Conspiracies: The Facts * the Theories * the Evidence (41 page)

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Authors: Andy Thomas

Tags: #Conspiracy Theories, #Social Science

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but this indiscriminating approach alienates scientific minds who might otherwise show curiosity towards an area surely worth a

little further study. The notion that a deliberate contamination

or adjustment of the atmosphere is taking place has, natural y,

been met with blanket dismissal by authorities and scientific

bodies, which state that so-called chemtrails are quite normal,

if sometimes unusual, meteorological interactions, deemed to

be anomalous through a simple lack of professional knowledge.

Likewise, aviation experts claim that the complex grids of crossing lines can be explained by all manner of flight path and altitude

decisions made to accommodate varying weather conditions,

which is why trails appear on some days and not others.

Problematical y, unlike, say, 9/11 – where a significant number

of mainstream professionals have broken ranks to challenge what

they see as clear breaches of the laws of physics in the official story – the supporting evidence of the chemtrail theorists has

so far relied mostly on unqualified research (with the exception

of ex-neurosurgeon Dr Russell Blaylock, who believes harmful

‘nano-aluminum’ may be present in the trails) or the testimony of unnamed or biased witnesses. Further fragmentation is caused by

uncertainty over what the motivation of a ‘spraying’ programme

might be. The assumptions tend to fall into one of the three

following categories:

• Chemtrails as a depopulation strategy – in this view, the

sprays, although plainly not intended as instant killers, are


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introducing harmful toxins into our bodily systems and the

general environment, weakening our resistance to viruses

that might be released later. (The chosen NWO survivors

would presumably be immunized against all stages of the

programme or hidden in their shelters.)

• Chemtrails as climate engineering –

chemtrails may be an extension of HAARP-type projects

below), introducing elements into the atmosphere

necessary for the easier manipulation of weather and


• Chemtrails as solar protection

the now mainstream

concern about the potential of the Sun to throw out a

dangerous solar flare some time soon (
p. 28) has led

to speculation that the chemtrails might in some way be

designed to fortify our atmosphere against it. The secrecy

surrounding the spraying might therefore be justified in

the name of not wanting to create widespread panic.

such a massive scheme could be implemented without generating more concerned whistleblowers is unknown. Substantial

chemical vats would have to be stored somewhere, with or with-

out cabin crews’ knowledge, together with the equipment necessary to release the contents. Would not several technicians have come

forward by now to call attention to such strange extra cargoes?

The internet does play host to occasional anonymous testimonies

from frightened staff claiming the chemicals are loaded from what outwardly appear to be sewage tankers, but they have never been

authenticated. It has been argued that military vehicles would be more likely to be used for this, yet most of the witnessed ‘sprayers’

appear to be commercial flights. If such accounts are
conjured by the imaginations of theorists keen to validate their beliefs, then clearly they give genuine cause for disquiet.

The internet is full of accounts of detrimental health effects

in areas below what are perceived as chemtrail flight paths,


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many complainants describing respiratory ailments, flu-like

symptoms, headaches, nausea and a general depletion of energy,

particularly on days when trails appear to linger, spreading

out to weaken the sunlight. Authorities across the globe

have received numerous cal s for investigations from alleged

chemtrail sufferers, but requests have fallen on deaf ears. Media investigations have sporadical y taken up the cal , but with

few results. Tests carried out by the Louisiana-based television

station KSLA News 12, for instance, at first suggested unusual y

high quantities of radioactive barium in local water supplies

below claimed chemtrail areas, but later analysis showed the

figures were, in fact, perfectly normal.

A key difficulty here is that of proving a correlation between

events 30,000 feet or more above with those on the ground,

neither open sky nor miles of land below providing very useful

calibration points. This becomes an issue with the stories of web-like ‘angel hair’ sometimes seen floating in the air on days of

chemtrail activity. Given the several possible natural sources of such fine threads (webs, etc.), and with no conclusive physical

analysis available, convincing connections have yet to be


Other objections to the notion of a ‘spraying’ programme have

revolved around the sheer scale and cost that such a monumental

task would entail. To cover the entire planet with a network of

chemical layers, though not impossible, would surely be one

of the most ambitious projects ever mounted by humankind,

absolutely requiring (unlike 9/11 or the Moon landings) the

participation of thousands of operatives. Is it feasible that such a vast enterprise could be undertaken without a convincing

exposure occurring? Yet some believe so, and consider it one of

the biggest cover-ups of our times.

The major superpowers, especial y China and the USA,

openly experimented with weather control and cloud seeding

with silver iodide to encourage rainfal . Between 1962 and 1983,


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for example, Project Stormfury was an ongoing US attempt

to alter the behaviour of tropical cyclones with the iodide

technique, using planes flying into the hearts of storms. There

have been many other publicized schemes, so the concept of

spraying something into the air to create atmospheric change

is not without precedent. It has been argued that there must

be easier ways to kill a population, hence the atmospheric

augmentation theories, but high-altitude tampering clearly
occur from time to time, and the idea that some long-term effect, planned or unplanned, might result from this cannot be entirely

discounted. It is likely that many of the perceived chemtrails are merely normal phenomena – but perhaps not al .

HAARP: The Ultimate Weapon?

The suggestion that chemtrails are being used to fortify the

atmosphere in some way has led to another theory – that the

chemical changes enable a more versatile use of the HAARP

facility: the High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program.

This military research project was set up in Alaska in 1993,

with its Ionospheric Research Instrument (IRI) – 180 antennas

covering 33 acres – coming online in 2007. Although primarily

a US initiative, other HAARP facilities have been built around

the world since with the cooperation of a number of different


The scientific bodies that run HAARP claim it is a simple

military communications exercise, ‘exciting’ the ionosphere

with directed electromagnetic pulses to help extend signals

to submarines and aid underground scanning, among other

capabilities. But the conspiracy world has almost unanimously

declared it the deadliest weapon of the NWO.12 The high-minded

intentions given in official information on HAARP seem not

to reflect those buried in the patent applications, which make


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clear a more lurid military vision, auguring future opportunities for both weather and mind control. Such a tool would plainly

prove invaluable, as one USAF document on the potential for

electromagnetic weapons makes very clear, promoting the

advantages of producing ‘mild to severe physiological disruption

or perceptual distortion or disorientation . . . The ability of individuals to function could be degraded to such a point that

they would be combat ineffective.’

The intentions of the authorities thus revealed, and with the

complex science of HAARP barely understood by the public, the

project has almost inevitably been held responsible for triggering everything from general malaise to earthquakes, volcanoes, tsunamis and hurricanes, and indeed any unexplained event. ‘Weather

wars’ have long been postulated. The scientists at HAARP claim

to despair at such misrepresentation, protesting that their work

is openly accountable and that the facilities are regularly opened to the public. But truthseekers are having none of it. To them,

HAARP is the weapon of choice, the ultimate bargaining chip of

the New World Order, directed at foreign enemies and internal

enemies of the state alike. We must submit or be pulsed into

ineffectiveness anyhow; surrender or be vanquished by sudden

‘natural disasters’.

All this might be laughed away as the final paranoia to end

all paranoia – were it not for a telling quote from that father of today’s political landscape, Zbigniew Brzezinski, in
The Grand

Political strategists are tempted to exploit research on

the brain and human behavior. Geophysicist Gordon J.

F. MacDonald, a specialist in problems of warfare, says

accurately-timed, artificial y-excited electronic strokes

could lead to a pattern of oscil ations that produce relatively
high power levels over certain regions of the earth . . . in this
way one could develop a system that would seriously impair


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the brain performance of very large populations in selected

regions over an extended period.

If geophysical weapons do still remain on the drawing board,

then, mind control
clearly seen as within reach. That suggests that even if HAARP is not the tool this time around, something

very like it probably is, or will be soon, for it is human nature to find a way to create what it imagines, even if what it imagines are nightmares.

An Invincible Force?

And so the New World Order theories have developed into a

vision of an invincible global regime with the power of life and

death over us al . But is it accorded too much power, by the very people who feel they are its victims? Perhaps so, as our epilogue will explore.

In Summary . . .

New World Order Conspiracies: Arguments Against

The Il uminati is a long-disbanded order with no influence in the
world today – Countries working in close al iances do not indicate a
desire for global unification – Claimed occult tendencies are nothing
more than the novel affectations of ‘gentlemen’s clubs’ – The so-cal ed

‘control agenda’ is simply necessary social guidance blown out of
proportion – The idea that populations are being assailed by mind
control and chemical poisoning is crazed paranoia – How would it
benefit authorities to kill the very people they need to make any kind
of society work?


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New World Order Conspiracies: Arguments For

Secret societies are clearly a powerful part of Western civilization,
Il uminati or no Il uminati – Intentions to create a world of political
unification under centralized control have been openly stated by
people in positions to realize them – Occult references are too overt
in ceremonies and symbolism for them to mean nothing – Increasing
global controls on freedom extend far beyond necessity – The

technology to affect human minds is being developed, and therefore
the will to use it probably lies not far behind – A NWO with a desire
to depopulate has surely worked out precisely what it needs to create
a tailor-made replacement society.

ConClusion: a CruCial ChoiCe

It has come to this, then. The centuries of deception, evasiveness and the many abuses of command have taken their toll on the

collective psyche. If any lesson can be drawn from the resulting

growth of belief that a New World Order run by a remote, self-

interested and amoral elite wants not only control but also to see most of us dead, it is that the establishment’s own behaviour has brought it about, whichever way it is looked at.

One of two things must be the case: either some or all of the

truthseekers’ views are true, in which case the population needs

to stand up as one
and urgently challenge the powers-that-be before they go too far with a programme that has consequences

even they may not have banked on. Or the now-ingrained mistrust

held towards authorities who have hardly shown themselves to be

caring or reliable in a number of areas has become so extreme that a giant collective fantasy has been created which threatens the

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