i bc27f85be50b71b1 (310 page)

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Soft tissues

indications for, 210, 2 1 l t

Sirucrure and function of, 160

traction applied 10, 2 3 I t

surgery of, 2 14-220

Spinocerebellar tracts, 276r

arthroscopic, 2 1 5-217

Spinorhalamic tract, lateral, 276t

cartilage transplantation in, 2 1 9-

Spirometry, 1 28t-129t

220, 221f


trauma of, equipment in management

evaluation of, 5 1 1 , 5 2 1 t-522t

of, 220-232

function of, 505t


Splints, 225-229

bronchial, 130

hand, 218t

activity-induced, 150

Spuwm analysis, 109, 1 19

bronchodilators in, 8531

in cancer diagnosis, 337t

of cerebral arteries, 3 1 5

in cough, 109

of coronary artery, myocardial

specimen collection in, 1 1 9

ischemia in, 40

Squamous cell cancer of skin, 357

of esophagus, diffuse, 525

Staging of tumors, 336-338, 338t

Spasticity, 195

in lymphoma, 353, 353t

muscle relaxants in, 868r

Staining techniques in infections, 6 1 1

Speech and language

Staphylococcal infections

in head and neck cancer, 355

methicillin-resistant, 615--616, 6 t 7

in neurologic evaluation, 286

osteomyelitis in, 629

m Glasgow Coma Scale, 283, 284t

of skin, 630

voice sounds in, 104-105

Stasis zone in burns, 439

Spmal accessory nerve, 279(, 292r

Sraws asthmaticus, 1 35

Spinal cord

Smrus epilepticus, 3 1 8

injury of, 306-3 10, 3 1 1 t

Stem cells

in fractures of spine, 1 82

in aplastic anemia, 406-407

primary, 306-309

transplantation of, 733-737

scale on severity of, 309-3 10

Stems, coronary artery, 52

secondary, 309

Stereognosis, 298t

shock in, 3 1 0

Stereotaxis, 326

syndromes in, 3 1 1 t

Sterno-occipiromandibular immobilizer,

meninges of, 269


inOammation of, 626-627


structure and function of, 274, 275f,

disorders of, 527-529


cancer, 348, 349t, 529

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