Hitler's Hangman (91 page)

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237. Ibid.

238. Heydrich, ‘Grusswort’ for Musical Week, in IfZ, Ed 450; Berndt to Goebbels, 13 January

1941, in BAB, R 55, 20750.

239. Heydrich,
, 114.

240. Ibid.; Naudé,
Politischer Beamter
, 127f.; Klein, ‘Pfitzner and the Two Heydrichs’, 308–17.

241. Heydrich to Bormann, 16 May 1942, in Kárný et al. (eds),
Deutsche Politik
, doc. 96, p. 258.

See, too, the daily SD reports of January–May 1942 which highlighted the surge in resist-

ance activities that Heydrich was referring to.

242. Heydrich’s speech of 26 May 1942, in National Archives, Prague, 114, carton 8.

243. On Eastern Europe, see the draft ‘Verordnung über Kollektivmassnahmen in den besetzen

Ostgebieten’, sent by Heydrich to Rosenberg on 16 March 1942, in BA-MA, SF-01/28985,

ff. 127–9.

244. Heydrich to Ribbentrop, 3 June 1942 (the letter was signed by Heydrich before his

assassination, but only posted afterwards), printed in Fritz Petrick,
Die Okkupationspolitik

des deutschen Faschismus in Dänemark und Norwegen, 1940–45
(Berlin, 1992), doc. 61,

p. 139.

245. Witte et al. (eds),
, 28 January 1942, p. 331.

246. Heydrich to General Quartermaster Wagner, 6 November 1941, in IfZ, MA 280;

reprinted in Klarsfeld,
, 369. See, too, Burrin,
Hitler and the Jews
, 123f. The content

of the letter had apparently been approved by Himmler who talked to Heydrich over the

phone on the very same day that Heydrich’s letter was posted. See Witte et al. (eds),

, 21 December 1941, p. 255.

247. Heydrich to Canaris, 5 February 1942, in IfZ, MA 1498. A copy of the letter was sent to

Himmler, who discussed the matter with Heydrich on 7 and 10 February. See Witte et al.

, 7 and 10 February 1942, pp. 340 and 343.

248. Canaris to Heydrich, 8 February 1942, in IfZ, MA 1498.

249. ‘Grundsätze für die Zusammenarbeit der Sicherheitspolizei und des SD und den

Abwehrstellen der Wehrmacht’, in BAB, NS 19/3514.

N OT E S to pp. 273–8


250. On the conference, see BA Hoppegarten, MIA, 35; Archive of the Czech Interior

Ministry, 114–3–14/36–7; on Canaris as a house guest in the Heydrich home, see Lina

Heydrich to Peter Schneiders (Amsterdam), 12 January 1962, in NIOD, doc. I, 691A.

251. Post-war testimony of Huppenkothen, IfZ, ZS 249, 40.

252. Letter, Canaris to Lina Heydrich, as quoted in: Höhne,
, 379.

253. See Hitler’s order of 9 March 1942, in BAB, R 70/13, and the previous negotiations between

the SS and the Wehrmacht during February 1942, in IfZ, MA 342 ff. 8339–45.

254. Heydrich to Bormann (from Paris), 7 May 1942, in Káraý et al. (eds),
Deutsche Politik
, doc.

93, p. 254.

255. Dannecker to Knochen, 10 March 1942, as quoted in Klarsfeld (ed.),
, doc. 28.

256. Post-war testimony of Hans Boetticher, Chief Justice in the German military administra-

tion in France, 29 October 1949, as quoted in Bernhard Brunner,
Der Frankreich-Komplex.

Die nationalsozialistischen Verbrechen in Frankreich und die Justiz der Bundesrepublik

(Göttingen, 2004), 59.

257. Walter Bargatzky,
Hotel Majestic. Ein Deutscher im besetzten Frankreich
(Freiburg im

Breisgau, 1987), 103f.

258. Best to Heydrich, 15 April 1942, in BAB, BDC, Best; see, too, Best’s post-war statement on

Heydrich (1 October 1959), in IfZ (Munich), ZS 207/2, ff. 6–7; and Herbert,
, 316–19.

259. Best to Wolff, 15 November 1941, in BAB, BDC, Best; see, too, Herbert,
, 316.

260. Heydrich to Wolff, 14 April 1942, in BAB, BDC, Best. On 4 May, Heydrich sent Best’s

letter to him on to Himmler, adding in the margin that ‘I have nothing to add to Best’s

letter.’ Heydrich to Himmler, 4 May 1942, in BAB, BDC, Best.

261. Best to Heydrich, 7 May 1942, in BAB, BDC, Best. The previous day, he had written to

Wolff to clarify his position: ibid.

262. Best to Wolff, 13 May 1942, BAB, BDC, Best.

263. Čestmír Amort,
(Prague, 1965), 37; MacDonald,
, 166; Brandes,

, vol. 1, 263; Deschner,
, 236; Dederichs,
, 139.

264. Miroslav Kárný, ‘Heydrichova cesta do Paříže (5.5.1942)’,
Historie a vojenství
41 (1992),

95–108. In Giese’s papers there is only a brief note from Böhme to Frank of 4 May 1942,

indicating that Heydrich was currently in Paris and that he had ordered that they should

pretend that he was in Berlin. Böhme to Frank, 4 May 1942, in National Archives, Prague,


265. This meeting had also been encouraged by Himmler, who informed Heydrich on 11 May

that he had suggested to Hitler that he should meet Heydrich in order to discuss ways of

overcoming the wave of resistance throughout Europe. Himmler to Heydrich, 11 May

1942, in IfZ, MA 328. Kárný et al. (eds),
Deutsche Politik
, 74.

266. Post-war testimony of Dr Ludwig Hahn, the Sipo and SD commander in Warsaw, as

quoted in Deschner,
, 236f.

267. SD report 58/42, in National Archives, Prague, 114–308–3.

268. Karl Wolff remembered after the war that Himmler had asked Heydrich in May to take

greater precautions in the light of recent threats against his life. See Wolff ’s post-war

testimony, in IfZ, ZS 317, ff. 34f. According to the only Czech surgeon present during

Heydrich’s operation on 27 May, Alois Vincenc Honek, Heydrich wore a bullet-proof vest

on the day of the operation. See Dederichs,
, 144.

269. Speer as quoted in MacDonald,
, 148f.

Chapter Ix: Legacies of Destruction

1. Haasis,
, 116; Axel Huber, ‘“Du, Reinhard Heydrich, bist ein wahrhaft gutter

SS-Mann gewesen”: Totenkult und Heldenmythos nach dem Tod von SS-Gruppenführer

Reinhard Heydrich’, MA thesis, University of Konstanz, 2009. See, too, the detailed

programme of and instructions for Heydrich’s funeral services in Prague and Berlin, in

BAB, BDC, SSO Reinhard Heydrich, and IfZ, Ed 450. See, too, Heydrich,

6f. and 131; and Witte et al. (eds),
, 4 and 7 June 1942, pp. 450 and 455.

2. See the strict guidelines provided by the Ministry of Propaganda as summarized by the

Berlin correspondent of
Frankfurter Zeitung
, Fritz Sänger, in Kárný et al. (eds),


N OT E S to pp. 278–81

, doc. 107, pp. 291f.; see, too, Volker Ackermann,
Nationale Totenfeiern in Deutschland.

Von Wilhelm I. tris Franz Josef Strauss, eine Studie zur politischen Semiotik
(Stuttgart, 1990),

196. Quotations from the obituary in
Der Neue Tag
, 5 June 1942. See, too,

, 5 June 1942; ‘Ein Leben für das Reich’,
Das Schwarze Korps
, 11 June 1942;

Herbert von Daniels, ‘Synthese Sportler und Soldat. Heydrich bleibt Vorbild für die deut-

sche Jugend’, undated article, in BAB, BDC, SSO Reinhard Heydrich; Fritz Helke,

‘Jagdflieger Heydrich’,
Königsberger Allgemeine Zeitung
, 9 June 1942.

3. Himmler’s funeral speech as printed in Wannenmacher (ed.),
Leben der Tat
, 81–90. The

volume was published by the Prague-based publishing house Volk und Reich on the second

anniversary of Heydrich’s death. On the extensive preparations for the volume, see the corre-

spondence between SS-Standartenführer Gies (Prague) and SS-Standartenführer Brandt

(Persönlicher Stab Reichsführer SS), in National Archives, Prague, 110–4–549. See, too, the

correspondence between Frank and Himmler on the festive commemoration of Heydrich’s

death, in National Archives, Prague, 110–4–549.

4. Hitler’s speech as printed in Reichssicherheitshauptamt (ed.),
Meine Ehre heisst Treue
, 23.

5. See Himmler’s correspondence on this matter, in BAB, NS 19/3454, and the letters written

by Wilhelm Petersens to Lina Heydrich, in BAB, R 58, supplement 23. According to

Hitler’s orders, Heydrich was to be reburied in a newly built Great Hall for Germany’s

military leaders after the war’s end. Bormann to Lammers, 6 June 1942, in BAB, R

45II/1157b. On Heydrich’s grave, see Laurenz Demps,
Der Invalidenfreidhof. Denkmal

preussisch-deutscher Geschichte in Berlin
(Stuttgart, 1996), 80ff.

6. On Heydrich becoming a household name, see the SD report, no. 290, of 11 June 1942 in

BAB, R 58/172; reprinted in Boberach (ed.),
Meldungen aus dem Reich
, vol. 10, 3802ff. See,

, no. 615, 17 June 1942. On Hitler’s orders: letter from the NSDAP-

Reichsleitung to SS-Obergruppenführer Schmitt, head of the SS Personnel Department,

23 July 1942, in BAB, BDC, SSO Reinhard Heydrich. On the name change of the 6th SS

Infantry Standard, see
Völkischer Beobachter
, 7 June 1942, and IfZ, Ed 450. See, too, the

letter exchanges between Lina Heydrich and the commanders of the SS infantry regiment

‘Reinhard Heydrich’, in BAB, R 58 appendix 23. On the special Heydrich stamp, see

BAB, NS 19/545. The stamp is reprinted in Deschner,
, 176. On the renaming of

streets, see
Der Neue Tag
, 31 May 1943. The quotation is from
Germanische Leithefte

June 1942, p. 2.

7. Sabine Behrenbeck,
Der Kult um die toten Helden. Nationalsozialistische Mythen, Riten und

Symbole 1923 bis 1945
(Cologne, 1996), 595ff.; Daniel Siemens,
Horst Wessel. Tod und

Verklärung eines Nationalsozialisten
(Munich, 2009). On SS celebrations of death, see Fritz

Die Gestaltung der Feste im Jahres- und Lebenslauf in der SS-Familie

1942), 38 and 76; Karl Hermann Frank, 18 October 1942, in National Archives, Prague,

114–6–8, carton 22.

8. Goebbels,
, part II, vol. 4, p. 450 (entry for 4 June 1942).

9. Brandes,
, vol. 1, 261.

10. See Böhme’s notes of 12 June 1942, Archive of the Ministry of the Interior, Prague,

114–10–1/II, and Král,
, 480.

11. Brandes,
, vol. 1, 263; Berton, ‘Attentat’, 690f.

12. Berton, ‘Attentat’, 668ff.

13. The letter is quoted in length in ibid., 688, n. 15. On the murder of the two suspects, see

‘Totenbuch des SS-Standortarztes Mauthausen’, 24 October 1942, in KZ-Gedenkstätte

Mauthausen, AMM Y/46. On the fact that they were gassed rather than shot, see the

confessions of the two SS officers in charge of the killings, Martin Roth and Werner Fassel,

in ‘Urteil des Landgerichts Hagen’, 24 July 1970, 11 KS 1/70, in KZ-Gedenkstätte

Mauthausen, AMM P/19/45; and Pierre Serge Choumoff,

Massentötungen durch Giftgas auf österreichischem Gebiet 1940–1945
(Vienna, 2000), 101ff.

14. Brandes,
, vol. 1, 263f.; Mastny,
, 215ff. See, too, Peter Steinkamp, ‘Lidice

1942’, in Gerd R. Ueberschär (ed.),
Orte des Grauens. Verbrechen im Zweiten Weltkrieg

(Darmstadt, 2003), 126–35. See, too, Geschke’s final report on the destruction of Lidice,

dated 24 June 1942, in Archive of the Ministry of the Interior, Prague, 301–5–4. See, too,

Daluege’s ‘Führerbericht über den Mordanschlag auf SS-Obergruppenführer Heydrich’

(29 June 1942), in Archive of the Ministry of the Interior, Prague, 301–5–4. Death figures

N OT E S to pp. 281–5


as quoted in Wolfgang Benz,
Legenden, Lügen, Vorurteile. Ein Wörterbuch zur Zeitgeschicte

(Munich, 1992), 140. The youngest victim was fourteen-year-old Josef Hroník, the oldest

was eighty-four-year-old Emanuel Kovářovský. See, too, Official Statement by the German

government, 10 June 1942, as quoted in the British SOE Report, National Archives, Kew,

HS 4/79.

15. Archive of the Interior Ministry, Prague, 325–2–2, 325–2–4, 325–2–5. On the ‘Lebensborn’

project, see Georg Lilienthal,
Der ‘Lebensborn e. v.’. Ein Instrument nationalsozialistischer

Ras enpolitik
(Frankfurt, 1993), 242ff. See, too, Zahra,
Kidnapped Souls
, 197.

16. Miroslav Kárný, ‘“Heydrichiaden”: Widerstand und Terror im “Protektorat Böhmen und

Mähren”’, in Loukia Droulia and Hagen Fleischer (eds),
Von Lidice bis Kalavryta.

Widerstand und Besatzungsterror. Studien zur Repressalienpraxis im Zweiten Weltkrieg

1999), 51–63, here 61. For Goebbels’s quotation, see his diary entry of 14 June 1942, in

, part II, vol. 4, 523f.

17. See, for example,
The Times
, 26 June 1942;
New York Times
, 11 June 1942.

18. War Office ‘Memorandum on German Occupation of the Protectorate’ (12 January 1943),

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