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Up and go test, rimed, 902, 908[, 908-909

poliovirus, 626

Upper extremity

Vacuum Assisted Closure device, 489

amputation in, 888

Vagus nerve, 291 t

levels of, 889f

Valvular heart disease

treatment suggestions in, 8951

pathophysiology in, 44

types of, 892t-893,

replacement surgery in, 57

casts for, 222t-223t

signs and symptoms m, 45t

coordination tests of, 300t

Vancomycin-resistant enterococcal infecfractures of, 1 85-190, 254t-258t

tions, 6 16-61 7

musculoskeletal examination of, 1 63,

Vanil1ylmandelic acid, urinary, 671



range of morion in, 166r

esophageal, 526

peripheral nerves of, 274, 277t

esophagogastric tamponade tube

slings and splints for, 22St

in, 797t

tendon reflexes of, 2961

positioning precautions in, 551

traction applied to, 231r

venous, 399�00

Uracil mustard, 855r

Trendelenburg's test in, 371t

Urea nitrogen in blood, 565-566

Vascular resistance, systemic, 12, 19

after angiography, 370

Vascular system, 363�30. See also

Ureterolithotomy, 597

Blood vessels


VasculitIS, 395-397

calculi in, 597

Vasodilators, 869t

pain referred from, 558r

Vasopressin. See Antidiuretic hormone

radiographic examination of, 566



of cerebral artenes, 3 1 5

biopsy of, 570

o f coronary artery, myocardial

endoscopy of, 568

ischemia in, 40

Urge incontinence, 585t

Vegetative scate, persistent, 755-757, 756r

Urinalysis, 563-564, 565r

Veins, 364

etiology of abnormalities in, 565t

characteristics of, 365{

specimen collection in, 564

disorders of, 399-403

Urinary system. See Genitourinary system

chrOniC insufficiency, 402--403


clinical lindings in, 386t

analysis of, 563-564, 565t

skin dIsorders Ill, 402, 403. 468-

diversion procedures, 597-599, 598f

470, 469t

specimen collection, 564

thrombosis. Sce Thrombosis,

Urobilinogen, 520t


Urodynamic srudies, 568

varicose, 37lt, 399�OO

Uroflowmetry, 568

Vena cava, Sf


Venodyne boots, 795t

excretory, 566-567

Veno-occlusive dlse3se of liver, in bone

retrograde, 567

marrow transplantation, 736

Urokinase, 868t

Venti mask, 776t

Urolithiasis, 583-584

Ventilation, 92

Uterus, cancer of, 348, 349t

airway pressure rtlease, 820t

diagnostic tests in, 3371

alveolar. 127t

risk factors in, 335t

assist/control, 8 1 7t, 813

surgery in, 349t

ventilator settings in, 822t

assisted, 8 1 7t, 823


controlled, 8 1 7t

influenza, 620

definition of, 89


high-frequency jet, 820t

increase in, 315, 32 1 -324

high-frequency oscillation, 819t

normal range in, 321

and hyperventilation, lOOt

Ventricles of hean

and hypoventibtion, lOOt

anatomy of, 4t

intermittent mandatory, 8 1 7t

arrhythmias of, 76t-77t, 83f-86f

synchronous, 8 1 7e, 823

ablation procedures in, 53

in weaning from mechanical venti-

automatic implantable defibrillator

lation, 824

in, 56

inverse ratio, 8 1 9t

in ectopic foci, 44, 77t, 84f

maximum voluntary, 129t

in premature contractions, 44, 77t,

minute volume in, 127t, 8 1 9t


negative pressure, 8 1 9t

assist devices for, 832-836, 838

partial ltquid, S20t

external, 833, 834£, 835r

and perfusion ratio, 96

internal, 833, 833f, 835t

mismatch in, 96, 97f

physical therapy in, 835-836

in radionudide scan, 120- 1 2 1

weaning from, 834

positive pressure, 8 14-81 5, 8 1 9r

in Batista procedure, 58

noninvasive, 8 1 9r

diastole of, 6, 19, 19t

pressure control, S I 9t

and end diastolic pressure, 6

pressure suppa ned, 8 1 7t, 823

ejection fraction of, 6

ventilator settings in, 822t

function of, 4t

in weaning from mechanical ventifactors affecting, 7, 8f

lation, 825

systole of, 6, 1 9, 19t

Ventilatory support, 8 1 1-826

Venrriculectomy of heart, partiaJ Jeft, 58

bronchopulmonary hygiene in, 826

Venrriculoatrial shunt, 326, 805t

complications in, 8 1 8-824

Ventriculography, 38

cuff in, 8 14

Ventriculoperironeal shunt, 326, 805t

extubation in, 8 1 2


indications for, 8 1 2

drainage of cerebrospinal fluid in,

i n intracranial pressure increase, 324t


intubation in, 8 1 2-813, 8 13f

monitoring of intracranial pressure in,

complications of, 823-824


modes of, 815, 8 1 6f

Venturi mask, 776f, 782f

alternative, 8 19t-820t

Vertebral arteries, 272, 273t

conventional, 8 1 7t-81 8t

Vertebral column. See Spine

negative pressure, 819t

Vesicular breach sounds, '102

objectives of, 8 1 1-812

Vestibulocochlear nerve, 290[-291 t

physical therapy in, 8 14, 826-827

Vestibulospinal cract, 276r

positive pressure, 8 14-8 15, 8 1 9t

Vibration sense, testing of, 298t

noninvasive, 8 1 9f

Vinblastine, 859r

pressure-cycled. 8 14, 8 1 5

Vincristine, 859c

time-cycled, 8 1 4

Viral infections

volume-cycled, 814-81 5

cancer related to, 334t

ventilator settings in, 8 1 8, 821 t-822t

cytomegalovirus, 635f, 636-637

weaning from, 824-826

encephalitis in, 627-629

physical therapy in, 826-827

gastroenteritis in, 630

Ventricles of brain, 269-271

HIV infection and AIDS in, 63 1 -634.

circulation of cerebrospinal fluid in,

See also HJV infection and

269-271 , 271£


dysfunction of, 3 1 5-3 1 6

influenza in, 6 1 9-620

pressure of cerebrospinal fluid in, 321

meningiris in, 627



Viral infections-co1ltinued

ascendtng and descending tracts in,

mononucleosis in, 634-636

274, 276t

poliomyelitis in, 625-626

Whooping cough, 620

rhinitis in, 6 1 8

Willis arterial circle, 272, 272f

i n transplant recipients, 707, 708

Withdrawal syndrome in alcohol abuse,


760-76 1

cranial nerve functions in, 288t, 289t

Withholding and Withdrawing medICal

in hematologic disorders, 378t

therapy, 755

hypertension affecting, 394t

Wounds, 435-436, 468-495

in intracranial pressure increaSt, l2lt

in arterial insufficiency, 468, 4691

resting of, 287, 293f, 293-294

assessment of. 476-483

Visual field deficit, 287, 293f

in burns. See Burns

Vital capacity, J 22f, 126t

chronic, 476

forced, 1 2 1 , 124, 128t

cleansing and debridement of, 483--488

Vital signs

sterile technique in, 485

in chemotherapy, 343

culrure of, 482

in infections, 609

in decubtrus ulcers, 162, 163, 470-

in intracranial pressure incre3St, 323t


in neurologic evalu3tion, 287

stagmg and classification of. 483,

Vitamin BI2 deficiency, 405-406, 4 1 6,



in diabetes mellitus. 469t, 471-472

Vitamin 0, 437

drainage from. 481-482

in liver failure, 7141

dressings in, 487, 488-489, 490t-

in osteomalacia, 691


Voice sounds in respir:ltory evaluation,

healing of, 472-476


management of, 483-495

Vomiting. See Nausea and vomiting

III neuroparhles, 471-472

von Willebrand's discase, 4 1 1

phYSical therapy in. 493-495. 494l

prevention of. 494t

Warfarin therapy, 4 1 5, 845t

staging and classification of, 483.

Water deprivation test, 662r-663r


Water loading test, 663t

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