Jinn & Toxic

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Authors: Franny Armstrong

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Table of Contents

Title Page

Chapter One: On the Rocks

Chapter Two: Hunt and Seek

Chapter Three: The Gathering

Chapter Four: Captivated

Chapter Five: A Shadow From the Past

Chapter Six: The Chance

Chapter Seven: Spitfire

Chapter Eight: Game Over

Chapter Nine: The Battle Begins

Chapter Ten: Tracking Traitors

Chapter Eleven: Little Sisters

Chapter Twelve: Mirror, Mirror...


Jinn & Toxic

Franny Armstrong


Breathless Press

Calgary, Alberta



This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously and are not to be construed as real. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, organizations, or

persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.


Jinn & Toxic

Copyright © 2014 Franny Armstrong


ISBN: 978-1-77101-986-6

Cover Artist: Angelique Anderson

Editor: Leona Bushman


All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced electronically or in print without written permission, except in the case of brief quotations
embodied in reviews.


Breathless Press



To my military inspiration and brother, Pte William D. Minnis

“That Others May Live”

You will always be loved and missed.

Many thanks to those who risk their lives in the name of good.

Chapter One: On the Rocks

“Damn it, Murphy. Pick up your heels!”

“I’m moving, Captain. I’m moving.”

Bullets tore through the air around the troop, ripping into trees, leaves, the ground at their feet, and even the backs of some of the soldiers as they retreated. The heavy humidity slowed their pace as much as the thick bush ahead.

Captain Tabor ‘Toxic’ McTavish fought the painful ache in his side, sweat dripping into his eyes as he raced in a zigzag pattern through the dense underbrush. The smell of coppery blood and the thick loamy soil decay in the thick air made it hard to breathe. Creatures shrieked and squealed, invisible to the eyes as the team raced ahead of the coming danger.

Tab cursed as he saw another of his men get hit. The Toxic Tango Troop or, TT&T, as they were called, always stuck together. Part of their sworn code, drilled into them during intensive training—never leave a soldier behind. Without pause, two others fell back to lift and carry the man forward, racing against time.

The entire mission had gone foul the moment they’d landed on Mexican soil to take down the infamous
Tridente de Muerte, or Trident of Death. Tab had never run into such a devious yet clever enemy before and wondered on the run who could have given them away.

No one was supposed to know about TT&T, an elite group of twenty men and four women who worked undercover. They always moved in and out like phantoms during each job, leaving no trace of their presence behind. This time it didn’t work out that way.

Tab ducked down and released a volley of shots at their pursuers, hearing screams of pain before he leapt up and continued the race.

“Murphy! If I have to tell you one more—”

Before he finished his sentence, the kid fell hard, his eyes wide in surprise as bullets slammed into his back. “Shit! Cover me, Dennison. I’ll get him,” Tab shouted.

Lieutenant Juliette Dennison and her squad mate, Angel Bourne, turned and fired hard. Tab scooped Murphy up, holding the kid up by his waist. His arm hung limp across Tab’s shoulder as they pushed on. The smell of blood was strong as it dripped down his shoulder. A quick glance showed the lad appeared to be in rough shape. Dodging trees, Tab focused his energy on Murphy, furious that he had no time to use his gift to its full potential to help him.

“You are surrounded, gringos. Give yourselves up and we’ll spare your lives,” a shout from behind them rose above the noise.

“Fuck that,” Dennison yelled and continued shooting until she ran out of ammo and had to reload on the move. Tab almost laughed at his soldier’s attitude. A true firecracker, her auburn hair thick and unruly, and deep brown eyes that had stared many a man down in a fight, she was a beautiful woman, yet life in the military made her hard as nails when it came to battle.

They’d been darting around trees and brush for hours, unable to evade the enemy, yet she still kept her rebellious spirit and foul mouth.

It’s as though the bastards can track us, but that’s impossible! The Mexicans were hot on their trail. Unable to shake them, Tab pushed onward.

“Dennison, let’s go!”

Exhausted, his tight military body beyond stressed from the past two days of nonstop combat and no sleep, he could only imagine how his team felt.

“We’re missing ten, Captain, and six others are wounded. What are your orders?” she shouted.

“Keep moving. If we can get to—” A burning pain rip through the back of his thigh, and he went down, taking the kid with him. “Shit! Keep going. That’s an order.”

“Right. Gotcha.” Dennison and two others ignored him, one taking the kid while Dennison and Burgess dragged Tab to his feet.

He couldn’t stand on his leg but hobbled as best he could, his weight on their shoulders. Agony ripped up his leg at each movement, but he ground his teeth together and kept up the pace, growling, “I could have you court-martialed for disobeying a direct order.”

“You can’t if you aren’t around to do it, Captain.”

“Lieutenant, you’ll be the first.” Even in such a dire situation, he admired the wise-cracking woman who never backed down.

“Looking forward to it, sir.”

Blood pooled into his boot making footing slippery as he tried to keep going. Bullets still whizzed past their heads until suddenly they came to a cliff beside a raging river and could go no further.

“We must have circled around.”

A voice from behind caused them to turn and face their foes.

“Halt!” a man shouted.

They were trapped, unable to go anywhere as enemy soldiers swarmed in, guns held ready. The ragtag group of men were dressed in ripped T-shirts and jeans, some wearing leather belts lined with bullets over their shoulders. Tattoos and dirt marred their wet faces as they stared back at the TT&T. Body odor from the group had a terrible unwashed stench.

Tab swore. There was nothing else they could do but surrender. Unless they could free themselves, they were all dead. No one knew about his special operations team but a select few in the government. Not one teammate would talk if it meant their death, but Tab wanted them all alive. As far as their own government was concerned, TT&T didn’t exist and would get no help from them.

“Drop your guns, gringos, and give up, or you’ll all die here.” The lead soldier stepped forward, a wicked grin of pleasure on his face.

“Fuck you!” Dennison took aim. Before Tab could say a word, her body jerked as bullets hit her in the chest. She fell over the edge of the embankment into the turbulent waters, shot by the leader himself.

“Cease fire!” Tab didn’t want to lose anyone else as he lost sight of his lead officer. Damn it, Dennison didn’t have to die. What the hell was she thinking?

His team now numbered eleven, the rest having disappeared from either being shot or escaping, he wasn’t sure which. There would be no time to find them, if they were even alive. Cold anger filled his gut at the casualties. Someone had to have tipped off the enemy, the mission ending before it even started. Failure was a bitter pill to swallow.


“Are you out of your mind?” Sergeant Jinn Dennison shouted, livid with the man. Not only had her idiot lover broken her number one rule, but also he’d done it during the worst possible moment.

“Come on, Jinn, baby. Why not? We practically live together already. I’m always here with you.”

Built like a linebacker, the man had more muscles than brains. He knew what her terms were before she’d taken him to her bed. If not for his adorable dimples and sexy smile, she’d never have even considered him, but the past year had killed her emotionally. Jinn needed to fulfill her needs without worrying about having a serious relationship.

“Look, Brady, it’s time for you to go. Get dressed and leave. We’re done.”

Without worrying about her lack of clothing, she left the bed and walked to the bathroom to shower, leaving him alone. Lavender soap had become her only luxury, the scent reminding her of her sister. She’d only started scrubbing when he stepped in behind and tried to pull her close. She spun on her heels, nearly slipping on the soap she’d dropped. Already his short blond hair seemed plastered to his head, navy blue eyes narrowed in warning.

Dark fury rose with her shout. “I said get out. I told you before we even started not to get attached, or the minute you crossed the line, you’d be out of my life. I meant it.” Her voice echoed in the shower stall.

“Jinn, baby, I—”

“Not another word or so help me you’ll regret it.”

“What’s wrong with marriage? We’re with each other every night after work. We get along better than most, and we’re dynamite in bed together. I don’t understand why you’re so opposed to commitment.”

“Brady, if you won’t get out, I will. Lock up when you’re done and leave the key behind.”

Before she could get past his massive body, he grabbed her arms and shook her, his eyes darkening in anger as his tone turned deadly. She was no match for his muscle bound body, and she knew it. The scent of soap and sex rose between them, yet it did little to rekindle her passion. The left side of her skull began to throb, a warning of the pain to come, but she ignored it.

“I’m not ready to go, and neither are you. We’re going to talk about this now,” he growled.

His voice echoed in the small room. He slammed her back against the wall, banging her head in the process, which sent a white-hot bolt of agony through her brain. Jinn kicked straight and true, hitting his knee hard enough that he cried out and collapsed in the stall. Quick to get by him, she strode into her room naked and soaking the thick gray carpet with water and suds.

After grabbing the phone that rested on the bedside table, she hit the speed dial and watched the bathroom door warily as the phone rang. When someone answered, she snarled, “Get over here and take out this trash for me. I want him gone now!”

“Another one bites the dust, Sarg?”

“Shut up and do it before I lose my temper, Pearson.”

“Yes, sir.” The laughter proved that Pearson was used to Jinn’s temperament.

Jinn slammed the phone down and threw on a T-shirt and pants, ready to do battle if the fool tried anything else.

“Babe, you nearly broke my knee. Come back here.” He hissed in pain as he lay on the floor.

“Serves you right. How dare you pull a stunt like that? Consider yourself transferred out of my unit.”

He crawled to the door, groaning in pain, the water still running free in the shower behind him. “What the hell did you do that for? I only asked you to marry me.”

“During sex? You’re certifiable, Corporal. Get your clothes on or I’ll have you dragged out in your ‘commando suit’. Either way, you’d better not come back. You hear me? We’re through for good.”

“You’re the crazy one, woman. I’ve never met a bitch that didn’t want to get hitched after I laid them.”

Jinn started laughing. “Boy, did I scrape the bottom of the barrel.”

A deep growl came from his throat as Brady stood, limping over to her. He cringed as he put weight on his leg but kept coming. Before he could grab her, she focused her eyes on his and remained still to concentrate.

In seconds a look of confusion marred his features.

“What were we talking about?”

Plastering a woeful expression on her face, Jinn acted like she was upset about the end of their brief tryst. She’d had plenty of practice doing the same thing before. “You were telling me it’s over and you don’t want to see me again. Sorry, pal. I thought you and I were good together, but, if you have to leave, I understand. Get dressed now and I’ll open the door.”

He shook his head like a great grizzly bear and stared down at her for a moment. “Why did I do that?”

Jinn gave his hard muscled body a long appraising gaze, and sighed. Why do they always want commitment? His chest was smooth and hairless, and hard as a hammer. He smelled of spicy cologne that she liked well enough but could do without.

“Oh, come on, Brady, with your looks, you have a long list of women begging to be with you. I know you can’t stand being near me. You’re not ready to settle down. I can see that you’re right about that.” She shook her head slowly, releasing a sorrowful breath of false regret. “What a shame. I’m really going to miss you.”

A knock at the door had her biting back a grin. “I’ll get that.” She threw on a robe and ignored him.

The man stood scratching his head as she left the room, chuckling beneath her breath. When she opened the door, two plain-clothed soldiers stood there.

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