Conspiracies: The Facts * the Theories * the Evidence (45 page)

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Authors: Andy Thomas

Tags: #Conspiracy Theories, #Social Science

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Bacon, Sir Francis 48


Bahá’í faith 163

Al-Fayed, Mohamed 147, 151, 152, 154,

Baker, Norman, MP 5, 165, 166, 168, 272


Balfour, Arthur 229

al-Qaeda 16, 35, 47, 113, 171–3, 177,

Bali bombing 201

186, 187, 192, 194, 201,
, 276

banks/bankers 46, 121, 122, 127, 137,

Aldrin, Edwin ‘Buzz’ 93, 99–100, 106

197, 231–3

Alfred P Murrah Federal Building 195

Baron, Thomas Ronald 109, 110

Alternative Three

Bay of Pigs incident, Cuba 91, 137

‘alternative’ beliefs/medicine (general)

BBC (British Broadcasting Company)

12, 14, 27, 252, 265

114, 117, 118, 156, 190, 197, 199,

American Airlines 174, 177

233, 270, 276, 277

‘amero’ currency 230

Beatles, The 18–22

ancient astronauts 205–8, 223

Beatty, Vice Admiral Frank E 71, 269

ancient history/knowledge/symbolism

bed-warming pan theory (James II) 61

10, 39, 40, 43, 207, 219, 223, 226,

Bennett, Mary 100

227, 240, 250

Bhutto, Benazir 194, 274

Andanson, Jean-Paul James 147

Bible/biblical prophecies 40, 207, 208,

Annunaki, 39, 207, 208, 217, 219, 230,

216, 218, 227, 228, 248, 274


Bilderberg Group 13, 126, 231, 232,

48, 49

250, 276

Antichrist theories 227, 237, 248

bin Laden, Osama 113, 171, 193, 194,

anti-Semitism 13, 33–5, 73, 122, 193,

198, 271, 273


birth certificate controversy (Obama)

apocalyptic predictions/beliefs 27, 29,

235, 236, 239

228, 250, 253

black budget military projects 95, 110

Apollo missions (NASA) 93, 99, 101,

Blair, Tony 113–15, 126, 156–9, 163, 219,

105, 106, 108–10, 212, 270

228, 242, 270

apophenia 9, 21, 23, 37

Blaylock, Dr Russell 256

Arab uprisings (2010–11) 30, 237

Blomgren, Jan 196, 273

Area 51, Nevada, USA 211

bloodlines (general) 151, 154

‘Arkansas Sudden Death Syndrome’

Boardman, Terry 227, 229, 276

167, 272

body scanners (airports) 247

Armageddon, battle of 228

Bohemian Club/Bohemian Grove

arms trade 127, 152, 233

, 250, 277

Armstrong, Neil 93, 98, 99–101, 106

Bonfire Night celebrations 50, 52

aspartame 252

Brave New World

Assange, Julian 119, 122

Breivik, Anders Behring 246

assassinations (general) 8, 41, 43, 51, 59,

Britain/British/UK 25, 50, 52, 64, 66–69,

60, 114, 120, 128, 130,
, 194,

74, 97, 110, 115, 117, 122–7, 142,

198, 226, 234, 235

144, 151, 152, 157, 164, 171, 198,

astrology 6, 10, 18, 208, 213, 250

199, 206, 211, 213, 219, 227–9, 240,

, 212, 270

246, 277

astronomy/astronomers 28, 96, 97, 208,

British government 52, 126, 129, 156,


158, 159, 164

atomic bomb testing/developing 211, 244

British Humanist Association xi, 267


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British Royal Family/monarchy 142,

CIA (Central Intelligence Agency) 91,

143, 151–4, 217–19, 229

136, 141, 146, 177, 214, 275

Brooks, Rebekah/Charlie 125, 126

civil liberties/rights 73, 112, 177, 239, 248

Brown, Mayor Willie 177

civil unrest/martial law 246

Brzezinski, Zbigniew 236–8, 260, 261,

Clarke, Richard 179


climate change xi, 121, 123, 239

BSkyB TV network 126

climate engineering 255, 257, 258

Burrel , Paul 149, 150, 152

‘Climategate’ (Climatic Research Group)

Bush, George, Senior 92, 115, 236, 242


Bush, George W 35, 92, 113, 115, 177,

Clinton, President Bill 153, 167, 244, 272

187, 192, 219, 228, 234, 235, 242,

Clinton, Hil ary 153, 167, 228, 242, 272

246, 269, 276

Club of Rome 231

Bush, Marvin 187

Codex Alimentarius 252

Cold War 83, 95

Caesar, Julius 41

collective consciousness/psyche 215,

Cameron, David 125–7, 270

224, 262, 264

Campbel , Alastair 114, 156, 157

Collins, Michael 105

Canada 174, 230

comets 28, 29

Canary Wharf Tower, London 240

Common Purpose 231

Capricorn One

Communism/Communists 59, 73, 74,

Carter, President Jimmy 214, 236

84, 86

Castro, Fidel 91, 137

community bonds, breakdown of 250

Catesby, Robert 47, 50–3

computer hacking 121, 213

cattle mutilation phenomenon 214

Connal y, Governor John 134, 135

CCTV/security footage 181, 198, 200,

Conrad, Pete 108

247, 277

consciousness, power of 266

Cecil, Robert (first earl of Salisbury)

conspiracy theory/theorists (specific

52, 54


Channel Four (UK TV) 220, 243, 275,

damage to theorists’ reputations 60–1


debunking of conspiracy theories 3,

Chapman, Mark 26

97, 213, 215, 265

Chariots of the Gods

definitions of conspiracy theory 2, 4,

Charles I 57

7, 267

Charles II 58, 60

factions of theorists 12–14

Chechnya/Chechens 196

general traits of theorists 4–11

chemical suppression 43, 245, 249, 251,

historical conspiracies 3, 10,

252, 255, 261

112, 202, 205, 207, 241

chemical weapons 113, 156

how far should theorizing go? 18–35

‘chemtrails’ 255–9

importance of direct evidence xi, xii,

Cheney, Vice-President Dick 179, 192,

5, 14, 16–18, 36, 38, 265

219, 242

inflammatory theories 31–5

Cherami, Rose 139

mainstream marginalization 2, 4, 6,

Cheyenne Mountain Directorate 254

11, 16

child abuse/paedophile rings 218, 220–4

poll statistics on conspiracies x, 6, 25,

child ‘sacrifice’ (effigy) 242–5, 254

35, 96, 97, 112, 136, 144, 154, 158,

China 71, 237, 258

171, 265, 270, 271

Chomsky, Noam 34, 268

reclassification of conspiracies as

Church of England 44, 45, 49, 58

‘scandals’ 89

Churchil , Sir Winston 67, 68, 71, 86, 269

why do people believe in

Christianity/Christians 6, 29, 42, 227,

conspiracies? 8–18

237, 241, 248

Constantine, Emperor 42


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control agendas x, 7, 170, 239, 261, 262,

pol s on assassination theory 144, 154,



Cook, Robin 163

white Fiat Uno 146, 147, 271

Cooper, William (Bill) 138

Dimona, Israel 83

corruption (general, inc. corporate) xii,

Diocletian, Emperor 42

3, 7, 10, 11, 37, 118, 122–4, 127,

Disclosure Project 213, 274

129, 131, 188, 233

dol ar, US currency 230, 241

cosmic cycles/radiation 27, 107

Domus Aurea palace, Rome 42

Coulson, Andy 125, 128

‘dossier’ on Iraq 114, 156

Council on Foreign Relations 231, 232

drone technology 176, 235, 247

Cremation of Care ceremony 13, 242,

drugs trade/‘War on Drugs’ 251

243, 277

‘dumbing down’ in media 250

crime/criminal cabals 3, 7, 37, 233, 247,


earthquakes 260

Cromwel , Oliver 57

economic manipulation/crises 7, 30,

crop circles 31, 206, 214

194, 233

Crowley, Aleister 20

Ecuadorian embassy 122

Cuba/Cuban exiles 84, 91, 135–7, 141

Edward VI 45

Egypt/Egyptians 40, 75–82, 205, 227,

Daniels, Jonathan 71

237, 240, 241

Däniken, Erich von 205, 207

El-Arish massacre, Sinai 79

Dark Moon

electromagnetic phenomena/devices 28,

Dawkins, Richard 10

29, 163, 259

Dealey Plaza, Dal as 91, 134, 136, 140,

electronic communication monitoring


248, 259

defence ministers 29, 127, 127

Elizabeth I 45–7, 49

Democrat Party (US) 89, 236

Emmerich, Roland 48

Denver International Airport, USA

‘Enabling Act’ (Nazis) 73

(murals) 254, 277

‘End-Timers’ 29, 228, 237

depopulation programmes 8, 245,

Engineering and Technology
96, 270

, 256, 259, 262

England/English 45, 46, 49, 50, 52, 55,

Devereux, Robert (Earl of Essex) 47–9

57, 58, 60

Dewdney, A K 174, 175

English Civil War 57

Diana (goddess) 91, 153

Enron scandal investigation 188

Diana, Princess of Wales, assassination

environmental issues 247, 254

theories x, 6, 43, 56,
, 157,

Essex rebellion 47–50

158, 165, 167, 172, 219, 271

(movie) 213, 275

driver’s blood test anomalies 144, 145, ethnic minorities as scapegoats 57, 61, 168

239, 247

car crash details 142–4, 146, 168

eugenics 229, 253, 254

CCTV footage 145, 147

euro, European currency 124, 230

Diana’s condition after the crash 148

Europe 45, 46, 65, 70, 75, 123, 227, 230,

Diana’s prediction of own death 148,

232, 238


European Union (EU) 123, 124, 230,

Diana pregnant with Dodi’s baby?



executions (general) 45, 47, 59, 114

driver’s link to French security

Executive Directive 51 246

services 145

extra-terrestrials (ETs), general 13–15,

‘flash’ seen near tunnel 146

, 239, 275

paparazzi photographers 143, 144,

abductions 209, 212, 221, 223, 224,




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ET/reptile bloodlines 39, 153, 207,

Gage, Richard 185

217, 219, 220, 223, 227

Galileo 17

ETs as psychogenic thought-forms

Gates, Bill 254

215, 224

Geis, Rear Admiral Lawrence 83

ET/human hybrids 39, 153, 217, 223

Gemini 10 105

‘grey’ ETs and other species 208, 211,

Genesis, Book of 207, 218, 274

212, 214

genetic engineering of human race? 207,

‘reptilian’ ETs –
reptilian ET agenda

208, 217

Eye of Providence/Horus 241

Georgia Guidestones 253, 277

Ezekiel, Book of 208

Gerard, John 52–4

Germany 45, 61, 65–70, 73–5, 209, 240

faked alien invasion 215, 216, 239, 244

Gilligan, Andrew 156

‘false-flag’ attacks 43, 51,
, 113,

global warming hypothesis 123, 247

121, 133, 170, 173,
, 203,

Glorious Revolution (1688), The 60, 61

238, 239

God 5, 44, 207, 228, 241

False Memory Syndrome (FMS) 220,

Godfrey, Sir Edmund Berry 59


gods, ancient 39, 40, 207, 208, 220

family unit, breakdown of 250

Goebbels, Joseph 74, 194, 195

‘Family, The’ (End-Timers) 228

Golan Heights, Syria/Israel 79

Fatima apparitions, Portugal 209, 210,

Goldman Sachs, 232, 233, 276


Gore, Al 234

Fawkes, Guido (Guy) 50, 51, 53–5

Grand Chessboard, The
236, 238, 260,

FBI (Federal Bureau of Investigation) 53,


174, 177, 195

Great Fire of London 57, 72

fear (as a tool) 7, 113, 246, 247

Great Fire of Rome 42, 54, 72

Federal Reserve (US) 137, 226, 231

Great Seal (US) 241

FEMA (Federal Emergency

Greece/Greek mythology, 40, 232

Management Agency) 246

Green, John 18, 21

First World War 64, 65, 71, 73, 209, 229,

Green, Robert 222


Greer, Dr Steven 213

Flame of Liberty monument, Paris 153

Greer, William 138

Florida, USA 234

Gregory, Dick 177

flu pandemics (bird flu/swine flu) 247,

Greig, Hollie 221, 222, 275


Grey, Lady Jane 45

Flying Saucers
(Jung) 212

Griffin, David Ray 6, 189, 191, 272, 273

fluoridation 252

Grissom, Virgil ‘Gus’ 109, 150

‘fog of war’ 72, 85, 201

Grissom, Scott 109

‘foo fighters’ 210

Guantánamo Bay compound 120, 235

food additives/preservatives 251

Guardian, The
119, 161, 232, 276

Ford, President Gerald 92, 136, 214

Gulf of Tonkin incident (Vietnam)

Foreign Affairs Committee 157

97, 203

‘Fourth Reich’ 240, 254

gun controls 246

Fox, Liam 127

Gunpowder Plot
, 177, 269

Fox News 126

France/French 46, 47, 58, 144, 147, 148,

HAARP (High Frequency Active


Auroral Research Program) 257,

freedom of speech 34, 247

259–61, 277

Freemasonry 153, 227, 234, 241

Haggard, Pastor Ted 228

‘friendly fire’ 77, 82

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