Conspiracies: The Facts * the Theories * the Evidence (37 page)

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Authors: Andy Thomas

Tags: #Conspiracy Theories, #Social Science

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never be accepted in one go, it is surmised that the NWO drew

the European nations into an initial stage of unification, wel

knowing that more federal ‘protective’ measures could gradual y

be brought in whenever the euro tottered. A new, far more

centralized currency might be waiting in the wings when it is

final y deemed necessary by the NWO.

Similarly, it is alleged that the dol ar has been intentional y

destabilized by contrived market crashes, as in 2008. These are

said to be steps to pave the way for an eventual ‘amero’ currency to unite the USA, Canada and Mexico under a strict federal

system, an idea scorned by cynics, yet widely believed. Certainly, fierce criticisms of the US financial system, with long-standing


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doubts over the very legality of the all-powerful Federal Reserve, continue to stir new conspiracy theories, particularly among

right-wing activists. Some private US militias and survivalists

have been arming themselves for the day they fear a final NWO

coup will close the banks and bring martial law to the streets of America (
p. 246).

The Seats of Real Power

For all the speculation on the NWO, it may no longer matter

are involved, as real power already appears to be cross-border and lies far beyond the grasp of any democratic

principles. It is asserted that the key decisions which affect our lives, in the West at least, were long ago farmed out to a series of high-level think tanks and quangos. These are attended by

known politicians, royalty, media moguls and corporate leaders,

but their meetings are closed to the public and the resulting

resolutions passed down to selected parliaments to give an

il usory sense of democracy.

The prime examples are usual y said to include the Bilderberg

Group, the Trilateral Commission, the Council on Foreign

Relations, the World Economic Forum, the Tavistock Institute,

the Club of Rome and other bodies. Meanwhile, mainstream

‘initiatives’ such as Common Purpose provide courses for both

government and corporate employees to instil seemingly federal

ideals into the community. Sceptics claim conspiracy theorists

accord too much power to such entities, but both their existence

and tendrils of influence cannot be denied, and even journalists

have begun to question their morality – which says something.

The Bilderbergers (named after the Netherlands hotel which

hosted their first meeting in 1954) have come under particular fire.

Their meetings are no longer even secret, although the full content of their discussions remains undisclosed. Yet most news agencies


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fail to report them, suggesting more media complicity in what

amounts to a monumental cover-up. Just one exception, Charlie

Skelton of the
newspaper, did expose the importance of the Bilderbergers in June 2011:

In 2008, when George Osborne, as a private individual,

hangs out in Corfu with a Russian oligarch (Oleg Deripaska),

Nat Rothschild and Peter Mandelson, the British press has

a field day with the gossip . . . But in 2011, when Osborne

spends four days, in his official role as chancel or of the

exchequer, cooped up with Lord Mandelson, a Russian

oligarch (Alexei Mordashov), and the former vice-chairman

of Rothschild Europe (Franco Bernabè) – along with the

president of the World Bank, the president of the European

Central Bank, the Greek minister of finance, the Queen of

Spain, the chairman of Royal Dutch Shell, the governor

of the Belgium National Bank, the chairman of Goldman

Sachs International, and the chief executive of Marks and

Spencer . . . this isn’t news . . . I beg to differ.3

As this unusual y frank media report demonstrates, those

who attend these groups are some of the very names general y

cited (and often reviled) as being behind the New World Order.

Representatives from the Rothschild and Rockefeller dynasties,

along with leading bankers and industrialists, often rub shoulders with the prominent diplomats and politicians of the day, as seen

from the above reference to Britain’s George Osborne and Lord

Mandelson. Their interest in fomenting centralized initiatives

is not denied, with David Rockefeller (one-time chairman of

the Council on Foreign Relations and founder of the Trilateral

Commission) openly declaring in his 2002

Some even believe we are part of a secret cabal working

against the best interests of the United States, characterizing

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my family and me as ‘internationalists’ and of conspiring

with others around the world to build a more integrated

global political and economic structure – one world, if you

will. If that’s the charge, I stand guilty, and I am proud of it.

The problem is that while players like Rockefeller may promote

such intentions as wise philanthropy, truthseekers see darker

agendas. A case can be made, of course, that some form of

international unity is more likely to bring peace and prosperity

than fragmentation, but agreeing
form is another matter.

The best of intentions can play into the hands of regimes more

concerned with their own interests than humankind’s. Trust has

to be earned by those who would be seen to work for the greater

good, and trust in the current aspirants, particularly those from financial institutions, is in very short supply these days.

Since the 2008 financial crash that took homes, pensions and

reputations, the banking world is now seen as little more than a

criminal cabal by most everyday observers – as one which uses

hedge funds, derivatives, extortionate interest and irresponsible speculation to fuel executive jamborees at the expense of real lives.

When problems arise, governments bail out banks with public

money, but bonuses continue even as those at the bottom suffer

deprivation. Lobbyists from the financial and corporate world,

arms manufacturers and media divisions clearly come first in the

priorities of ministers who supposedly represent the people; thus public resentment builds. As Alessio Rastani, an independent

financial trader, put it so succinctly on the BBC News channel:

The governments don’t rule the world. Goldman Sachs rules

the world.4

Entrusting some of these same people with the future of

civilization does not look too promising to much of the

population. Conspiracy theories are bound to thrive in such an


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environment and those in the ivory towers might like to think

about coming down to sniff the air from time to time before

feeling hurt by public mistrust.

Puppet Leaders

Although awareness of the NWO and the specific groups which

wield real power may be largely limited to conspiracy realms,

most people sense that the politicians they vote for – if they

now bother to vote at all – make little difference to the decisions ultimately made. There is an inherent understanding, certainly

among the British populace, that everyday needs are largely

neglected, and that the scandals which regularly lift lids on the reality of power are merely the tip of a very large iceberg. People know that governments are under the sway of anonymous suits

in the background and that elections are sometimes influenced

by nefarious means. This was keenly il ustrated by the thorny

resolution to the neck-and-neck stand-off between Al Gore and

George W Bush in the 2000 US presidential election. The voting

was openly seen to be riddled with irregularities (Bush was final y awarded victory with fewer ‘popular’ votes than Gore after a highly controversial recount in Florida), yet it seemed not to sink in that this was perhaps just a rare public revelation of normal procedure.

To be up for election at al , especial y in the USA, would seem

to require large amounts of money and membership of the right

secret society, with orders such as Phi Beta Kappa and Skull

and Bones being particularly dominant among candidates. The

latter is firmly embedded at Yale University, Connecticut, and

has produced several presidents and other politicians, including

various members of the Bush dynasty, not least George W Bush.5

Interestingly, only two presidents, Abraham Lincoln and John

F Kennedy, are said not to have belonged to any Masonic order

– and both were assassinated. Truthseekers consider that all US


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presidents are pre-selected by NWO influences for their own ends, with any nominal differences between candidates manipulated to

resolution by tweaks of party funding, slanted voting procedures

or the odd dirty trick.

Barack Obama very publicly fell victim to a conspiracy theory

when he was attacked by rival political factions for being unable to prove he was born in an American state – a legal requirement

for a president. Although some of the motivation may have been

racist or at least anti-Muslim (Obama’s father was Muslim), the

challenges went very mainstream. For all the claims that Obama’s

birth was registered in Hawaii, no full certificate was forthcoming before his election in November 2008. An image of a short-form

certificate published that June failed to quell the controversy, and loud suspicions were voiced that Obama was, in fact, born in

Kenya, and thus a false president. More embarrassment ensued

when he fumbled his presidential vows and had to retake them

the next day to ‘avoid conspiracy theories’. When an electronic

facsimile of Obama’s long-form birth certificate was final y

produced in April 2011, discrepancies involving software ‘image

layers’ convinced many that the certificate was a desktop-published fake. Defenders claimed the anomalies might have resulted from

the scanning process, but the presence of any anomalies was

undeniably awkward and the fact that it had taken several years to comply with the simple request of publishing a certificate did his reputation no favours.

For all the apparent welcome that Obama was given as a

refreshing change to the circus of the George W Bush years, few

truthseekers shed tears for him, pointing out that in his first year of office alone he had ordered more drone attacks and assassinations of Middle Eastern ‘rebel leaders’ than Bush had managed in two

terms. Obama’s signing away of further citizen rights and his

broken promise to close the Guantánamo prison compound soon

damaged his supposedly ‘softer’ credentials, serving as yet more

evidence that leaders are careful y chosen to prevent real change, 235

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not create it. Through the NWO lens, the face, personality or

skin colour of puppet kings matter not when the same board of

governors remain in charge. Things seem to work much the same

in most nations.

Hardcore theorists therefore dismissed the flurry around

Obama’s birth certificate as being nothing more than a distraction, with the cosmetic differences between Republicans and

Democrats meaning little in the grander scheme. They saw greater

reasons for apprehension over the individual sponsors who had

groomed Obama for power for some years, specifical y Zbigniew

Brzezinski, the well-known political ‘hawk’. Brzezinski worked

closely with presidents Jimmy Carter and George Bush Senior

and stands accused of effectively creating al-Qaeda by financing

the Afghan Mujahideen ‘freedom fighters’ to fight the Soviet

occupation in the 1980s. Many of these became the Taliban before

turning against the West in the guise of al-Qaeda – which some

say may have been the idea all along.

Asia and the Middle East

In 1998 Zbigniew Brzezinski authored a book entitled
The Grand
, considered an appropriate title by truthseekers who believe we are all seen as little more than pieces on it.6 The chessboard that concerned Brzezinski was central Asia and the

Middle East, and in his chapters he outlined hopes and fears for

the region from the US perspective of needing stronger influence

there if America’s superpower status was not to be threatened

and crucial access to considerable oil and gas reserves was to

be maintained. The book has something in common with the

‘Rebuilding America’s Defenses’ document (see p. 192), which

appeared to presage 9/11, expressing resonant sentiments about

seeing off foreign threats while capitalizing on the perception of an outside threat of some kind. Brzezinski writes:


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As America becomes an increasingly multi-cultural society,

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