Jorgr (The Mating Games Book 7) (5 page)

BOOK: Jorgr (The Mating Games Book 7)
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Yeah, he had but this was unexpected. She had thought they would buy their way on a garbage scow or something equally awful. Jorgr opened the door and they all followed him on. Get everyone settled in Georgie while I stow the car in the bay.”

How amazing to be catching a ride in a private spaceship large enough to stow a hover car on. This ship could make the trip to Oison if need be but it would be a long trip. The trip to the moon would be accomplished in a day or so. There was food and drink in the back and each seat could lean back like a bed for sleeping purposes. There were bathroom facilities and even a small kitchen space.

Jorgr came back in after storing the car and got on his com. He was finally able to reach his people directly. She supposed they would send a large ship to meet them. It was her hope that the government wouldn’t be able to figure out they had made it off the planet. If they did they wouldn’t be able to stop on the main space station or any other station in this solar system.

Everyone was belted in as Jorgr went through his systems check. The door opened and this time no one was waiting for them. It appeared they had truly lost those that were after them. The spaceship shook a little as it lifted a foot off the ground and inched forward slowly. Jorgr seemed able as he got the ship outside the large bay doors then the ship shot forward and sky high. None of the girls had ever been on a space ship and they all stared out the windows completely transfixed.

Georgie just leaned back in her seat closing her eyes so she could calm her crazy thought to figure out what was going to happen to them. She liked Jorgr but it was too soon to be claimed as a mate. Things were taking on a life of its own and decisions were being made for her out of necessity. It was time to take back control of their lives but how could she when their fate was determined by the man in the captain’s chair? There was a knot in her stomach as she wondered what Jorgr expected from her.

She had heard a lot about Mazlans but she didn’t really know much for sure. They were supposed to be kind and treat woman well. If that was true it was the best place she, her sisters, and nieces could possibly go. Georgie thought a lot of Jorgr but she wasn’t ready to commit herself to a life with him, not just yet. The time, a little over a day, that it took to get to the main space station of Earth which orbited the moon, showed her more of the soft and gentle side of Jorgr. The space ship had autopilot and he wasn’t afraid to use it. Even though he checked on it regularly, he was in back with them most of the time.

All the children loved Jorgr. He was gentle but he could be firm. The male was everything she would have wished for in a father had she known hers. She was falling in little more deeply for Jorgr as time passed. The man in question had just gone to check on the auto pilot. Jorgr came back out in a few minutes.

“We are almost to the space station. I have to go over the plan with all of you. Georgie and I will pretend to be man and wife. If one of you will volunteer to pretend to be male we can say you two are married too. We will get a small apartment and stay a few days while we wait for the bigger ship we will take to Oison. Who wants to be a man?”

Both her sisters jumped up yelling to volunteer. “You pick a number between one and ten. The one that is the closest will be the man.”

“I pick two.” Annie said confidently.

“I pick eight.” Mimi offered.

“Mimi won. Come with me and I will find you some clothing.” The two of them went to the back returning half an hour later. Mimi wasn’t a masculine man but she didn’t look like a female either. It would do, it would have to.

“What do you think?” Mimi asked her voice heavier and deeper.

“You look good.” Annie observed. “I would look better, but we’ll have to make do.”

“Hmpf.” Mimi snorted. “You wouldn’t look nearly this good.”

A shrill alarm sounded from the pilot’s cabin. “We’re about to land.” Jorgr observed before he headed forward.

They didn’t have long to wait. The docking only took about ten minutes with station dock workers attaching the ship to the hooks in its bay. All the ship’s papers were transmitted electronically, the reason for the visit was to connect to a larger ship. Jorgr explained to them that they were listed as citizens of Oison to act as such.

“How do they act?” Annie asked.

“They are called females and males. The males love their females and are gentle and kind. They do not treat them like men do.” Jorgr explained.

“I think I will like your world.” Annie admitted.

“I think the males on my world will like you.” He observed and Annie blushed to the roots of her red hair. With her pale complexion she looked like she was on fire. It was funny, but Georgie didn’t like the flirtatious conversation passing back and forth between her sister and her man. Damn, he wasn’t hers and he was a male not a man. She wasn’t sure she’d be able to get all this straight. All she was sure of is she wanted her sisters to stay the hell away from him.

Jorgr helped everyone out of the ship and they waited for him to lead them to their rooms. He tipped the dock workers and they loaded up their suitcases to deliver to the rooms. He’d repacked their clothing and personal items into new suitcases at some point on the trip. She had to admit it looked more in keeping with who they were claiming to be. No one gave them a second look, well except for the females drooling over her, er over Jorgr.

He led them to the side of the station where stores, restaurants, and rooms were. The part he went to was for those with wealth, not that any rooms on the station were luxurious. Putting in the code, he opened the door to their rooms. This apartment was larger than most having four bedrooms and a fold out full size couch and a loveseat. Two bedrooms had king size beds while two had two queens.

“The plan is simple. Two adults per king size bed and the children can figure out how they will sleep.” Georgie shivered. She would be lying in bed next to Jorgr tonight. Just the thought made her panties get wet. Could she stop herself from touching him? What would it feel like?

“Georgie?” Annie shook her. “Are you alright?”

“Yes, just thinking.”

“I bet.” Annie smirked and stared at Jorgr.

“It’s not like that.”

“If it’s not, step aside and I’ll take him.”

Georgie saw red. How could her own sister do that to her. “I can’t believe you…” She started ranting but she saw Annie was laughing at her.

“I’m not, Sis, but you better take him before one of the hussies around here grabs him. What the hell are you waiting for?”

That was a good question. What was she waiting for? How would she feel if he gave up and found another? Nothing could hurt more than losing him. She would move forward in their relationship but if he loved her, he wouldn’t push her too hard. Love, where had that word come from? Wasn’t it too soon to feel something that strong? Georgie would follow her feelings and see where they went. Now that she’d made a decision, she would help sort the suitcases.

It was sad as she sorted through the clothing how little the girls had. Some female around her size had a suitcase with things that supplemented hers. Annie and Mimi also found some items to wear. They would have to go to a store to see if anything could be found for the children.

“I’ll take you shopping.” Jorgr offered.

She smiled at him. He was truly a wonderful guy. They left the others in the apartment, she only felt a small twinge of guilt, and they went to check out the shops. “What about this one?” She asked as they stopped in front of a store with small clothes pictured on the windows.

They went in and found a mix of small clothing that would fit the girls. Some of it was ugly but they picked through and found a few outfits the girls could share. It felt nice to be with Jorgr, his arm around her proprietarily as he led her around the store. He paid for their purchase and they worked their way through the row of stores that carried at least some clothing. Once they had tried each store and bought what they could, they returned to their rooms. She was hungry and figured everyone else was too.

“Should we get some food?” She asked him.

“Why don’t we let everyone clean up and change? Then we’ll go to one of the restaurants I’m familiar with here.”

“That sounds wonderful.” Annie agreed.

Everyone hurried helping children shower and then dress in new clothes. Georgie put on one of the nicer dresses she found in the suitcase she had in her room. She wasn’t trying to impress anyone, not really. It was just nice to dress up once in a while and feel sexy. The look on Jorgr’s face when she stepped out of the room gave her a warm feeling in her belly.

Jorgr led them out of their rooms carrying the youngest child. The rest of them trailed after him holding the girl’s hands to keep them from running off. Luckily the place he had in mind was close. Georgie wondered if that was by design. It seemed like a family style restaurant with a wholesome atmosphere. Everything looked clean and well kept up. They even had kiddie menus with meals that kids would like. The girls were all excited about eating out because they never got the opportunity normally. It was a great experience for all of them with Jorgr guiding them about what was good and what they might like. The kids were well behaved even though they were excited beyond belief. Georgie felt happy for the girls. Getting away from Earth would make their lives so much better.

“I guess everyone is finished eating?” Jorgr asked. When they all agreed that they were, he started getting the kids up. “We can go and get ready for bed now. I’m sure everyone is tired.”

Yeah, she was tired alright but the thought of going to bed with him made thoughts of sleep leave her mind. Her mouth went dry and her heart beat like a drum. How would she ever get to sleep with that hunk lying so nearby? All the adults helped herd the kids back to their rooms. Everyone changed into PJs and Georgie thought hers weren’t even remotely sexy. Jorgr on the other hand was shirtless. Heaven help her.

Everyone turned in and she hurried to the bed pulling the blankets all the way up and lying on the very edge of the bed. She did get to sleep eventually but when she woke she was in the middle of the bed with Jorgr and in his arms. His scent was all over her, manly and clean. Her hand was on his chest, his warmth seeping into her. Her nipples were hard and pebbled where they rubbed against him. The dampness between her legs made her squeeze her legs together. She sensed he was awake now.

“You feel good, Georgie.”

“You too.” She admitted.

“I want to kiss you.” She didn’t say anything but she moved her head up so she could see him. His lips moved down and pressed against hers and she relaxed so she could enjoy his kiss. Her mouth opened slightly letting his tongue in. Jorgr set her on fire as he explored every nook and cranny of her mouth even dueling with her tongue.

A moan broke free of her as she slid her hands over his chest enjoying the warmth and strength she felt there. His hands stroked her too heating up her skin wherever they touched. Her channel released more honey to coat her entrance for when he took possession. There was no resistance left in her as she waited for him to just take her. Instead he kissed her one more time before getting out of bed. Georgie had never felt so disappointed and let down in her life.

Maybe he thought she was innocent? Was it possible he thought she’d never had a lover before and meant to ease into making love? Perhaps he just didn’t want her and was afraid she would cling to him. The male just confused her and she couldn’t make up her mind what he wanted. Once he left the room to go out into the living area, she got up took a quick shower, dressed, and went out to see what everyone else was up to.

Jorgr was cooking breakfast and he had all the kids except the youngest one helping. Even the littlest one stood there watching with interest while the others set the table and brought his required ingredients. Mimi’s oldest daughter was cooking pancakes and Jorgr was making a scramble. It was amazing to watch them all doing things without getting in each other’s way. The male must be incredibly organized. Georgie realized that other than knowing he was from Oison, she really knew almost nothing about him.

He looked up seeing her and sent a beautiful smile her way that warmed her heart. All she could think was that he was so different from any man she’d ever known. It worried her that he seemed so perfect. The men she’d known all her life were selfish, greedy, sadistic, and only too full of faults. They used and abused as the old saying went. Women knew what they were getting because they made no secret of the fact that it was all about them.

Jorgr did seem perfect but he was almost too strong, too smart, and too kind. She suspected that he had a secret that he had yet to reveal. She had no more secrets, he knew everything there was to know about her. That made the playing field uneven and she was nervous. What if she committed to him and found out afterward that he was also full of faults just different ones?

“Come and eat.” Jorgr called to her and her sisters who she only now realized were sitting on the couch watching everything that was going on in the kitchen.

They sat at the table while the kids waited on them. It was a treat for her sisters to get taken care of especially by their own children. It was clear they were loving every minute of it too. Jorgr was making everything so easy for them. Georgie still worried but that was just human nature especially considering how much danger they were in. Her male didn’t seem as worried. He had a confidence about him that made her feel everything was under control.

Maybe it was also his strength. His shoulders were broad but he wasn’t bulky. Jorgr was lean but well-muscled, and tall. His hair was dark, a complete contrast to hers while his eyes were a dark almost black with a hint of purple around the edge of the irises. They defied what she knew about what nature gave out. Maybe where he came from different colors were more natural. His skin tone was medium, neither light nor dark but it looked like it would tan easily. Georgie figured he worked in an office even though his body didn’t look soft like most of the men she knew that worked in offices.

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