Celestial Love (36 page)

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Authors: Juli Blood

BOOK: Celestial Love
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woke with a headache.  He was congested and he had a short fit of sneezing.  Lying back on the bed he laid his arm over his eyes and moaned.

‘What’s wrong?’ Kalea asked over the link.

‘Sorry, I didn’t mean to bother you.  I just woke up and it seems my allergies have kicked in,’ Bryan answered, thankful again that he didn’t have to move or even talk to explain.

‘I didn’t know you had allergies.  What are
you allergic too?’ Kalea asked concerned.  She didn’t remember seeing a list of allergies in his medical evaluation report.

‘The doctors were never really sure why but
I seem to react to the air in different space stations.  It doesn’t happen all the time and they were never able to determine why it’s so random. They suspect that extended exposure to certain air particles causes the reaction.  They just never discovered which air particles or why I react to them.’  Bryan’s frustration could be felt but Kalea also sensed his resignation.

‘I’m sending Dr. Hender
son over.  She and her team arrived yesterday. Perhaps she can at least ease some of your symptoms,’ Kalea assured him.  ‘I’m sorry I’m not there. I’m meeting with the local minister. I wanted to make sure there was enough space if all the crew attended he service.  What should have been a quick look has turned into me getting what I hope is only a sermonette on the importance of making Sabbath special even when on vacation.  Dr. Henderson will be there any moment and I will be back as soon as I can.’

‘What else is on your agenda today?’ Bryan asked just to keep sharing.

‘Today, since it is Holy Day, I am resting and spending the afternoon with you and Uncle Evan.  Then first thing tomorrow, I have scheduled a meeting that includes all the staff.  Gilbert promised me that he and Benjamin had made a breakthrough and we might actually be able to leave before Third Day.  But I don’t want to announce that just yet.’

Bryan felt her grin and wished he could see it.  He also hoped he would be feeling better in time to attend
this morning’s worship service and tomorrow’s meeting. ‘What time is the service today?  I’m sure I can still be there even if Dr. Henderson is unable to ease my symptoms.’  Bryan climbed out of bed and headed for the shower.

‘It starts in about an hour, although if the minister keeps talking to me he probably won’t be ready in time.  If you don’t feel up to coming I’ll join you in our suite and we can have a small worship of our own.’ Kalea suggested.

‘Although that’s very tempting, I think it’s important for the crew to see us at worship together.  I’ll see what Dr. Henderson suggests but I’m sure I can make it.’ Bryan said as he lathered up.  “So what time is tomorrow’s meeting?’

just before the mid-day meal and I was hoping you could make it.  I have to meet with Gilbert, Benjamin and Franklin early so I won’t be able to join you for breakfast.  Oh, I think he just asked me a question and I didn’t hear it.  He’s probably trying to see if I was listening, which I wasn’t.  I guess I’d better pay attention so I can wrap this up.  I’ll be back to check on you soon.’ Kalea answered and he could feel her sense of fluster at being caught a bit by surprise.

Dr. Henderson should be arriving any moment so hopefully you will be feeling better soon.  I’ll be there as soon as I can,’ Kalea added.

‘Bye,’ Bryan replied as he
toweled off and quickly dressed.

Bryan had just pulled on a shirt when the door buzzed the doctor’s arrival.  Taking a deep breath that caused him to cough he made his way to the door.

“Good morning Crown Prince Alexandros.  I am Doctor Pauline Henderson.  Princess Kalea said you were having a problem with allergies this morning.  May I examine you and see if I can be of assistance?”

“Yes,” Bryan answered
, and directed her into the sitting room.  Behind her he saw an assistant and Harold.  With a slight nod, Harold hit a button on his AVID notifying his back up that he was no longer in the corridor and entered behind the assistant.

“For the sake of time, please feel free to call me Prince Bryan,” He said as he reached out his hand in greeting.

“Thank you, that will speed things up.  Now, I was unaware that you had any allergies.  Please explain your symptoms and your usual method of treatment,” Dr. Henderson got right to the matter at hand.  Her assistant waited until Bryan had taken a seat and then began to scan Bryan's vital signs and record the symptoms he described: a stuffy head, sore throat and sinus headache with mild dizziness.

“What method of treatment do you usually employ?” Dr. Henderson asked
again, when he didn’t answer the question she had posed earlier.

“Since no one was ever able to determine what caused the allergies for certain, I would usually leave the space station and travel to another or back to
Saxionias.  Originally, I tried several different medical treatments, but most either were completely ineffective or they left me feeling tired and incoherent,” Bryan answered.

“Did you ever have a breathing treatment or a sinus wash?” Dr. Henderson asked.


Nodding to her assistant
, she then looked back at Bryan and asked, “So you suspect it’s an airborne allergen?

“The doctors on
Saxionias and several of the space stations were sure that it was air borne but they were unable to determine exactly what I was allergic to or why I would react to the air in one space station and not another when they all have the same air purification processes.”  Bryan shrugged and waited while the assistant handed Dr. Henderson a data pad.

After reviewing the information she looked up and asked. “Prince Bryan
, are you aware that the environmental control regulator for this section broke last evening?”

Do they think it was sabotaged?” Bryan asked wondering if this related to all that had happened back on Estar Beta.

“Oh, no.  I was told it was actually scheduled for maintenance
, but it broke before its maintenance date.  The reason I ask is because the unit regulates the air temperature in this section.  Last night, after the failure, the air temperature in this area dropped down to roughly 65 degrees Fahrenheit before the emergency back up system engaged.”

“With that drastic a drop in temperature, I suspect it is particle 7984 that is giving you difficulty.  This particle is a micro particle that is not filtered from the air because it was declared safe.  At the time of the
Air Quality Standards review it was determined that any particles found to have no decisively negative effect on the human body would be allowed to filter through the system in order to decrease the amount of energy used to purify the air.  Also, as you know, we need more than pure oxygen to maintain optimal health.”

“Particle 7984 is partly liquid and when exposed to temperatures below 70 degrees Fahrenheit it begins to crystallize and if the right kind of dust particles are in the air it
catalyzes at a higher temperature of stability so that contact with your warmer nasal passages doesn’t re-liquefy it.  I believe it is this crystallized particle that is irritating your sinuses.  It’s not uncommon.  A simple sinus cleansing should flush the crystallized particles from your nasal passages and restore you to full health.  Do you have any questions?” Dr. Henderson asked as she made a quick note on the data pad and then looked up again.

“Yes, do you have all air particles identified?” Bryan asked in amazement.

Yes, or at least 95% of them.  We continuously scan the air for new and unknown particles and organisms that arrive from various space ports and vessels.  It was about 20 years ago that the identification and scanning process began in depth and we have learned a great deal in the process.  This technology has helped to stop the spread of many airborne diseases.  We feel it is quite valuable.”

“As do I,” Bryan replied.  “Thank you for coming and
for the additional information.  I’m hopeful this treatment will work.”

“You’re welcome.  My assistant will
guide you through the nasal wash, and I will be going.  Should you need me again please feel free to contact me at any time.”  Standing, they shook hands and Dr. Henderson left.

Turning, Bryan watched as the silent assistant nodded him back to his seat.  He sat, and the treatment began.


“Princess Kalea, this is Dr. Henderson reporting.  Crown Prince Alexandros is fine.  He is having a sinus cleansing treatment and should feel better very soon. 
I suspect he’s sensitive to particle 7984 when it begins to crystallize.  Technically this isn’t even a true allergy, but we can alleviate it.  Do you have any questions?”

“No, Doctor.  Thank you for you
r report,” Kalea replied while smiling her apology for the interruption to the minister.  “Sorry, my husband wasn’t feeling well this morning.  I’m going to go check on him and then we will be returning for worship services.  I really must go now so we can be back in time.”

Rising from her chair
, Kalea quickly left the minister’s office.  Franklin smiled at her abrupt departure and assisted her by stepping between her and the minister who tried to follow. 

Taking a deep breath, she praised the Holy One for this quickly resolved and non-life-threatening diagnosis
. She didn’t rush back but she also didn’t give much attention to her surroundings.

Bryan was just thanking the medical assistant as he left the suite when Kalea arrived.

“You seem to be feeling better.” Kalea observed as she entered.

“Yes, the treatment was interesting and effective.” Bryan answered and took a deep breath and let it out slowly with no sneezing or coughing to prove it.

Kalea smiled.  “Good, now why don’t we grab a quick bite to eat and then get to worship?”



“Uncle Evan, why didn’t you sit with us?” Kalea asked as she and Bryan exited the sanctuary. 

“I was late and so I just slipped into a seat in the back.  How did you like the service?” he asked.

“Truthfully,” Kalea said and then leaned a little closer to whisper.  “I think he should have stopped after reading the three full chapters of the Ancient Writings.  I think he was trying to be impressive since we are visiting
, but he would have been better off to preach like he normally does.  I’ve heard good things about him from others, but I guess we made him nervous.  Did you see all the perplexed looks of his regular members?”

Unable to contain their laughter
, Uncle Evan, Bryan and Jackson all laughed as they were the only ones close enough to hear her.

“Oh, how I’ve missed you,
Dear.” Uncle Evan said while draping his arm around her shoulders.  “That is why I have taken the liberty of arranging for us to have lunch together in the most beautiful place on this space port.  I even got Rose and Gilbert to agree to join us.”

“Wonderful!” Kalea said with a smile and reached out toward Bryan.  He slipped her hand into his and stayed close as they walked down one corridor after another.

Bryan heard Jackson whispering and assumed he was telling the rest of the detail where they were going.  Smiling he knew Kalea would love their destination.

Rounding one last corner Bryan was shocked at the joy Kalea felt at the sight before them.  At this end of the space station a huge botanical garden filled the large dome structure.  Bryan and Uncle Evan had explored it earlier in the week and Bryan had been amazed to discover that the garden was a polar gravity sphere.  The gravity rotation chamber in the center of the garden allowed them to move from the upper level of the sphere to the lower without flipping over.  After browsing the plants on this level, they had entered the chamber and it activated. Through the window in the door they saw themselves seemingly falling to the left and then rising.  The gravity in the chamber was constant so they didn’t fall but when the door opened and they walked out
, Evan explained that the ground they were standing on was the bottom of the ground they had been standing on a moment before.  That in fact the dome was really a sphere bisected by a thick layer of nutrient rich soil and supports that allowed both the botanical gardens they had just come from and the food crops that they now were walking between.

“It’s absolutely beautiful!” Kalea finally said as they entered the gardens.  “Oh, please tell me we are having lunch in here.”

“We are.” Uncle Evan said with a smile.  “Rose and Gilbert should be along in a moment.  Franklin has reserved our place and graciously delivered the food.”

Though he gestured toward Franklin, Kalea didn’t really notice.  Her eyes were too busy taking in all the different varieties of plants.  Soon she was leaning in to smell the flowers and Bryan noticed she was tilting her head a little to the side every now and then.

“What are you listening for?” Bryan whispered in her ear and grinned when he felt her shiver.  Loving the fact he knew it was a shiver of pleasure.

“Birds, I was trying to see if they had any birds.”
Kalea admitted a little sheepishly.

“Sorry, I asked and they only have bees to do the pollenating.” Bryan answered.

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