Jinn & Toxic (3 page)

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Authors: Franny Armstrong

Tags: #Covert

BOOK: Jinn & Toxic
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“You know I’ll be careful. Our operatives may seem harmless, but we’re a powerful lot. The Trident is moving into other gang areas and blowing away the competition, literally. It’s been rumored that they plan to send a shipment of cocaine to Washington D.C. in the next few weeks. They’ve already killed hundreds of people with their specially graded drugs. The victims are said to suffer extremely painful deaths.”

“Once I get my sister to safety, I’ll help you get rid of them, with pleasure.”

“You have quite a name for yourself, from what I understand, Sergeant. You are known to be deadly when up against the enemy.”

Jinn gave him a wry grin. “Don’t believe everything you hear, my friend. I’m just a tourist who came to Mexico on vacation.”

“Sí, Senorita
. I understand.” His warm chuckle took some of the edge off her words as he drove. They didn’t speak again for a few long minutes until they pulled up at a small building.

“Is this your home, Manny?”

“No. It’s a safe house. You’ll stay here until you’re ready to move out. I have many eyes watching over you until you are in the forest. We haven’t been followed.”

“I won’t be here more than a few hours. I have a job to do and no time to relax.”

“No doubt. I wish you well on your search. Your gear is stored beneath the floorboards. Let me show you.”

Manny stopped the Jeep and moved to get her bag. Jinn headed to the house, caution marking her every step. For a few seconds, she closed her eyes, her palm on the door handle. Wild birds sang in the distance. She also heard what sounded like the huff of a large feline.

Satisfied that no one waited within; she nodded at him and opened the door. When she stepped inside, heat blasted her from the enclosed space, but she ignored it and studied the single room. It smelled of dirt and decay, testament of the glass being smashed out of the windows long ago.

Sparse furniture was scattered around the hut. A wooden table with two chairs and a double bed that had seen better days took up most of the space though there was a small area designated for an indoor bathroom with no sign of plumbing.

“Sorry, but you’ll have to use the outhouse. Comfort costs money and money brings attention from the wrong people.”

“I’ll change and we can be on our way. Get the gear together. I want to see what we’ve got. Make sure you leave the gun unloaded. I like to take care of the weapons myself.”

“Yes, Sergeant.”

While Manny opened the floor panel and brought out the supplies and weaponry, Jinn changed into black cotton pants and a black tank top. She would switch to camouflaged clothing once she was deep in the forest. Too many people were pulled over by the authorities and searched on the roads due to the number of gangs in the area.

Manny never stared at her while she dressed, all business as he worked. When Jinn was ready, she checked the guns and knives in her bag as she ensured they met her specifications. The metallic sound of each gun being loaded with precision filled the room.

“It looks good. I’m ready to go, Manny.”

“Are you sure you don’t want to rest up?”

“No time. Let’s go.”

“I’ll check to make sure all is clear. The farthest I can take you is to the border of the forest. Your sister’s team, if they were searching for The Trident, would be a day’s travel from this location. The compass included in your kit is set to show you the direction you should follow. Stay off the main paths once you are inside the forest. They are watched carefully.”


“Good luck, Sergeant. I don’t envy you the journey.”

“When I catch the bastards who hurt my sister, they’ll wish they’d never heard of us. Stay safe, Manny. I appreciate your help.”

Thirty minutes later, Jinn stepped beneath the cool canopy of the rainforest and breathed a sigh of relief. The scent of flowers, vegetation, and rich soil filled her senses. Though her chest still hurt, her sister didn’t answer her silent call.

Be all right, Julie. I’m counting on you.


Pain. Agonizing, burning pain was all he could feel from head to toe. Tab lost count of the hours since they’d been captured, the enemy taking turns at him, yet nothing would make him give in. Nothing except death, and he was close to wishing for one.

Angel lay tied up on the floor, naked and curled into fetal position. Guilt and fury were the only two things that kept up his resolve. The occasional shout or cry from the others rang out in the air as they were questioned. He knew that none of them would tell the bastards a thing. The only thing he couldn’t figure out was how The Trident had found out about the mission. The only teammate who was relatively new in the past two years was Murphy. Tab wasn’t sure if the boy was still alive. Only twenty-two years old, Murphy had earned the respect of the entire TT&T members within weeks of joining them.

It can’t be him. But who?

As waves of anguish rolled through his mind at his inability to get the team out of the mess they’d fallen into, Tab groaned. It was the treatment of the two women he hated himself for most of all. The modern-day military was a generous mix of male and female soldiers. The women opted to use medical means to prevent their monthly cycles from interfering with their jobs. Both males and females chose personally whether to use anti-stimulants to prevent sexual arousal. The rules were to stay focused at all times and no personal relationships. The public had no idea what the military did to keep the soldiers in line.

Angel chose to use the preferred method, but it made her body resistant to male intrusion since she was unable to prepare for a sexual act. Each TT&T soldier knew what could happen if they were caught, and accepted it.

None of the men attempted to rape her after the first man dared to touch her. He lay on the ground, dead. His eyes were wide with shock, even in death. Angel lay there exhausted from using her natural ability to send an electric charge through his body. She seldom allowed anyone to touch her without permission.

For the hundredth time, Tab struggled against his bonds, blood dripping down his wrists from where the skin was rubbed raw. How the hell can I get my team to safety? Shit!

Two of his most hated adversaries entered the tent, grinning. One kicked Angel in the ribs, the other moved to stand in front of Tab.

“Ready for another round, or will you tell us what we want to know?”

Tab didn’t answer, keeping his one opened eye on the man, lips pressed tight as he waited for what he knew was coming. The man didn’t let him down as a fist struck out, doubling Tab over at the strength of the punch to his ribs. He heard the sharp crack as one of them broke, and blacked out...


Silence but for the sounds of the forest creatures was all Jinn heard as she stood and watched a dark figure stumble through the thick bushes toward her. Heavy breathing spoke more than words that the person was either exhausted, or injured, or both. The eight-inch long military dagger Jinn held in her fist remained steady as she prepared to fight. To her surprise, it was a woman in commando clothing who fell forward, landing on her knees in the rich loam. Only six feet away, she raised her head as though listening and stared right at Jinn.

There’s no way she can see me with all this camouflage and brush cover.

“You’ll have to kill me. I’m not giving up.” Hard, husky, and completely without emotion, the soft voice floated in the air between them.

Jinn was startled. How is it possible she knows I’m here?

“State your name, soldier,” Jinn growled low in her throat, disguising her voice. Before stepping out in full view, she slipped a mesh mask over her head to hide her identity since the woman would know her as Julie.

“Jennings, Sophia, Private First Class.”

“You seem to be lost, Private Jennings. What are you doing here?” Jinn knew exactly what the woman was doing—running for her life.

Wild strands of long blonde hair framed a dirty, sweat covered face as doe-brown eyes filled with defeat and anger watched Jinn warily. Dark blood stains covered her cheek and neck, the wound above her eye still dripping slightly.

“I thought I’d take a stroll and ended up here. Strange place to put a damned forest, if you ask me.”

The sarcasm brought a grin to Jinn’s face though the woman wouldn’t see it through the camouflage. Against her better judgment, Jinn found she liked Jennings and decided to lay off the interrogation. Once the dagger was sheathed, she stepped forward and handed over her water canteen.

“Just a few sips, Jennings.”

“Who are you?” The soldier didn’t take the offering but waited, struggling to her feet as though preparing to fight.

“A friend. What happened to your team?”

“What makes you think I have a team?”

“I assume you are a part of TT&T and, if I’m not mistaken, your group is in trouble or you wouldn’t be out here all alone.”

A wry grin lifted her lips as Jennings asked, “What makes you think I’m alone?”

Jinn forced back a chuckle. The woman had balls.

“Let’s cut to the chase. Drink some water then I’ll tend to your wounds. I’m here to find TT&T and help them.”

“Why?” Jinn took a deep draft of water.

The narrowed eyes showed distrust as Jennings accepted the canteen and took a quick sip, then another. Once she handed it back, Jinn was ready for the attack as Jennings charged. In seconds the woman lay on her back, Jinn straddling her hips to pin her down.

“You’re only going to hurt yourself more. I told you, I’m a friend. Let’s leave it at that. Now, while I clean you up, you can eat something and tell me where your team is. I don’t have time for this crap.”

Jennings stared up at Jinn for a moment then nodded.

“Against my better judgment, I’ll accept your help. Don’t make me sorry, mister, or you’ll be dead faster than you can say boo.”

“Call me Max for now and lose the threats.” Jinn released her and sat back. With her voice lowered, she hoped to be thought of as a man.

“Now look whose being secretive.”

“I have good reason.” Without removing the netting that covered her face, Jinn pulled out a couple of military rations and handed one to Jennings. She ate the other herself, slipping the food beneath the mask then took a sip of water, keeping her attention on her charge the entire time. The protein supplement tasted like flavored cardboard, but she ate it.

“Mmm, yummy. Today we get ham and pineapple mystery meal,” Jinn said sarcastically. The packet smelled like it, but the taste left a lot to be desired. She searched around the forest while she ate, watching for danger.

Once done eating, Jinn grabbed the first aid kit and cleaned the wound on the woman’s forehead with an antiseptic wipe but leaving the camouflage paint on her face.

While she waited for Jennings to finish her meal, Jinn held the painkillers in her hand.

“I’m not taking any pills from you, buddy.”

“Straight forward anti-inflammatories. Standard issue in North America.”

“So you take them.”

A slight snort of humor escaped as Jinn took two and popped them in her mouth, followed by another sip of water. Satisfied, Jennings nodded then did the same.

“Now, tell me what happened.”

“Not much to tell. We were ambushed before we could hit the ground running and chased through the rainforest for two days. I’m not sure if they’re alive since I got shot in my hard head and blacked out. I don’t know how long I lay there but when I came to, there was no noise but the forest animals and insects.”

“It’s a surface wound. You’ll be fine. Any idea how long you’ve been awake?”

Jennings’ slow headshake caused her to wince in pain.

For a momentthe strong smell of antiseptic stung Jinn’s nose, taking away forest scents. She sensed that her sister was getting medical help. Relieved, Jinn refocused her thoughts on Jennings. Keeping her voice steady, Jinn said,”It appears the bullet only grazed your forehead. You were lucky.”

“I need to know where my team is and help them. The Cap—”

As though realizing she was about to tell as secret, Jennings clammed up.

“Go on. The Captain?”

“…doesn’t exist, and neither do I. Do you understand?”

“Covert operations protocol. I’m not interested in spilling the beans to your targets. I know they’re in trouble and I’m here to find them. Either you help me or I go it alone. It’s up to you, Jennings. You can keep heading west and get on a plane in Oaxaca by tomorrow. I’ll throw in enough food and water to get you there.”

“I’m not going anywhere but back for my team.” For once she let her guard down and groaned, her hand going to her temple as though to still the pain. “Okay. I’ll play your game, but if you threaten my pals in any way, I’ll kill you.”

Again, the bravery of the woman amazed and amused Jinn. She gave a slight nod. “Okay, tiger. Do you need to rest for a while?”

“No. I’m ready to roll. Which way do we go?”

“Right back the way you came. There’s a path about fifty feet to the right of you, but we stay undercover. Let’s move out.”

Though wary of Jennings, Jinn led the way, sure the woman wanted to save her team more than kill her. In minutes they fell into a silent companionship. She scanned the woman’s mind again but couldn’t read it. How weird. That only happens with Julie unless she wants me to read her.

They’d been traveling for an hour when they ran into another surprise. Jinn placed her hand on Jennings’ shoulder to stop her as bushes moved ahead of them. A low groan sounded then all fell quiet, the movement stopping as fast as it started. Even the forest creatures stopped speaking.

“Stay here,” Jinn whispered close to Jennings ear. Withdrawing her blade, she moved slowly forward until she was a few feet from the source of the disturbance and paused.

A man lay on his stomach, as still as death. From the appearance of his clothing, he was from TT&T also. Jinn turned to wave Jennings ahead, but the woman was already kneeling at his side.

How did she sneak up on me? No one sneaks up on me.

“Metcalfe!” As Jennings felt for a pulse, she sighed in relief. “He’s alive. Pulse is strong. Help me turn him over.”

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