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hemorrhage 10, .> 1 4-3 I .�

rISk facrors 10, 336t

Subdural space, 270t

surgery in, 349t

Subscapular nerve, lower, 2771

diagnosuc tests 10, 508r, 5 t 4t

Subsrancc abuse, 760

emptying disorders, 529

withdrawal Ill, 760--761

gastritis, 527-528

Subthalamus, 266t

hemorrhage In, 527

Sulfonamldcs, 8�Ot

III peptic ulcer disease, 528

Sun exposure

referred pam 10, S02t

burn� In. 444

in Zollinger·Ellison syndrome, 529

skin cancer in, .1)6-1)7

function of, S04t

Suprascapular nerve. 277t

gastrectomy of, 549

Supravemflcular tachycardia. 74t

lavage procedure, 6 t 3

paroxysmal, 82f

Stool analysis

Swallowing difficulty, S24t, 524-.525.

In cancer diagnosis. 337t

126 .\ 5 1

fat In, S 18t

Sweat glands. I n IIltegume1Hary system.

occult blood in, 51 Or



Sweat rest 111 cystic fibrosis. J 19t

basale, 438r

Syme's amputation. 891 t

corneum, 438t

Sympathetic nervous system, 274

granulosum. 438t

of heart. 1 0

spmosum, 438t

III reflex sympathetic dystrophy, 398

Strength testing, 294-29S

SympathomlmetlCs. 8671

in burns, 464, 466r

Symphysis pubiS disruption. 1 7Sf. 2381

in wounds, 479, 494t

Syncope. 3 1 8-3 I 9

Strcngthenlng exercises

Synovial fluid an.llysls. 6 1 2-6U

III hip arthroplasty, 1 95

Systole. 6

in knee arthroplasty, 199, 200

blood prl:�ure In. 1 9, 19t. 391t. 7841,

10 resection procedure, 209


Streptococcal infections

glomerulonephrins In, 57S-S76

T tubes for oxygen dehvery. 777t

rheumatic fever 10, 624-625

111 wealllng from mechanical ventil.,of skin, 630

tion, 825

Streptokinase. 868t


Streptozocin, 855t

Junctional, 78t

Stress, In intensive care unit sening,

supraventricular, 74t


paroxysmal. 82C

Stress incontinence, 585t

ventricular, 76t. 83f·

Stress testing, 33-36. 374t

Tachypnea, 1 0 1 1

dobutamine In, 32, 33

Tacrolimlls In organ transpbnt:mon, 7041

echocardiography in, 32, 33

Takayasu'l. arteritis .397

exercise 10, 32, 33-36


indICations for, 33-34

pericardia I, 47t

thallium in, 36

In variceal hemorrhage. esophagogas·

Stridor, 103

Inc lube in. 797t

Stroke, 3 12-3 1 3

TaMc sense. testing of, 290t, 2911

Stroke volume, and cardiac output, 7

TectOspiTl.ll traCI, 276t

Stupor, 2S2r

Teeth. S05t

Subacromial decompression, arthro·

Telemetric monitoring in electrocardio

SCOpIC, 2 1 6, 2 1 7, 2 1 9t

graphy. 27. 78.\1

Subarachnoid space, 270t

cellular phone Interference in. 27

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