Jorgr (The Mating Games Book 7)

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The Mating Games Series


Book 7




By Catty Diva


Cover by Jesh Art


2016 Copyright by Catty Diva


Edited by Eagle Editing



Any resemblance to persons living or dead are strictly a coincidence. While some actual places may be named, they are used only in the context of imaginary events. The story is strictly created from the author’s imagination and all of the events are fictitious.


This is a series and it is recommended that you read all books in order.




Book 1


Razar needs a mate but on his planet there are nine males to one female. Humans look like they are compatible but if they find out the secrets of his kind they will refuse to send them mates. 

Lista needs money for her mother's operation or she will die. Her sister has volunteered her to be a bride for an alien. If she wins the mating game she will be free to keep the money and return home.
Can she outwit him or will he claim her heart before it's game over? 




Book 2


Travlr is ready and he wants nothing more than to catch his mate and make her his. His mate seems to be a cunning capable female but he will claim her, what choice does he have?

Tammie has nothing left on Earth. She was basically sold to the hunt but what kind of male can she expect to try to claim her? Since she doesn’t know, she will use every trick in the book to elude him.

His time is running out, but what about hers?




Book 3


It's finally Glendar's turn to find his mate and he can't wait. He'll have to hunt her but it's a small thing to do in order to get your fated mate and find happiness, right?

Bernie has escaped from home so no matter what happens she's better off. But what will happen if her father tries to come for her? Will Glendar stand up for her or will they send her back so her father will keep letting them have more mates from the world he controls?




Book 4


Maxar has felt drawn to Ernie since the day he met her but there are rules about the mating games that can’t just be ignored. The plan is in place for his to hunt his mate at the upcoming hunt but he knows no one else can make him happy.

When trouble comes. Ernie is falsely accused and may be sent away. Is there anything that can save her and allow them to be together? If there is, no one is telling.




Book 5


Stevr’s duties involve acquiring mates for his people. Most of these mates come from Earth.

This trip one of those females will be his own. Stevr has never felt unlucky before but he has never had so many near disasters in such a short time in his entire life. Maybe the biggest problem he has is that the woman who appears to be involved is also his future mate.

Geena has had to do many things in her life she hasn’t wanted to do. This trip is just one example of many. How can she accomplish her goals on this ship with the handsome captain keeping an eye on her?

When it all comes to a head will they be together or blown apart?




Book 6


He meets his mate but is she forbidden? Everything seems to be stacked against them including the secrets she keeps. Tylar is certain she is his and he can’t let her go.

Careena has been treated poorly all her life but Tylar seems to be different. He treats her like a queen but he looks young enough to be her son not mate. Can things really be so different here and will she and her children finally find a place they can call home?

Can these two unlucky lovers make things work or will they find out even fate is against them?




Jorgr had actually volunteered for this. It just showed he was the crazy one in the family. Being stuck on Earth was hell for his demon who hated everything, well everything until he met the gorgeous blonde, Georgette. She was the right hand man, er woman, to the sniveling Smythe he had been trying to deal with. It was clear to Jorgr, if not to anyone who tried to forge a deal with the Liberty Company that the man was clueless. Finally he’d been given the address so he could meet with who he was certain was the brains behind the organization.

As he stood staring with his demon howling like crazy in his brain, he concluded the female was also the beauty of the company. She looks up and their eyes meet with neither of them being able to look away for several moments.

“Can I help you?” She breaks the magical moment but her voice is sweet as honey. Jorgr thinks about many ways she can help him but that will come later.

Flashing the smile all his brothers have that made females melt, he said, “I certainly hope so.”




Chapter 1




Jorgr had been on Earth about a week before he discovered what a terrible world it was for females. He’d seen slights, insults, and harsh words exchanged between the males and females a few times. It was only then that he realized how much power the males wielded in the organization. A female could be fired for the slightest mistake while most of the males could do little to nothing without fear of repercussions. He’d seen a secretary, one of the best they had, fired for correcting her boss’ mistake in a contract. It had been a huge mistake that would have cost the company thousands.

The man allowed her to come back but started her off like a new hire. Jorgr was angry on the female’s behalf, but he had to hide it. When he left, he would make her an offer. No one should be treated with such a lack of respect under any circumstances. Everything he saw on this planet made him wish he could leave right away. The problem was he also saw secret meetings and less than reputable visitors that were all connected to the new owner of the company.

That man was very much the product of this hard and uncaring world. A world Jorgr had no use for and couldn’t wait to leave. His brothers were probably worried since he had missed his check-ins but he felt like he was being watched. Maybe he was being paranoid, but demons were sensitive to that sort of thing. He wasn’t willing to take a chance on messing up his mission unless it became absolutely necessary.

Jorgr watched the coming and going from the president of the company’s office. Something was about to happen. The traffic going in and out of the man’s office had not only increased in number but the people going in looked disreputable. He tried to listen in and did catch snippets of conversation due to his exceptional demon hearing, but it made no sense. The name Georgette keeps coming up so he knows he needs to meet this female to see what she knows.

Researching her turns out to be easy enough. She was the personal assistant for the head of Liberty Company and the person he needs to see to cement a trade agreement. A meeting he was putting off but now it seems the time is right. Maybe he can finally get to the bottom of what was happening once he meets with this woman that everyone is talking about.

“Mimi, can you set up that appointment with Georgette?” Jorgr asked his personal assistant.

“Finally,” she said under her breath.

“What was that?”

She looked at him in amazement clearly wondering how he heard anything at all then wondering exactly what he thought he heard. “I said I’ll get right on that.”

“Alright. Thank you.” The females here always looked at him in amazement when he used good manners. The males around here were rude if not downright hateful.

“You’re welcome. Jorgr?”

“Yes, Mimi?”

“If you ever leave here I want to go with you.”

“I’ll take you if I can.” He knew she didn’t mean romantically. She hated working here and if he found a new job she wanted to keep being his assistant. Jorgr liked Mimi, not as a mate, but she was a wonderful assistant and currently he didn’t have one on Oison.

Watching her, he saw her immediately put in the call. Even though he couldn’t hear what Georgie, which was what Mimi called the female, said, Mimi laughed leading him to believe it was funny. They must be friends to be so casual on the phone. Especially since this was a business call. They talked twenty minutes which also seemed long for just making an appointment.

When Mimi finally finished the call, she buzzed him. “Yes?”

“I set you up for tomorrow first thing in the morning. You’ll go to her office just a few buildings from here. The address and time are written on your itinerary. Don’t be late, that drives her crazy.”

That didn’t bother him since he was rarely late and he didn’t like being kept waiting either. He finished his day at work even though it seemed to drag on forever. Jorgr walked to his penthouse apartment in a nearby building. Because of its location in the industrial park area, his apartment wasn’t considered high class. The other floors were inhabited by females but he didn’t mind. The other males seemed to avoid those females unless they needed something. That wasn’t the way males behaved on Oison and Jorgr liked to believe that no matter how many females they had they would still treasure them.

Riding the elevator up to his floor, he got out and stood in front of the huge window looking at the view below. There was nothing like it on Oison, not yet anyway. He could see all the way to the harbor where boats docked bringing goods from around the world to this trade center. The view and the harbor were two of the things he liked about this world. His apartment was another.

As he entered he loved the mix of modern, antique, and industrial styles. The apartment was loft design. The building had been a factory many years ago and remodeled to highlight rather than cover up its history. Mimi had found it for him when he had been looking for a place to live. She’d also helped him pick out the furnishings. The woman was more than an acquaintance or an employee but less than a friend because she was still leery of him.

Jorgr took a shower, considered jacking off, but decided against it. That would just increase his need and distract him from his purpose. He washed quickly, dried, and put on some lounging pants in case he had company. It amazed him how many excuses the females in the building found to visit him. It was almost like he summoned one by thinking about it. There was a buzz at the door so he went to answer it. Jenny stood there tears in her eyes.

“I didn’t know who else to turn to.” He motioned for her to come in. She collapsed on the couch a child in each arm. She was barely twenty but had two daughters, Lizzie and Bonnie, each by a different male.

“I need to go to a job interview tonight. I hate to ask, but I need someone to watch them.”

There went his quiet evening but at least he loved children. Jenny hurried out as soon as he agreed and he settled in for the evening with a one and a three year old. They played and rolled around on the floor until they were worn out. Jorgr put them to bed before turning in himself. When he woke in the morning, they were still there and Jenny hadn’t come home.

It was time to go see Georgette so he took the kids to a lady downstairs who did childcare. Once he was done with his work day, he would find Jenny.


Chapter 2


Georgette’s Secrets


Georgette hung up the com after speaking to Mimi. No one knew it, but Mimi was her half-sister. They had the same mother but a different father which was common around here. Jorgr would be coming here in the morning to negotiate a trade deal. She’d heard a lot about him from Mimi.

“Jorgr is handsome but the man is so polite. I find it hard not to like him but he’s hiding something. They said he was raised on a deep space station. Could things be that different there?” Mimi had asked.

“It seems unlikely. Just keep an eye on him.” She’d told her.

“No hardship in that. He’s the nicest thing to look at around here.”

Georgette had laughed at her sister until she’d looked in the companies personnel listings where they had a picture of every employee. Damn that man really was hot. Georgette called in her personal assistant, Dolly.

“What’s up, Boss?”

“We need to get ahead of our work because I have to negotiate a deal tomorrow.”

“Is it a tough one?”

“Not really but I’m not sure why this guy is in such a big hurry?”

“Do you think he suspects something?”

“No, but I don’t want him to find out anything either.”

“You think he’s smart?” She asked in shock. It wasn’t so much that men weren’t smart. It was that they were lazy and arrogant.

“Yes, and he’s not lazy or conceited according to Mimi.”

“What do you think would happen if he finds out you really own the company and Smythe is just a pretender?”

Georgette didn’t want to think about it. She’d lose all her contracts and her business would go broke. Smythe pretended he owned the business and in return she paid him a generous salary every month. She handled everything about the business while he wined and dined with the men from the government and other companies they dealt with. It was a win for everyone. Now an unknown man was coming into her business and she didn’t know what he wanted. All the men in his position in the past had let Mimi make the deals. They had been lazy and felt work was beneath them.

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