Celestial Love (11 page)

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Authors: Juli Blood

BOOK: Celestial Love
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“Franklin,” she said into her
AVID. “The report is ready.”

Your Highness.”

“Thank you.” Princess Kalea said and then moved over to the
couch.  Stretching out with her head on the arm rest, she tried to anticipate her father’s reaction.  Unfortunately, none of her scenarios were comforting.

Then she wondered what Prince Bryan’s response
would be, but she didn’t know him well enough.  Instead she went into his special place and listened to him say ‘I love your eyes.’  She relaxed to the sound of his voice and enjoyed the honest emotion behind his words as she played them over and over.

Franklin’s knock made her sit up and bid him enter.  Moving back over to the table
, she queued up her report and waited as Franklin used his security code to bring up his station display.  Sitting across from each other they accessed the secure communications network and sent the message. 

“Thank you Franklin,” Princess Kalea said when they received confirmation that the message had been sent.  “I’m going to retire now.  Feel free to wake me if anything happens or if we get a response from the Royal Council.”

“Yes, Your Highness.” Franklin said as he gave a slight bow and then went back to the crew quarters.

ss Kalea walked into her bedroom and closed the door.  Sitting on the foot of the bed she sighed and flopped back on the cream and spring green bedspread and stared at the off white curved ceiling.  ‘Holy One please guide the decisions that are being made and help us to find a peaceful solution to this situation.  So many lives are at stake and for no reason.  Help them to understand that we are telling the truth about the wedding.  Maybe then they will realize that this attempt to force a change is futile and surrender.

‘Also please help Bryan understand my need to be here.  I know it’s strange but I miss him.  Or maybe I just miss experiencing the amazing feeling of the link.  No matter, I pray Holy One that you will bless him in his plans and meetings.  We all have so much to do now.
This really is not the time for a mess like this.’  Rolling over onto her side she continued. ‘Holy One, be with Edward also.  He must be feeling overwhelmed now that all translation is his responsibility and now with everything that needs to be rescheduled. Give him strength and clarity of thought.’

Scooting up onto her pillow Kalea lay flat on her back
and with her palms facing up continued.  ‘Lead me, Oh Holy One.’  Taking a deep breath she slowly released it as she focused on the portions of the Ancient Writings that she had read earlier that morning. Peace filled her as she listened.  No specific answers came but she knew that her prayer had been heard and she finally rolled over and went to sleep.

Crown Prince Bryan was not so blessed however; as Princess Kalea was drifting off to sleep he was in King Douglas’ office listening to her report.

“Has the Royal Council heard this?” Prince Bryan asked and Edward translated.

“Yes.” King Douglas answered and added a nod.

“What have they decided?” Prince Bryan asked wishing the king would just fill him in with all the specifics.

“It is not the policy of the Royal Council to negotiate with terrorists.  Our first idea was to just have Princess Kalea return home and notify them that we are aware
of what they have done and demand their surrender.  But other members of the Council feel that it might be better for the citizens of SC-17 if we try a more diplomatic approach first,” King Douglas explained, his preference clearly with the first plan.

“What is their more diplomatic solution?” Prince Bryan prompted.

“It is to simply send you to SC-17 to join Princess Kalea so that the terrorists will know that you are truly married.  On a live digital feed you two would perform a second ceremony, if necessary, in one of the shuttles so that the terrorists could see you get married.

“Personally I think it’s too dangerous.  If these people think that you are getting married just for them they may try to stop the wedding with violence.
  Not to mention, we aren’t even sure that stopping the wedding is their objective.  What if they just want to kidnap Princess Kalea?”  The King argued against the plan he had just explained.

“I think perhaps a variation of the second solution would be more successful,” Prince Bryan suggested.  “What if instead of going down and reenacting the wedding, I just go
get my wife?  I could notify the terrorists that I am coming to pick her up and that she needs to be prepared to leave.  Or I could be the one to notify them that we have discovered their true intentions and I have come to take my wife to safety.”

“Yes, I like that because neither of you would have to stay in the area.  You could get her safely away and if they refuse to release the citizens
of SC-17 we can negotiate from here,” The king replied when Edward finished translating.

“I will present this idea to the Royal Council.
How soon could you be ready?” the king asked.

“I’m ready no

The k
ing nodded and then hastened off to meet with the Royal Council.  Bryan stayed where he was and began to pray.  ‘Father, please help us to make the right decision.  I don’t want to cause harm to anyone in SC-17 but I really don’t want anything to happen to Princess Kalea.  Strange as it seems, considering I resented the marriage in the first place, I don’t want to lose her.’  With a sigh, he rose and walked over to the window.  He couldn’t really see anything but he had to do something with his nervous energy.

Father, I know that You have a plan.  I also know that it is better than mine, so I’m praying that Your will be done.  I trust You.  Amen.’

was twenty minutes before the king returned and Bryan had worn a path in the carpet.  Thankfully, the king didn’t wait to share the news.  “The Royal Council has approved your plan with the understanding that if the terrorists make any threats of violence you both leave the area immediately.”  At Bryan’s nod he continued.  “This could be a problem.  Kalea will not want to leave.  She will want to protect the citizens of SC-17.  You will need to convince her that leaving is the best way to help them.  This is one instance where I envy your culture; men can’t just order their wives to leave a dangerous situation here and fully expect them to obey.  Usually I prefer our system of equality but every now and then a bit more control would be helpful,” the king grinned.

“I will contact my staff on the way to the shuttle bay.  Is there anything you wish me to relay to
Princess Kalea when I see her?” Bryan asked and tried to hide his frustration at the delay needed for Edward to translate.

“No, she will receive
the Royal Council’s official reply before you arrive.  Just bring her home,” King Douglas replied.

Bryan simply nodded and left so Edward wouldn’t need to translate again.  When he reached the hall he
activated his AVID to reach Leo. “Leo, I have to go collect Princess Kalea.  If all goes well we should be back tomorrow.  Continue according to the schedule we established today.  I will contact you if anything changes.”

, Sir,” Leo replied before Bryan cut him off and exited the lift in the shuttle bay.  Looking to Edward for directions, he followed as Edward led the way to the shuttle prepared to launch.  Climbing aboard Edward showed him where to sit then quickly exited.  Edward had barely cleared the area when the shuttle launched.

Bryan was consum
ed with his own thoughts and glad that Edward had stayed behind to handle his staff’s needs.  Forcing his thoughts from Princess Kalea, he reviewed the project schedule that he had organized earlier.  It had only taken a few moments into the meeting to realize exactly how extensive this project would be.  They had allotted six weeks to do a detailed evaluation of the planet and space stations defense systems as well as to put together a plan for installing the improvements.

It would then be anywhere from a week to a month of committee meetings to get everything approved.  Then shipping supplies and other equipment would take another few weeks before the act
ual work could begin.  Early estimates had complete installation taking about three to four months then another six months of testing and training.  Yet, even when the project was finished, his life would never return to normal.  He would never be king and Saxionias would no longer be his home.

‘Thank you, Father, for being with me.  Thank you also for this project.  Having a position of authority and using my expertise in defense technologies will help me with this difficult transition.  Also it will allow the time necessary to get to know Kalea.  I know that establishing a good relationship is also a priority but somehow I don’t think it would happen successfully if I was at loose ends.  I need a purpose Father an
d I thank you for providing one; well, I guess two.’  Bryan prayed in his usual conversation style.  ‘We will need to make at least one trip home together before the year is out.  Mother will be furious if we don’t.  Oh, Father, please prepare Mother’s heart for the truth about Princess Kalea.  It will break her heart when she finds out that I won’t be coming back to rule Saxionias.  Please don’t let her take her pain out on Kalea.  I know she will be tempted to but please make a way.’

‘A way.’  The phrase caught his attention as he remembered Edward’s comment in the g
arden.  ‘They call the Son ‘The Way’ here.  I have never really thought about that before but it is appropriate since you are “The Way, The Truth and The Life”, but I still prefer calling You, Father and Son instead of Holy One and The Way.  I like the relationship emphasis better.  But I guess it doesn’t matter as long as we are all talking to You.  Oh, yeah and about this Holy Day difference, which of us is right?  Or are we both right and it just depends on which planet we’re on?’ Bryan asked as he considered the other main difference that he knew they had regarding God.

As he waited, the only Bible text that came to mind was Exodus 20:8-11
, the fourth commandment.  And try as he might to reason it away with the answers that he had been raised with, the verse just repeated itself again at each attempt.  ‘Thank You for the answer Father.  I’m not sure why I was raised to believe otherwise or why I never noticed before, but thank You for showing me the truth.  Please forgive my ignorance and help me to be open to Your leading.  Amen.’

Drifting off to sleep he awoke some time later to the
sudden change in the speed of the shuttle. Bryan looked around for an answer.  Unfortunately with no windows and no translator there were no answers.

Hoping that they might be getting close Bryan focused his thoughts and tested the link.
‘I wonder if you can hear me even through the water.’

Kalea answered, ‘How close are you?’

‘I’m not sure; Edward stayed at the palace and so I have no one to translate my questions.’

‘Well you’re obviously close enough to hear me,’ Kalea replied.  ‘I received the decision from the Royal Council so I knew you were coming.  I was just trying to figure out how close you would be by now when I
heard your question.’

, I guess our timing isn’t bad.  We suddenly slowed so I thought I would try.  Oh, speaking of timing, what time is it?’ Bryan asked realizing he was completely disoriented.

It’s morning at the palace and since I’m underwater I haven’t bothered to adjust to the local time.  However, local time is early evening,’ Kalea answered and then asked. ‘So how was your strategy session with your staff?  Were you able to get everything organized for your presentation to the Royal Council?’

‘I think it went well.  It took most of the day
yesterday but if all goes well, we will be able to have the basics installed and operating within a year.  Of course that may be optimistic but there are really just too many variables to be completely accurate,’ Bryan answered.

‘I understand.  Oh, Franklin has just informed me that you will be docking in about three minutes.  Do you want anything upon your arrival?  A drink or
breakfast?’ Kalea asked.

, I’m fine.  All I want to do is sit down with you face to face.  Right after we deliver our message to the terrorists we can have some time together as we travel back to the palace,’ Bryan replied hoping to avoid an argument regarding the Council’s decision. 

‘Yes well
, I’m still thinking that part over,’ Kalea replied.  ‘I feel selfish leaving when the lives of so many people are in the hands of terrorists.’

‘I can understand that but…Oh, just a moment I think they are trying to tell me something.’

Using hand signals, one of the members of the crew tried to explain that they had arrived.  ‘I think he wants me to follow him,’ Bryan thought as he stood and began to follow the crewman.

‘Yes, your shuttle has docked with mine.  Just follow hi
m,’ Kalea instructed as she left her private quarters to meet him.  She soon stood at the opening to her shuttle in a light blue blouse and black slacks outfit that Linda had packed.  ‘Do you still want to use the link or do you want to talk with our voices?’ she asked.

‘Well it would probably be more polite to use our voices but why don’t we just play it by ear,’ Bryan replied as he
caught his first live glimpse of her.  He tried to focus on their conversation and not be overwhelmed by his sudden desire to just stare at her.

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