Conspiracies: The Facts * the Theories * the Evidence (38 page)

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Authors: Andy Thomas

Tags: #Conspiracy Theories, #Social Science

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it may find it more difficult to fashion a consensus on foreign
policy issues, except in the circumstance of a truly massive

and widely perceived direct external threat.

That the very al-Qaeda Brzezinski was responsible for soon became the kind of external threat postulated, courtesy of the official 9/11

story, looks suspicious to some. Brzezinski may not have been

involved with 9/11 (and he outwardly opposed the 2003 invasion

of Iraq), but it seems his words were certainly taken to heart.

Ongoing actions which affect the fates of many of the countries

Brzezinski cited as being necessary targets for increased American influence (Afghanistan, Iran, Pakistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, etc.) appear to echo many of his recommendations, especial y

as regards fears over oil pipelines benefiting China and Russia,

which seem – outwardly at least – not to be major players in the

current NWO. The dramatic situations in Egypt, Iraq, Libya and

Syria in the years following the 2010–11 ‘Arab uprisings’ and the continuing tensions with Israel are general y considered as part of the same pattern and alleged by conspiracy theorists to have fallen prey to Western manipulation as part of the unfolding NWO plan.

In fact, David Icke has long said that a contrived war between

China and the West is part of the projected itinerary, whether

that nation knows it or not. It is also hard to imagine Islamic

states giving in easily to a unification with infidels, so any NWO

intentions over unwilling countries would presumably have to

begin with an enforced subjugation. A manufactured third world

war might be a necessary step towards this. The hypothesis that a new ‘world religion’ might be imposed afterwards to smooth over

some of the inevitable lingering spiritual divisions has also been pondered. Some believe the suspected Judaeo-Christian End-Time policies (
p. 228) are merely being used by that lobby to gain support before they are eventual y overthrown for the true

mandate, providing further fuel for the Antichrist theories.


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The al-Qaeda Myth?

Brzezinski’s vision for the world in
The Grand Chessboard
concerns some, because it appears to echo some of the key elements in

George Orwel ’s novel
Nineteen Eighty-Four
. This has alerted truthseekers to the totalitarian tendencies which may lie behind

the entire NWO project.

Nineteen Eighty-Four
, the rigidly oppressed world of Oceania (essential y a unified America and Europe) is kept in daily fear

of Immanuel Goldstein, an intangible terrorist threat invented

or hugely exaggerated by the Big Brother society. Meanwhile, an

endless war in Eastasia keeps the wheels of arms and industry

turning and the minds of the people distracted from making

trouble. Many conspiracy theorists believe this is precisely the

situation we have today, with al-Qaeda as Goldstein, and the War

on Terror and the Middle Eastern campaigns substituting for the

Eastasia conflict.

This is not to say that al-Qaeda does not exist; indeed, as we

have seen, it may have been specifical y brought into being to

provide an outside threat. But its real influence has been much-

questioned outside the media.7 Many suspect that what is

probably a loose network of tin-pot militias has been blown out

of all proportion to replace conveniently the number one enemy

lost when the Soviet Union fel . Fired into prominence by the

NWO cornerstone of 9/11, if what is now generical y referred to as al-Qaeda
become a genuine threat, this may have come about through a self-fulfilling process of inflationary propaganda.

Rule by Fear

In the Orwellian view, then, following the initial masterstroke

of 9/11, a general heightened fear of terrorism and attack from

foreign forces has constituted a kind of further slow-motion false-238

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flag tool to manufacture our consent for the steps of the NWO’s

ever-gathering pace towards a regime of implacable control (
below) and the centralization of power.

What other techniques might also be used? We have already

seen in chapter 7 how some believe that if exaggerated threats

from the likes of al-Qaeda are not enough, we might even find

ourselves being herded together in the face of a false alien

invasion. Fear of outside forces, whether they be foreign invaders, ethnic minorities, climate changes, terrorists or extra-terrestrials, has always been used to control the human race. The policy of

divide and rule still holds sway, and the New World Order is seen as its ultimate expression.

But if fear is the key to all this, might the occult be the ultimate lock?

ii) oCCulT influenCes

Dystopia or Utopia?

Critics argue that a one world government would be unman age -

able and even undesirable to those whose ambitions are to

dominate. They contend that concerns about genuine liberty

issues have been warped into ludicrous paranoia, manifested as a

fantasy view of the New World Order which takes theorists down

cul-de-sacs and draws energy away from serious political activism that could make a real difference. Truthseekers may even be

deliberately entangled into such thinking, serious investigations neutered by the time spent imagining occult ceremonies and

chasing birth certificates – things easy to marginalize as fanaticism.

But this accusation is simply a conspiracy theory of another

kind. Defenders point to Orwel ’s model of global government as

being more than workable in the non-fiction world. If any tyrants were simply thinking of using the NWO for their own ends and


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didn’t real y want unification, they might eventual y be rooted out by the genuinely Utopian forces at the top, who may themselves

simply be using today’s warmongers as fall guys to be dispensed

with when the real vision nears completion. It is also countered

that freedom in society
increasingly being taken away by different means, rendering scrutiny of whatever one conceives the NWO to be as vital in any case. It can also be observed that occult symbolism
seem to be important to the ones who govern.

Occult Tendencies

Those who have accused the NWO of attempting to instate

a ‘Fourth Reich’ see this term as being rather more than meta-

phorical. While some view the huge influence of Germany on

the European Union as being a new kind of domination, albeit

financial, others believe the fascination of its former Nazi rulers with ancient symbolism (e.g. the swastika) and their alleged

dabbling with the occult has been passed on to other enclaves.

Secret societies have undoubtedly been a major influence on

the development of modern civilization, and their fondness for

Egyptian symbolism has given rise to the erection of pyramids

and needles in numerous cities, full of numerological and mystical significance. Some conspiracy theorists see them as being there to make a statement, or for actual use as occult talismans to focus

psychic power. It cannot be denied that pyramids, in particular,

remain in vogue, with glass versions having been constructed

at the Parisian Louvre gallery in recent decades, and another

built atop Canary Wharf Tower in the middle of Britain’s major

financial centre, alongside many other examples. These are seen

as subliminal proclamations of who is real y in charge, whatever

their esoteric effects, and they are widely considered to be aligned with other ‘temples’ and monuments, with streets laid out in

symbolic configurations to create vast grids of power.


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The Eye of Providence

The symbol of the all-seeing eye above a pyramid on the reverse

of the Great Seal of the United States, famously emblazoned onto

the dol ar bil , has become the most prominent occult target of

conspiracy theorists. Official y named the ‘Eye of Providence’,

it is derived from the Egyptian ‘Eye of Horus’ and is claimed to

represent a benevolent God watching over his people. Buddhists,

Hindus and Christians have adapted the symbol in centuries past,

but its most overt use has come from Masonic orders. As such, it

is often seen as a sinister eye; the higher degrees of Freemasonry watching lesser humans beneath, represented by the lower levels

of the pyramid. The capstone separated from the main body

of the structure is seen to indicate their superiority, and the

accompanying words
Novus Ordo Seclorum
, which translate as

‘New Order of the Ages’, is close enough to ‘New World Order’ to

create discomfort.

Historians challenge the ominous interpretations, pointing

out that the symbol was specifical y designed for the Great Seal

in 1776 (the 13 steps of the pyramids representing the then 13

states of America) and that Freemasonry only adopted it in

1797. Nevertheless, this symbol and the many others undeniably

treated as sacred by secret societies do seem to creep into

government stationery, banknotes and buildings across the

world. They must therefore carry some meaningful weight, or

why use them? Are they just in-jokes from canny architects

and designers? Some suggested this when the 2012 London

Olympics logo appeared to spell the word ‘Zion’ when slightly

rearranged, the Olympic stadium was surrounded by perfectly

proportioned Eye of Providence-style lighting gantries and

the masses were jollied up by bizarre mascots with single eyes

over pyramidal bodies. Or do such examples make a grimmer

statement about who is real y in charge and what their intentions are for humanity?


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The difficulty here is that for all the establishment’s protestations of innocence, time and again word leaks out of strange behaviour

in high places that authorities don’t general y like to advertise.

And sometimes the word is true.

The Bohemian Grove Ceremony

When information began to circulate about the existence of

a cult where world leaders worshipped giant stone owls and

sacrificed children, it was at first laughed away or believed only by those on the furthest fringes. But when secret intruders, and

then journalists, started claiming they actual y had witnessed the owl ceremony, the mood changed. So began the controversy over

the Bohemian Club, one of the most discussed secret societies

believed to be at the centre of the New World Order.

Founded in 1872, this California-based group was initial y, as

its name suggests, centred around artistic types (it still includes major celebrities, actors and musicians). But soon it began to attract a different kind of membership, drawing in politicians, heads of

corporations and other glitterati to become one of the prime orders of its kind. Rapidly wealthy, the Bohemian Club bought up local

woodland and christened it ‘Bohemian Grove’, and, as the years

went by, its annual gathering there began to attract attendances of thousands from around the world. Anyone with a high political

profile has reportedly shown up there at one point or another, with members said to include figures such as Kissinger, Nixon, Bushes

Junior and Senior, Cheney, Blair and many other presidents and

prime ministers. Women, natural y, are excluded, raising questions about what the likes of Margaret Thatcher, Hil ary Clinton and

Angela Merkel might do instead to ‘bond’, which is one of the

primary functions, it would seem, of the Bohemian Club.

But then women might not feel too comfortable in such an

environment, with infiltrators having spoken of the bawdy,


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childish atmosphere of crassness and sexual innuendo that

pervades the campfires at the annual conventions. All of which

might sound like a harmless playground for male buffoonery (as

indeed actor Harry Shearer has claimed it is), were it not for some of the murkier occult tinges to the accompanying ceremonies.

Long rumoured, but only ful y exposed when journalist Jon

Ronson (
p. 220) broke into Bohemian Grove, accompanied by conspiracy theorist Alex Jones in 2000, the grand opening of

each yearly gathering embodies a ceremony called the ‘Cremation

of Care’. The secret videoing reveals a melodramatic pageant

comprising a narrated performance in which players dress in robes and parade with flaming torches on an altar placed in front of what may indeed be a giant stone owl. Some have claimed it represents

the pagan god Moloch, a bull-headed creature, but other exposed

Bohemian Club imagery unambiguously incorporates images of

owls, signifying ‘knowledge’. The rumours of live sacrifices appear to be derived from the fact that during the ceremony an
of a child is brought across a lake by boat – an effigy which is then burned on the altar as triumphant (and apparently prerecorded)

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