Hitler's Hangman (88 page)

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6 November 1941, in Kárný et al. (eds),
Deutsche Politik
, doc. 46, pp. 176–7. It is likely that

this strategy was discussed between Himmler and Heydrich during a five-hour meeting in

Berlin on 14 October. See Witte et al. (eds),
, 234f.

49. Intelligence Report as quoted in Bryant,
Prague in Black
, 144. See, too, Brandes,

vol. 1, 212.

50. Werner Best, ‘Grundfragen einer deutschen Grossraum-Verwaltung’, in
Festgabe für

Heinrich Himmler
(Darmstadt, 1941), 33–60; see, too, Herbert,
, 275ff.; Mazower,

Hitler’s Empire
, 235ff.

51. Heydrich,
, 100; Naudé,
Politischer Beamter
, 122.

52. Lina Heydrich to Peter Schneiders, 12 January 1962, NIOD, doc. I, 69 A.

Völkischer Beobachter
, 3 December 1941 and 16 December 1941. See, too, Daniels,

‘Leibeserzieher’, 116; Bahro, ‘Sportler’, 118.

54. Heydrich,
, 10 and 100ff.

55. On Panenské Břežany, see: http://www.panenskebrezany.cz/view.php?cisloclanku=

2007110002. Heydrich,
, 108 and 112.

56. On these areas of interest, see Heydrich to Hácha, 24 December 1941, in National Archives,

Prague, 114–6–2, carton 22; Heydrich to Hácha, 4 May 1942, in National Archives,

Prague, 114–5–15, carton 19; Heydrich’s notes of 22 April 1942, in National Archives, Prague,

114–5–15, carton 19; Heydrich to Göring, 27 December 1941, in National Archives, Prague,


57. Heydrich,
, 106.

58. Lina Heydrich to Peter Schneider (Amsterdam), 12 January 1962, NIOD, doc. I 691 A.

59. Heydrich,
, 86ff.; see, too, Heydrich to Backe, 6 December 1941, in

National Archives, Prague, 114–5–15, carton 19. Interview with Heider Heydrich, March


60. Adam Tooze,
Wages of Destruction: The Making and Breaking of the Nazi Economy

2006), 477ff. Kay, ‘Staatssekretäre’, 685–700.

61. Richard Overy, ‘Business in the “Grossraumwirtschaft”: Eastern Europe, 1938–1945’, in

Harold James (ed.),
Enterprise in the Period of Fascism in Europe
(Burlington, VT, 2002),

151–77; Václav Kural, ‘Von Masaryks “Neuem Europa” zu den Grossraumplänen Hitler-

Deutschlands’, in Richard Plaschka (ed.),
Mitteleuropa-Konzeptionen in der ersten Hälfte des

20. Jahrhunderts
(Vienna, 1995), 351–7; Horst Kahrs, ‘Von der “Grossraumwirtschaft” zur

“Neuen Ordnung”. Zur strategischen Orientierung der deutschen Eliten 1932–1943’, in

Götz Aly (ed.),
Modelle für ein deutsches Europa. Ökonomie und Herrschaft im

(Berlin, 1992), 9–28.

62. Werner Daitz, Walther Funk and Hermann Göring, in Jeremy Noakes and Geoffrey

Pridham (eds),
Nazism, 1919–1945. A Documentary Reader
, 4 vols (Exeter, 1995–8), vol. 3,

884–900; see, too, Paolo Fonzi, ‘Nazionalsocialismo e nuovo ordine europeo: la discussione

sulla “Grossraumwirtschaft”’,
Studi Storici
45 (2004), 313–65.

63. Mastny,
, 80ff.; correspondence Heydrich and Reich Press Chief Dr Dietrich of

9 December 1941, in National Archives, Prague, 114-5-15, carton 19.

64. Heydrich’s opening speech at the economic forum of the South-Eastern Europe Society in

Prague, 17 December 1941, National Archives, Prague, 114-5-15, carton 8. He had

discussed the event with Himmler over the phone on the previous day. See Witte et al.

, 291.

65. Göring to Heydrich, 27 December 1941, in National Archives, Prague, 114-6-2.

66. Heydrich’s speech in Černín Palace on 2 October 1941, in National Archives, Prague,

114-6-4, carton 22.

N OT E S to pp. 235–9


67. Newspaper articles crediting Heydrich personally with the increase in food rations can be

found in
České slovo
, 25 October 1941;
Národní politika
, 25 October 1941;
, 25

October 1941.

68. Heydrich’s speech to union representatives on 24 October 1941, in National Archives,

Prague, 114-6-8. See, too, the notes on the event taken by SS-Sturmbannführer Wolf, in

National Archives, Prague, 109-4-175. The propaganda gatherings were deemed to be a

complete failure by the SD – they had been too overtly propagandistic and were rejected

as such by the very same workers whom they sought to convince. See the SD report of

20 October 1941, in Kárný et al. (eds),
Deutsche Politik
, doc. 35, pp. 158–9.

Der Neue Tag
, 25 and 26 October, 30 September and 4 October 1941. See, too,
Česke slovo

3 October 1941; Walter Wannenmacher, ‘Reinhard Heydrich’,
Böhmen und Mähren


70. Jaroslav Krejćí, ‘The Bohemian-Moravian War Economy’, in Michael Charles Kaser and

Edward Albert Radice (eds),
The Economic History of Eastern Europe, 1919–1975

1986), 491, table 19; see, too, Heydrich’s speech to Czech agricultural workers’ representa-

tives in Prague Castle on 5 December 1941, in National Archives, Prague, 114-6-8.

71. Senior staff meeting in the Reich Protector’s Office, 1 November 1941, in National

Archives, Prague, 114-2-26. Heydrich’s speech in Černín Palace on 2 October 1941, in

National Archives, Prague, 114-6-4, carton 22. Similar sentiments are expressed in

Heydrich’s speech in Prague Castle, 4 February 1942, in National Archives, Prague, 114–22,

ff. 30–3. See, too, the post-war interrogations of Walter Jacobi, Archive of the Ministry of

the Interior (AMV), Prague, 325-166-3.

72. Vaclav Průcha,
Hospodářské a sociální dějiny Československa 1918–1992, 1. díl období 1918–

(Brno, 2004), 427–31; Dana Musilová, ‘Problémy sociálně ekonomického vývoje v

letech 1939–1945 v protektorátu Čechy a Morava’,
Historický obzor
3 (1992), 149–52.

Der Neue Tag
, 12 February 1942. When the exhibition moved to Berlin, a fire-bomb went off

on 18 May 1942. In response, Heydrich had the instigator of the incident, the ‘Communist

’ Herbert Baum and 154 other Jewish men arrested and sent to Sachsenhausen

where they were shot alongside ninety-six other Jewish inmates. See Wolfgang Scheffler, ‘Der

Brandanschlag im Berliner Lustgarten im Mai 1942 und seine Folgen. Eine quel enkritische

Berlin in Geschichte und Gegenwart. Jahrbuch des Landesarchivs Berlin
3 (1984),

91–118, and Witte et al. (eds),
, 26 May 1942, p. 437.

Der Neue Tag
, 26 October 1941.

75. Burian et al.,
, 53. It is difficult to assess how successful this form of propa-

ganda was, but it is likely to have had little bearing on the Czech population at large. Tim

Deutsche Kulturpolitik im Protektorat Böhmen und Mähren, 1939–1941

2004), 89f.

76. Evans,
Third Reich in Power,

77. Mazower,
Hitler’s Empire
Third Reich at War,
346ff; Streit,
Keine Kameraden
, 128.

78. Herbert,
Foreign Workers
, 143ff.; Jaroslava Milotová, ‘“Cizorodí” dĕlníci a jejich pracovní

nasazení v nacistickém Nĕmecku v letech 1939–1945’, in Jana Havlíková (ed.),

pracovat pro Říši. Nucené pracovní nasazení ćeského obyvatelstva v letech 2. světové války.

Doprovodná publikace k výstavě
(Prague, 2004), 26.

79. Speer as quoted in Deschner,
, 322.

80. Havlíková (ed.),
Museli pracovat pro Říši
, 28; Herbert,
Foreign Workers
, 163ff.

81. Heydrich’s speech on 26 May 1942, in National Archives, Prague, 114, carton 8. On the

May decree see IMT, vol. 26, p. 485; Miroslav Kárný, ‘Der “Reichsausgleich” in der deut-

schen Protektoratspolitik’, in Ulrich Herbert (ed.),
Europa und der ‘Reichseinsatz’.

Ausländische Zivilarbeiter, Kriegsgefangene und KZ-Häftlinge in Deutschland 1938–1945

(Essen, 1991), 26–50, here 38.

82. Intelligence report of 21 May 1942, in National Archives, Kew, HS 4/79.

83. Heydrich to Hácha on 6 November 1941, in National Archives, Prague, 114-5-15, carton 19.

84. Brandes,
, vol. 1, 224–5. See also Heydrich’s letter to Bormann of 18

May 1942 in Kárný et al. (eds),
Deutsche Politik
, doc. 98, pp. 262–3. Heydrich’s letter to

Hácha of 6 November 1941, in National Archives, Prague, 114-5-15, carton 19.

85. Heydrich,
, 92f., 99; Heydrich to Hácha, 24 December 1941, in National

Archives, Prague, 114-6-2.


N OT E S to pp. 239–43

86. Senior staff meeting of 1 November 1941 (with Heydrich, Frank, Burgsdorff, Böhme, Fuchs

and Maurer in attendance), in National Archives, Prague, 114-2-26. Jaroslava Milotová,

‘Výsledky Heydrichovi správní reformy z pohledu okupaćního aparátu’,
Paginae historiae

(1994), 161–74. Jaroslava Milotová, ‘Personální aspekty tzv. Heydrichovi správní reformy’,

Paginae historiae
1 (1993), 196–218. On the meeting with Lammers in Munich on 9

November 1941, see Heydrich’s notes of 11 November 1941, in National Archives, Prague,

114-5-15, carton 19; Heydrich to Bormann on 30 December 1941, in Kárný et al. (eds),

Deutsche Politik
, doc. 65, p. 206.

87. Heydrich’s speech in Prague Castle, 4 February 1942, in National Archives, Prague, 114-6-2,

p. 19. On the critical response to Bertsch’s appointment from his Czech col eagues, see the

SD report for Heydrich of 20 January 1942, National Archives, Prague, 114-5-15, carton 19.

88. See, for example the British Intelligence Reports in National Archives, Kew, HS


89. See the protocol of Moravec’s meeting with Frank of 6 February 1942, in which the latter

handed Moravec Heydrich’s detailed instructions for propaganda in the Protectorate, in

Kárný et al. (eds),
Deutsche Politik
, doc. 78, pp. 234–5. On Moravec, see Jiří Pernes,
Až na

dno zrady. Emanuel Moravec
(Prague, 1997).

90. Heydrich’s speech to the new Protectorate government, 19 January 1942, in National

Archives, Prague, 114-6-8.

91. Heydrich to Bormann, 16 November 1941, in National Archives, Prague, 114-3-17.

92. Protocol of the senior staff meeting in the Reich Protector’s Office, 1 November 1941, in

National Archives, Prague, 114-2-26.

93. Heydrich to Bormann, 16 November 1941, in National Archives, Prague, 114-3-17.

94. Protocol of the senior staff meeting in the Reich Protector’s Office, 1 November 1941, in

National Archives, Prague, 114-2-26.

95. Heydrich’s speech to the new Protectorate government, 19 January 1942, in National

Archives, Prague, 114-6-8;
Der Neue Tag
, 20 January 1942.

96. Figures according to Mazower,
Hitler’s Empire
, 238; Heydrich to Bormann, 18 May 1942,

in Kárný et al. (eds),
Deutsche Politik
, doc. 98, p. 266.

97. Bryant,
Prague in Black
, 31ff.

98. Heydrich to senior staff members on 1 November 1941, in National Archives, Prague,

114-2-26. By June 1942, the only remaining
offices were in Prague, Budweis,

Pilsen, Königgrätz, Brünn and Iglau.

99. Heydrich to Bormann, 18 May 1942, in Kárný et al. (eds),
Deutsche Politik
, doc. 98, p. 266.

In reality, the number of civil servants ‘freed up for military service’ was significantly lower,

perhaps around 30,000. See Miroslav Kárný, ‘Introduction’, in idem et al. (eds),

, 53.

100. Mastny,
, 201; Brandes, ‘Nationalsozialistische Tschechenpolitik’, 46.

101. Heydrich’s speech of 4 February 1942, in National Archives, Prague, 114–22, 39.

102. Goebbels’s diary entry of 21 January 1942, in
, part II, vol. 3, 161.

103. Hitler on 25 January 1942, Hitler,
, 227f.

104. Adolf Hitler,
Hitler’s Table Talk 1941–1944
, (London, 1953), 490ff., quotation on p. 494.

105. Brandes, ‘Nationalsozialistische Tschechenpolitik’, 51. On Heydrich’s measures for

workers, see Dana Severová, ‘Socíalní politika nacistú v takzvaném Protektorátu v letech

Déjiny socialistického Ceskoslovenska
7 (1985), 184–90; Mastny,
, 194f.;

, vol. 1, 230f.

106. See Miroslav Kárný, ‘Die materiellen Grundlagen der Sozialdemagogie in der

Protektoratspolitik Heydrichs’,
19 (1989), 123–59.

107. Naudé,
Politischer Beamter
, 123.

108. Pohl,
; Gerlach,
Kalkulierte Morde
; Wendy Lower,
Nazi Empire-Building and

the Holocaust in Ukraine
(Chapel Hill, NC, 2005).

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