Caught Looking (Hot-Lanta Series) (27 page)

BOOK: Caught Looking (Hot-Lanta Series)
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ne gathered around the table as Brady made introductions. Jane was in heaven, she was in Brady’s arms with her friends at her side. Brady announced, “Who is ready to get wasted?”

Everyone cheered and the shots started rolling in. Jane looked over at Molly who
smiled at her. Molly gave Jane a little wink. Molly clearly had something to do with Brady’s surprise, jeeze Jane thought they told each other everything. Although, she was glad Molly kept this a secret because it was one of the best surprises she had ever received.  

Jane leaned back on Brady and he whispered in her ear. “You never answered my question pip-squeak.” 

“Brad Pitt, George Clooney and Matt Damen? Are we talking Ocean’s Eleven here” Brady nodded his head. “Well then, Fuck Brad Pitt, marry Matt Damen and chuck George Clooney.”

Brady shook his head. “Wrong answer you should have said none of the above
. I have you and that is all that matters.”

Jane rolled her eyes. “Wow I didn’t know you were going to become a woman and make cheese dick comments like that when you went off to spring training.”

Brady laughed, squeezed her and turned her toward him. He stared into her eyes and all she saw was pure love coming from him. He loved her and it was the greatest feeling. This man would do anything for her and she had never felt luckier than at this moment right now.  

He interrupted her thoughts when he said, “God
, I’ve missed you.” He tucked away a stray strand of hair behind her ear and lingered his fingers on her jaw. He was just about to kiss her again when a shoe hit Brady in the shoulder, Albert’s shoe to be exact.

“You can pork later, come
on we have some drinking to do,” Albert said.

Jane was irritated, now that Brady was here she just wanted to go back home but all their friends came out tonight for them. The least she could do was
hang out with them for a while and toss back a couple of drinks.   

Brady tossed Albert’s shoe back to him and said, “Alright the name of
the game is Did You Just Queef?” Everybody stared at him like he had three dicks dangling off his head. He chuckled and said, “From the blank faces you are giving me I’m going to assume you have never played. This is how it works; it is a game of questions. You basically go around asking each other questions one at a time but they have to have some kind of sexual connotation to them and it has to be quick. You get two seconds to ask another question, if you don’t ask a question to someone in the allotted time then you must drink.”

Brady ordered a bottle of Jack Daniels and a shot glass. “The person who as
ks the questions and stumps a person gets to come up with a rule for the group. Everyone must follow this rule. No matter what, if you don’t, you must drink. Any questions?”

Luke asked, “When asking questions, do we have to go in order around our circle here?”

“No, no order at all. It’s all in the element of surprise and then when someone starts getting drunk it’s fun to focus your attention on them and make them drink even more. Since I introduced the game I’m going to start off with one rule, you must say the person’s name before you ask the question, that way we can avoid confusion. Is everyone ready?”

They all nodded their he
ads. Jane was excited. Her clever boyfriend taught them a drinking game. Oh boy, she needed to pull herself together. She fawned over him for coming up with a damn drinking game. Yup she was a goner. Brady started.

“Alright, Luke how big is your dick?”

“Jane, is my dick bigger than Brady’s?”

“Molly, r
emember when you showed me a picture of Luke’s dick?”

Molly gasped then said, “Brady did you know Jane described your dick to me in detail?” Jane could have stretched across the table and flicked her friend in the forehead. How embarrassing!

Brady laughed, “Jane do you have an infatuation with my dick?” Jane diverted the attention away from her.

“Albert do you even have a dick?”

Albert was caught off guard from the repartee and didn’t know how to answer. Jane replied, “I take that as a no.” Everyone laughed and Brady handed the first shot to Albert.

“Oh sweet banana hammocks, that was gross.” Albert shuttered from the taste. “And for the record I do have a dick and I will bet one ball sac and two tits that my dick is the biggest one at this table.” 

Jane chuckled, “I know it sister. So I get to make a rule right?” Brady nodded. “Hmm, if you choose to laugh, you must snort like a pig instead.”

Molly cursed, “Fuck me, I will be oinking all night like a damn porker.”

Albert got to start the next round since he messed up. “Michael, do you have a man-gina?” Michael looked a little caught off guard but recovered quickly.

“Austin, have you ever tried blowing yourself?”

“Brady, are Jane’s tits really as big as you say?”

Jane swatted Brady, he oinked. Men! “Jane, are you upset I described your tits?”

“Michael, remember when you had man boobs when you were young?” Everyone oinked and Michael playfully scowled.

“Brady, how many woman have you fucked?” Hmm, Jane thought ab
out that one, how many women had Brady actually had sex with?  Jane only had three ever in her life. Brady’s had to be higher but she was too afraid to find out so she put that thought on the back burner.

“Luke, have you ever
titty fucked Molly?”

Luke shook his head filled
the shot glass with the powerful alcohol and took a shot. He then announced, “I only am taking this shot because I want the record to be known, yes I have titty fucked Molly and yes she got off on it.”

Everyone laughed-oinked.
“I’m not ashamed to announce it, when you have a torpedo like his bobbing toward your face it’s hard not to cum on his command.”

Jane muttered under her breath. Brady chimed in, “Alright I get to make the next rule, no pointing.”

The game started up again. It was hard for Jane not to point at someone who laughed instead of oinked so she had to take some shots since she broke the pointing rule. Molly almost fell on the ground from laughing too much. Three more rules were installed in the game where you had to suck your beer bottle like it was dick after you asked a question, if someone yelled “yeast infection” everyone had to grab their crotch (thank you Molly) and the thumb master. Brady of course came up with that rule so whenever he put his thumb on the table everyone else had to place their thumb on the table leaving the last person to notice the grand prize of taking a shot. Rule penalties started to stack up and everyone got drunker and drunker. 

leaned his head against his chair; he got screwed over by the thumb master. Austin and Marc rocked back and forth unable to steady themselves. Albert wore his shoes on his hands.  Luke and Molly made out like crazy in between questions and rule penalties. Brady was the only somewhat normal one and Jane found herself giving Brady a lap dance by slowly moving her ass in circular motions on his lap. She knew she was doing a good job because he was very hard underneath her. 

ight one more round and then I’m taking this vixen home, she has me harder than a rock right now.”

Everyone oinked together. Brady made one last rule; you have to end every sentence with the word
izzle.  Brady began.

Do you wax your ass-izzle?”

“Yeast infection-
izzle” shouted Molly, everyone grabbed their crotch. By then Marc just held his crotch because he kept getting caught off guard.

Molly continued, “Marc, would you give your coach a blow job –

“Albert, would you ever touch a pussy-

“Jane, did you just

Molly laughed, Jane pointed, Ma
rc held his thumb on the table which left Michael to be the last one to pick up on it and Albert never sucked his beer bottle after he asked a question, Austin pointed at Albert because he didn’t suck his bottle, Molly shouted yeast infection, Luke pointed at Molly and said, “You didn’t say yeast infection-izzle izzle,” Jane pointed, Luke laughed at Jane for pointing which led Marc to point at Luke for not oinking, leading Albert to shout yeast infection-izzle, Marc forgot to grab his crotch, Michael rolled on the floor oinking when Brady put his thumb on the table, which left Michael unable to see the thumb once again which caused Jane to oink laugh, Marc pointed again and Molly just sat on Luke’s lap as she oink laughed and sucked her beer bottle.




Brady called the game off because they looked like a bunch of idiots and started to attract some major attention. Everyone rolled in their chairs as they laughed. Now was the perfect time to snag Jane away and head back to her place. He whispered in her ear, “Do you want to go back to your place?”

Jane straddled him and said, “No
, I want to dance. I never got to fully dance with you last time we were here.”  

Jane was completely drunk but he thought he might as well dance some of
the booze out of her so she didn’t pass out on him when they got home. He had lots of plans for them when they got home.

Brady led her out to the dance floor with her hands entwined in his. Brady was such a lucky man, all the guys
stared at her and he knew they wished they were in his place. Jane pulled him close, one of his legs in between hers as she pressed her center against his. Brady instantly thought how we wasn’t sure he could last that long out on the dance floor. It had been a couple of weeks since he had been with Jane and he was very excited as he anticipated what would come of them when they finally got some privacy.   

Jane wrapped her arms around his neck and swayed to the booming beat. Brady didn’t really have to do anything but move back and forth, Jane did all the work and made them look good. She slid one of her hands up his shirt and started playing with his waistline. He bent down so his lips were touching her ear.

“Babe, I would suggest you remove your hands from my pants or I might have to bang you right here on the dance floor.” Jane gave him a devilish grin and slid her hand down his pants briefly touching the head of this throbbing manhood.

Brady jerked away looking a
t his teasing girlfriend. “You’re in so much trouble when we get home, you hear me? You are getting a spanking.”  

Jane put her finger in her mouth and faked a sad look. “Oh have I been naughty?”

Brady was just about to pick Jane up and haul her outside when he was practically tackled from behind. He went flying across the dance floor and ran into the bar chairs. What the hell? He turned around ready to punch the crap out of whoever just slammed into him when he saw Luke grinning like the Grinch at him. Then Luke grabbed him and tried to waltz around the club with him.

Oh Jesus, Brady
needed to call him a cab. He looked over where Molly was rolling on the couch in the VIP area as she laughed hysterically, her skirt lifted so everyone got a good shot of her choice of pink underwear for the night.

Brady danced Luke over to Molly and said, “Dude
, you might want to get that soon to be wife of yours home, she is showing everyone her who-ha.”

Luke immediately grabbed Molly and put her over his shoulders. “Come on Britney Spears, I don’t want any other peep shows co
ming from you tonight unless I’m the one fucking your peep.”

Molly laughed and blew kisses with both hands rapidly to everyone. As Luke carried her past Brady, Brady thanked her for her help. He could not have pulled this night off without her.

Brady really enjoyed Jane’s crowd. They were his kind of people and did not treat him any different because he was in the public eye. He really felt like he was part of the gang. He had his baseball crowd which was nice, he got along with all the guys and had friends on different teams but it was nice for him to step out of that world and have a little bit of normalcy as well.  

Jane was the best thing that had
happened to him in quite some time. He was extremely lucky to be able to play his favorite sport for a living but sometimes he got so consumed by it, it was nice for him to take a step back and relish in normal life, not in the spotlight. Jane grounded him and gave him that sense of security he had been looking for. 

He could see himself marrying her one day and having kids. He knew she would be the best mom and by far the hottest MILF in Atlanta. Now if onl
y he could get Jane in the same frame of mind as he was. He could tell that she was still a little apprehensive to take steps forward in their relationship, thank you George, but she had become much better and really had given her whole heart to him. He just needed to help her stop second guessing everything in their relationship.

Brady had Marc an
d Austin take Michael back home. Poor guy he had been having such a hard time and tonight must have been a nice release for him, but now Michael had to go back home and face, what did he call her? Ah yes, Hot-lanta’s hooker.  

dy leaned over to Jane, wrapped his arms around her from behind and leaned down into her ear. “You ready sweet thing? I want you so bad.”

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