Jinn & Toxic (8 page)

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Authors: Franny Armstrong

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BOOK: Jinn & Toxic
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He thought about that for a moment, then nodded. “In a tree then.”

“Snakes, poison dart frogs, wild monkeys, and the list goes on.”

“Damn it, then you’ll have to keep up. We’ve got to hurry or someone will be dead before we get there. Jennings wouldn’t have broken the code of silence unless it was an emergency.”

She held up her hands. “Cut me loose so I can run. I promise to stay with you.”

His eyes narrowed as he considered her pledge. “You swear?”

Jinn nodded. Against his better judgment, he cut her bindings and removed the rope from around her waist.

“Keep close. I’ll come looking for you if you try to escape, and you won’t like the consequences if you do.”

“I thought you said it was urgent. Stop wasting time blabbering and let’s go.”

Together they raced through the forest. He was aware of her beside him, pushing herself to keep up. They were both covered in sweat, running fast but also conscious of their surroundings. They kept their breathing controlled as they were trained to do.

If he’d any doubts that Jinn truly was Julie’s sister, the way she acted was proof positive. They were two of a kind, yet different in so many ways. As they raced through the bush, he focused on sensing humans and creatures nearby, but the way was clear. Ten minutes later, they came upon Jennings and Metcalfe. His blood was all over her shirt and pants as she did her best keep him from bleeding to death or going into shock. She’d wrapped her belt around his upper thigh and wound it as tight as it would go.

Jennings grumbled, “If you don’t open your eyes, I’m going to tell the Captain you’re a wimp.”

Metcalfe’s eyelids fluttered, but he was barely conscious. Tab turned to Jinn and whispered, “Turn around and keep your eyes closed. This is classified and you can’t see what I’m about to do.”

Jinn nodded and did as he bid, to his surprise.

“Captain, I don’t know if he’s going to make it. He’s lost so much blood.”

“Don’t worry, Jennings. I’m here. Close your eyes and let go of him.”

“But sir—”

“Have a little faith in me.” His quiet words soothed the woman and she followed orders as he focused on the wound. With deep concentration, Tab could visualize the nick in the artery. His hands hovered over the area and sealed it up then worked on the rest of the slashed area. The light was blinding, but it didn’t bother him.

In a few minutes the deed was done and the leg completely healed. The only problem was that the blood loss was so great that it would take time for Metcalfe to gain his strength back.

“Jennings, you can look now. You did a great job with him. If not for you, we’d have lost him. I see you have a good meal ready to go as well,” he said, smiling at her as he nodded toward the dead boar. He was surprised to see her blush at the compliment.

“Ah, yes, sir. I thought you might be hungry as well. Can we risk a fire?”

“I think it’ll be okay tonight. I’ll call the others and bring them over. It was nice of you to think of us. Let’s dig down deep into the soil so the fire isn’t visible in the forest. Dark will come in about two more hours. Cut the meat into thin steaks so we don’t have to cook them as long. We’ll take as much as possible with us.”

“I’m on it. Thank you, Captain.” Jennings moved off to start digging a hole for the fire, the tension leaving her body. He knew she’d held back the fear at nearly losing Metcalfe. It was always the same when someone on the team got hurt. Jennings had a big heart.

“What would you like me to do?”

Surprised, Tab turned to face Jinn and stared at her, wondering if she was serious.

“Why don’t you clean up Metcalfe’s leg then gather some branches for the fire. The others will arrive in pairs soon. They’re never more than a few hundred feet from us at any given time.”

“Gee, that’s comforting,” she grumbled.

Tab bit back a laugh and walked over to the boar to prepare the steaks. They’d have a feast for the first time since leaving home base. He only hoped it wasn’t their last.


The forest soon fell back into a soothing rhythm, insects and tree frogs serenading them. After the rainfall, the earth released a deeper scent like that of worms, and bacteria. It was cool and refreshing. Leaves dripped with water, releasing more drops on their heads. The sky cleared up slowly.

Blackstone and Gonzales entered the grove followed by Chan a little while later. The steaks were already cooking. Frustration ate at Jinn as well as anger at Tab’s ignoring her during the day. She wanted him like no other, and it really pissed her off as she watched him place more steaks on a long branch and set them over the fire on two shorter branches.

“What, aren’t you going to tie me up?” Jinn asked with a great deal of sarcasm.

A smile twitched at the corner of his mouth. “Are you getting kinky, or do you like being my captive?”

“As if! You’re not the kind of man who finishes what he starts. I’d say freedom to run is a much better option.”

She knew she’d hit a nerve when his eyes narrowed. It was getting dark and the fire burned low. With a full stomach, Jinn became cocky and ready for battle. When he grabbed her jacket and took her down to the ground, straddling her with his face inches from her own, she could only stare up at him in shock.

Her core reacted like lightning to metal as it ached for fulfillment. By his snicker, she could tell he knew exactly how her body fired up at his nearness and that caused a fury she’d never felt toward someone she was attracted to.

“Would you like me to continue with your
here and now?”

With his teammates around them, that was the last thing she found intriguing, but her rebellious nature took control as she snapped, “Sure. Go for it.”

Instead of following through, Tab released her and stood.

“Listen up, team. We’re still missing Alvarez, Barrymore, Carr, Cloonan, Fahey, Gardiner, Halloran, Hogan, Lally, Lemieux, Murphy, Paquette, Seguire, Crow, Tanaka, and Woodrow. Keep a sharp eye out for them when we head out in a few hours. We’re still on silent communication. Most of us are, anyway,” he said, his eyes brushing over Jinn.

“Everyone can stand down for a bit of sleep. We take turns on guard. Watch this one carefully. She’s got more secrets than you’ll ever know and we can’t trust her an inch. Jennings, you and I’ll do the first round. Metcalfe, if you’re up to it, I’ll wake you in two hours. Blackstone, you’ll take that shift as well.”

Without another word, he moved off into the bushes. Jinn bit back a smile after noticing he wasn’t as indifferent to her as he’d like her to believe. With a sense of satisfaction, she lay on her back, staring up at the canopy. Night creatures serenaded them with soft, relaxing sounds. She fell into an exhausted sleep in seconds.


“Captain, you didn’t wake me. Aren’t you going to get some sleep?” Metcalfe asked. It was still dark as pitch out, but Tab sensed his coming. He was in tune with all his soldiers.

“I wasn’t tired.”

“Sir, if I may be candid?”

“Go ahead.” Tab knew what was coming. Before he dismissed them, each of his soldiers gave him strange glances when he’d confronted Jinn on the ground. He sensed their confusion. There was something strange going on between Jinn and him that even he didn’t understand, and it wasn’t good. His body turned on like a light bulb whenever she was near. The mere thought of fucking her made him harden to the point that he growled in frustration, and she knew it too by the expression on her face a few hours before when he’d left her side.

Why the hell does she have that effect on me? Her sister never did.

He was careful to block his thoughts from the others, including her. For some reason, he didn’t sense Julie anywhere. Was she dead, or alive like Jinn said she was? How was he to find his targets to complete the mission and save Julie at the same time? Torn, he turned toward Metcalfe.

“Sir, you’ve never shown more than a professional attitude to us all. Something’s changed with Dennison and you. I’m not asking if you have a relationship going, but I have concerns about her status as your prisoner.”

“It’s complicated. I’ll let you know when I can explain what’s going on. For now, we keep an eye on her and do our job. The enemy is hours away by now. We can pick up the trail at first light. Give me an hour’s shuteye then wake me.”

“But sir—”


The man faded off into the night leaving Tab alone with his thoughts. It was impossible to sleep so he lay on the ground and contemplated the two sisters. What a strange combination of fire and courage they both had. Why was he drawn to Jinn and not Julie? It was a long, restless hour before Metcalfe returned.

When they arrived at the camp, Blackstone grinned. “We’re ready to go sir. Your breakfast is waiting. Fresh boar. Metcalfe was complaining about the scar the creature left on him, but I told him he was lucky to be alive. He ate without a problem after that.”

A low chuckle escaped as Tab climbed to his feet and rubbed his burning eyes. “You do have a way with words, my friend. Let’s move out.”


With the freedom of not being bound, Jinn pretended she was staying with Tab and followed him meekly, though she only waited for her chance to escape and find Julie. She knew he watched her carefully. The telepathic link with her twin was closed, and it bothered her like nothing else. They’d had open communication ever since they were young children.

As soon as she began remembering parts of her childhood, the headache came back full force, sending her to her knees. Tab tried to help her up, but she shoved him away, placing her forehead on the ground to catch her breath.

“Let me help you, you stubborn fool. I can ease the pain.”

“Fuck…you. You
a pain.” Her breathless grumble brought silence until a few minutes later when the agony lifted, a white light filling her mind. When she was able, she stood, ready to continue. It surprised her that the episode was so short and opened her eyes, looking for him.

Tab was leaning against a tree, his arms crossed so that his biceps bulged. It was all she could do to swallow the drool that instantly filled her mouth when she saw him. The narrow waist and wide shoulders were the perfect haven to be held in by those strong arms. Jinn swallowed hard and slowly straightened.

“I’m ready.”

“Why do you get headaches like that?”

She snorted. “Perhaps because some idiot won’t let me go help my sister and tries to control me like a puppet. Are you ready to go, or what?”

His dark eyebrow lifted, the corners of his sexy lips curling upward as he studied her.

“The question is, are you?”

“You always have to have the last word, don’t you,

“Sarcasm won’t get you Brownie points, Sergeant Dennison. Do you need more time to rest?”

“Ha! As if. Let’s get moving. Man, you’re such a softy.”

Instead of continuing the journey, he walked toward her as though stalking prey. When he stood inches away, he lifted her chin with his strong fingers forcing her to look up at him. She couldn’t pull away, nor did she want to as she stared into his gorgeous blue eyes, almost forgetting what they were arguing about.

“Not so soft, soldier. You make me harder than hell. One of these days, you’ll push me too far and find yourself on your back getting what you obviously want.”

Excitement trickled through her veins as the rebel in her arose. She reached down and boldly cupped his swollen cock in her palm, touching its length through his kakis. “From my viewpoint, it’s you that wants it.”

Tab grabbed her wrist, pulling her hand away. “Let’s get going. My team is waiting.”

Jinn snickered as she followed him, pleased that she’d unsettled the man.
How much farther do I have to push him to make him lose control and do what he promised? I’m looking forward to it.

“Careful, soldier. You’re playing with fire. I told you, no silent communication. It isn’t safe.”

“Shit! Stay out of my head, you jerk!”

He paused, turning to face her. Jinn’s pulse increased as she stopped close to him, his body heat rising. The tantalizing scent of him caused her pussy to release a wash of moisture that made her squirm, her body trembling as adrenaline flowed freely.

When his fingers tangled in her hair and he seized her mouth, she nearly whimpered with need and desire. Instead of releasing her, he thrust his tongue deep into the recesses of her mouth, teasing, taunting, and begging for her to return the favor. She did without question, thrilled when he encircled her body with those buff arms and crushed her chest to his. The pleasure built to the point where she was breathless and weak with want, but he let her go just as fast as he’d captured her.

Overwhelmed with his scent, she sucked in a short breath, unable to breathe for the sight of him. Heat came off his hard body, melting her from within. He’d tasted of sweet water, washing away her thoughts.

Jinn stared at him, stunned until she noticed the wide grin on his face and amusement in his gaze.

“You bastard. Don’t touch me again.”

“Oh, don’t worry, little dragon, I’ll be touching you but when I want to, not when you do. You can spend the time while we track the enemy thinking about that.”

Tab began walking through the bush again, leaving her staring after him. Anger was quick to build as she touched her swollen lips and realized that he was right. She’d definitely be thinking about him while she walked. A smirk escaped as she dropped her gaze down to stare at his sexy ass, a benefit to the game, in her eyes.


After a long, uneventful day, Jinn was exhausted and tired of waiting for Tab to follow through on his threats. With no chance to get past his defenses and the team never far away, she remained captive.

There’d been no contact from Julie, but the mild pain in Jinn’s chest assured her that her sister was alive. They’d found few signs of humans passing, and the trail was getting cold. Many of the teammates were getting frustrated.

Jane Burgess, one of their female soldiers, was a prisoner of the enemy and that boded ill for her. From what Jinn had seen with Angel, the rebels were brutal with women.

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