Hitler's Hangman (90 page)

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Verfolgung und Vernichtung der Juden im Reichsgau Wartheland
(Wiesbaden, 2006), 375.

173. See Heydrich’s order of 29 September 1941, in Kárný et al. (eds),
Deutsche Politik
, doc. 15,

pp. 97–8. See, too,
Der Neue Tag
, 6 October 1941.

174. Heydrich at the press conference of 10 October 1941, in National Archives, Prague,

114-2-47, carton 8.

175. Heydrich to Hácha, 6 October 1941, in National Archives, Prague, 114, supplement I,

carton 43.

176. Heinemann,
, 174; Rothkirchen,
, 51f.; Nathan Stoltzfus, ‘The Limits of Policy:

Social Protection of Intermarried German Jews in Nazi Germany’, in Robert Gellately

and idem (eds),
Social Outsiders in Nazi Germany
(Princeton, NJ, 2001), 117–44. See, too,

Heydrich’s circular to the district governors on the naturalization of Jewish

28 March 1942, in USHMM RG 48.005 M, reel 2; Report of the Chief of the Racial

Office of RuSHA on the activities of RuSHA in Bohemia and Moravia, 25 January 1944,

in BAB, NS 2/153.

177. ‘Bericht der Zentralstelle für jüdische Auswanderung’, 2 October 1941, in Kárný et al.

Deutsche Politik
, doc. 23, pp. 122–7.


N OT E S to pp. 258–62

178. Miroslav Kárný, ‘Zur Statistik der jüdischen Bevölkerung im sogenannten Protektorat’,

Judaica Bohemiae
23 (1987), 9–19.

179. Zimmermann,
, 218ff.

180. On the number of deaths, see Ctibor Nećas,
Holocaust ćeských Romů
(Prague, 1999), 175.

181. Witte et al. (eds),
, 405, n. 60.

182. Werner Koeppen’s report on Hitler’s table talk of 6 October 1941, in Kárný et al. (eds),

Deutsche Politik
, doc. 25, p. 130.

183. Bryant,
Prague in Black
, 149; Kershaw,
Hitler: Nemesis
, 479.

184. Heydrich to Himmler, 19 October 1941, in IfZ, Eich 1544. On the Łódź Ghetto, see

Sascha Feuchert, Erwin Leibfried and Jörg Riecke (eds),
Die Chronik des Ghettos Lodz/

(Göttingen, 2006), and Andrea Löw,
Juden im Getto Litzmannstadt.

Lebensbedingungen, Selbstwahrnehmung, Verhalten
(Göttingen, 2006). Longerich,


185. Senior staff meeting in the Reich Protector’s Office, 10 October 1941, in Kárný et al. (eds),

Deutsche Politik
, doc. 29, pp. 137–41.

186. Senior staff meeting in the Reich Protector’s Office, 17 October 1941, in National

Archives, Prague, 114-2-26. On Theresienstadt, see the reprint of Hans Günther Adler,

Theresienstadt 1941–1945. Das Antlitz einer Zwangsgemeinschaft
(Göttingen, 2005);

Vojtěch Blodig, ‘Dějiny ghetta Terezín (1941–1945)’, in Miloš Pojar (ed.),
Stín šoa nad

(Prague, 2001), 57–66; Tomáš Fedorović, ‘Zánik města Terezín a jeho přeměna v

Terezínské listy
32 (2004), 15–43.

187. On the number of arrivals at Terezin, see Hilberg,
, vol. 2, 455.

188. Goebbels’s diary entry of 18 November 1941, in
, part II, vol. 2, 309.

189. Miroslav Kárný,
‘Konećné řešení’. Genocida ćeských židů v německé protektorátní politice

(Prague, 1991), 155ff.

190. Browning,
, 244.

191. Eichmann’s courier letter of 31 January 1942, reprinted in Longerich,
, 165f.

192. Transcript of the meeting of 9 March 1942, as reprinted in Longerich,
, 167ff.

193. Private film coverage of Heydrich in the Bavarian Alps shows him relaxed and cheerful.

See BA Filmarchiv (Berlin), DW 615/26/1942. See, too; Witte et al. (eds),

7 March 1942, p. 371.

194. Dieter Pohl,
Von der ‘Judenpolitik’ zum Judenmord. Der Distrikt Lublin des

Generalgouvernements 1939–1944
(Frankfurt am Main, 1993), 13ff.; David Silberklang,

‘Die Juden und die ersten Deportationen aus dem Distrikt Lublin’, in Bogdan Musial

‘Aktion Reinhardt’. Der Völkermord an den Juden im Generalgouvernement 1941–1944

(Osnabrück, 2004), 141–64.

195. Witte, ‘Two Decisions’, 335f.

196. Kárný,
‘Konećné řešení’
, 153f. On Sobibor more generally, see Jules Schelvis,

Sobibór. Dokumente – Texte – Materialien
(Berlin, 1998).

197. Witte et al. (eds),
, 20 October 1941; Yehoshua Büchler, ‘The Deportation

of Slovakian Jews to the Lublin District of Poland in 1942’,
Holocaust and Genocide Studies

6 (1991), 151–66.

198. Tuka’s memorandum on Heydrich’s visit, dated 10 April, in National Archives, Prague,

114-7-300; see, too, Büchler, ‘Deportation’, 153ff.

199. Note by Dannecker, 10 March 1941, printed in Klarsfeld,
, 374f. The deportation of

5,000 French Jews to Auschwitz was carried out between 5 June and 17 July.

200. Yitzhak Arad,
Belzec, Sobibor, Treblinka: The Operation Reinhard Death Camps

IN, 1987), 36ff and 75; Jürgen Matthäus, ‘“Operation Barbarossa” and the Onset of the

Holocaust’, in Browning,
, 253–5, here 304.

201. This visit was reconstructed during the trial of the former Gestapo chief in Minsk, Georg

Heuser, in 1963. See Irene Sagel-Grande, H. H. Fuchs and C. F. Rüter (eds),
Justiz und

NS-Verbrechen. Sammlung deutscher Strafurteile wegen nationalsozialistischer

Tötungsverbrechen 1945–1966
, vol. 19:
Die vom 10.01.1963 bis zum 12.04.1964 ergangenen

(Amsterdam, 1978), vol. 19 (Amsterdam, 1987), doc. no. 552 p. 192. On the

new round of mass killings, see Gerlach,
Kalkulierte Morde
, 694ff.

202. On the Ukraine, see Dieter Pohl, ‘Schauplatz Ukraine. Der Massenmord an den Juden im

Militärverwaltungsgebiet und im Reichskommissariat 1941–1943’, in Norbert Frei,

N OT E S to pp. 262–7


Sybille Steinbacher and Bernd C. Wagner (eds),
Ausbeutung, Vernichtung, Öffentlichkeit.

Neue Studien zur nationalsozialistischen Lagerpolitik
(Munich, 2000), 135–73, here 159f.

203. Longerich,
, 583.

204. Witte et al. (eds),
, 410ff.; Longerich,
, 582f.

205. Heydrich’s speaking notes of 19 Decemeber 1941, in National Archives, Prague, 114–22.

206. On German cultural policies in the Protectorate up until Heydrich’s arrival in Prague, see

; Jiří Doležal,
Česká kultura za protektorátu
(Prague, 1996); František

Česká kultura a okupace
(Prague, 2002).

207. Fauth,
, 88.

208. Heydrich to Goebbels, February 1942, in National Archives, Prague, 109–4–711.

209. Letter, Heydrich to Goebbels, 29 September 1941, and Goebbels’s response of 1 October

1941, both in National Archives, Prague, 114, carton 1140. See, too, Goebbels’s diary entry

of 17 November 1941, in
, part II, vol. 2, 309.

210. See the ‘Protokoll über die Abmachungen mit dem Reichspropagandaministerium über

die beabsichtigten Massnahmen auf dem Sektor Kulturpropaganda’ of 14 October 1941,

in National Archives, Prague, 114, carton 1140.

211. Heydrich’s speech in Prague Castle, 4 February 1942, in National Archives, Prague,

114–22, ff. 23 and 50. Himmler warmly approved of these ‘very good’ ideas. See Himmler

to Heydrich, 23 October 1941, in National Archives, Prague, 114, carton 1140.

212. Heydrich’s speech in Černín Palace on 2 October 1941, in National Archives, Prague,

114–6–4, carton 22. On the importance of the Wenceslas myth for Heydrich’s propa-

ganda, see, too, the post-Second World War interrogations of Walter Jacobi, Archive of

the Ministry of the Interior (AMV), Prague, 325–166–3.

213. See, for example, ‘Tschechische Betrachtungen zur Wenzelstradition’,
Der Neue Tag
, 21

November 1941.

214. Hácha and Heydrich as quoted in
Der Neue Tag
, 19 November 1941.

215. Reinhard Heydrich, ‘Die Wenzelstradition’,
Der Neue Tag
, 20 November 1941.

216. National Archives, Kew, HS 4/79/324795.

217. Heydrich, ‘Die Wenzelstradition’.

218. Heydrich’s speech in Černín Palace, 2 October 1941, in National Archives, Prague,

114–6–4, carton 22.

219. Heydrich’s notes on the history of Bohemia (undated), in National Archives, Prague,

114–5–15, carton 8. Few of these interpretations originated with Heydrich. He drew

heavily on memoranda written by Karl Hermann Frank in 1940, as well on a series of

essays published by the Sudeten German law professor Hermann Raschhofer in the Nazi

Böhmen und Mähren
. See Karl Hermann Frank,
Böhmen und Mähren im Reich.

Vortrag gehalten am 24. Juni 1941 im Ostinstitut in Krakau
(Prague, 1941). See, too,

Himmler to Heydrich, 23 October 1941 (with particular emphasis on the Wenceslas

myth), in National Archives, Prague, 114, carton 1140.

220. Hans Lemberg, ‘Prag im Zerrspiegel. Die Propagierung des “deutschen Prag” in der

Protektoratszeit’, in
Magister noster. Sborník statí věnovaných in memoriam Prof. Dr. Janu

(Prague, 2005), 383–94. Vojtěch Šustek, ‘Josef Pfitzner a germanizace města

Prahy’, in
Osm set let pražské samosprávy. Sborník příspěvků z 18. vědecké konference Archivu

hlavního města Prahy
(Prague, 2002), 167–81.

221. Heydrich’s speech in Prague Castle, 4 February 1942, in National Archives, Prague,

114–22, f. 56. On his genuine passion for the history of Bohemia and Moravia see, too,

, 105.

222. On Heydrich’s interest in Wallenstein, see Deschner,
, 218. On the excavations,

see Heydrich to Hácha, 4 May 1942, in National Archives, Prague, 114–5–15, carton 19.

223. Heydrich to Bormann, 8 May 1942, in National Archives, Prague, 114–3–17; Heydrich to

Bormann, 16 November 1941, in ibid.

224. See Himmler’s ‘Denkschrift über die Behandlung der Fremdvölkischen’ of May 1940,

reprinted in
5 (1957), 195ff.

225. Heydrich’s speech of 4 February 1942, in National Archives, Prague, 114–22, f. 29;

Heydrich to Bormann, 22 January 1942, National Archives, Prague, 114–3–17.

České slovo
, 1 May 1942.

227. National Archives, Kew, HS 4/79/324795.


N OT E S to pp. 268–73

228. Heydrich’s speech in Prague Castle, 4 February 1942, in National Archives, Prague,

114–22, f. 28. On the German academics in Prague involved in the Germanization of the

academic landscape, see Ota Konrád, ‘Die deutschen Hochschullehrer in Prag vor und

nach 1938/39. Versuch einer Bestandsaufnahme’, in Jerzy Kochanowski and Maike Sach

Die ‘Volksdeutschen’ in Polen, Frankreich, Ungarn und der Tschechoslowakei. Mythos und

(Osnabrück, 2006), 147–62; Míšková, ‘Rassenforschung’; quotation from Karl

Hermann Frank, in Wannenmacher (ed.),
Leben der Tat
, 39.

229. Wiedemann,
, 44; Alan E. Steinweis, ‘German Cultural

Imperialism in Czechoslovakia and Poland, 1938–1945’,
International History Review

(1991), 466–80.

230. Wiedemann,

231. Heydrich to Bormann, 18 May 1942, in Kárný et al. (eds),
Deutsche Politik
, doc. 98, pp.

264ff.; Wiedemann,
, 44.

232. The Reinhard Heydrich Foundation was officially launched on 27 May 1943, the first

anniversary of Heydrich’s death. See Wiedemann,

233. Heydrich to Bormann, 30 December 1941, in Kárný et al. (eds),
Deutsche Politik
, doc. 65,

pp. 203–4. See, too, Heydrich,
, 105. Dinner seating plans modified by

Heydrich at Prague Castle on 4 December 1941 (dress code: men in uniform, women in

short evening dresses) can be found in Burian et al.,
, 40. Speer’s post-war

account of Heydrich as quoted in Deschner,
, 322.

Böhmen und Mähren
, November 1941, 400ff.;
Der Neue Tag
, 29 October 1941. See, too,

Vlasta Reittererová, ‘Das Mozartjahr 1941 in Prag. Ein Beitrag zur Geschichte des

Musiklebens im Protektorat Böhmen und Mähren’, in
Přednášky z 47. běhu Letní školy

slovanských studií
(Prague, 2004), 184–206.

235. File ‘Heydrich und das Deutsche Theater (nur Rohmaterial!)’, in National Archives,

Prague, 114–2–26. See, too, Karl Hermann Frank, in Wannenmacher (ed.),
Leben der

, 40.

236. Heydrich’s speech of 16 October 1941 on the occasion of the reopening of the

Rudolfinum, in National Archives, Prague, 114–2–47, carton 8.

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