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surgical, 468


in trauma, 468

from intra-aortic balloon pump, 832

in venous IIlsufficiency, 402. 403,

from ventilatory suppOrt, 824-826

468-470, 469t

physical therapy in, 826-827


from ventricular assIst device. 834

amputanon at level of, 892t

Wegener's granulomatOSIs, 396

In carpal (racfures. 1 89


range of motion in, 1 66t

in casts, 224

in hip arthroplasty, 192

Xylose absorption test, 508t

in knee arthroplasty, 199

in resc<:rion arthroplasty, 208, 209

Yankauer suction, 805t-806(

Wenckebach atrioventricular block, 79t

Young classification of pelvic fractures,

Wheezing, 103


Whipple procedure, 549

Whirlpool in wound debridemelll, 487

Zollinger-Ellison syndrome, 529

White blood cells. See Leukocytes

drug therapy in, 8621

White matter of spinal cord, 274

malabsorption in, 536

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