Jorgr (The Mating Games Book 7) (6 page)

BOOK: Jorgr (The Mating Games Book 7)
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It was his lips that truly pulled her in maybe because he’d kissed her. They were soft and full, he’d kissed her gently like she was a great prize. That was how he always treated her. The looks he gave her were tender and full of care. She couldn’t understand why he moved so slowly to claim her. Her feelings were torn between thinking maybe he really didn’t want her and plotting to claim him instead. Georgie had never made a forward move on a male in her life but she considered it now.

They still waited for the ship to arrive but she was becoming nervous as time passed. Two days where she had woke in his arms feeling desire and need that she could not ignore and yet Jorgr did. Once they were both awake he sprung out of bed running to the shower. She couldn’t understand why he refused to take her. Another day wouldn’t pass like this, she had made up her mind. If he wouldn’t act, she would. It felt good to make a decision and the torment would end. He would either give her what she wanted or reject her but she would finally know.

Jorgr came into the room clearly excited. “The ship just arrived. We are rescued.”

It was a relief in many ways to know they were being picked up. It had surprised her that Earth had not discovered them on the space station. She had read some reports from Earth where they had said that three women, a man, and several children were fugitives and a reward was listed for their apprehension. No one on this station had looked twice at them.

They weren’t the right sexes with Mimi pretending to be a man, but even more so Earth had shut down all the space ships so they were certain their wanted criminals were planet side and people were turning in their neighbors while the police searched every possible hiding place. Georgie felt guilty for all those people whose lives were being upset, but they really had no choice. If caught it was possible they would be put to death. At the very least they would be jailed and never released. That was a risk they simply couldn’t take.

Given time Earth would give up the search that so far had netted them many possibilities that had all turned out to be a waste of time. They might never realize they had made it into space but they might think they had been lost in the tunnels that often collapsed or even killed by other dangerous criminals that they tried to use to hide around. She just couldn’t deny it was a relief to feel safe up here where no search of any kind seemed to be going on. Georgie wondered if they would even search if they suspected who they were. There was no love lost between the occupants of the space station and the government of the planet below.

The sisters and the children packed their bags so they could be loaded in the ship. It would be a large ship since Jorgr had told her the smaller ship they had come to the spaceport on would be loaded in the bay. It wasn’t long before there was a knock on the door. Porters were there to load up their belongings and transfer them to the bigger ship. The kids were so excited they were bouncing off the walls. Georgie could admit she was thrilled for the opportunity to go into space and to see a ship that could make a deep space voyage.

Once everything was cleared out of the apartment they only had to wait for Jorgr. Georgie had never been good at waiting. She’d hated it as a child but she hated it even more now. Maybe it was because more was riding on what happened next. Jorgr finally made it by the time she was ready to scream.

“Is everyone ready?” He asked but he looked at her.

“Yes, we are all ready.”

“Follow me and keep the children close. A ship has come from the surface and it looks like a police cruiser.”

“You think they suspect?”

“It’s hard to say. A cruiser normally comes up here weekly but because of the problems on the surface they were delayed. Maybe they just decided to continue the normal rotations the police make to the spaceport. Let’s hope that’s all it is.”

That’s exactly what she hoped as butterflies took up residence in her stomach. They followed Jorgr as he carried the youngest, Bonnie, and she took Lizzie by the hand. Her sisters herded their daughters behind Jorgr. As they moved near the docking area she saw the shiny new police cruiser docked on the end. Thankfully no police were in sight. They moved past it when her eyes fell on the ship at the end of the row. It wasn’t particularly large which disappointed her. It was also new and shiny, but not at all impressive.

“I see you are disappointed with the ship. This is just a shuttle which will take us to the carrier. Look below, the ship is orbiting Earth.”

Georgie looked down and saw a huge ship below. Now that was impressive. It was hard to get a good look at but she would see it soon enough. He ushered them on the shuttle closing the door as soon as they were aboard. They wasted no time in taking off. She could see the police officers running out of the spaceport pressing their faces against the shield that surrounded them. They weren’t sure they were aboard, but they had some suspicions.

“They won’t bother us now. We are on a Mazlan ship. I am considered an ambassador.”

“Who are you?” Georgie asked wondering what he’d hidden from her.

“I told you I was from Oison. I was sent here to investigate sabotage on a ship delivering supplies to our world.”

“You didn’t tell me.”

“I was undercover. No one could know before but I’m telling you now. There is much I wish to share with you.”

“Will you tell me once we are on the ship?”

“I will tell you once we turn in for the night. There are things I want to show you too.”

Georgie was dying to know what Jorgr would tell her. She knew he had secrets but she had no idea what they might be. Now she would have to wait to find out. As the shuttle sped toward the larger ship orbiting Earth, she knew he was about to reveal something that would change the way she viewed him. It didn’t take them long to meet up with the ship. The bigger the ship, the faster they moved. Not only did the shuttle move faster than the smaller ship they had traveled from Earth on but the large ship had broken orbit to meet up in space with them.

All the effort they were making on Jorgr’s behalf made her feel he was important to those on Oison. That was something else he’d hidden from her and maybe one of the things he intended to share. As they got closer to the ship, she caught her breath in amazement. It was impressive and she’d never seen anything like it. Jorgr just seemed to take it in stride like he saw ships like this every day. He probably did.

They hooked up to the giant ship in less than an hour. Jorgr ushered them all onto the huge ship and a couple met them as they entered the ship. The male reminded her of Jorgr. His name was Stevr and the female was Geena. Georgie would bet Jorgr and the male were related. He took the time to find rooms for both her sisters that were large enough for their children too. When everyone else was settled, he finally took her to the room they would share.

“How do you like the room?”

It was large and luxurious. There was nothing not to like but she wanted to move on and find out what he intended to tell her. “You’re stalling. I need to know what you’ve been hiding from me.”

“Alright.” he said as he took in a deep breath then let it out. “I am one of the ruling family of Oison. We are Mazlans and we have a duel nature. Never would one of our males hurt a female, we worship our mates. But the truth is we have a big, strong, and sometimes scary side that females don’t always understand.”

Georgie looked at him unsure of how to take it. “I know you’re strong but you make an effort to be gentle. You don’t scare me if that’s what you think.”

“It’s not just the me you see. I can change form into a beast. He’s bigger and stronger.”

“I don’t know what to think. If you truly have another form, seeing is believing.”

“Promise you won’t run screaming?”

Georgie didn’t know what to think. She was a little concerned that Jorgr was bat shit crazy. There were stories of men who took other forms, vampires, werewolves, and other creatures of the night. She’d never believed any of those tales were true. It was just too hard to believe it now. While she asked him to prove it, she truly didn’t believe a word of it. His hesitation just strengthened her disbelief making her wonder was he lying, teasing, or messed up in his head.

She stared at him letting him know what she expected if he wanted her to believe. It was from one moment to the next and a huge creature stood before her. Now she questioned her own sanity. Wasn’t there cases of group hysteria? Maybe he’d somehow caused her to hallucinate this beast that stood in front of her?

“Georgie.” The beast grunted in a deep voice.

“You can speak? Am I crazy?”

“No, I’m real.” He said as he held out an arm and she hesitantly touched it.

Jorgr flashed back to his human like form. It was the only way she could describe it. “This is your secret?”

“Yes, I needed to let you know before we got closer.”

“Did I really see that?”

“Yes. I understand it’s hard to believe.”

“He’s kind of cool.” Georgie said with a smile. “Will I change too?”

“None of the mates have yet but you will live longer, be stronger, and healthier.”


Chapter 7




It was a relief, there was no other way to explain it. Georgie finally knew everything and the decision was in her hands. At first she had behaved like he had expected a human to act. Her disbelief had been clear but her acceptance had surprised him since it was not a common reaction. His Georgie was not the usual human. The demon side of him had not frightened her which was the most likely reaction.

His female was brave and strong. Desire pulsed through him as he looked at her but he held it under tight control. What happened next would be her decision. She needed to be comfortable with what he was and the idea of mating before they moved forward.

“What happens when you mate?” She wondered.

“I will bite you. It won’t hurt, I think it will excite you. We’ll both develop a tattoo afterwards that proves we’re a perfect match.”

“What if the tattoo doesn’t show up?” She ask and he heard the worry in her voice.

“It will. You are my perfect female.” Confidence sounded in his voice because he believed. It seemed to reassure her.

“When we make love will you be in human form?”

“Yes, my beast is too big to take you. You may see signs of him especially in my eyes, but I will be human when we join.” It was a question he’d not expected and honestly he couldn’t say a demon had never taken his mate only that he didn’t believe it was a good idea since
on the demon was huge. He thought it was a good sign that she was asking questions. It showed she was considering mating him. Jorgr wanted this female so much, he couldn’t even express how much. There was no term he couldn’t think of that was big enough. Both parts of him ached for her.

The look she was giving him made him want to pull her to him and gobble her up. He was fighting to keep his desire under control and the needy look he saw on her face wasn’t helping. “Do you want me?” He asked his voice rough and growly from his demon half’s intrusion. At a young age they learned to control that half of themselves but the close proximity of his mate was playing havoc with that control.

Jorgr had feared that he might never find his true mate. With his turn in the mating games on the horizon, he had been caught in fear’s grip. What if the female fate sent him wasn’t a good match? Sure his brothers had been lucky so far but more of them had been matched outside the games than in them. It seemed fate had been kind to him as well sending him an exceptional female with both looks and grace. Whenever he touched her, he went up in flames. Need coursed through him making him hope his mate was ready to be intimate with him.

Georgie was close enough to him her sweet sensuous scent wafted over him. He knew his eyes glowed with the power of his beast. “Come to me!” He directed her. Almost as if in a trance she stepped forward. He could smell her ever increasing desire as she closed in on him.

“Yes, I want you.” She whispered and her heart beat faster, her breath sped up, and he could scent her passage growing wet on preparation of his possession. The heat of her body hit him causing him to wrap his arms around her. It was a familiar position since he’d held her during the night. This time he wouldn’t stop with just holding her. His intention was to claim her fully.

His female whimpered as he pulled her against his body probably from the feel of his hard cock pressing against her. He lowered his mouth to devour her. Holding back in an attempt to be gentle he still branded her with his mouth and tongue. Her taste was sweet and addictive as his tongue swept through her mouth exploring every nook and cranny. Georgie’s arms wrapped around his neck with her body pressing against him making control hard to manage.

He felt her hard nipples straining against her shirt. They rubbed his chest as she pressed hard wanting more of what he had to give. His beast growled prepared to give her everything. Stepping back he ripped her shirt off her baring her skin to his hands and his eyes since she wore nothing underneath. Cupping her full breasts in one hand, he pinched a nipple in the other. She moaned enticingly.

Jorgr pulled his own shirt off so he could feel her silky skin against his own. When he pulled her back into his arms he felt a connection beginning to form. There was no doubt in his mind this woman was his other half. He greedily stroked and kissed her thrilled when she gave as good as she got. She was no shrinking violet, the female was a hell cat about to be loosed on him. Her nails dug into his shoulders driving him wild. The touch of pain turned him on.

He toed his boots off, preparing to bare all. His cock strained against his pants wanting out desperately. It was hard to step back from his mate but he needed to get naked and he needed her naked. Luckily she understood what he wanted her to do without a word being said. It wouldn’t be long before he was balls deep inside her getting the relief he had to have. Clothes flew in every direction until they were both stripped bare. His cock jerked with need wanting inside her wet channel.

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