Conspiracies: The Facts * the Theories * the Evidence (40 page)

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Authors: Andy Thomas

Tags: #Conspiracy Theories, #Social Science

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together include the breakdown of the family unit, the erosion of community bonds, the loss of spiritual values, the denigration of language, the flooding of young minds with music that stimulates

the basic instincts but doesn’t inspire, and increased exposure to fast and highly sexualized or violent images. The ‘dumbing down’

of radio and television, and the magazine shelves groaning with

little but celebrity gossip and salacious conjecture, are all thought to be part of the psychological warfare being deployed against us.

Beyond the content, even the medium has come under question,

with some pointing to the proliferation of microwave masts and

wireless broadband as being another line of attack. Their potential y negative health effects have been raised even in mainstream circles.

By all these methods, while burdened with debt and increasing

pressures, it is said we are blasted into a state of apathetic

distraction which fosters not revolution, but a sinking into a kind of underlying depression whereby we are prevented from accessing

our higher and more proactive natures. Thus the New World

Order keeps the masses away from the gates of Bohemian Grove

or Bilderberg meetings, while the few troublesome characters

aspiring to awareness can be easily dealt with by ridicule or, when real y necessary, simple removal.

New Age interpretations see this as a lowering of the collective

energy vibration, holding humankind back from making the

evolutionary leaps that psychics and ancient prophecies (

p. 27) have been promising for centuries. Indeed, it has been

proposed that one of the reasons for the acceleration of the

control agenda in recent decades is that there is a real awareness of the potential of a cosmic disaster to strike some time soon.

This could manifest as a huge solar flare, asteroid strike, galactic superwave, geophysical upheaval or the return of the Anunnaki

and the planet Nibiru. It is likely that those with an interest in the occult and ancient symbolism would be very aware of prophecies

from previous times and modern astrological predictions. The

wide belief that the period following 21 December 2012 would be


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one of global transformation will surely not have been lost on the New World Order’s more mystical y inclined overseers. With their

plans coming along nicely, there would be great wariness about

the possibility of such a disruptive development, and the idea of the human race energetical y transforming beyond the NWO’s

oppressive grip would be of concern. Perhaps this is why they

might be taking no chances and are therefore assailing our mental and physical well-being.

Chemical Compromising

Where social programming fails, chemical suppressants might do

the job. There is great anxiety, in and outside conspiracy circles, about the amount of unpalatable additives and preservatives that

go into most mass-marketed foods. Many are known to produce

dangerous side effects, particularly hyperactivity in children

– who are then diagnosed as having ADHD (attention deficit

hyperactivity disorder) and prescribed drugs such as Ritalin as a suppressant, creating a vicious chemical circle. An incredible one in ten American children are said to be taking Ritalin, while a similar percentage of adults are on anti-depressants, often needlessly. To the cynical, all this is evidence of an active NWO incentive to dope us into submission – on top of the ‘recreational’ street drugs that ruin whole communities. There is a broad conspiracy consensus

that the so-called ‘war on drugs’ is a sham and that the real mandate is to keep their flow going, as the total failure to destroy opium crops in Afghanistan after a decade of Western occupation might

suggest. Why? Because people busy tripping, fighting, robbing or

pimping each other are unlikely to be storming parliaments any

time soon or trying to change the world.

As a civilization we do seem extremely keen to guzzle down

pharmaceuticals of one kind or another, as was demonstrated

when swine flu was promoted as the next great plague in 2009.


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Sales of the anti-flu drug Tamiflu duly soared, despite its inability to combat that particular strain of the virus. This led some to wonder if the whole thing was a cash-in from its manufacturers, Roche

Laboratories, or an attempt to flood the world’s bloodstreams

with pathogens that might be triggered by a killer virus at some

later stage (
see below
). The news that former US Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld (who presided over the 9/11 crisis) was

involved with the companies that patented Tamiflu was not taken

lightly by the conspiracy community. That Rumsfeld was also one

of those behind the ubiquitous artificial sweetener aspartame,

much-criticized on alleged safety issues, hardly helped. The grip of the big pharmaceutical companies is seen as another important

component of the ultimate plan.

Fluoridation of water and vaccination programmes are also

staple areas of confrontation from truthseekers, who see them

as further evidence of chemical suppression offered as health

miracles, questioning both their safety and effectiveness. Medical experts who attack such heresy as irresponsible scaremongering

are often quick in turn to scorn other paths – including alternative medicine, homeopathy and high-dose vitamins – as being the

real killers, claiming they lead to people avoiding the allopathic treatments they real y need in favour of ‘quack’ science. Bodies

such as the Codex Alimentarius, the food safety body of the

World Health Organization (WHO), are tightening regulation

of the alternative health industry year by year, to the point where conspiracy theorists believe it will eventual y disappear completely under these ill-founded and restrictive policies.

A few small voices who fight the Codex rules, such as the

National Health Federation and Alliance for Natural Health,

highlight the irony that the WHO seems perfectly content for

everyone to down aspartame and Tamiflu, and supports pharm-

aceuticals which are known to cause hundreds of thousands

of deaths every year, yet it attacks natural products that can

statistical y be shown to have barely hurt anyone.


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To the gloomiest theorists, it is almost as if the powers-that-be would be happier if we all dropped down dead . . .

Depopulation Policies?

One of the curious traits of the New World Order is its apparent

propensity for subtly letting people know what its intentions are, as if it can’t help its own boasts or somehow feeds off the speculation around it. There are two very overt examples of this which, if

taken at face value, appear to declare an audacious and worrying

plan to wipe out over 90 per cent of the global population. Over-

population is a genuine anxiety of the times, but is the NWO

planning a drastic remedy?

In 1980, a perplexing monument was erected at Elbert County,

Georgia, USA, describing itself as the ‘Georgia Guidestones’.

Based on plans submitted under the alias ‘R C Christian’, its

sponsors have never revealed themselves. The four Stonehenge-

like slabs, arranged around a central pil ar and capstone to form astronomical alignments, are engraved with platitudes in several

languages, laying down the rules for an idealized Utopian world.

The monument appears designed to survive the ages so that its

advice might one day become the new ancient wisdom for some

post-apocalyptic world. Amidst some more sensible suggestions

sit ones which have caused the stones to become targets of

anti-NWO vandalism over the years: they shockingly advocate

the need for eugenics, a ‘world court’ and, most disturbingly,

directly recommend that the global population be kept under

500,000,000. Given that this is just a tenth of the current

numbers, there is understandable concern about what is planned

for the billions of people seen as surplus to requirements.

Although the Guidestones could be dismissed as the mere

fol y of a wealthy eccentric, supplementary information provided

anonymously in the official booklet accurately duplicates the


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aspirations of some of the world’s best-known academics (such

as the aforementioned Wel s and Russell), who openly expressed

similar thoughts in their works.

Other US artworks also appear to petition for eugenics and

depopulation, such as the striking but overtly miserable murals at Denver International Airport, Colorado, which opened in 1995.

These unaccountably depict epic scenes of death and destruction,

one of which includes an image of a boy in Bavarian costume

– the originating country of the Illuminati – beating swords into plough shares. This has been seen as a blatant representation of

the Illuminati implementing the Fourth Reich under cover of

civilian activities. The dead babies and youths in coffins depicted in the murals remind conspiracy theorists of the NWO’s fondness

for effigies of sacrificed children. While art critics may disagree, there are real y few excuses that can be made for exposing holiday travellers to these horrors unless an important subliminal point

is being made. The pale horse with evil glowing eyes outside the

airport appears to cement the message.11 The Cheyenne Mountain

Directorate, a NORAD facility (
p. 178), is situated in the Denver region and designated an emergency government shelter. It has been presumed to be a future NWO stronghold in the event of trouble

kicking off – hence, perhaps, the message of the local murals.

The more one looks for evidence of authorities and figureheads

praising the merits of a vastly depopulated world, the more one

finds it, with references made by everyone from Bill Gates and

Prince Philip (no surprise to reptilian agenda aficionados) to

doctors and professors. Agenda 21, a UN initiative begun in

1992 to help achieve environmental ‘sustainability’, has also been accused of harbouring Malthusian population-control policies

and supporting the enforced annexation of private land. The

problem is, when qualified people start to think about something, they can be prone to planning it.

If there is even a spark of truth to all this, how might such a

reduction of the population be achieved? Some believe a killer


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virus could be released at an appointed time (seeing AIDS as a

deliberate and discriminatory trial run), while others, as we have seen, claim that the first stage of weakening has already begun,

through slow chemical infiltration. A large number of people,

however, think that the very air we breathe is also being poisoned.

The Chemtrails Mystery

Imagine waking up each morning, afraid for one’s life
because there
are strange clouds criss-crossing the sky
. This is the reality for an increasing number of truthseekers as they fearful y peer up from

their windows, believing that aeroplanes are now deliberately

strafing the human race with dangerous chemicals. If not mass

hysteria, is the claimed surge of unusual vapour trails in recent years evidence of an ongoing depopulation programme, or is a

huge climate engineering experiment in process?

The ‘chemtrails’ phenomenon is one of the fastest-growing

seams of conspiracy alarm, as evidenced by a daily procession

of morose web posts displaying the latest ‘violated’ skies across the globe. It hits hard because the idea that covert forces are

contaminating the air itself means there can be no escape.

Aeroplane contrails have long been a feature in our skies,

forming as water vapour and gases condense into icy cloud

in sub-zero temperatures. War-time photos from the 1940s

display them, and people living under international flight paths

have for years become used to the wispy bands of thin cloud.

The conspiracy world, however, contends that something has

been added to these multiplying trails in recent times, in a

plot so all-encompassing that the majority of the population

simply hasn’t noticed, blinded by its very enormity. These new

embellishments reputedly last longer and spread wider than

standard contrails, laying gauzy veils across the sky, allegedly

creating illness and lethargy among those below. Commercial air


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liners have supposedly been adapted or duped into dropping the

deadly toxins, but military activity is also claimed to have been observed.

Despite intense fascination with what truthseekers have

christened chemtrails, this particular debate is muddied by

some awkward areas of uncertainty. Bloggers’ assertions that

‘spraying’ is taking place on any given day tend to make the

assumption that most of the vapour trails we see are abnormal,

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