
Read Gena/Finn Online

Authors: Kat Helgeson

BOOK: Gena/Finn
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Copyright © 2016 by Hannah Moskowitz and Kat Helgeson.

All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form without written
permission from the publisher.

Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data:

Moskowitz, Hannah, author.

Gena/Finn / by Hannah Moskowitz and Kat Helgeson.

pages cm

Summary: “Told through emails, text messages, journal entries, and blog posts, two fans of a popular TV show become friends online, but soon realize the bond between them is more than fan fiction in this story of friendship and love through social media in the digital age”—Provided by publisher.

ISBN 978-1-4521-3839-8 (hardback)

ISBN 978-1-4521-4385-9 (epub)

[1. Fan fiction—Fiction. 2. Authorship—Fiction. 3. Television programs—Fiction. 4. Friendship—Fiction. 5. Love—Fiction. 6. Social media—Fiction. 7. Computers—Fiction.] I. Helgeson, Kat, author. II. Title. III. Title: Gena Finn.

PZ7.M84947Ge 2016



Illustrations by Avery Wheless.

Design by Ryan Hayes.

Typeset in Brandon Text, Helvetica, and Garamond.
“Everything was beautiful, and nothing hurt.”
Kurt Vonnegut, Slaughterhouse-Five.

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Are You Kidding Me...?

Okay, what the
was that episode?

I realize that after three seasons I should not be surprised by this bullshit but...ughhhh, after a hiatus LIKE THAT and a cliffhanger LIKE THAT I thought that maybe, just MAYBE, we'd get some kind of emotional closure. Not to mention you can't be knocked out cold for what, TWO DAYS, and then wake up good as new in the next episode. That is not how medicine works, Show. What the hell are they giving Ty and Jake on this damn show and where can I get a hit of it during finals?

In all seriousness, though, it's frustrating. I mean, I'm happy they rescued Sarahbelle, don't get me wrong, but
we knew that was going to happen
. Remember back last season when they actually talked instead of just burning shit down? I'm getting to the point where I like fanfic more than the actual show, and that's pretty disconcerting and I don't really know what to think about that, except right now what I'm pretty sure I'm thinking is WHO THE HELL IS GOING TO WRITE A FIX-IT FIC, AND WHO WILL LINK ME TO IT RIGHT THIS SECOND.




Uh, you?


I heard Tumbledown was gonna take a crack at it. Honestly I didn't hate it all that much? Idk, I'm like the only person who didn't though so whatever.


omgggg seiriously why did you make a post without a fic what are you doing to my heart i've been REFRESHING ALL DAY DAMN YOU WOMAN


please write it please please please. MORE TYLER


girl I love you but how many times do I need to tell you you are barking up the wrong journal? come to my arms, jakey, etc etc.


tylers hotter


No, I've got no time, this is all yours. Please?


Ha! Plenty of time to read but not write.




all right all right all right you people, I'll get it done.

Text with John C.



come oooooover

it's a fucking tuesday, put the
vodka away.

Text with Alanah J.

r u coming out?


guy from smithfield has a car,
mrs. doubtfire is conked out
by the door already

yeah well my dorm's not so

put on your stripper heels

it's tuesday. my stripper heels
have a weekend only policy

let me borrow your lipstick

yeah okay come by. you have
to sneak in the south entrance

what am i an idiot. what r
you gonna do tonight even

writing a paper

sure you are

seriously, what exactly do you
think i'm doing then


ew. i'd rather write a paper.

from: Sharon McKlesky
to: Genevieve Goldman
date: Tuesday, January 6 4:03 PM
subject: Vive la France!

Dear Genevieve,

I've looked over your outline for your paper on the French Revolution (and thank you for turning this in on time! I know how averse you are to showing early drafts of your work, and I was hoping having a required outline submission would help you) and while I think you're chock-full (as we used to say!) of strong ideas, I'm concerned that the organization of your supports isn't as strong as it could be. In light of your recent A minus, I want to make sure you're not allowing yourself to perform at less than one hundred percent. Colleges can revoke admissions at any time, you know! Please come see me as soon as you're available--

Mrs. Sharon McKlesky

from: Genevieve Goldman
to: Sharon McKlesky
date: Tuesday, January 6 4:32 PM
subject: RE: Vive la France!

Hi, Mrs. McKlesky,

Thank you so much for getting back to me so quickly! Tonight and tomorrow I'm focusing on some work from one of my other classes, so I won't be able to fully focus on your paper until Thursday, and since I'm working with a limited time frame I want to make sure that I'm committing as much time to this paper as I can! Therefore, I don't think it would be strategic for me to dole out my thoughts on this paper throughout the week, so at this point if it's all right I think I'll proceed on my own. I'll make sure to save your email to remember to make that a priority through my future drafts. Thank you, and I'll see you in class tomorrow!

Thanks again,
Genevieve Goldman

from: Genevieve Goldman
to: Sharon McKlesky
None. Saved to Drafts
subject: RE: Vive la France!

Look, McKlesky:

It's Tuesday. It's the day after my fandom Holy Night. Leave me the fuck alone.


The Prettiest Whistles Won't Wrestle the Thistles Undone

Word Count:
After the Tawley Place fire, Jake needs some time to recover. Tyler makes soup. Some shit gets said out loud. Takes place between 3.11 and 3.12.
I own nothing, I'm a creepy internet person, lock up your babies, etc.
Author's Note:
I wrote this instead of a French Revolution paper, so I apologize if there are accidental undertones of rebel uprisings or Catholic unrest. Forgive my school, it knows not what it does.

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