Jorgr (The Mating Games Book 7) (2 page)

BOOK: Jorgr (The Mating Games Book 7)
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Georgie finished up her extra work sending Dolly home before her. She sat in her large desk chair thinking about this man and wondering what made him so different. Would it be his differences bring her world crashing down around her ears? All she could do was hope for the best. It was time to go home so she would be well rested for the day to come. Her home wasn’t far from her office. It was one of the few single family homes left in this area. An old mansion near the harbor, when she had found it the home had called to her.

It anchored her on the awful world Earth had become. The world of her ancestors no longer felt like home but the other worlds they found were ruled by aliens she was unfamiliar with. Building a new life and a new business on some far flung world was more than she could contemplate. Nevertheless if things continued to get worse here, it was something she would think about. The house was almost in sight as she planned her evening. Georgie lived alone, no regular servants or family lived with her. A maid and a cook came in twice a week to do what needed done. A maintenance worker came in as needed.

She reached the house, opened the door as relief rolled over her, and slammed the door leaving the world behind. Hurrying to the kitchen she got out her favorite tray filled with cheese, crackers, and lunchmeats. Pouring her glass of wine to carry with, she picks the tray back up balancing it expertly as she hurried to the bathroom. Turning on the water then adjusting it, she shook out a little scented bubble bath, lit candles, stripped off her clothes, and set out her food and wine next to the deep sunken jetted tub. This was the greatest pleasure she had when she was by herself.

Stripping naked, she stepped down into the tub sitting on one of the seats. It was a long one with a place to relax her back against. Breathing deeply she enjoyed the sweet floral scents that swirled around the room as the candle scents mixed with the scented bubble bath. It would be easy to drift asleep, but her stomach rumbled wanting fed. It would also be easy to slide beneath the water and drown as tired as she was most of the time.

Rousing herself, she began to snack on her tasty treat while she contemplated the man that she would see tomorrow. Why was he so different from the others? Would he bring trouble or was he just trying to do his job? Once she finished her food, she knew it was time to get out. Drying off, she pulled on her favorite sleep shirt. Dousing the candle, she cleaned up before she finally went to bed. For some reason sleep eluded her tonight. She couldn’t help wonder if it was the worry about what he might bring or the wonder of who he might be. It was true she was curious to see this man that Mimi thought so highly of and decide for herself if he was attractive and smart.

It was a full hour later before her mind stopped whirling enough to let her drift to sleep. Her dreams were of a carnal nature with a faceless man she couldn’t keep with a body she didn’t want to let go. When she woke in the morning she was confused. The dream had been so real that she felt around her bed for the man she had imagined. That was just crazy, wasn’t it? Now she was running late so she jumped in the shower after shedding her nightie. Jumping in before the water was warm, not a good idea.

Georgie screeched like a cat as the cold water hit her. Now she was awake. If she was this out of sorts just at the thought of meeting him what would happen when they met? She dried, dressed, and grabbed a burrito out of the fridge letting it warm for a minute in the micro oven before grabbing the hot thing and hustling out the door. As she walked her breathing and her mind calmed so she would be ready to take on this new threat. Many times she had faced danger but she had always won, or at least since she was an adult.

Arriving at her office she was first as usual. Unlocking the door, she opened it to prepare for the day ahead. Maybe she was giving to much importance to this man who she didn’t know. It wouldn’t be long before Georgie knew for sure. Once she got into her office, she sat at her desk getting to work on the piles of paperwork, electronic mostly. She was so deep into the work trying to finish an important document that needed sent off that the man was standing there staring at her when she finally broke her gaze away from the screen. Fuck! Never had she ever seen a man that looked more like a Greek god in her life.

He had presence and she could feel it. When their eyes met it was like fireworks. Georgie had always thought that the stories of instant attraction were exaggerated until now when her heart skipped a beat. Flirtatious words itched on her tongue but her mind pulled them back.  She couldn’t flirt or spend time with any man, not anymore. Her whole life was a lie and he might find out. No one could be trusted to keep such big secrets especially a man that looked like he did.

“Can I help you?” She asked.

A smile came to his face that made her think his mind wasn’t on business. “Yes, you certainly can.” He just stared at her for a few moments. “It’s too bad we have to discuss business first.”

“You’re my morning appointment?” She asked even though there could be no doubt.

“Afraid so. My name is Jorgr. You are Georgette, right?”

“I am. There are some papers on my desk waiting for you. Please take a seat and we can begin.”

Jorgr walked to the desk, picked up the stack of papers before sitting in one of the two comfortable chairs that were positioned across from her on the other side of the desk. Crossing one leg over the top of the other, he leaned the pile of papers on that leg then began to read quickly. Reading at a steady clip, he made it through several papers before he looked up spearing her with his glance.

“Maybe you could just verbally tell me if anything is different in here from the last agreement?” He sent her a questioning look.

“One of the reasons most of the men in your position don’t come to the meetings is little changes on these agreements.” She explained warily.

“Really? Maybe I want to make some changes.”

Georgie felt a sense of worry. Was he trying to make her lose her profit? Did he suspect something? “What changes did you want?”

“It isn’t anything serious. We normally receive the product in our warehouse here, unload it, store it overnight, and then ship it to the space station where it goes out to the extreme space stations the next day. It seems to me it would save time, effort, and money if we have it directly shipped to the space station.”

Relief rolled over her. It was a minor issue but it would save them money while only costing her a little. “We could do that.”

“We would even off set the slightly higher costs. It would be a win for us.” He smiled and she thought she would melt into the floor. “Of course you would have to agree to have lunch with me. Only to celebrate a successful contract completed.” He finished speaking and looked at her expectantly.

Her breath froze in her lungs at the thought of spending time with Jorgr. The man was an amazing example of maleness. He was tall, muscular, and just plain manly. His hair was dark, almost black but looked like it would feel soft and feathery. That made her fingers want to touch it so much. She thought his eyes were dark too but she couldn’t get a clear look at their color. The problem she had right now was she wanted to celebrate with him but alone privately. Her desire scared her because she knew it was dangerous to let a man inside.

“I can’t.” She said and felt so sad.

“You can. I insist that you do.”

“But why?”

“Because I see you want to go so I wonder why you would say no.”

“I can’t.”

“You have a husband or boyfriend?” He asked and his gaze cut through her looking for secrets. This man was dangerous to her.

“No, but I don’t want one either.”

“You just haven’t found the right man.”

As Georgie looked at him she suspected that was true. He’d already been different than the men she’d met before. “Maybe I don’t want to meet a man. Some of us women are fine without one.”

“Maybe the right man would change your mind.”

Maybe he already had but she felt caught in her fate. She was a victim of her choices and the planet she lived on. There was no way out for her. Maybe Mimi, her sister, could escape but not her. Not now, not ever.


Chapter 3


They Are Coming


He gazed at her his eyes taking in all the details. The female was beautiful which wasn’t what struck him the most. Many of Earth’s females were beautiful but this one had something more. It was the intelligence that gleamed in her eyes, the strength that showed through, and the compassion he sensed she felt for others. This woman was the complete package, she had beauty and brains. There was also an inner strength he found rare in others that weren’t Mazlans.

Her hair was light blond, but the roots were slightly darker. He suspected she was going for that blonde bombshell look. It looked good on her but he was sure it was a tool she used in her work. Her eyes were an amazing violet color he’d heard of but never seen. Jorgr smiled, this female would give him a good fight every day of their life. Once he realized what he said he knew what he meant. This was the one for him. Georgette would be his for the rest of his life and he would be hers.

She’d finished typing the new agreement. Her skills were incredible and he would have no trouble finding her a place back home. “Let’s go now. I’ll take you to lunch and we can celebrate the deal that’s been done.”

“I suppose you won’t let me out of this?” She asked carefully.

“No, you’ll enjoy it. I’ll make sure you do.”

“Not conceited are you?”

“No, I’m convinced and I’ll make sure you are too.” He noticed she stopped arguing which was a good thing.

When she came out from behind her desk, he held out his arm. She automatically took it. Once she’d realized what she’d done, she tried to pull back but he refused to allow it. Instead he escorted her out of the room past her secretary then out the door. A light wind rolled down the boulevard in front of the office building. It was spring here on Earth and a lovely warm day. Just a short way down the road was a café with a small patio area where couples sat drinking sweet warm coffees and eating delicate sandwiches and desserts. It wouldn’t come close to filling him up but the whole point was the romantic atmosphere. He wanted her and this was a chance to flirt and laugh.

He held out a chair for her helping her get seated. Sitting across from her, he then motioned to the waitress who hurried over. “What can I get the two of you to drink?” She asked as she handed them each a menu.

“I’ll take a cappuccino.” Georgie said.

“Me too.” He responded wondering what kind of drink that was.

The waitress hurried away to fetch their drinks. “I think I’ll get a Reuben.”

“I think I’ll get one too.” He replied.

“You should double the meat and cheese. After all, you’re a big guy.”

“Alright. Thanks for looking out for me.” Smiling at her, he noticed she blushed prettily. “Tell me about yourself.”

“There’s not much to tell. I’m just ordinary.” She said but he didn’t believe that for a moment.

“I don’t believe that for a minute. Tell me about your family and about your job.”

“Alright. I’m the youngest of three daughters. There were four but the youngest died. My sisters are both pretty and smart, but I only see one of them often.”

“They must be amazing if that’s true.” He felt his eyes light as he looked at her. Maybe she wasn’t aware how wonderful she was?

Georgie’s face lit with love. “They are, my sisters are wonderful.”

“I hope to meet them sometime.” The temperature around them dropped. Her attitude seemed to close off. Did she believe he was interested in her sisters now?

“Perhaps. Who knows?”

She stopped talking and he was about to break the silence between them when the waitress brought their drinks. “Two cappuccinos. Do you know what you want to eat?”

“Yes, I’ll take a Reuben meal.” Georgie said.

“Do you want chips or potato salad?”


“Alright. What about you?”

“I’ll take a Reuben meal too. I want double meat and double cheese. I’ll take potato salad.”

“Okay. I’ll turn the orders in and bring your meal out when it’s ready. Do you need anything else?”

“No.” They both murmured at once. The waitress turned on her heel and hurried away.


“Georgie.” They spoke almost at the same time then they both laughed. It seemed he was forgiven for whatever he’d done wrong.

“This is nice.” He commented as he watched skaters rolling along the sidewalks and painters doing their art just off the concrete. Looking closer he saw one was painting Georgie and him as they sat near her spot. “I guess she can’t help but paint so lovely a subject.”

“I can’t stop them from doing it.”

“Why would you want to? It’s a compliment that they want to paint you.”

“I suppose. I’d just rather they didn’t.”

“Well today she’s painting us. Maybe she’ll let me buy it when she’s done.”

“I’m sure she will. It’s a hard way to make a living regardless of how good they are.”

“It’s a sad world.”

“That it is and getting sadder.”


Now they both lapped into silence because they were lost in their own sad thoughts. The waitress brought them out of their reverie when she brought their food. She set down plates of steaming sandwiches in front of them. It smelled delicious making his stomach growl loudly.

“If there is anything else you need just let me know.” She said as she dropped the bill on the table.

He picked up his sandwich and took a bite. It was hot but not too hot to eat. Georgie didn’t agree since she was blowing on hers. “I just burned my lips trying to bite into mine. How come you can eat yours?”

Jorgr was sure it was because he wasn’t human and it took hotter temperatures than this to bother him. He couldn’t tell her that, at least not in the early stages of their romance. “Mine must be cooler.”

“Just my luck. I’m hungry and my sandwich is hot.”

“It’s my luck that’s good. We’ll have to stay until it cools and I’ll have more time in your company.” Georgie blushed making her even more beautiful.” He wasn’t trying to sound romantic but it appeared he had come off that way. Honesty was all he had meant to express. Jorgr sensed she wasn’t immune to him but she was resisting him anyway. It was their way to claim a mate quickly but it wasn’t the human way at least not unless something interfered.

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