last crumb of crack. I screamed every curse word imaginable while I swung at him. I hit him in the head over and over again and although I knew my hand would be hurting like a bitch later, it felt damn good at the moment to be beating that fool.

He captured my hands and we fell onto the bed with him on top, restraining me.

“I should beat your ass right now,” he threatened and I would have given him the finger if he wasn’t holding my hands. His threats didn’t scare me, because he was always making them, but never followed through.

“Please do,” I taunted. “
I hope you kill this fucking baby you put inside me, because if you don’t I sure as hell will be getting an abortion.”

It was an empty threat and we both knew it
, but my anger had the hateful words spilling from my mouth.

“You’re pregnant with my baby?” He didn’t seem very surprised by the revelation. He sounded more like he was asking for a confirmation.

“Not for long,” I warned.

“Fuck with my baby and see if I don’t beat that ass for real. You really don’t know who you’re fucking with.” He released my hands and got off me, throwing me a dirty look as he once again started getting dressed.

“Fuck you!” I yelled as I stood on the bed pointing my index finger in his direction. “You want me to have a baby by you?” My voice was full of incredulity and I didn’t wait for his reply before continuing. “You’re living with some other bitch while you’re stringing me along and playing me for a fool. That shit ain’t gonna happen, so just run home to your bitch and go fuck yourself.”

“Just remember that if you kill my baby you’re gonna wish you were dead,” he warned me as he walked out
of the room.

I grabbed a pillow from the bed and threw it at him
. It ended up hitting him in the back of the head, but he just kept on walking. When I heard the front door slam behind him, I threw myself on the bed and sobbed uncontrollably.

I didn’t know what to do anymore. This situation was slowly killing me. I didn’t even feel th
at fucked up when I was with Carter and he was verbally abusing me while running around with a different bitch all the time. I hadn’t loved my baby daddy the way I loved Delco’s trifling ass. He had a hold on me that I wasn’t sure I could break, or that I even wanted to break. I knew that it wouldn’t be long before he came waltzing back in my life like he owned me and like the fool for love that I was, I would take him back.























A vase almost took off the side of my head as soon as I entered the house. It missed me by barely an inch
and shattered against the door. It left flowers, water and broken crystal scattered in different directions. It was like I had got out the fucking frying pan and walked straight into the damn fire.

“What the fuck is wrong with you you crazy bitch?” I yelled at Maria. I wasn’t surprised that she had tried to kill me as soon as I walked through the door. It was her M.O. and I knew her antics wouldn’t end anytime soon.

“What’s wrong with me? Motherfucker you can’t be fucking serious,” she screeched as she ran up on me and started delivering punches and kicks like a heavy weight fighter instead of the five feet one inch, one hundred and twenty pound woman she actually was. I was starting to realize that both my bitches knew their way around a boxing ring.

I grabbed her little ass up into a bear hug preventing her from her assault, which resulted in a fit of tears when she realized she couldn’t attack me anymore.  I guess it was my day to deal with not one, but two crazy bitches.

“Why do you keep doing this to me Delco?” she sobbed into my chest. “Why do you keep doing this?”

I didn’t know what to tell her. I knew she was a good woman and I felt like shit for hurting her over and over again, but I honestly didn’t know what the fuck to do. I had really gotten myself into a bind.

When I had started dating Daisy it wasn’t in my plans to fall in love with her. I already had a woman I loved. One I knew had my back no matter what. A woman who was always there for me no matter how many other bitches I fucked, or how many times I messed up. Then the more time I spent with Daisy the more things I liked about her. I liked how she was a loyal chick to her man, a good friend to her cousin and was always there for her family when they needed a helping hand. I didn’t realize at first that I was falling for her, but by the time I recognized what was happening it was too late and I was in too deep.

Although I loved Daisy with all my heart, I couldn’t leave Maria for her. Not only did I love Maria too, but after what she had done for me, I couldn’t up and choose another woman over her. She had done three years in prison on drug charges for shit that belonged to me. If she hadn’t owned up to that coke when the cops found it in my car, I would probably be serving a life sentence. I already had two priors and that three strikes rule was no joke.

I rubbed her back in comfort as she released a torrent of tears into my shirt. I knew that it was the calm before the storm, because as soon as the tears dried up the dramatics would begin anew.

After she had made her last sniffle
, she pulled away from me and I allowed her. “Where were you last night?” She asked in a deceptively calm voice. She was staring into my eyes without blinking as though she could discern the truth by looking into them.

A hundred different lies went through my head
, but I settled for the most believable. “I was at the trap counting money and fell asleep on the couch.” Never mind that I hadn’t counted a dollar in more years than I could remember.

I could tell from the skeptical look on her face that she didn’t believe the lie. “Ok, so what happened to your phone? Why weren’t you answering it?”

“Mari, my phone was on silent because I didn’t want to be disturbed when I was busy doing something important. You know losing concentration can fuck up the count.” I sighed as though I was both tired and frustrated. “You have no idea how much shit I’m going through right now. With Tyga’s new club about to open I got a lot more responsibility on my plate while he’s working at the club. Instead of you being there for me and supporting me, you stay accusing me of shit when I’m busy making that paper to build a life for us.”

I knew
I was wrong for trying to make her feel guilty, but I had to do what I had to do to take control of the situation.

“I accuse you of shit because you’re doing shit. I can’t prove it
, but I know you’re up to something. My intuition tells me that you’re cheating on me and I’ve never been wrong before.” She was back to being loud again and pointing her index finger in my face to demonstrate her anger. I wanted to be mad at her for being all up in my grill acting like a gangsta, but I knew I had been out of pocket by not coming home the night before. Besides, my girl looked so damn sexy doing it.

Maria wa
s one very beautiful and sexy bitch. She was a half black half Puerto Rican mix with long dark hair, dark eyes and a caramel complexion. She had a small tight body with just the right amount of tits and ass. At the moment she was wearing a T-shirt and a thong. Her ass cheeks were visible for my viewing pleasure causing my dick to rise in my jeans.

When she realized I wasn’t paying attention to what she was ranting about
, she poked me in my forehead with the finger she had been pointing at me before.

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