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Otorrhea, 316

Oxytocin, 661 t

Ovarian cancer, .148, 349r

diagnosnc t�rs In, J37t

Pacemakers, cardl3c, 54-56, SSt

risk buors 111, .l3Sr

temporary, 788t

surgery m, 3491

Paget's disease of bone, 691-692

Overflow Int:ontlllence, S85t

Pain, 877-884

OXlIlletry. 786t

in arterial and venous disorders, 386t

III cardiac evaluation, 2S

111 back, indications for spinal surgery

111 respiratory ev:tluarion, 109-1 1 1



III burns, 453, 465

akcolar partial pressure, 770

assessment of, 463

arterial partial pressure, 770

III chest. See Chest pam

III cardiac evaluation, 31

III compartment syndrome, 399

normal values for, 112

evaluation of, 877-879

III respiratory evalu:ttion, 1 10,

III burns, 463

I I Or, 1111, 112

physical therapy considerations In,

arterial satur:ttion


In cardiac evaluation, 25

scales used Ill, 878t

III hypoxemia. 770

111 sensory teSting, 298t

III oxygen therapy, 770

111 wounds, 478

III respiratory evaluuion, 109-111,

In gastrointestinal disorders, 525,

I l or. 1111. 112

921, 9221

hypoxemia. 130, 770

esophageal, 525

indica nons for oxygen therap)" in.

physical therapy 10, 551-552


referral parrerns 10, 50 I , 502t

l>igns and symptoms of. 11 It

III genitourinary disorders

hypoxia, 113. 130

history of, 561

inspired fr:tCtlon. 770, 783

III nephroluhlaSlS, 579

III fixed performance delivery,

referral parrerns in, 557, 558t, 600

7761-7771, 770

management of. 879-884

In mcchalllc:tl vemilanon, 821 t

musculoskeletal, 161

III variable performance delivery,

In pancreatitis, 546. 547

7711-7751, 770

III phamom 11mb, 894r

therapy. 770-783

III reflex sympathetIC dystrophy, 398

fixed performance system Ill. 770,

10 wounds


c\lalu3tion of. 478

humidification Ill. 778f, 783, 813

physical therapy in, 494, 494t

IIldicatlons for, 770

Pallor in elevation test, 371t

III lung cancer. postoperative,



in burns, 462

physIcal therapy 111, 778-782

III cardiac evaluation, 16-17

tOXICity In, 824

III gastroinre5[inal evaluation, 507

variable performance SyStem Ill,

in genitourinary evaluation, 563

770, 7711-7751

In hematologiC evaluation, 377-379

Ir.lnspon of, 96-97

in infections, 608

Oxygenation, exrral:orporeal membrane,

In musculoskeletal evaluation, 163


or pulse, 16-17, 368-370

Oxyhemoglobin saturation, 1 09-111,

sires of, 18f, 369

I l or. I I I I

III respiratory evaluation, 105-107,

111 hypoxemia. 770


monnoring of. 786r

III extrapleural disorders, 145t-147t




Parietal lobe, 262t-263t

in obstructive disorders, 1 3 1 t-134t

Parkinson's disease, 321

physical therapy based on, 154r

drug thera PY Ill, 32 1 , 85 1 t

in restrictive disorders, 1 3 8t-HOt


in vascular evaluation, 368-370

fractures of, 179-1 80, 245t-246r

Pancreas, 545-547

III knee arthroplasty, 1 97- t 99

disorders of

Pecwrai nerves, 279t

cancer, 350t, 35 1

Pectonloquy, whispered, 104

diabetes mellitus in, 673-685


pancreatitis, 545-547

ampUlation at level of, 892t

referred pain in, 502t

fracrures of, 1 74-175, 175f

scrccning for, 652

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