Jorgr (The Mating Games Book 7) (3 page)

BOOK: Jorgr (The Mating Games Book 7)
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There were no tricks or games he wanted to play to claim his mate. Looking across the small table at her, his heart beat a little faster. In his mind, he knew she was his. Now the question was how to claim her. The idle chit chat that moved between them wasn’t helping his cause. She was almost done with the sandwich and then he would have to walk her back home because they had stayed much longer than planned. Georgie wouldn’t give in to him tonight but he would work harder to win her over.

Jorgr paid the bill then escorted his woman to her house which suited him anyway. At least now he knew where she lived. He wished he could hold her and kiss her but he knew she wouldn’t allow that yet. “Thank you for the meal, the company, and walking me to my door.” She was dismissing him and he would go for now but he would be back.

It was time to go home now so once he picked up the two little girls, he put in a call to a private investigator he knew. The man would find Jenny if anyone could. Meanwhile he had two children to take care of. They played while he fixed food for the three of them. Jorgr wasn’t uncomfortable with household chores. He was used to doing his share at home. While he had started building his house with the prefab sections his brother Tylar had recommended, he still lived at his parent’s house and did his share there.

The girls were well behaved, ate what he fed them, and took a bath to get ready for bed. He dressed them in his T-shirts and had to chuckle at the way they looked. As fun as the little ones were to have around, he hoped to hear from the investigator soon because they needed their mom. They lay down to sleep so he told them a story about his planet. At first they both watched him wide eyes listening to every word or maybe they just thought he looked interesting, but in time they couldn’t keep their eyes open any longer. The two were so sweet and innocent he hurt for the life they had here.

It might be that their mom had left them with him hoping for a better life but he doubted it. Jenny loved those girls to much too ever leave them. Now that the girls were asleep with a night light on and the door open, he made his way to the shower. Closing the door, he knew the room was insulated enough to smother any sounds he made so he now had time to think about Georgie and how she made him feel. Stripping off, he stood bare, with his cock straining forward with cum dripping off the tip as he remembered Georgie, the way she looked and scented.

It was wise to step into the stall, turn the water on, and lather up so he could ease his ache. Closing his eyes, he stroked his chest pretending it was her. His hand moved down until he cupped his big balls squeezing them lovingly. Breathing hard with her on his mind, his hand moved up to his rock hard shaft. Stroking from root to tip, he was firm and speedy. Her delicate hands wouldn’t feel as rough as his own but this was pretend. Faster and harder he moved causing the tension to build in his stiff staff. Rolling a finger over the tip he collected the dew that had formed there. It felt slippery making him move that much closer to his release. A groan broke free just before milky white ropes of cum broke free splashing against the shower walls and bouncing back almost hitting him.

Jorgr collapsed against the wall his mind on a certain beautiful lady. His imagination was so good he thought he could reach out and touch her. Of course that was just crazy. She was at home hopefully thinking of him or dreaming of him if she was asleep. That was his hope anyway. After cleansing himself, he stepped from the shower and dried off before putting PJ pants on because of his little guests. He cleaned up after himself then headed to bed. At least he was sure he would sleep well. As soon as his head hit the pillow he was out.

Something woke him and his eyes popped open. A little angel stood in front of him staring at him with a smaller angel hiding behind her. “Hungy.” She said. The oldest girl had trouble with the letter r. The youngest rarely spoke at all.

“I’ll fix you something. What might you want?” She shrugged. Alright, anything goes. Jorgr moved to the kitchen with the girls on his heels. He looked in the refrigerator and saw bacon and eggs. Pulling out two large frying pans he started the bacon frying. The eggs he whipped up with cheese and scrambled in the other pan. Running around the kitchen he monitored the pans while he got each girls a plastic tumbler with milk and another with juice. They drank them quickly as if afraid he’d take them back. Both girls were skinny, too skinny.

He put their food and his on plates so they could sit and eat together. The girls ate fast without saying a word. It saddened him that there was little joy in their faces. Jorgr wondered if it reflected the lack of joy in their lives. Children should never have such sad lives. On his world children were valued and cared for. Here it seemed only boys mattered. Once they were done eating they sat there looking at him. Grabbing all the dishes he washed them. Now it was time to take them to the lady downstairs.


Chapter 4


A Woman Knows


Georgie sat at her desk working or at least trying to work. A certain man kept breaking into her thoughts. It wasn’t that she wanted to think of him, it was more that she couldn’t stop herself. The thoughts were wicked and delicious. They were the kind of thoughts she knew she shouldn’t have but that didn’t seem to matter. Jorgr was a sexy man, the sexiest man she’d ever seen. She shook her head to clear it of sensual thoughts and dug into the work she had in front of her.

At least it worked for a little while before he slipped into her mind again. Nothing seemed to remove him from her mind completely. Her mind was obsessed with him and why was that so odd? Men on this world treated women like cattle, they used and abused them. Of course a woman would jump on a man like him. He was well mannered, kind, seductive, and he treated everyone like they had value. If she didn’t have so much to hide she’d jump on him and bind him to her anyway she could. The problem was she did have a lot to hide, a whole company in fact.

Georgie had been a teenager with a smart streak that she couldn’t hold back. Her family had needed her so she had answered the call finding a way to make money to support them. Their mother had given birth to all girls. Four girls in all and the youngest had been very sick. The business had started out selling illegal goods. Black market, you want it Georgie would find it for you at a cost. Eventually she’d found that she had a talent for connecting buyers and sellers. Things had taken off and she’d used a boyfriend as the face and name for the business until it had gotten too large. She had needed someone then that could rub shoulders with the spoiled selfish men that ran things.

Smythe had been perfect, but she never took her eyes off him. She would never trust him because he was too much like the men he dealt with. Georgie worried that someday he would betray her. If only she had met Jorgr first. There was no point in having regrets, what was done was done and now she had to live with her choices. Her com sounded. “Hello.”

“Georgie? You have a visitor.”

“Send him in.” She said assuming it was Smythe who hadn’t visited in a while. It had been too long and that concerned her.

“It’s about time….” She began but it wasn’t Smythe.

“I’ve missed you too, Beautiful.”

“I didn’t know it was you.”

“But you’re happy now that you know, right?” Jorgr said smiling at her.

“You know I can’t see you.”

“I don’t know that. You’ve never given me a good reason and I know you like me.”

She did like him and now she was momentarily speechless. “I don’t know what to say.”

“Say you’ll go to lunch with me. I need some help only a woman can give.”

Georgie raised her eyebrow at that one. “What exactly would that be?”

“A neighbor dropped off her two daughters the day before yesterday and never came back. They have no clothes or personal items. I need someone to help me pick some things for them. In return I’d be happy to buy you lunch anywhere you want to go.”

“I might pick some place ridiculously expensive.” She said with a grin teasing him.

“I don’t care. I’m lost when it comes to buying things for little girls and I need some help.”

“Okay. Let’s go right now so I can get back to work.”

“Thank you. You are a true humanitarian.”

Georgie laughed. “You are really funny. I hardly ever get a chance to laugh.”

“You should laugh all the time. You’re so lovely when you laugh.”

She started to deny it but she could see he really meant it. Why couldn’t she have a man like him? Why couldn’t she have him? It just wasn’t to be and there was no use in crying over spilled milk. He led her to a store that had children’s items. Jorgr described the girls to her by age and size. They sounded adorable.

“Let’s start here.” She said as she stacked up sleepers, underwear, dresses, and toys. The oldest girl was potty trained but the youngest wore a diaper at night. Georgie stacked those up too. By the time she was through, there was a sizable stack of items and the prices here weren’t cheap. “Are you sure you can afford all this?”

He smiled and he had the cutest dimples. She wanted to kiss him so bad. Not only was he sexy, but he cared about others. The man was just too good to be true. “I’m alright, but thanks for being concerned.” Jorgr pulled out a card and paid for everything. Georgie tried to get a look at the card, personal curiosity, but he shielded it too well. That made her want to know even more. The man was just too damn good in every way.

“You’re too good to be true.” She whispered but he turned to look at her and she could swear he heard her.

“Let’s go.” He said as he grabbed her hand leading her out of the store.

“Where are we going?” She asked as she struggled to keep up with him.

“We need to go to my place to wait for the stuff we just bought. We’ll go pick up the girls first.”

Just a few blocks from her house was an old factory building that had been remodeled into apartments. Apparently his was on the top floor. They stopped on the first floor to pick the little girls up before they got in the elevator and went straight up to the top. The apartment was modern in many ways but it had a comfortable feel like Jorgr did himself. It was hard to explain but from the first time they had met she’d felt far too at ease with him.

Georgie tried to keep her distance but it never worked. Like now they went through all the purchases with two excited little girls and it reminded her of the tales of the Christmas celebrations of a thousand years ago. Their eyes were aglow, smiles on their little faces, and screams of excitement as they opened boxes. She glanced up at Jorgr who was looking back at her. It was time to go before she got in any deeper. Hours had passed and she had work left to do.

“I must go now.”

“You can’t go walking home alone. Let me find someone to watch the girls and I’ll walk you home.”

“I don’t need protecting. I’ve lived here all my life and make walks like this all the time.”

He tried to talk her into waiting but she hurried out before he could stop her. They were getting too close and no good would come of it. Hurrying along the sidewalk she drew in deep breaths of crisp air. The cool breeze came off the water and though she walked fast she stayed cool. Once she got home she got on her computer finishing her days work. She was done, tired and listless so she took a bath. Hot water, scented bubbles, and a glass of wine calmed her but made her think of him.

Jorgr was her fantasy. The perfect lover she would never really know. She pinched her nipple making it erect. Now she rolled it pretending it was his hand that made it grow harder. Her other hand worked its way south. Lower and lower until it rested on her pussy. “Oh, Jorgr.” She moaned as her finger speared its way between her nether lips. Her thumb rubbed her clit as a finger slipped inside and out. Her vibrator was just out of reach in a drawer and the need was too strong to wait. Faster and faster her thumb circled her clit as her finger moved in and out. So close.

Her clit throbbed with need until she gave up and pinched it between her thumb and first finger. She pinched and plucked it like a fine instrument until her body erupted in orgasm. Screams of pleasure rolled from her throat. It was the hardest orgasm she had ever had. Just thinking of that man had brought so much passion out in her. It had been a mistake but one she would probably make again. Even if she would never have him she couldn’t help but imagine what it would be like if she could.

Georgie lay back panting as she tried to catch her breath. Recovering from the orgasm after a few minutes, she felt like just drifting off to sleep in the tub but knew better. She forced herself to get out, let the water out, and dry off. Throwing on a sleep shirt, she went to bed falling asleep as soon as her head hit the pillow. Jorgr dominated her dreams and it was so real she found her bliss more than once which was something she had never done before. When she woke, she was relaxed until her mind kicked in with all the worries of the day.

The next week passed with Jorgr coming by every day talking her into lunch with her secretary, Debbie’s help. Maybe she gave in too easily but he was hard to resist. The man had wined her, dined her, and made her laugh. He’d shown he was polite, sweet, and pleasing to be around. It would be so easy to give in if her sisters weren’t counting on her. One had gone to Oison, two were still here and needed her. Mimi and Annie both worked but things came up all the time that required her help. If she left to the far reaches of the galaxy with Jorgr, she wouldn’t be able to help them. No, he hadn’t asked her to leave but it would be the only way they could be together. Her business would be like a block hanging around her neck.

She suspected her time was running out. It might be at an end and it was time to move on. The only reason she had waited was that Jorgr was a temptation she couldn’t resist. “Why so serious?” Jorgr asked.

They sat at a table in the finest restaurant in town. There were candles, flowers, and lace table cloths on the tables and a piano at the entrance. The music echoed softly throughout the room. “I’m going to be leaving soon and the business won’t survive. I was just thinking that I’ll miss you.”

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