Attraction (Love & War, Part I)

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Authors: Katrina Liss

Tags: #erotic romance, #romantic fiction, #sexy romance, #modern romance, #romance series, #millionaire romance, #romance sex, #romance contemporary sensual, #romance adult contemporary, #romance adult erotic

BOOK: Attraction (Love & War, Part I)
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Love & War (Part 1)




Love &


K.M. Liss. 2015.

Katrina Liss



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This novel is
a work of fiction. The names, characters and incidents portrayed in
it, while at times based on real figures, are purely the work of
the author’s imagination.



My love
and thanks to my family and friends, for believing in me and
encouraging me to write my little heart out.





Kate clutched
his hair in a vice like grip, rolling her shoulders up from the

More fingers..
. harder...

Ashton obliged
her request.

Yes... YES!!!” she moaned loudly, and then purred like a
little cat that had been given the best cream.

The intensity
of orgasm pulsed through
her along with a wave of
heat. Ashton expertly slicked his tongue over her clit one last
time... slowly... enjoying the feel of her clenching tightly around
his fingers, She squirmed wildly against his hand, bearing down,
arching her back off the bed as his fist rammed right up against
her, over and over.

The spasms
subsided and she flopped languidly, relaxing in the aftermath of
her climax. Ashton climbed up the bed, covering her softness with
his muscular body, licking her heated skin and sucking her

Kate was a
nice distraction... a little on the predictable side... but edible,

Kissing her
cute nose, he gathered a handful of her long blonde hair in his
hand, wrapping it tightly around his wrist, and anchoring her head
in place beneath his.

A wicked grin
rose on his lips as he prodded at her hard with his cock.

Want some?”

He watched her
face; waiting for her reaction.

I want everything, every last piece of you. I love you,

Oh no... What.
A. Shame.

That was a
little too much of a reaction.

Those last
three words stung his brain unpleasantly, like a sharp jab in the

Kate had just
become history.

Her eyes were
pleading, waiting for him to reply. To say he loved her too.

But hell would
freeze over before that happened.

Ashton sighed
inwardly, and focusing on the physical act, he pushed all emotion

Leaning over,
he got a condom from the drawer and slipped it on.

He stared into
her eyes as he moved into position between her legs.

himself above her, he positioned against her softly yielding

Her eyes
fluttered closed, her body wanting his.

“Look at me,”
he demanded. He liked to witness the full shock of his entry. It
turned him on like nothing else.

Her eyes
opened and her blurry blue gaze focused on him.

He rammed hard
into her, giving her just what she needed and asked for.

Oh baby..
God! I love you
” she whimpered. Her pupils
constricted, as he knocked all the breath from her body with two
more hard and heavy, punishing thrusts, deep inside her. He leaned
down and brushed his face in her silky hair, as he whispered in her

“Kate... It's
not love. I'm just fucking you.”

She sighed a
sweet, soft sound, wrapping her legs around his waist, and hung her
arms around his neck.

Her eyes were
doing their best to appeal to him. But they didn't make any
progress through his tough emotional shield.

“No you're
not, and you know it, there's far more going on between us than
sex. I can feel it... I love you and you may be denying it,

He plunged his
tongue into her mouth, to stop the
shit, that continued
to emerge from it.

Then he put
his all, into giving her a fuck to remember him by.


He woke to the
rustling sound of her getting dressed. He rolled on his back and
put his hands behind his head. As he watched her dressing, for the
last time, he absorbed and appreciated her ample feminine charms.
Kate was a lingerie model, and beautiful. Exceptionally beautiful.
All his women were.

She zipped her
skirt up and put on her high heels, then bent down and kissed him
on the lips, back and forth, stroking his face.

“Call me
later, baby, yeah?” she suggested, standing up again, and beaming
at him.


The smile
faded, replaced by a heavy frown.

“No?” she
repeated. “What d'you mean,
?” She laughed nervously.

“It's over,
Kate,” he said slowly and carefully, trying to soften the blow a

“But I love
you,” she whispered, her lip trembling.

“I can't give
you that commitment. It's been good. But all good things must come
to an end.”

How many times
had he said these same sad little words.

How many times
had he played this final scene.

Too many.

Love and sex
weren't connected in Ashton's mind. Love was something he wasn't
interested in becoming entangled with. Love was a disease that
fucked up heads and ruined lives, he'd seen evidence of it all
around him. His parents, his sister, his aide Adrian... and not to
mention his own experience, had shaped those views in reinforced

He had no need
or taste for love.

In contrast,
sex was something that he needed like the blood rushing through his
veins. He lived for the high and fast burn. It was what his world
revolved around. He was purely sexually motivated in his

Women knew
that, he was always clear about his personal lifestyle, but even
so, it often ended this way.


“I see. I
obviously meant a great deal to you. God, how stupid was I? I feel
so sick.” She slung her bag over her shoulder, her face crumbling
before his eyes.

“Oh come on,
lighten up. It was fun wasn't it? That was all it was ever meant to
be. A very nice way to pass the time?” He touched her hand, running
his finger down her thumb, sensually.

She flinched
at his touch and folded her arms.

“Fun? The way
I'm feeling right now isn't fun, Ash.”

“Maybe not,
but look at it realistically. Take your rose tinted glasses off for
a minute. It was uncommitted sex Kate, that's all. You'll soon get
over it, I assure you.”

“Oh I will,
will I? Thank you
much for your sympathy.”

“I am simply
being honest with you. I don't and cannot love you. I've done
nothing wrong. I don't need to feel any guilt over this...”

“But you led
me to believe that...”

He interrupted
her with a raised finger.

“No. I did
not. I never, ever, led you on or promised you

“But you
bought me expensive gifts, and what about those roses...? You took
me out to dinner very fucking night! Ash... you made me feel like I
... like a even called me

“So... I'm a
wealthy man. I can afford to treat women well... You enjoyed my
gifts didn't you? And I enjoyed sending them. All those things were
signs of my affection and appreciation, not tokens of my

“Well you can
have this back, I hate it... it's so very... ostentatious.” She
ripped his Rolex watch from her wrist, as if it were burning her
skin, and flung it on the bed to his side.

“I'll keep it
should you change your mind. Just let my secretary know if you do.

“I won't.”


He stared
unblinkingly at her; her cheeks flushed pink; her back straight and

She looked so
very hurt.

He was lying,
because did feel more than a touch of guilt. It hit him hard in the

But could he
help it if women fell in love with him at the drop of a hat?

She needed to
go, for both their sakes, before he weakened and said something he
regretted or before she made even more of a fool of herself.

“Kate... this
discussion is over. Call yourself a cab, my account number is on
the table over there,” he gestured.

“I'd rather
get the tube, than take anything more from you...
,” she replied, through gritted teeth.

“Look, I know
you're upset, but there's no need to be nasty. I made my feelings
plain from the start. I told you I wasn't looking to get involved.
You knew the score.”

She held her
head up high, looking at him with tears brimming in her eyes.

He stared
back, keeping his emotions in check.


Why did they
have to do this to him? Put him through the emotional grinder. He
wasn't made of stone.

“Maybe I did.
But I hoped for more. And I thought, foolishly it would seem, that
you'd changed your mind... that we had a future...” Tears started
to run down her cheeks and her voice broke.

He distanced
himself from her distress, his stomach tightening hard.

“I'm sorry,
but it seems you hoped in vain,” he said quietly, watching the
tears drip from her chin.

“God, I should
have listened to my friends, you really are

“No, I'm not
cold, I'm just honest. Now, please go, I have a busy day. I need to
clear my head.”

“I bet you do.
I hope you have a hard time doing that,
you bastard..

Then she
turned and left his life.

He was glad
she was angry when she left, it made it easier to take.

“'Bye Kate,
it's been a pleasure knowing you, beautiful.” He called out after

And it had
been a pleasure. Until this morning.

The front door
slammed shut noisily in reply.

He puffed out
a long breath that was both a mixture of regret and relief.

Picking up his
phone from his bedside cabinet, he deleted and barred Kate's number
from his personal contacts. He needed no drunken unpleasantness
from her. Then, he rolled up, leaving the warm sanctuary of his
bed, and entered the bathroom.

He stood in
his shower, washing the sweet scent of Kate and sex away.

Scrubbing his
hair vigorously into a foamy froth, Ashton blanked out the vision
of her tearful face from his memory.

In a few
seconds his inner harmony was restored to normal.

His mind
focused on the day ahead and soon a small smile curved at his

He was looking
forward to today. It was a step out of his usual routine.

A little
detour into the French flavour of life.

He finished
his shower and dried himself off.

After running
his hand around his jaw, he decided that shaving could wait another
few days, to add to the few already gone. He liked the heavy
stubble look, it gave him an air of greater maturity. Although he
was almost thirty one, his features were far too youthful when he
was clean shaven.

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