Jorgr (The Mating Games Book 7) (4 page)

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“Don’t leave, at least not without me. We can be together if you’ll let it happen.”

“I’m afraid it’s just not to be. I have responsibilities you won’t want.”

“You’re wrong. Responsibilities don’t bother me. Have you learned nothing about me?”

“I’ll admit it was impressive the way you took the girls in but you probably won’t have to keep them.”

“You think I wouldn’t? I love those little girls and if I don’t find their mother they will be mine. I’d never leave them at the mercy of this cold world of yours.”

Her heart caught in her chest as she considered the possibility that she could have him for her own. Could fate have someone so good in store for her or was it just wishful thinking. She realized something odd in what he’d said. “Isn’t this your world too?”

“I wasn’t born here.”

Was that what he’d meant? It was still odd but understandable since he’d been born and raised in space. She let it go since more important matters were on her mind.


Chapter 5


Time To Go


Jorgr hadn’t been calling in regularly. He was past due but he had enough information that he had no doubts about what was going on and why. Georgie had sidetracked him but the listening devices he’d set up in the offices of the upper management were plenty damning without any other information and he’d just sent that on as well as a message. His mate that was what she was and he was sure of it, had been nervous last night. It was his plan to get the girls ready, get Georgie, and make tracks out of this place.

Everything they had to have was packed and loaded in his hover car. It was a special one that would take them to the space station where they would catch a ride out of this solar system. Earth had once had authority beyond this group of planets but their power was fading fast. Once beyond the last planet, they would be home free. The only problem was convincing his female it was time to go. The girls were ready so he carried Bonnie, the youngest, while Lizzie grabbed his hand. They made it to Georgie’s house before dark.

Knocking on the door, Jorgr worried when it took her so long to answer. When she finally did, he saw she had packed her bags. They went inside closing the door. He let Bonnie down and she and Lizzie climbed onto the nearest couch. “Going somewhere?” He asked with a brow raised.

“I told you I’ve outstayed my welcome here.”

“Come with us. We’re going away too.”

“What of their mother?”

“The investigator will continue to look for her. If she’s found he will get her to us.”

“I just don’t know.” She said but she was interrupted by a loud banging on the door. Georgie looked scared, her face white and drawn. Her eyes were large as she stared at the door. Slowly she moved toward it.

When she opened it police officers rushed in grabbing her roughly. “What’s the meaning of this?” Jorgr asked.

“We were told this female was running away. We have information that she’s involved in some serious events like blowing up a space ship. It looks like we caught her just in time. The officer said as she surveyed the room. “All her possessions appear to be packed.”

“Of course they’re packed. She’s moving in with us because she agreed to be my wife. What kind of evidence do you have? You’d best be treating her gently, we’re trying to have a baby.”

The difference in their treatment of Georgie was evident immediately. “I’m sorry Sir. We had no idea. I still have to take her in but you can meet us at the station and I’m sure they’ll set bail.” The policewoman, most police officers were women because most men were too lazy to work that hard, was giving him a look that said she thought he had money. In her world that meant he could get his
off regardless of whether she was guilty or not. The corruption and bribery was endless and Jorgr knew he needed to get her off quickly and escape or neither of them would ever leave this world alive.

It was clear to him someone had set Georgie up but if the two of them were lucky whoever it was wasn’t watching closely. If he managed to bail her out they could get off this world in an hour or less. Hopefully it would be a day or more before anyone realized they were no longer there.

Lizzie and Bonnie were angels. They sat watching everything, their eyes big as saucers clearly realizing something bad was happening although they had no way of knowing what. He picked up Bonnie and held Lizzie’s hand as they walked out to the curb. One of the policewomen gave him a ride to the station trying the whole way there to interest him in her instead. She was wasting her time but he needed the ride there so he let her talk.

“Have you changed your mind? I’m a better choice.” She insisted as she stared at him with lust.

“No, I’ve made my choice but thank you for the ride.”

“You’ll regret it. She’s nothing but trouble.” She grouched as he closed the door walking toward the police department with the two little girls in his arms. Jorgr was glad to see the last of her. Carrying Lizzie and Bonnie into the police station, he regretted having to bring them into such a rough place.

Georgie was being booked into custody. They were taking pictures and scanning prints right in the main entry. A Captain walked over to him as soon as he saw him. “I’ve heard you intend to make bail. How much can you afford?”

“One hundred international units if you speed this up.” International units were worth far more than the money Earth used.

Greed showed on the Captains face. “Consider it done.” Jorgr knew the captain would pocket the money, put a small amount of local currency in the drawer and pretend to know nothing of what had occurred. One of his subordinates would sign the paperwork and get all the blame with none of the reward. Unemployment rates were high so a replacement was standing in the wings waiting for an opening.

If he could get her bailed out quickly, they would be on their way. As soon as she was booked in, she was brought to him and the captain. No one would pay bail without the
standing next to them ready to be released. Jorgr handed him the hundred unit token and he examined it closely before smiling and leading them to the door. Now they walked cautiously, not wanting to seem in a hurry yet trying to get away as fast as possible.

Jorgr carried the girls and led Georgie to the garage his hover car was kept in. Once on it they would escape never to be seen near this cursed planet again. They were both a bundle of nerves unable to calm down as they neared the garage. Anyone who might have followed them would suspect something since they hadn’t gone to his house or hers. It was his hope they hadn’t been followed.

He set Lizzie down and handed Bonnie to Georgie so he could unlock the door. It had the primitive locks used in this area and modern electronic locks as a backup. Carefully he opened the door letting Georgie and the girls through first. Jorgr followed them in closing, locking, then securing the side door in case anyone had followed them. The bay door was the one they would be exiting and anyone foolish enough to try to stop his hover car would be seriously injured if not killed.

Opening the door on the car, he efficiently fastened in one girl and then the other. The car was large so they would be comfortable and food and drinks were stored in the back. A passenger in the front could slip between the seats to access the rear section while they were in flight if necessary. This particular vehicle had stealth and weaponry. Once they were in the air, they were home free. A banging noise came from the side door.

“Hurry, Georgie! Just get in and we’ll take off.” The young ones were fastened in, that was the most important. She nodded and hopped into her seat finding the seat belt easily and having it on before he closed the door. Turning the motor on, he pushed a button to raise the bay door. Inching out, police were everywhere and some tried to hang onto the sides of the hover car and open the doors. They had no luck. Revving the motor in a warning that all but the craziest took seriously, the hover car pushed forward and stopped quickly sending the foolish ones trying to hang on flying. Once they were all off, he moved up and away.

“That was amazing. They all seemed to get up so it looks like no one was hurt.” Georgie observed.

“I can’t believe they tried to hang on like that.” Jorgr shook his head. He was a demon and wouldn’t do something that stupid.

“What will we do now?”

“I want you to come with me.”

“Look, I like you, a lot, but I can’t live on some far off space station. Stay here with me. We’ll disappear on some far off island never to be heard from again. I liquidated the company and Smythe is in for a shock. There’ll be no money to support him. His rent and utilities will be due in a few days with no money to pay them. He will be destitute and now he’ll find out who his real friends are.” Georgie laughed coldly.

“A man like that never has real friends. We’d never be safe here. Why don’t we go to Oison?”

“How would we get there? How would we get them to let us stay? Could we buy a place there?”

“What would you say if I told you I have a place there?”

“That money can truly buy anything?”

“I’m afraid that’s not true. You have to be a resident to own a home on Oison.” He waited for her to make the connection.

“You’re from Oison?” She asked slowly as if unsure how that could possibly be true. “But you worked on Earth.”

“Yes, I was undercover. I was investigating the very accident they were trying to blame on you. It seems the new president of the company, I was working at was the one that ordered the explosion on the ship that killed so many people. He’d only intended to kill a few, but that doesn’t matter. We have the proof we need to see him punished.”

“Oh, Jorgr. Do you really think our legal system will do anything to him?”

“Georgie, I am a Mazlan. Do you believe we would leave the punishment up to Earth’s corrupt system? We have our own ways and he will be disciplined.”

“I don’t even want to know.”

“So you will come with me?”

“I want to, but I have two sisters that I can’t leave behind.”

“Mimi and who is the other one?”

“How did you guess?”

“You two were too friendly. I investigated and discovered the connection.”

“That means someone else might find it too.” Now he saw fear in her eyes.

“We need to find a way to get her a message. We’ll just take Mimi with us.”

“We’ll have to take Annie too. She’ll be easier to get. Her place is in the country where we were raised. Let me message Mimi then we’ll get Annie.”

Jorgr would do anything for this female. He knew without a doubt she was his mate. No other female would ever do, she was his one and only. If she wanted her sisters to come, he would bring them. The car would hold up to nine so two more wouldn’t be a problem. Getting Mimi without getting caught would be the biggest problem.

He listened as Georgie spoke to Mimi. “Plan alpha. No waiting just do it.” Apparently they had been prepared for a situation just like the one they were in.

“So what will she do now?”

‘She’ll grab her two girls and head out the backway. She’ll go through the old subway tunnels and meet us near the burned out hover car factory.”

“There’s an old hover car factory? Why didn’t they rebuild it?”

“There aren’t enough people who can afford one of these. There is only one factory and it’s in Europe. People think the fire was insurance fraud. They couldn’t prove it so they had to pay out.”

“That’s sad to be so desperate.”

“Yes, but it’s common here. Everyone is desperate and many want to leave. The government won’t allow it unless they benefit from it.”

“Like they do from the bride program.”

“Exactly like that.”


Chapter 6




Georgie was scared. She didn’t want to admit it but her life and that of her sisters was in Jorgr’s hands and it frightened her. Mimi knew what to do and would do it but Jorgr was new to their plan and it worried her. They would have to wait, giving Mimi time to get to the meeting spot. That would give them time to pick up Annie. Each of her sisters had two daughters. How Jorgr would react to that news she didn’t have a clue.

Right now he was flying toward the small farm Annie and her girls lived on. Once they got there they would load into the back. The hover car would have every seat full when the last passenger loaded. The house came into view looking deserted but Georgie had taken the time to call and knew they were waiting. They ran out each carrying a small bag. Jorgr raised a brow but said nothing. He just got out and opened the back door so they could get into place.

Now with everyone in place, it was time to head toward the meeting place. Mimi would move fast, but she had a long stretch of tunnel to navigate. There was also the possibility that the police would figure out their relationship and be searching for Mimi too. At least Annie was safe from exposure since she was outside of the city. Jorgr drove slow watching for any signs that they were followed or watched. There seemed to be none.

They reached the meeting spot before Mimi and Jorgr found a place to park that was hidden. The kids all were asleep so it was quiet. It was so quiet it got on her nerves but she kept her mouth shut. She was ready to scream when she saw Mimi running toward them carrying a small child and leading the other one. Jorgr hurried out of the car grabbing the big child so he could carry her to the car. Handing her off to Annie, he helped the toddler in, and then Mimi. Rushing around he got in just as a group of police came rushing toward the car.

Taking off, bullets pinged off the outside of the car as he zoomed away. For now they had managed to stay one step ahead. Jorgr got them far from the meeting spot before he headed in another direction. Flying them to an area where there was one warehouse after another, he pulled in front of a huge one and set them down. Jorgr got out opening the large bay door at the front. He motioned for them to get out and enter the building.

Georgie’s mouth dropped open as she stared at the space ship in front of her. She noticed her sisters and the children all seemed equally stunned. “I told you I had a way off the planet.” Jorgr said.

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