Jinn & Toxic (6 page)

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Authors: Franny Armstrong

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BOOK: Jinn & Toxic
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His chuckle came from the distance.

Chapter Four: Captivated

After waiting for a few hours, Jinn slipped on her knapsack and crawled away from the direction the Captain had disappeared. Confident that she would make it, the sight of a pair of military style boots in front of her almost made her cry out.

When she looked up, it was to see only the shadow of the man who’d begun to drive her crazy. Between the insane attraction and his bullying attitude, Jinn wanted to deck him.

“You aren’t going anywhere, Dennison.”

The sun was beginning to come up. She was barely able to make out his grin. Jinn came to her feet and faced him.

“I’m leaving right now, and you can’t stop me.”

“Don’t be so sure.”

Jinn stepped in and attacked, slipping her foot behind his knee to trip him, but he was ready for her and twisted his hip into her abdomen, flipping her on her back. The air whooshed out of her chest leaving her breathless for a moment as he stood over her.

“I rest my case.”

Determined to beat his ass, she spun onto her side and hooked one foot behind his heel the same moment she kicked out into his knee. He sucked in a breath and went down hard, slamming into the soft earth with a grunt. In seconds, she was up on her feet, but before she could run off, he grabbed her pant leg and dragged her back, pulling her resisting body down with him.

It was lighter now. Jinn saw that the team stood all around them. Even if she could get past the man, they’d capture her in seconds. Not an inch of space between them, they stood silent and watched the battle.

“Nice try. Stand down, soldier.”

There was no way she was going to admit she wasn’t Julie.

“Go fuck yourself.”

With incredible strength, he shoved her shoulder and pinned her down, but she moved at the last moment and attempted to knee him in the groin. To her surprise he turned quickly and avoided the blow. Jinn rolled fast and leapt to her feet, facing him down.

His wry grin stunned her as she realized that even though she’d blocked her thoughts, he knew everything she was thinking right down to her hand-to-hand combat moves.

“Tell me what you’re up to, Dennison.”

“We’re done here. I have a job to do, and you won’t stop me.”

“You have questions to answer, and we’re searching for a traitor. It seems you’re the most likely suspect.”

“Then why would I save your asses?”

The moment she finished talking, she cleared her thoughts and allowed her body to move, going low to slam her good shoulder into his hips and take him off guard. Agony radiated from her other shoulder until she nearly fainted. Still he dodged her, his foot smacking her ass as she went sailing by.

Around them a few snickers sounded, but she ignored them and rolled, coming back to her feet in smooth somersault. Her back came up against a brick wall. Blackstone’s chest, she decided, and pushed away to focus on her opponent.

When she was close enough, she spun and tried a roundhouse kick, but he was ready for her and sent her flying once more. Again on her feet in seconds, Jinn swung hard with her fist, but once more, the uppercut missed its mark by a whisper.

“You’re slacking, Dennison. I expected better of you.”

She didn’t move an inch when the morning light was bright enough to see her foe and noticed that his wounds were all gone. That was all the time he needed to capture her. At that moment the blood loss took effect, and darkness closed in as Jinn blacked out.


“Entertaining, but not much of a challenge, Captain,” Metcalfe laughed.

“Quiet. She didn’t do too badly.” With his knee throbbing, Tab focused energy on it and soon the pain was gone.

“I think we’ve found our traitor, Captain,” Blackstone said in a tone of disappointment.

Tab shook his head. “Something’s not right with this. Why would she save us if she’d given us away?”

“Guilt.” Chan seldom spoke, but the one word he uttered resonated within the group.

“She helped us, Captain. We owe her.” This statement came from Flame. Shehadn’t uttered a word since brought into the tent the night before. Her bright red hair belying her calm and quiet personality.

“That shoulder’s going to hurt big time when she wakes up. I wonder why Dennison would even try to take you on. I mean, I know she’s tough, but she should use her brains. She’s never attacked you before.”

Tab knelt down and placed his fingers over the woman’s shoulder. Seconds later she came to, ready to do battle, but he pressed her down, his hand in the center of her chest.

“Easy Dennison. We know.”

Her eyes widened then moved back and forth between the teammates, concern in her gaze.

“You know what?”

“We know you betrayed us all.”

“Give it up, you fool. I did not.”

“We saw you supposedly get shot and fall into the rapids. No one could have survived that.”

A look of pain filled her eyes for a moment then she shoved his hand away and stood, touching her jaw.

“You fight like a little girl.”

Metcalfe snorted but remained silent.

“Where did you get the supplies and gear?” Tab asked.

“None of your damned business.” Dennison cradled her skull and bent over as though she had a migraine, gasping for air.

Jennings asked, “What’s wrong?”

Dennison ignored them, rubbing her temples as though to still the pain.

“I have work to do. Standing around talking all day isn’t getting it done,” she snarled. Though Tab stepped forward, concerned he’d given her a concussion she backed away agony in her eyes as she shook her head. Sweat beaded her brow.

“Leave me alone.”

He shrugged and turned to his team. “We move out now. You know your orders. I’ll meet you at the designated spot and remember, no silent communication. If you come across the others, bring them with you.”

The rest of the crew faded off into the woods, but Jennings gave Dennison a long look before she followed. Before Jinn could move, he grabbed her hands and retied them together in front of her with a plastic handcuff like the police use in riots.

“What the hell are you doing?”

“You stay with me. I’m not taking any chances of you escaping.”

“I already told you it wasn’t me and I have an important job to do. Release me this instant.”

Amused by the attitude she always gave him, Tab tied a rope around her waist and began walking through the forest, chuckling when he heard her swear under her breath at him every time she tripped or was hit in the face by a branch.

Hours later, they stopped for a break. Dennison dropped to the ground, exhausted from lack of sleep and no food. Since his belongings were confiscated by the enemy, he opened her knapsack and rummaged through, pulling out a canteen and some rations.

“Gee, help yourself, why don’t you?”

Her sarcasm earned a chuckle. Tab had always liked her spirit and nothing had changed right then. He offered her the water first and bit back a grin when her eyes narrowed.

“Afraid I’ll poison you?”

Dennison snorted.

“Listen, rebel, you have to drink water to keep hydrated as much as I do. Let’s get this break over with so we can continue.”

After taking a long sip, she handed it to him then lay down on the ground, crossing her legs as though preparing for a nap. He studied her for a few moments, sensing something different about her. Dennison never disobeyed an order unless he was in danger, then she pulled out all stops and never gave up until he was safe.

For the first time since he’d met Julie, his groin responded, and he wondered at it. For the life of him, he couldn’t see her harming anyone on the team, yet she was the most logical suspect.

“Let me see your chest.”

Her eyes widened in shock as she sat up and stared at him.

“Are you nuts? Listen, freakazoid, you keep your bloody hands to yourself. How dare you use your rank to rape a woman!”

“Don’t be ridiculous. You were shot point blank in the chest when you fell into the river. I want to see how bad it was. The vest wouldn’t have done much to save you at such a
close range.”

She backed away, her bound hands up as though to keep him away.

“I’m not giving you sex, so get over yourself.”

Tab couldn’t help himself. He laughed long and hard. She was the same woman all right.

“Maybe later. For now, show me your chest or I’ll do it for you.”

“Fuck you!” she growled low in her throat.

It was obvious that he’d have to do it for her yet a sudden crashing through the woods nearby had them both on alert and standing, ready to do battle. Tab reacted instantly, holding the knife he’d confiscated from her in his palm, every muscle hard and taut.

When a creature burst into the clearing where they stood, it slammed right into him, knocking him to the ground. Without waiting a second to fight it out, the thing moved on, a wild squeaking filling the air as two more followed its path.

As Tab went down, the knife flew out of his hand. Before he had a chance to move, something crashed into his skull and the lights went out.


Jinn bent and slipped off her pack, sighing with relief. For hours she’d rushed through the forest, zigzagging back and forth to keep ‘Captain Toxic’ off her path, pausing now and then to make sure she’d left no signs of passing through.

The pool was serene but for the rush of the falls disturbing the surface. For a moment she paused, closing her eyes to listen with her mind. After making sure she didn’t sense him or anyone else nearby, she stripped off the insulating jacket and dropped it on the rock.

For the past two days, she’d done nothing but sweat and roll in dirt. It was time for a bath. When her boots hit the ground, she caught her breath in relief. Between the heat and walking for miles, her feet throbbed with pain. As her pants dropped around her ankles, a dark shadow rushed at her from the bushes without warning, taking her backward into the pool.

Unable to see, Jinn fought in vain against the intruder holding her with arms of steel. When she surfaced and shoved the hair out of her eyes, choking and coughing on the water she’d swallowed, she looked into angry blue eyes that sent shivers of dread through her.

“You witch! You hit me on the head with a rock and left me for dead.”

Startled that he’d caught up with her, Jinn shoved at his chest but was unable to break his hold. She bit out a sarcastic reply. “Oh, my hero! Protecting me, bound and tied, from a terrifying tapir. How dare I fend for myself?”

Tab yanked her close to him, her chest pressed tight to his. The response of her nipples hardening into sensitive tight buds, and her lower belly stirring with heated interest annoyed her to no end. He was the last man on the planet she wanted to be attracted to.

“Dennison, I want to know what the hell is going on with you, and you’d better spill it now.”

“Or what? You’ll feed me to the jaguars? It’s a long way home, buddy and—”

“That’s Captain. I outrank you, and until you’re locked up tight in a North American military prison, you’re under my watch. Who did you betray us to?”

“I didn’t! Damn but you are one stubborn bastard. You haven’t listened to a thing I said.”

“Liar!” Water dripped into his eyes, trickling down his hard, chiseled cheeks. A tick in his jaw proved the strength of violence he held at bay.

Shivers of passion zapped along her spine. In order to hide her response from his heated body, Jinn turned her head away and stood still as his groin begin to harden against her aching pelvis.

Defeat in her tone, she said, “Believe what you want, Captain.”

Tab shoved her away, climbing out of the water in one swift move. Jinn took a few seconds to watch the muscle play in his sweet ass as his pants clung to him. Before she had time to finish her perusal, he turned, snapping, “Get out.”

Always the rebel, she paused long enough to make his eyes narrow in warning before following him up onto the rock. Her black tank top was plastered to her skin. Since she wasn’t wearing underwear, her nest of curls was the first place his gaze fell to before sliding slowly up to where her taut nipples pressed against the material.

“When you’re finished inspection, I’ll get dressed.” Her chin raising a notch, she defied him and waited, watching his eyes.

“Do it now.”

” The mocking tone made him tense, each muscle in his arms cording in response. Jinn almost laughed.
Men are all alike. It’s all they can do to keep their hands to themselves the moment a woman shows skin.

Tab’s gaze shot to meet hers. “This is the first time I realized you were female. I said get dressed, soldier, and I meant now.”

As Tab stripped off his wet clothes, Jinn eyed him warily. He turned his boots upside down and left them on the rock in the sun to dry. Without taking his eyes off her, he reached into the thick bush and pulled out his holster, her knife, and the knapsack.

When Jinn realized they were her supplies, her mood turned foul. He must have taken her things when she was disrobing. That meant he’d been there for a while watching her, and she’d had no clue, which pissed her off like nothing else the man did to her.

“I see you’re a thief as well as an ass.”

“Watch your mouth, traitor.”

There was no way he’d believe she wasn’t the one he was watching for so she shut up and dressed then sat next to a thick tree trunk to study him when she was done. Tab wore boxers. When he caught her sardonic smile, he frowned, his brows drawn tightly together.

“You’re lack of respect isn’t new to me but staring at my crotch like I’m your next meal is a bit much, Dennison. I’m not buying that you’re attracted to me. Frankly, it surprises me that you’d even try seduction. You suck at it.”

Laughter bubbled up as she stared at him in amazement. “If you think I want anything to do with you, you’re sorely mistaken. You haven’t got what it takes to turn me on.”

“Humph, I could swear you were into men. Maybe you’re a switch-hitter? Do you play both sides of the fence now? I’m sure you had a thing with Tanaka before the mission, but I doubt he’d tell you anything about it, even in bed. I only share what I want you to know. Each team member gets a piece of the mission info, and you won’t get anything out of me. You should know that by now.”

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