Jinn & Toxic (10 page)

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Authors: Franny Armstrong

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BOOK: Jinn & Toxic
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“You arrogant pig! Get off me.” Though she bucked her hips, he only laughed and continued to explore her body, cool water dripping off his hair and onto her chest. Again thunder crashed around them followed by a crack of lighting, but he ignored it.

Never had she been more excited and hot for a man. She wanted him like no other, but he wouldn’t let her participate in any way. In bed, Jinn was used to being the dominant partner. The thrill of his lead spun her senses until she began melting beneath him.

When his fingers found her mound and pussy, delving deep, she cried out, digging her fingers into his shoulders. His low chuckle irked her, and she tried to fight him, but it was far too late. She was a puddle of cream to his mastery.

Sensations rippled through her body as though lightning shot up and down her veins. The more he worked her pussy, the less breath she had until she shrieked, an explosion of light from behind her eyes following the biggest orgasm she’d ever experienced.

When it passed, he kept it up, teasing her until she whimpered with need. Tears began to flow, mingling with the rain as she released years of pent up emotion into that one blinding moment. A sob escaped just as he moved over top of her and watched with a curiosity that surprised her.

“Did I hurt you?”

Laughter escaped as she tried to backpedal and hide her newfound feelings.

“Are you kidding me? I can’t believe you, of all people, asked me that. I want more, and I want it now. Are you going to do it right or not?”

His bark of laughter was her answer as he placed his cock at her entrance and pushed his hips forward, filling her in one long thrust. Jinn gasped, thrilled at the power of him.

“Oh, hell yeah! That’s the way. Come on, let’s move it.”

Her words were swallowed up with his lips as he seized her mouth and moved at a steady pace, her body filled with an erotic energy. It continued to rain as she lost herself in him. Fingers digging hard into his biceps, she groaned into his mouth and held on for dear life.

Though they made love for longer than she’d ever had before, it ended too soon for Jinn’s taste. The rain also petered off as the thunder faded and lightning moved off to the distant mountains. Sopping wet, satiated, and exhausted, Jinn lay still beneath him absorbing his heat as she wondered what would happen next with the handsome captain. Would he tie her up again and take her back with him? All she could hope for was that he’d let her go find Julie. Curious at the sudden pang in her heart at the thought of leaving him, she began to doze off.


As Tab watched her eyes close, he studied Jinn’s beautiful face. Never in his life had he lost control to such a degree as he’d done with her. She was like fire and ice, her moods changing so swiftly, he couldn’t keep up. Not only had she escaped twice, but also she’d lied to him, outsmarted Tanaka, and was a great as a sex partner, turning him on like no other.

What am I going to do with her?

Jinn snickered. “Let me go, of course.”

Her eyes opened wide, and he read amusement in them. Startled that she’d read
mind for once, Tab rolled away and began to don his clothing.

“Get dressed. We leave in five minutes.”

She pouted, sliding a finger over his lower lip until he pulled away.

“Is the big, bad Captain afraid I might seduce him...again?”

“Ha! You had no choice in the matter. If I recall the situation correctly, I was the one on top.”

Her impish smile annoyed the hell out of him as she stretched, her breasts teasing and taunting him for more attention and the dark, turgid nipples beckoning. He watched her abdominal muscles move beneath the red dragon as it grew and shrank with her movements. Tab bit back a groan and hardened instantly.

The snicker she released added to his frustration.

“I wasn’t complaining, in case you didn’t notice, but believe me, Captain, if I’d wanted to be on top, I would have in an instant.”

Tab ran his fingers through his hair. “You are an annoying woman, Dennison. I said get dressed.”

Head shaking slowly, she stared up at him and grinned.

“I don’t think so. My sister has to be nearby. I can sense her. This is the only river we’ve come across since we left the original site where she went in. I’m going to keep looking for her and won’t take no for an answer.”

Anger began to simmer in his gut. “What makes you think your sister has priority? She’s a traitor. My sister is in danger as well.”

Jinn’s eyes narrowed and she got to her feet, glaring at him. Her naked body dripped with rain, chest heaving with fury as she faced him down like a wildcat.

“You’re sister has lasted six months here. Mine is hurt, perhaps dying. I told you to let me go out on my own. Why is it you’re so damned stubborn about keeping me with you?”

“Good question. You’re a pain in the ass, Dennison, but I have my duty. You have no choice.”

When Jinn charged him, taking him to the ground, Tab nearly laughed aloud. She fought tooth and nail, naked and unarmed, for the chance to best him. It took a few moments until she settled down, her libido as stirred up as his. Before Tab realized what he was doing, he entered her again, telling himself it was her punishment for disobeying him.

lie like a rug, Tab.
His own thoughts mocked him as he found bliss with her.


Jinn wasn’t thrilled when Tab tied her hands again and put the rope around her waist. He refused to let her go to her sister. Whether she liked it or not, she was going to be with the team.


At first light the next morning, they were off, moving like spirits through the trees. No one made a sound, but Jinn felt their determination to find the enemy camp. Tanaka was sullen and quiet, leading the way since he claimed to know where the camp was.

She watched him as he moved with the skill and grace of a cat past leaves and bush, seldom making a noise. They all moved like that. His playful attitude when he first showed up at the camp was gone, leaving him almost morose. He wouldn’t even meet her eyes, and she wondered at it.

With my ability, he wouldn’t even remember I’d planted suggestions in his mind, so why is he acting as though I’ve betrayed him? It must be that the others told him about me and he believes them. Great! Just great. One more enemy for me to chalk up on my list. At least I know where I stand. If I can keep my thoughts blocked from them, I’ll take the next opportunity I can and get away. Juliette? Please, be all right

For hours they walked, stopping only long enough to take a few sips of water, food rations, and fruit from the trees. Monkeys squawked from above, birds tweeted and made their musical sounds, and other creatures added to the symphony. That told her that there were no enemies ahead. The humidity climbed higher as they walked, soaking their clothing in sweat.

When everything went quiet, Tab raised his hand and the group stopped. Only Jennings and Blackstone were visible, but with Tab next to her, Jinn felt the instant connection between the members.

With a series of hand signals, he told his team what to do then took Jinn’s arm and pulled her down to the ground. The fresh warm breath from his mouth next to her ear sent shivers of need through her, as he hissed, “Not a sound. Stay put.”

Before she could argue the point, he glared at her. Jinn rolled her eyes then nodded. Quickly, he untied her.

“Don’t move. You won’t like being tied up again and led like a dog, but I’ll do it if you try to escape.”


A quick flicker of amusement was all she noticed before he disappeared into the forest. Ready to move out, Jinn waited about ten minutes then prepared to follow. Behind her the sound of metal on metal made her spin around. Two men stood with wide grins on their faces, their dark eyes colder than ice, guns aimed directly at her.

“Um, hi. I’m a bit lost. Can you show me the way to Mexico City?” she asked, blinking her eyes in an effort to appear innocent, but she figured the kakis would give her away. She was a soldier through and through and from the look of them, they knew it.

“Hands up, gringa. Where are the others?”

The taller of the two lifted his weapon in a threatening way.


“You cannot be out here all alone. Where are your friends?”

Jinn barked out a laugh. “Believe me, boys, I have no friends here. I only need a lift because I’m lost. I have been for days. Do you have any food on you?”

Snickering, the man shouted, “I’ve found one. Over here!”

I guess this doesn’t count as escape.

Armed men began moving through the bush until she was surrounded by twelve of them, most of whom had a hungry glare in their eyes.

Jinn stood and prepared to fight for her life, sure they had more than capture in their minds. “Uh, oh, this is bad.”

When a woman stepped out of the darkness, Jinn gasped. She was stunning from head to toe and seemed vaguely familiar. Beautiful blue eyes held a mixture of sadness, hatred, and fear, yet she was obviously in charge.

“Tie her up and bring her. Watch out for others. Let’s move.”

“But, lady. I’m lost. I only need directions or a GPS to get me out of here.” Jinn could tell the woman wasn’t accustomed to being questioned by the narrowing of her eyes.

“Jose, Ramon, get to it. We have a long way to go before we reach camp.”

Two men stepped up behind Jinn and bound her hands. There was no help for it. She gave in as she couldn’t fight off that many alone. Not without a gun. Moments later they moved out. From one prison to another, somehow Jinn didn’t think she’d like this one any better than Tab’s.

Chapter Seven: Spitfire

To stand and watch as Jinn was led away by the enemy nearly broke Tab’s control, yet he was frozen in place as he stared at her captor. It was Tara, his little sister, but she seemed different somehow. Her long dark hair was held back in a thick braid the same as she usually kept it. Even the beautiful sky-blue eyes he’d known for twenty-four years were the same, however, they held a hardness and hatred he’d never seen in them before. On her left cheek was a long scar as though someone had cut her with a knife. Her expression held an air of fear and vulnerability that belied the vile glares she shot at Jinn, though he knew that only he would see them because he knew her so well.

Something drastic had changed his kind, innocent sister into a hard and angry woman. Julie had met her before, yet Tara acted as though she had no idea who Jinn was, staring at her with no small amount of hatred.

With the number of men apparently under her command, he didn’t dare step forward to confront her for fear of her getting caught in the crossfire. The relief at seeing her was enough for now. Tab followed at a distance, his eyes on both women. If not for Blackstone who caught his arm, he’d have given them away when he stepped into a rut in his path and nearly fell to his knees. He knew then that he was knee deep in trouble, but for the life of him, he wasn’t sure if it was because of his sister or Jinn.

He felt his team close in by his side and forced himself to turn his gaze away from the departing group. With hand signals, he motioned that they would follow at a distance then moved forward in silence. He hoped that Jinn would be kept alive long enough for him to rescue her. Cursing under his breath, he realized that she meant more to him than he’d thought. He sensed a strange connection to her that solidified while they were making love. She now could read his mind.


For hours, TT&T followed Tara’s group deeper into the forest, climbing up toward a mountainous area. Soon the ground became dry and rocky, the vegetation appeared to be burned out, and the trees were now sparse which made it difficult for the team to remain hidden from their quarry.

Tab watched as Jinn was shoved by a man and fell to her knees. To her credit, she climbed to her feet and kept going after offering him a glare of anger. With her hands tied in front of her, she was helpless to fight back.

He heard her snarl, “Keep your paws to yourself, buddy. I’m going as fast as I can.”

The man only laughed out loud and kept walking behind her. Tab tensed up and closed his fists tight with the effort of remaining in hiding and not attacking the man.

Finally, Tara called a halt and ordered one of the others to give Jinn some water. Sweat poured from them, their shirts coated with stains. Jinn seemed okay, but Tab wasn’t so sure. He watched as she was given a drink. The Mexican murmured words close to her ear. Jinn wasn’t thrilled with whatever he offered. She kicked out and knocked him to his knees, ignoring the guns that were pointed at her.

“You tell this jackass that I’m not here to play games. I told you, I’m lost. If he bothers me again, I’ll kick his balls up to his throat.”

Tab was surprised when Tara gave a throaty laugh, her eyes losing much of the trepidation in them for the first time since he saw her.

“Fernando, you’d better listen to her. She means business. I’m sure Iceman
will be thrilled with this one tonight when we have his games. I’m betting on the blonde though. She has a mean streak a mile wide.”

“Damn it, she nearly broke my knee. I’ll kill her if she touches me again.”

Jinn snickered. “Then we’re even. You leave me alone, and I’ll leave you alone.”

“Let’s get moving. I want to reach the compound before dark.” Tara turned and disappeared into the rough bush leaving the rest of the group to follow while Jinn pulled away from Fernando, furious with him for attempting to touch her arm. With a venomous glare in her eyes, she stood and walked in the same direction Tara went, head held high. Her new shadow followed, cursing in Spanish as he limped behind her.


Two hours later, Jinn stood in front of a large old concrete building in the middle of nowhere. Though there were a number of flatbed trucks lined up in the dirt-lined driveway and the place looked unkempt and seldom used. Wooden shutters blocked the windows, some of them broken and in disrepair. The clay tiles on the large roof had sections missing and broken. Even the grounds were covered in debris from fallen trees and beaten up old cars. It appeared to have suffered the results of a hurricane but for a large cleared area in the center of the yard.

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