Conspiracies: The Facts * the Theories * the Evidence (35 page)

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Authors: Andy Thomas

Tags: #Conspiracy Theories, #Social Science

BOOK: Conspiracies: The Facts * the Theories * the Evidence
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implications of such reported capacities are plainly significant, if not a little worrying, especial y when considered alongside what

has become known as ‘the reptilian agenda’.

iii) The repTilian agenDa

Roots of the Belief

Of all modern conspiracy theories, the ‘reptilian agenda’ has been one of the most divisive, even among the truthseeker community.

Stemming from belief in the Anunnaki bloodlines, researchers

such as televsion-presenter-turned-alternative-icon David Icke

have narrowed down the identity of the extra-terrestrial elements, which may long ago have manipulated humanity’s genes, to being

reptilian in nature. Popularized through Icke’s many influential

books and striking lectures, the belief that these hybrid creatures have shape-shifting abilities and that their bloodline is still

dominant today has led to the assertion that some of the key

players in the ruling elite or ‘Illuminati’ may in truth be anything but human – with the British Royal Family branded as the leading

carriers of the alien DNA.12

The novel visions called to mind by this theory, of the Queen

or Prince Charles morphing from human to reptile and back

again, have proved too much even for some dyed-in-the-wool

conspiracy observers. They have accused the idea’s proponents

of having brought the entire truthseeking world, which struggles

for credibility at the best of times, into serious disrepute. While some are willing privately to consider the concept, they can feel nonetheless that the derision generated by speaking openly of

it in connection with other theories can only hinder the flow

of important information about more readily demonstrable


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‘real-world’ outrages. Others go further and have condemned

the reptilian agenda’s supporters as being establishment ‘shil s’, sources either bought or fooled into promoting damaging

nonsense with a view to bringing down the reputation of the

entire conspiracy worldview. Needless to say, the shill accusations have also flown in reverse.

Tales of shape-shifting, blood-drinking aliens on the throne

have without doubt been used by the mainstream to discredit

plausible alternative views on other serious issues, all too easily smeared by association – but the reptile adherents remain

unrepentant. So where does their undeniably heartfelt conviction

come from?

Believers cite a surfeit of serpent imagery in ancient texts, not least the tale of the Garden of Eden, as being coded signs of the true nature of those who have long been in command, while

mythologies of dragons and other reptilian beasts, frequently

used as emblems by powerful families and monarchies, reinforce

this view. The extreme fascination with dinosaurs in archaeology

and lizard men in modern science fiction has also been seen as

a sign of the subliminal presence of the secret reptilian masters.

Subliminal to most, that is, except to victims such as Arizona

Wilder and Stewart Swerdlow, just two of a select group who claim to have actual y witnessed prominent politicians and members of

the Royal Family shift into their reptile forms within seconds.

If becoming a reptile now and then does not sound like a great

crime, it is the nature of what such figures reportedly
in that state which creates so much of the controversy. If testimony is to be believed, sexual abuse of both adults and children, frenzied

occult blood-drinking rituals and human sacrifice are regularly

carried out at places such as the Queen’s Balmoral Castle residence in Scotland, and at other locations around the world, largely in

secret chambers beneath the ground. Some of the accounts, ful y

available in books and websites, make for uncomfortable reading

and don’t give much hope for the human race, especial y if the


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tales of entire underground cities devoted to human slave camps

and ‘larders’, where millions of missing children from around the world are supposed to be held, are true.13

If the Royal Family were ever proven to be cold-blooded

reptiles, this might at least make sense of the Diana assassination theories which directly implicate them, particularly if the royals were jealously guarding the purest form of the Anunnaki bloodline from outside influence (
pp. 151–3).

Criticisms and Defences

Some of the outraged scorn towards the reptile accusations is

probably rooted in reflex protectiveness. Accepting that the likes of Tony Blair, George W Bush, Henry Kissinger, Dick Cheney,

assorted Rothschilds and Rockefellers (who are the usual named

suspects) and all manner of former ministers and presidents

might be coldly lizard-like in their essential nature is not such a stretch for some observers. However, believing that the late Queen Mother, a seemingly gentle soul held in deep affection by the

British public, was in fact one of the most voracious and savage

members of her race, as supposed eyewitnesses have claimed,

is rather more of a leap, causing not just amazement but actual

offence to all but the staunchest republicans.

Less sensitive opponents have criticized the reptilian agenda

more on points of logic, querying how bloodlines could be

maintained so closely over the aeons, given the genealogical ebbs, flows and sometimes complete breaks in lineages known to have

occurred throughout history. Believers counter that the reptile

genes are re-identified and reactivated by esoteric means, and that carriers can come to an inner knowing of their true being which

compels them to seek out other members of their race, who are

usual y most dominant in the ruling classes. By this process, and with the ancient wisdoms concealed from the masses through


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occultism and the upper echelons of secret societies, the hypothesis runs that extra-terrestrials took over our planet long ago and have ruled from the shadows. Those who tie this in with the expected

return of Nibiru think that the reptiles have been holding the fort, keeping humankind enslaved in one way or another in readiness for the return of the gods. It is admittedly curious that in the Sumerian legends the gods came down precisely where modern-day Iraq is

now. In this view, there has perhaps been yet another agenda to al the struggles over that country. As the reptilian gene appears to be more prevalent in Western leaders, has increased influence in Iraq become necessary to prepare secretly for the return of their masters?

Some have tried to attack the reptile theory on grounds of

racism, asserting that talk of an infiltrating minority (especial y the component which might be supporting extremist Zionist

agendas, which several US neoconservatives have been accused

of) is a thinly veiled metaphor for anti-Semitic sentiments; for

lizards, read Jews. However, having accompanied him on a lecture

tour for a Channel 4 programme, even journalist Jon Ronson (
p. 243), a staunch defender of his Judaic roots, satisfied himself that when Icke and his supporters talked of reptiles, that they

mean the extra-terrestrial variety.14

Another major criticism has been aimed at the manner in which

some of the claimed eyewitnesses have recovered ‘memories’ of

their participation in reptile ceremonies (experiences supposedly brainwashed out of them). This has either involved hypnotic

regression, or the information has come from a natural and

more gradual resurfacing of images buried in their heads. Many

psychologists have deep reservations about the dangers of relying on regression techniques; ‘False Memory Syndrome’ (FMS), in

which childhood traumas manifest as symbolic but essential y

fictional recollections, is considered to have been the source

of several infamous claims of ritual child abuse later proven to

have been unfounded on further investigation. FMS can also

result from auto-suggestion on the part of an unscrupulous or


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inexperienced therapist, and similar concerns have been raised

when regression has been used to recover memories of claimed

alien abductions. Defenders inevitably counter that allegations of FMS are in themselves too often used to cover up information that authorities would prefer remained unexposed.

A Mask for Genuine Abuses?

The concern over FMS does not mean that child abuse is never

carried out in an organized fashion, as the horrors of several

exposed paedophile rings have demonstrated in recent years.

Indeed, some researchers believe that the apparent lizard men

memories may be psychological masks for genuine incidents of

abuse, enhanced into fantasy settings as a kind of self-protection.

Others have asserted that the introduction of the reptilian theories has been a specific psy-ops programme intended to deflect

attention away from real child abuse rings involving participants with senior roles in authority. By associating such claims with

apparently deranged people who believe in blood-drinking aliens,

what would otherwise be very serious matters can instead be

trivialized and sidelined in the media.

It is without question that the case around Hollie Greig, for

instance, a Down’s syndrome woman who claims she was routinely

abused as a youth by a paedophile ring in Scotland, has been both helped and hindered by the wide support offered to her by the

‘alternative’ community. Hollie’s mother alleges that doctors, judges and other high-ranking local officials were involved, but has met enormous resistance in her campaign for justice. Concerned that

her case was being repeatedly dismissed by the Scottish authorities without serious consideration (something entirely ignored by

the media, usual y quick to pick up on child abuse), a number of

genuinely compassionate conspiracy believers have championed

her cause. This association, together with Hollie’s Down’s


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symptoms, has sometimes been used, if unfairly, to denigrate her

plausibility. Yet there seems to be a disproportionate defensiveness in the response of the authorities, which in February 2012 saw

Robert Green, one of the leading campaigners, jailed for several

months, essential y for giving out information about Hollie’s case

– an act labelled ‘a breach of the peace’. This forceful use of the legal system in a (failed) attempt to quieten the accusations ultimately resulted in yet more conspiracy theories and a strengthened

campaign in support of both Robert and Hollie.15

Anxiety over the abuse of children in the truthseeker

community, therefore, in whatever context, has at least helped

highlight a very real problem. Given that a ritualistic ceremony

attended by the leading lights of politics and industry each year at Bohemian Grove (
chapter 8) involves sacrificing the effigy of a child, such events cannot help but make some wonder if there is at least a grain of truth to elements of the alleged reptilian agenda, on a symbolic level if nothing else.

The Same Agenda?

The extra-terrestrial theories, then, are perhaps not so divorced from the nature of the other conspiracies discussed throughout

this book as at first they might seem. In a way they metaphorical y constel ate the view that our world may be governed by

personalities whose behaviour and lack of empathy often appears

alien to the majority of humanity. But if the root of the New World Order
truly alien, does it real y make much difference to what we have to deal with on a day-to-day basis?

For a majority of truthseekers, the NWO vision is the central

hub of most conspiracy theories, pulling together many seemingly

disparate theories into one unified pattern. Having al uded to it numerous times throughout these pages, we shall now more ful y

explore the New World Order’s vital role in conspiracy folklore.


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In Summary . . .

Extra-Terrestrial Conspiracies: Arguments Against

Talk of ‘ancient astronauts’ and alien bloodlines has been widely
discredited by archaeologists, who have perfectly grounded

explanations for glyphs, records and myths which are claimed

to record alien activity – Too many sightings of UFOs are merely
misreported mundane phenomena born from hysteria and cannot

be taken seriously – Tales of the Roswell incident are based on
nothing but hearsay and are even chal enged within the ufological
world – Claimed ‘abductees’ may simply be fantasists, psychological y
traumatized individuals or unfortunates suffering from some kind
of col ective hal ucination – The reptilian agenda is so patently
ludicrous, based on the word of even more disturbed individuals
or misguided ‘wackos’, that it is not even worth consideration –

Bringing child abuse into the reptile theories is cheap sensationalism
designed to give a false credibility to something already outrageous
and offensive.

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