Loving Angel 2 (15 page)

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Authors: Carry Lowe

BOOK: Loving Angel 2
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The last
time I had been kidnapped I wouldn’t have gotten away if it wasn’t for my cousin. Tyga had thought it was Kitsune who had abducted me. He focused all of his efforts on rescuing me from Kit instead of realizing it was his crazy ass brother who had me. This time around he would know it was Dread who kidnapped me, but he wouldn’t be able to rescue me because he had been trying to locate the Jamaicans’ hideout for months without success. I knew the chances of him finding them now would be like finding a needle in a haystack.

My thoughts were interrupted by Ninja running his hand down my stomach
, which caused me to jump in fear. “You’re one very sexy gyal,” he grinned while his hand moved towards my breast.

“Don’t touch me.
” I glared at him while pulling on my bonds and trying to turn away from his probing hand.

“You can’t tell mi
what to do,” he returned tweaking my nipple before stopping his assault.

He stood and I breathe
d a sigh of relief thinking he was about to leave me unmolested. Then I quickly realized that he had only stopped his assault so he could get undressed. I renewed my attempt at freeing my hands, but my hope for escaping un-assaulted dwindled with each piece of clothing that slipped from his body and onto the floor.

“Don’t do this,” I begged when I realized I couldn’t escape. “Please don’t do this. We’ll pay any amount you want.”

He ignored my pleas and finished getting undressed. When he was naked with his large dick standing straight in front of him, he joined me on the bed. I thrashed about, but it didn’t prevent him from forcefully prying my legs open and slipping between them.

I bucked at him with my body and he almost fell off me which resulted in his anger. He gr
abbed onto my hair, yanking it so hard it felt like it was being pulled out of the roots. He slapped me in the face repeatedly until I tasted blood in my mouth and my cheek throbbed with the beat of my heart.

“Listen bitch, I’m re
ally trying to be nice to you. Don’t fuck with mi because you won’t like what will happen next. I’m only planning to fuck you in the pussy, but keep fighting mi and I’ll tear up your asshole so badly you’ll have shit and blood running from it like it’s the river Jordan,” he snarled the words in my face with his hands wrapped around my throat. He wasn’t choking me yet, but the look in his eyes told me if I continued to resist his advances he would not only squeeze the life out of me, but he’d also rape me in the ass before he did it.

I was realizing that I didn’t have much of a choice. I could keep fighting him and get raped in the ass
, or I could allow him to abuse my pussy and save myself from being buggered. I’d never even had ass sex with my own damn husband and I sure as hell didn’t want my first experience to be while I was being raped. As much as it pained me to the core I allowed my body to relax, so he could do what he wanted.

s of the things Boss had done to me flashed through my mind and collided with the thoughts of what I knew Ninja was about to do to me. My tears returned tenfold. I knew that was it. Two years ago I had got away from one psycho battered and bruised, but untainted by rape only to find myself at the hands of another one and with no avenue of rescue in sight.

As soon as Ninja
realized that I wasn’t fighting him anymore, he started kissing on my neck. I ordered my body to stay perfectly still and my mind to go somewhere else. I tried remembering the smile on my son’s face in the mornings when he jumped in bed with me, the look of adoration on my husband’s face when he looked at me, the appreciation on my mother’s face whenever I came to her rescue and the gratefulness that always graced my cousin’s face whenever I was there when she needed me.

I tried real hard to hold on to those memories
, but as I felt him forcing his way into my dry vagina, not even the thoughts of my family could stop the utter desolation that I felt.

As he moved inside me each of those memories along with pieces of my soul died a slow death.














Tears silently ran down my cheeks. I didn’t understand why after hours of weeping, my tear ducts didn’t dry up. I thought they would fallout or some other gruesome shit, so I could stop this fucking crying.

“I’ll be back in a couple of hours with some food for you,” Ninja said as he untied my hands. He had just finished getting dressed. After spending the entire day raping me
, only taking breaks to eat and take naps between intervals, I guess he had finally had his fill for now.

I pulled my bruised wrist close to my body and turned onto my side and away from him. He ran his hand down my naked back
and stopped at the tattoo of my husband’s name causing me to flinch inwardly at his touch. Ninja took great pleasure in taking me from behind, so he could pull out and come all over the tat; rubbing his semen into my skin like he was trying to replace my husband’s brand with his own.

“Don’t even think about trying to e
scape because if you manage to get away you’re not going to like what I’ll do to you when I catch you,” he warned, “and I will catch you.”

I listened as his footsteps thread
ed softly on the carpeted floor as he moved away from me. The door opened and then closed noisily with the sound of the lock twisting shut on the other side.

I began counting inside my head
, waiting for some time to pass before I would make good on an attempt to escape. Every time I counted to sixty it was one minute and by my estimation I didn’t even make it to five minutes after he left before I sprang into action.

I ran to the door and tried the handle
, although I knew it was useless. When I confirmed that it was locked I went over to the windows and looked down.  It was a far way down to the ground below. If I wasn’t on the third floor, I would have chanced jumping, but from such a height I knew the only thing I would have accomplished was getting my legs broken and botching my escape.

I left the window with a hea
vy sigh and a lowered spirit as I tried the other two doors in the room. One led to a small walk in closet filled with men’s clothing, which I made use of by slipping on a large white T-shirt and a pair of too large boxers. The other door led to a bathroom. I didn’t realize I wanted to pee until I saw the toilet. After relieving my bladder, I checked my reflection in the mirror as I washed my hands.

There were
large purple bruises on my cheeks that were swollen and tender to the touch. I also had a busted lip, tear tracks marred my complexion, my hair was wild, and my eyes held nothing but bleakness.

I wondered how much time had passed since I had been kidnapped and what was going on now that I was sure my family would realize I was missing. I knew Tyga would be worried out of his mind and combing the streets trying to find me. I prayed that I
would be home before Ricky got the chance to miss me. I was starting to realize why Tyga had insisted I have a guard with me whenever I went out and wished I hadn’t ignored his request.

I resolutely pushed thoughts of my family from my mind. I had to stay focused. I couldn’t lose hope. No one was coming to rescue me so I was going to
have to do it myself.

I went back to the door t
o take a closer look. Although the wood was fairly sturdy, it sported a simple interior doorknob like ones I had seen on bedroom and bathroom doors dozens of times. The cheap knob contained a dummy handle on one side while the other side had a small round button that when turned would secure the locking mechanism. The button was on the outside of the door, but that wouldn’t deter me because those knobs were notorious for been easy to manipulate if you wedged a flat object between the seams of the door where the bolt was located.

A credit card would have been great because it was both flat and sturdy
, but since I didn’t have one, I started searching the room for something else that I could use as a replacement.

I guess Ninja must have thought he had broken me down and there was no chance I would try to escape
, therefore he didn’t need a better lock to keep me captive. His assumption was going to allow me my freedom.

It took me almost twenty minutes of searching high and low in the bedroom, bathroom and closet before I found a hunting knife in a shoebox I ran across hidden all the way in the back of the closet on a top shelf. I snatched it up and ran for the door, almost falling when my feet got tangled in the mess of clothes and shoes strewn on the floor from my mad search.

It didn’t take a lot of jimmying before the lock gave. I peeked outside the door and when I saw the coast was clear, I didn’t think twice about making a run for it.

I was tiptoeing down the hallway when I heard raised voices coming f
rom one of the rooms, causing me to freeze in my tracks. I was considering what to do next when I recognized my cousin’s voice arguing with an angry male.

“I don’t have a choice Keya!” H
e yelled at her, “So please chill.”

“Hell nah I’m not gonna chill
. I want to know why all of a sudden I have to be locked in my room!” She yelled back. “You know there is no way for me to escape from this damn place. It’s like Fort fucking Knox.”

I didn’t need
to hear more. My blood began boiling inside me. My cousin was also being held captive and an asshole was preventing her from escaping. I unfroze, sprinted to the door, snatched it open and didn’t even think twice about plunging the huge hunting knife I was still carrying into the giant’s back. Before he even realized what was happening I was stabbing him a second time.

He howled in pain as
his big body jerked around in my direction. I plunged the knife in his chest before he was able to recover from his shock and punch me in the side of the head, dazing me. I staggered, feeling disoriented from the powerful blow. Luckily my last attack must have been fatal because he took a step toward me with murder in his eyes and then he keeled over onto the floor like a felled tree. I jumped onto him straddling his chest as I stabbed him over and over again like a deranged bitch.

It seemed my mind
parted ways with my body and went to another dimension. The shell that was left behind was now filled with endless rage and hatred. I directed everything I felt at my victim and he had to pay in blood for all the hurt Ninja had caused me.

When I came back to myself I was sitting on a mutilated corpse with dead sightless eyes staring up at me and blood oozing from the many gaping wounds I had inflicted. My hands and clothes were also drenched in blood.

“Oh my god Angel!” Keya exclaimed with a look of shock etched on her face. “Why did you kill him? Why didn’t you just incapacitate him?”

I gave her
a confused look. He was keeping her captive. Probably raping and abusing her too. Stealing little pieces of her soul until she felt like there would be nothing left. Of course I killed the perverted fucker.

was the only one around here who was nice to me, but I guess you didn’t know that,” she sighed in resignation.

I shrugged nonchalantly. “It d
oesn’t matter to me if he was nice or not. He’s hanging with murderers and rapists. He deserved to die.”

I rose from the dead body feeling cold as winter on the inside. I knew I would have to deal with my emotions later
, but for the moment I was happy with the blissful numbness.

She sighed once again.
“Let’s just go. I was about to come rescue your ass, but I see you didn’t need me.”

We immediately
headed for the door, but quickly realized that with all the blood on my feet and clothes, I was leaving a crimson trail behind us for our kidnappers to follow. We decided it would be smart for me to take a couple minutes to clean up and change clothes.

While I did a quick wash off under the shower my cousin filled me in on what she had been alluding to when she said she was planning to rescue me.

Apparently we were at the Dread’s house in New Jersey where he had been keeping her imprisoned for weeks. She said that they had brought me there last night and she had seen Ninja carrying my unconscious body to his room. She had been planning to escape that night by stowing away in that traitor nigga Sour’s Jeep, but when she saw that they had captured me, she put her plans on hold so that she could take me with her.

She had been watching Sour for a while because he was always coming over at around ten or eleven at night to make reports to Dread on what Kitsune was doing. She had slipped away and tested the locks on his Jeep two times and both times the doors were open
, so she knew if she hid in the trunk then she could get outside the gates.

She was about to come get me tonight so that we could escape but the guy that I had killed detained her when he came to lock her in the room.

I had tears in my eyes when she ended her speech. After I slipped into a black track suit she provided me, I couldn’t help myself, I had to give her a hug. I could see in her eyes that she had been through a lot of hard-shit also. Despite that she still placed her own freedom at risk, so she could try to rescue me. My love for my cousin increased tenfold.

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