Loving Angel 2

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Authors: Carry Lowe

BOOK: Loving Angel 2
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Copyright © 2013 by Carry Lowe

The moral right of the author has been asserted.

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means without the prior permission in writing of the publisher, nor be otherwise circulated in any form of binding or cover other than that in which it is published and without a similar condition including this condition being imposed on the subsequent purchaser.


This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination, or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, business establishments, events, or local is entirely coincidental.

























To my godmother Lyn, thank you for encouraging me to read when I was younger. It was the love that I developed for reading that led to me writing.

To my sister Keisha and the rest of my family, thank you for always supporting me in my dreams.

To my fans and all those who have supported me by buying my first book Loving Angel. I couldn’t be writing this second book if it wasn’t for you guys. So thank you.














She still couldn’t believe that they had killed him.

They had killed him right before her eyes.

His body was now just a corpse lying in a widening pool of blood on the floor.

Her heart was beating a staccato rhythm in her ear
drums, but although she was afraid, she knew she had to try to get away. The things they had planned for her were so disgusting that she didn’t even want to think about them.

She spun on her heels and started for the door, but the floor was slippery from all
of the blood, causing her feet to skid across it. She wind milled her arms trying to keep her balance, but eventually gravity took over and she fell backwards on top of the dead body. As her clothes and hands became stained crimson, she couldn’t prevent the scream she had been holding in all night from escaping her throat and once she started screaming she couldn’t stop.

All the little threads that had been holding her sanity together had finally snapped.

“I think you’re going to have to knock that bitch out to shut her up,” one of her tormentors said.

“I’m glad I came prepared because she’s about to scream my head off,” the other replied, kneeling beside her.

She scrambled away from him on her hands and ass, sliding around in the wet slippery blood. He grabbed one of her legs, dodging the kick she aimed at his face as he pulled her towards him. He quickly used his superior strength to pin her body to the floor with his own, capturing both her wrists with one large hand.

She tried unsuccessfully to buck him off her body as he used his other hand to retrieve a hypodermic needle from his jacket pocket, uncapping it with his teeth and squirting some of the clear liquid from the tip. At the sight of the
needle she increased her efforts to escape, but like the sting of a viper the needle bit into her neck.

She couldn’t believe what
was happening to her. If someone would have told her when she woke up that morning that she would be kidnapped by two psychopaths, she would have highly doubted them.

As she felt her eye lids getting heavy from the drugs
, she couldn’t stop the tears that were running down her cheeks. She knew that it wouldn’t be long before she would be unconscious and completely at their mercy.

Her captor ran his fingers against her cheeks with a pleased look on his face as the drugs overcame her system and her eyes slowly closed.

“Night night,” he whispered in her ear before licking the salty tears from her cheeks.

She wanted to stop him from touching her with his disgusting
, wet tongue, but her body wouldn’t work and soon she was dead to the world.












Months earlier…


The sound of giggling and the pitter patter of little feet woke me from my sleep. I knew what that sound signaled. It was the precursor to the two and a half year old terror named Ricardo Ernes Grant IV jumping into my bed to wake me.

“Go Ricky go,” I heard Tyga playfully whispering. “Jump on the mommy.”

My two year old baby boy gave a happy shriek and then I felt his body land on top of mine.

“Mommy, mommy, mommy,” he chanted, while pulling the covers off me. He stared into my smiling face with a smile to match my own
and I couldn’t help but feel overwhelmed with emotion at the little bundle of joy I had been given.

Tyga chuckled at his sons antics. He was always indulging Rick
y in the things he wanted to do; whether it was waking me from my sleep by jumping on me, buying him all the toys he pointed out at the toys store or taking him to the park and letting him play to his heart’s content. My bay was a great father.

I wrapped my arms around my little boy and kissed him all over his chubby cheeks. “Whose bad ass baby is this?”

“Mommy’s baby,” he cheered. He had only recently started using short sentences. It was still hard for people who didn’t know him on a personal level to understand him when he spoke, but I understood my baby just fine. I tickled him and jiggled him around making him laugh uproariously.

“Save me daddy, save me,” he entreated his father.

“Daddy can’t save you,” I sang, but I knew his father would soon come to his rescue.

Tyga came over and joined in on the fun by capturing my hands and holding me captive while Ricky returned the favor by tickling me so much I thought I would pee myself.

“No fair,” I complained between my fits of giggles. “It’s two against one.”

“Alright Ricky le
ts have some mercy on the mommy. How about you give her kisses instead of tickles,” my husband took pity on me.

He obeyed his father by planting kisses all over my face like I usually did to him. His kisses were a bit on the wet
, sloppy side, but they were very much loved and appreciated.

“Now you daddy,” he ordered. He was such a little alpha male in the making.

That was a command Tyga was more than eager to obey. He pulled me into his arms and kissed my lips softly. I opened for him as his tongue slipped into my mouth and tangled with mine. I was immediately wet and wished we could have a repeat of our performance from last night. My husband had put it on me real good.

I thanked my lucky stars each day for my man. We had started our relationship a little rocky with all the drama other people were always trying to bring in our lives
, but now we were on solid ground. We couldn’t be any happier together.

Tyga was making that paper in the streets and everyone recognized that he wasn’t a nigga to be fucked with, while I had just finished my associate’s degree in nursing. Although I planned to continue my
schooling so that I could ultimately become a registered nurse, furthering my education was currently on hold. I was taking some time off from school so that I could extend my family.  Recently, I stopped taking the birth control pills I’d been taking since I lost my baby a couple years back. I didn’t think I would ever completely get over that miscarriage, but I thought it was time to give my husband that daughter he’d been dying for.

, we were more than happy and I would rue the person who ever tried to fuck with our lives. I would fight tooth and nail to bring hell to anyone who ever tried to break up my happy home.

“Did my men eat anything
yet?” I questioned after Tyga and I came up for air. If I didn’t get a hold of myself, I would be trying to sneak a quick naughty session in before breakfast.

“Daddy made me cereal,” Ricky informed me. “But
daddy not eat.”

“That’s because I was waiting for you to make
me some of your delicious eggs Sexy.” My bay tweaked my nose.

“I want licious eggs too,” our son declared causing us to laugh. He was having trouble pronouncing the more complicated words in his vocabulary.

“How about you two allow me to wash my face and brush my teeth and then I’ll come down and take care of you guys.”

“Don’t take too long Sexy. Y
our man is hungry.” He slapped me on my ass and then retrieved our son who had been trying to mimic his father by slapping my ass too. I just had to shake my head at them. That boy was his father’s little protégé. Not only did he look like his daddy with his high cheek bones, hazel eyes and thick lips, but he also acted like him with his bossy ways.

After they left I went to the
bathroom to use the toilet and complete my morning ablutions. I threw my long dark hair in a messy ponytail and changed out of Tyga’s t-shirt that I had slept in into a tank top and short shorts.

When I got to the kitchen instead of finding my men waiting for me to prepare their breakfast
, I found them preparing breakfast for me. Actually Tyga was the one cooking while Ricky sat in his highchair shrieking at the faces Chance was making at him from across the counter while he ate breakfast and fed small bites to his nephew.

“Thanks so
much bay,” I said, wrapping my arms around my husband as he stood by the stove flipping eggs. It was times like those that I was certain beyond a doubt that I had a keeper.

“You’re welcome,” he replied, kissing me on the forehead. “Now go sit down and I’ll make you a plate.”

He didn’t have to tell me twice.

“What’s up loser?” I greeted Chance. “Are you trying to make my kid laugh himself to death?” Ricky was caught in a fit of giggles from watching Chance putting straws up his nose. Where he got the straws from I couldn’t tell.

“If I was trying to kill anyone in this family it would definitely be you,” he jibbed back causing me to stick out my tongue at him. That was Chance and I. We were always taking playful digs at each other.

placed a plate of eggs, bacon, sausage and pancakes before me and I immediately dug into the deliciousness. After making himself a plate too he joined us at the counter.

“You’re going by the new club today?” I asked Tyga. He was opening a new nightclub in the Meatpacking district in Manhattan. It was going to open its doors in two weeks so he had been extremely busy lately. I hated that he wasn’t spending a lot of time at home due to the club’s upcoming
opening but I understood that he had to make that money. I also knew that once the club was open, I would get to spend more quality time with him.

“Yeah,” he responded. “I still got so much shit to take care of and time is flying mad fast. What’re you doing today?”

“Ricky and I are gonna meet Daisy and Kiki at the park by her house for a play date.”

My cousin and I also had some catching up to do. I had been kinda busy for the past month studying for the state test to get my L.P.N (Licensed Practical Nurse) license
, so I wasn’t able to spend much time with her. Now that I had completed the test I had nothing but free time on my hand and I was about to spend some quality time with my best friend.

at’re you getting into today?” He asked his younger brother.

“I’ll be hanging with Junior and my other niggas.” Lately Chance had been sneaking over to Kitsune’s side of Harlem to hang with his loser friends
, although Kit and Tyga were still technically at war. The worst part was that his best friend Junior was not only dumb as a box of rocks, but he was also always getting Chance into all types of mischief. I didn’t think those idiots realized what a dangerous game they were playing creeping in Kit’s territory.

For almost a year the streets of Harlem ran red with blood from the causalities of the war between the two drug lords. After Tyga had kidnapped Kit’s mother it had seemed
like the Jamaican wasn’t going to retaliate. Three months later Kit had jacked two of Tyga’s weed trucks. He burnt both the weed and the truck sending the clear message that he would not forgive the insult of Tyga kidnapping his mother. It had only been over the last six months that things cooled off a bit. I was just hoping and praying that they didn’t go back to the way they were before when I had to walk around with body guards. I also felt bad that so many people had to die just because two grown men wanted to prove which of their dicks were bigger.

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